The founder of all religions

Chapter 321 I will guard the gate here! Release Ji Tiantiao (2-in-1)

The leader of the army is one of the [Xuantian Seven Ultimates], with the highest combat power in the Xuantian Pavilion, and is as famous as the eight great demons and immortals in the world.

According to rumors, this man is said to be the master of all weapons and can control all kinds of weapons in the world. He once took over the three great weapons of Guixu with his bare hands. His ferocious power is known to the whole world.

Xuantian Pavilion is known as the state religion of Daqian. If its disciples are the elites of the world, then the disciples of [Xuantian Qijue] are like the nobles of the emperor. They have a distinguished status and a promising future. They are definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

Ming Prajna is the disciple of [Army Master].

Li Mo once heard Chen Wangdu say that Xuantian Qijue was superior and had different personalities.

Yuan Sheng, Shen Ji, Tiangang, Butcher, War Master, Monk King and Wuzong... Among these seven, Yuan Sheng is the strongest and is known as the top master of Xuantian Pavilion. So far, he seems to have no disciples.

Shenji is the most stringent in selecting disciples. This lineage watches the world's destiny, seizes the destiny of the rivers, and is counted among the gods. It has extremely high qualification requirements and will not pass on the mantle easily, otherwise it will be punished by God.

In addition, Tiangang never accepts disciples at will.

It is said that [Tiangang]'s strength can rank among the top three among the Xuantian Seven Ultimates, and it has been in charge of Dauchi all year round.

He has fought against seven of the eight demon immortals, and his achievements are outstanding and he can be called a powerful one.

I heard from Chen Wangdu that there is only one official disciple of [Tiangang], and he is the prince.

The above three people were particularly cautious in choosing disciples, and they clearly stated that "the law should not be taught lightly".

As for the Monk King and the Wuzong, one was born in [Tianchan Mountain] and the other was born in [Martial Arts Mountain]. Considering the love of incense, they actually have many nominal disciples.

Like back then, when Jiang Chen came to Beijing, he had received guidance from Wuzong and also obtained the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern].

As for [Infinite Sword Type] Huo Qingwu, he had also listened to the teachings of the Monk King.

However, strictly speaking, these two people have never worshiped under Xuantian Qijue's sect.

Among masters of this level, only [Butcher] has the most disciples. I heard that this strong man was a butcher, so he opened many butcher shops in various states and regions. If he met anyone he liked, he would take them in and kill pigs. Three years.

If he kills well, he enters the inner gate and teaches the Dharma.

If you don't kill well, go to the butcher shop, kill pigs professionally, and catch monsters part-time.

Therefore, among the Xuantian Seven Arts, [Butcher] has the most nominal disciples, but his greatest contribution is not to Xuantian Pavilion, but to [Daqian Dynasty Slaughter Guild].

Compared with the above six principles, [Soldier Master] recruits disciples based on fate as well as talent, and those who are not outstanding will not pass on the disciples easily.

Li Mo heard that there were only five disciples of this powerful man whose reputation shocked the world.

"Bing...soldier master's disciple..."

At this moment, there was just a "bang" sound, and the wine bottle in Huang Shulang's hand fell to the ground, breaking into pieces and causing the wine to splash and flow freely.

He stared at Ming Prajna with his eyes widened, his trembling face full of surprise.

This is a disciple of Xuantian Qijue. In his eyes, his status is more special and noble than that of any adult in the capital...including Li Mo of course.

After all, in the eyes of the people in the world, Xuantian Qijue is almost like a god.

Especially to the demons and ghosts, he is the supreme and powerful person who cannot be desecrated. He is like a pillar of heaven, holding up the mountains and rivers, making the demons and ghosts in the world look up to him and respect him.

"Oh my god, all the disciples of the Soldier Master are here... something big is going to happen."

Huang Shulang was roaring in his heart, and his trembling eyes couldn't help but fall on Li Mo.

"Is this your lord's boss?"

In his eyes, how noble are the disciples of the Army Master? Naturally, both status and official position should be above Li Mo.

After all, in Xuantian Pavilion, there is no background that is stronger than Xuantian Qijue.

"Is she Ming Prajna?"

At this moment, Yu Zhaoyue also walked out. As a disciple of Tianshi Mansion, she was much more familiar with all aspects of the capital than Li Mo. Naturally, she had heard of the name Ming Prajna.

It is said that this is the youngest among the five disciples of the military master, but he is also the most favored one.

The master of the weapon once personally forged the weapon for him, claiming that the twins grew up together.

That weapon is extremely special. It can break through as the realm of Ming Prajna improves, just like twins with two lives, born together and practicing together.

In addition, the military leader cared very much for this disciple and gave him many treasures.

