The founder of all religions

Chapter 201 The mountain gate is no more than five levels! The sound of the sword before ascending t

Seven days later, Longyuan Mansion's convoy finally arrived at Wangxuan City.

Three hundred miles eastward from here we will reach the capital.

"Wangxuan City is the sub-city of Kyoto, looking eastward and guarding the capital..."

In the early morning, the fog had just dissipated, and a huge thing appeared quietly in the distance.

Chen Wangdu introduced to everyone that the capital was expensive and difficult to live in, so not everyone could stay there.

It is said that if you want to obtain permanent residence in the capital, you need to strictly follow the [Kyoto household registration scoring system] promulgated by the imperial court. As long as you meet the specified conditions, you can get points, such as owning real estate and buying and selling, becoming a Xuantian Pavilion disciple, and gaining fame in Body... These can all earn corresponding points.

In addition, the longer you pay taxes, the more points you get. If you become a special talent useful to the court, you can also get points.

There are also different points that can be obtained by different ranks and so on.

Once the points reach the required level, you can obtain permanent residence in Kyoto and become a real person in the capital.

The Kyoto household registration scoring system was established by Shenzong nine hundred years ago. Because of this, the value of a capital household registration is simply immeasurable.

Members of the Xuantian Pavilion like Chen Wangdu had worked hard for more than twenty years, and it was only the year before last that they were able to obtain household registration in the capital and take over their entire family.

Everyone says that the capital is the most prosperous and prosperous place in the world, and everyone yearns for it.

Millions of people flock to the capital every year with dreams, but only a few actually stay.

After working hard for more than ten years, I finally say goodbye to those wasted years with regret and sigh, and return to my hometown and small town. Every time I think about visiting the prosperous capital, it feels like a dream.

"Even if you have real estate?" Li Mo couldn't help but asked.

He was thinking about having a house in the capital, preferably a mansion, and would take Yan Zixia over in the future.

"There are so many rich people in the world. What would happen if they all went to the capital to buy houses and land?" Chen Wangdu said with a chuckle.

"What's more, the imperial court's attitude towards local powerful people has always been to "draw on their strength and suppress their power"... In this case, how can their hands and feet touch the emperor's feet like this?"

What Chen Wangdu said was just one of the layers. The land of the True Dragon was mostly occupied by the bloodline of meritorious nobles, and the hierarchies were clearly defined. How could it be so easy to integrate into it no matter who it was?

"Sure enough, it's the same everywhere." Li Mo murmured.

"What did you say?" Chen Wangdu asked.


The morning fog dissipated, and the carriage of Longyuan Mansion slowly drove into [Wangxuan City]. Compared to the city of Longyuan Mansion, this place was more than ten times larger. The city gate alone was as majestic as a mountain moat.

"The Vice City of Kyoto is so ambitious..." Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

There are thirty-six cities under Longyuan Mansion. As the center of a government, none of them are as prosperous and prosperous as [Wangxuan City].

"Of course, the [Shenfeng Camp] stationed outside Wangxuan City alone has 100,000 soldiers, and the permanent population in the city is nearly one million..."

Chen Wangdu looked at Li Mo with a smile.

"Although the housing prices here are not as good as those in the capital, they are far higher than Longyuan Mansion."

Wangxuan City must be close to Kyoto. Some people can't get the capital's household registration, so they settle in Wangxuan City, but work and play in the capital. If they can buy a high-quality carriage and horse, they can live a two-hour life. lock up.

"Senior, are we going to live here today?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask.

"For all the Xuantian Pavilion examinations, disciples from all over the world will gather here...this is your final stage." Chen Wangdu said calmly.

"Here? Not entering the capital directly?" Li Mo was surprised.

At this moment, even Hong Xiaofu and Shang Xujian couldn't help but look over. Only Feng Wannian remained silent and closed his eyes to rest.

"Of course, among the three thousand sects in the world, how many people have passed the selection test? Although you are all considered disciples of Xuantian Pavilion now, those who are truly qualified to enter the capital still need to go through screening."

Chen Wangdu said calmly: "That is the true pride of heaven."

Back then, he also passed the examination and entered Xuantian Pavilion, but in the end he ended up in Wangxuan City. After that, he worked hard for ten years before being transferred to Gyeonggi.

"So..." Hong Xiaofu seemed to be moved.

"That's right... In a few days, descendants from all the major sects in the world will gather here. At that time, it will be the busiest time in Wangxuan City in three years..." Chen Wangdu said in a deep voice.

"When the time comes, there will be big names coming to the capital. If we can stand out, we will rise to the top in one step. The future is unimaginable."

"If you perform well, your achievements in the future may be even greater than mine."

Chen Wangdu was drawing a pie, but he was looking at Li Mo when he spoke.