Because of this, although Ming Prajna started late, he had already cultivated to the "Shangmiao Realm" in only five or six years, and was quite prestigious in Xuantian Pavilion.

Yu Zhaoyue did not expect that this small Feilai Mountain not only attracted Li Mo, but also Ming Prajna appeared here.

"The disciple of the military master... such a great name..."

Li Mo chewed Ming Prajna's words gently, but showed a cold smile, and his indifferent eyes swept across the other person's face.

"Senior Sister Ming is here for the domineering sword species?"

"Brother, what do you think?" Ming Prajna raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a faint smile.

"I will stay with you here... Let's see who can cross the barrier of heaven even half a step..."

Li Mo was noncommittal and whispered calmly, with a glimmer of light flashing deep in his calm eyes.

"Whether you are a Qijue disciple or the can give it a try."

The words fell softly, and the small inn became silent, like a pool of stagnant water.

A bright and strange color flashed in Ming Prajna's condensed eyes.

Huang Shulang's eyes widened even more, with a look of astonishment on his face.

What's happening here? Even a fool could tell that Li Mo's words were completely provocative. The implication was that he didn't take the soldier master's disciple seriously at all, and even wanted to weigh him up.

"As expected...he is still fearless..."

Yu Zhaoyue curled her lips. She was stunned at first, and then quickly relieved, as if this was all within reason.

Thinking back, in the underground palace of Tianshi Ancestral Hall that day, Li Mo dared to kill even the masters of Tianshi Mansion, and even dared to snatch the treasures left by Tianshi...

This kind of person is lawless. Once he becomes ruthless and has no taboos, who cares who is behind you?

Was it because of Li Mo's cruelty and domineering attitude that she soon turned against him and became a pawn planted by the other party in the Tianshi Mansion?

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers...Brother, you are indeed brave."

Ming Prajna soon returned to normal, smiling.

"You are young and successful, but there is always a lack of polish...The cruel reality will definitely teach you how to be a human being..."

As he spoke, Ming Prajna turned around and left, heading towards the door.

"I think... we will meet soon."

"Senior sister, I think... you are very dangerous."

At this moment, Li Mo's words made Ming Prajna stop in his tracks.

She turned back suddenly and looked at Li Mo with a surprised look on her face. She couldn't help but look down at herself. A hint of embarrassment flashed through her originally calm beautiful eyes.


"No... I mean you have bad omens... If you dare to show up again, don't blame me for letting you hang up..." Li Mo explained.


Ming Prajna's pretty face was slightly red, and a cold look of anger flashed in her eyes.

She never expected that the new leader who had just joined the tavern would be so obscene and bold, and would dare to humiliate her in public, without regard for the lineage of the military master.

"How brave."

Ming Prajna clenched his silver teeth, glared at Li Mo fiercely, took one step and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Inside the inn, there was silence.

Huang Shulang was stunned for a long time, then walked over and looked at Li Mo with awe.

" lord, you are really...a role model for our generation!" Huang Shulang swallowed.

That was the disciple of the military master. He had always been aloof and proud, and he had never heard such dissolute words, let alone in front of everyone.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Mo gave Ming Prajna an unforgettable first time.

This is enough for this proud woman to remember for a long time.

Every time I think about it, the feeling is like a flash flood, spreading for thousands of miles. It is unbearable and makes people unable to stop. They wish they could step forward and fight the instigator for three hundred rounds without ending.

"I don't understand."

Li Mo shook his head. He just said a few harsh words, but he had such a big reaction before he actually took action.

Women are indeed fickle.

"Huangzhang shop..."

Li Mo shook his head and suddenly called.

"My subordinate is here."

"The inn has been closed for the past two days. Send your little ones out. If you see anyone entering the mountain, notify me as soon as possible." Li Mo warned.

Feng Wannian had been in seclusion for some days. Seeing the increasing noise in the mountains in recent days, Li Mo had a feeling that Lao Feng had been out of seclusion for a few days.

At this time, there can be no mistakes whatsoever.

"Subordinates obey orders."

In the next few days, Li Mo no longer stayed behind closed doors. Every day at dawn, he would take Ji Tianxiu into the mountain to explore.

This bald chicken had traveled all over Feilai Mountain when he was running for his life, and he knew this place better than anyone else.


On this day, at noon, there was a rumble in the sky, dark clouds pressed in from the distance, and the breathing wind gradually rose from the depths.

"Master, the sky was clear just now, why did the sky suddenly change?"

Ji Tianwei raised his eyes and looked at the sun. As a demon, he looked a little different, and he could actually look directly at the sun.

Especially its eyes, staring at the scorching sun, did not feel dazzling, but rather comfortable.

"Old Feng is leaving seclusion."

Li Mo looked solemn and murmured softly.

As he spoke, he turned around and stood on a high ground, overlooking the surrounding terrain.


At this moment, Li Mo caught a glimpse of Ji Tiantiao with his head raised and staring at the scorching sun. His pupils kept shrinking until they were almost the size of a needle eye. The sunlight penetrated into it like a thread, and his face was filled with enjoyment. look.

"Don't you look dazzling?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask.

For demons and ghosts, the most fearful thing is thunder and the sun.

Even if Ji Tianwei is a second-level spirit demon, looking directly at the sun like this is really a bit exaggerated.

"I don't know why, but every time I look at the sun, I feel very comfortable..."

Ji Tianwei closed his eyes, seeming to reminisce about the refreshing feeling just now.

"You do look like a pervert." Li Mo murmured.

"What?" Ji Tianciao was stunned for a moment.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, which shocked all the birds in the mountain and caused hundreds of beasts to race.

Not far away, a mountaintop suddenly collapsed, hot magma spurted out, and heat waves rolled in, quickly swallowing up the surrounding forest trees.

In the thick black smoke, a faint and vague aura of terror is stirring, brewing, and suddenly rising...

"The mountains are the furnace, and the thunder from the sky is the magic sword...Old Feng is finally out of seclusion."

Li Mo rose into the air and saw that in the exposed crater, the fiery magma was rolling and rolling, forming a huge vortex, and the surrounding spiritual energy was pouring inward.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered more and more intensely, and the dull sound of thunder came from them.

Li Mo looked intently, and could vaguely see a figure bathing in the depths of the magma, with spiritual seedlings emerging from his dantian, exuding a vigorous and domineering sword intent.

"Master, what is this? You are so domineering and natural, but you actually have the ability of a sword?"

Ji Tianwei followed closely behind, looking at the boiling crater with deep awe in his condensed eyes.

"Feng Wannian is really courageous and has made it this far..."

At this moment, an indifferent voice resounded throughout the world.

Li Mo looked up, under the vast sky, under the clouds, a young man walked through the air, his brows showing a cold look, and the rustling robe seemed to have sword intent floating around, like ripples spreading, layer upon layer, continuously. Continuously.

This kind of temperament and such artistic conception are very similar to Feng Wannian.

"Infinite Sword Seeds!?" Li Mo's eyes darkened slightly, and he didn't think twice when he saw the person coming.

In this world, Feng Wannian's most powerful enemy can be said to be the only one who can suddenly appear at the critical moment of life and death. The only one who can be called Wuliang Sword Seed Huo Qingqing.

"A man like Feng Wannian, who is ruthless and ruthless, could have a friend like you?"

Huo Qingqing looked Li Mo up and down, but there was a rare hint of curiosity on his expressionless face.

In his opinion, so-called friends should not be associated with people like Feng Wannian.

"I think you're a Xuanmen bitch, so leave quickly. I'll take care of this place." Li Mo waved his hand.

"The ignorant are fearless...Feng Wannian actually put his life in the hands of a fool like you..."

Huo Qingqing was expressionless, shaking his head and whispering.

"It seems you haven't seen your situation clearly yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp sound pierced the air suddenly startled him.

"Back off!"

Li Mo reacted instinctively and screamed.


A blazing fire turned into a ray of light, like a star falling from the sky, splitting the sky, and pierced the center of Ji Tianwei's eyebrows.

The latter screamed, his blood flew into the sky, and he fell hard into the mountains.

"Brother, I said... we will meet soon."

The flowing clouds dispersed, and Ming Prajna strolled forward, standing side by side with the infinite sword species.

"you wanna die!"

Li Mo's face was grim, and he moved suddenly. He didn't even care about the two powerful enemies on his side, and chased Ji Tianwei straight away.


The sound of falling to the ground echoed in the mountains and fields, and the smoke and dust in the sky was filled with blood.

The killing move just now, which penetrated the head, was just a show of force for Ming Prajna, to seize the opponent first and kill him as a warning.

In her eyes, at best, it's just killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

"Look at the courage of this new leader..." Ming Prajna raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looking down with a hint of sarcasm.

"I am dead……"

The hollow between Ji Tian's brows was shocking. His vision gradually blurred as he looked at Li Mo's approaching figure.

"Damn it, don't die... I haven't released you yet." Li Mo shouted through gritted teeth.

"Thank you...for the kindness...what are you...doing?"

Ji Tiantiao was moved in his heart. Before he died, he actually... hmm? Something was wrong, Li Mo raised his palm and slapped him directly on the head.


At this moment, Ji Tianwei felt like the world was spinning, and his life was flashing before his eyes like a revolving lantern.

Release the chicken demon and awaken the [Pleiadesian Sword Sutra]...

At this moment, the golden light fell, extinguished the clouds and smoke, and illuminated Ji Tianwei's body, and a terrifying aura suddenly emerged, shaking the world.

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