He had completely given up on Hong Xiaofu and Shang Xujian. With such mediocre strength and talent, it was almost impossible to stand out. Just like him back then, the only way to achieve mediocrity was through qualifications.

But Li Mo is completely different. His edge may be dazzling in this [Wangxuan City].

After the process, Chen Wangdu arranged Li Mo and others in a small courtyard in Beicheng.

This small courtyard is not even comparable to the [Jiangyue Guild Hall] in Longyuan Mansion, but its value is ten times better.

"The environment in Beicheng seems a bit complicated..."

As soon as Shang Xujian settled in, he discovered that even in the yard, he could hear the sounds of sellers selling goods outside. In addition, there was also the faint sound of opera chanting and singing.

"There is something special about the gathering of mountain sects all over the world." Chen Wangdu said with some embarrassment.

The most powerful ones from the Shanmen Prefecture live in the East City, the first-rate ones live in the Nancheng City, the next few live in the West City, and the least popular ones live in the North City.

Relatively speaking, the environment in Dongcheng is naturally the best, which is the so-called wealthy area.

The environment in Beicheng is the most chaotic, with three religions and nine streams, dragons and snakes mixed together.

"This horse riding also has levels... differential treatment..." Shang Xujian couldn't help but muttered.

He was the pride of the world that attracted everyone's attention in Longyuan Mansion. He was always treated with courtesy wherever he went. Although he could not be compared with Li Mo, he was still sought after by thousands of people.

I thought that passing the examination and entering the Xuantian Pavilion would be a step towards reaching the sky, but I didn't expect that the situation would be worse than that of Longyuan Mansion.

Such a gap makes Shang Xujian a little difficult to accept.

"The world is so big, only when you get here will you know what hidden dragons and crouching tigers are." Chen Wangdu reminded.

The genius of Longyuan Mansion may mean nothing when he comes to a stage like the capital. This is the reality.

The stars of the past held the moon, but today they have fallen to the ground and turned into dust... There is nothing strange about this difference.

Just like Xiao Chaoyuan back then, he was so high-spirited in Luofu Mountain, but when he arrived in the capital, he couldn't even be counted as mud.

"From today on, what you see is called reality." Chen Wangdu solemnly warned that when you come here, you are an ordinary person, and you must swallow your past arrogance.

Even Li Mo can't act as unscrupulously as before.

Because here, Chen Wangdu is just a small person. If something happens, he won't even be able to protect himself.

"Senior, we remember."

Li Mo started from a weak point and naturally knew how to hide in deep water to survive longer.

He has no other advantages except that he is used to keeping a low profile.

Chen Wangdu settled everyone down and left the small courtyard. He wanted to use his contacts to find out if there was any dark horse in this year's final exam.

Although he has confidence in Li Mo, the world is vast and there are many amazing young masters in the past.

The Eight Inch Realm can be regarded as outstanding, but the methods of the top disciples of Shanmen in the world are not comparable to those of Luo Jingkuang.

After noon and lunch, Li Mo planned to go out for a walk.

Wangxuan City is much larger than Longyuan Mansion, not to mention that now this big city is filled with disciples from all the major sects, which makes him feel a little strange.

"Old Feng isn't here?"

Li Mo originally wanted to take Feng Wannian out with him, but after searching the yard, he couldn't find anyone.

As for Hong Xiaofu, he was already fast asleep and couldn't bring himself to show any interest at all.

In desperation, Li Mo could only go out alone.

"There are three thousand mountain gates in the world. The top one is in Dongcheng?" Li Mo thought thoughtfully.

Among the three thousand mountain gates, Luofu Mountain is not ranked high. In comparison, millennium-old sects such as Martial Arts Mountain, Tianchan Mountain, and Yaoshen Mountain existed long before the Shenzong was destroyed.

Even after the major events nine hundred years ago, although these top mountain gates were greatly weakened, the orthodoxy was preserved and continued.

According to Li Mo's understanding, Shenzong's destruction of law is equivalent to cutting leeks. It can not only maintain the rule, but also enrich the court...

In fact, looking at past lives, there are many such incidents in history.

"Dongcheng is much richer and more prosperous."

When we came to the East City, even the streets were more than six times wider than those in the North City, and four carriages could drive side by side without any problem.

"The house prices here should be more expensive." Li Mo muttered.


At this moment, a piece of butterfly-shaped letter fell in front of Li Mo. He subconsciously took it and looked down, only to see a line of small words written on it:

I have a car, I have a house, but it's just Ouyang Shao's side.

The signature reads Ouyang Jinlian's name.

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Li Mo looked up in surprise and saw a young man with a spring-like face sticking his head out from the restaurant next to him.

"Brother, that's mine, just wait."

While he was talking, the young master walked downstairs and saw that he was about the same age as Li Mo, with elegant eyebrows and handsome features, but he was very handsome.

"Brother, thank you..." The young master saluted and pointed to the letter in Li Mo's hand.

"Here." Li Mo calmed down and handed it over, but his eyes were still staring at the small words on it, with doubts in his eyes.

I have a car, I have a house, but I am just next to Mr. Ouyang...

What's the meaning! ?

"Brother, you are such a wonderful person. Are you so curious?" The young man looked at Li Mo's expression and couldn't help but smile.

Li Mo withdrew his gaze in embarrassment and was about to leave.

"Actually, it's nothing. Such riddles are meaningless..." The young master shook the letter in his hand: "Ouyang is missing a radical, brother, guess what it is?"

"Isn't that what I owe..."


Li Mo's eyes were slightly startled, and he was suddenly enlightened.

"Brother, this is just a joke. It's just a boring game played by an ordinary friend of mine." The young man smiled softly.

"Are we still just friends?"

Li Mo looked strange and muttered secretly in his heart.

"Master Ji, may I ask my brother's name?" The young master seemed to feel like an old friend at first sight, but he introduced himself to his family.

"Technician!?" Li Mo was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"No...nothing...Li Mo."

"Brother Li, is this his first time in Wangxuan City?" Master Ji asked.

"How do you know?" Li Mo was surprised.

"Brother Li has an air of simplicity and kindness that doesn't belong to Wangxuan City." Master Ji said with a smile.

"Brother Ji is very good at judging people." Li Mo nodded, but he was deeply convinced.


At this moment, a bell rang loudly, almost alarming the entire street.

Li Mo looked up and saw a crowd of people and horses in front of a five-story tall building not far away. Red flags were fluttering, and there were soldiers in armor clearing the way.

"What is that place?"

Li Mo was curious and joined the crowd, only to see young people in simple clothes walking down from the carriages and horses.

They were of high temperament, graceful and luxurious. They stepped into the five-story building under the protection of everyone, without even looking at the onlookers around them from the beginning to the end.

It was as if they came from heaven and did not enter the world of mortals.

"This is the [Dengtian Tower], which is five levels taller and is the tallest building in Wangxuan City..."

At this moment, Master Ji also came over and whispered beside Li Mo.

"In Wangxuan City, there is no tower higher than this. This is a kind of courtesy and a kind of awe..."

"Why?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask.

"The mountain gates in the world are like chess pieces, and the highest one is no more than a five-story building." Master Ji whispered softly.

There are only five strongest mountain sects in the world, namely Martial Arts Mountain, Yaoshen Mountain, Tianchan Mountain, Riyue Mountain and Heiming Mountain.

This Climbing Tower was built by the five mountains and received a special license from the imperial court in recognition of their talents who have contributed to the Xuantian Pavilion for many years.

Over the past years, Xuantian Pavilion has selected disciples, and the strongest ones must come from these five major sects.

This is where the saying that the mountain gate is no more than a five-story building comes from.

Every time there is an assessment at the Xuantian Pavilion, the disciples from the five major sects will settle here, showing their intention to see all the small mountains at a glance.

In comparison, the place where Li Mo and the others lived was too shabby.

"No wonder there are five swords stuck in front of the door."

Li Mo showed a look of surprise, but his eyes fell on the five ancient swords inserted on the stone tablet in front of the door.

"That's not because the Five Mountain Gates got in." Master Ji shook his head and said softly.

"Then why are there five swords stuck here?"

"Three hundred years ago, a monster appeared in this world. In front of the Climbing Tower, he single-handedly singled out the descendants of the five major sects, snatched away all their swords, and inserted them between the ancient stone inscriptions. middle……"

"He became famous in one battle and was known all over the world. He stepped on the arrogance of the Five Great Mountain Gates and became the first man from outside the sect to reach the summit." There was a trace of awe in Master Ji's eyes.

"Could it be that you mean..."

"Black Sword!"

Master Ji nodded and said in a deep voice: "That man appeared out of nowhere like a shooting star. His talent was so great that the imperial court acquiesced and left behind this ancient stele with five swords inserted across it..."

This seems to remind the five major mountain gates that even if the five levels are high, there are still mountains outside the mountains.

"It's really a legend..." Li Mo murmured softly.

"Everyone stand back."

At this moment, a group of soldiers came over, waving their long swords to disperse the onlookers.

"All living beings..."

In the ancient building, a young man squinted his eyes and spoke softly.

He turned around and stepped into the ancient building without looking.

"It's so grand and overbearing."

Li Mo's eyes darkened slightly and he was about to leave.

At this moment, the Taoist spirit roots in his Dantian suddenly jumped.

Li Mo stared blankly, and just when he turned around, he heard a sword roar rising to the sky, as if to match the rhythm of his spiritual roots in his dantian...

In front of the Climbing Tower, the ancient stone tablet trembled violently, the five ancient swords kept chanting, the terrible breath caused the air to explode, and the huge explosion sound resounded throughout Wangxuan City! !

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