The founder of all religions

Chapter 325 The terrifying Feng Wannian! There is me among you, and you among me (5k big chapter)

Flowers bloom and fall, the years are long, no matter the cause and effect of the future, grasp the destiny without worries, cut off all shackles, and live in peace and freedom in the world.

This is the true destiny of knowing the heaven.

The body is made of bones and the energy is the spirit. Only the sword can be made by domineering.

The two cultivations of life and life are sacrificed to the sword, and the vast and troubled world turns into a barren tomb.

"The Fate-Knowing Sword...that is Lao Feng's natal magic sword."

Li Mo murmured, his deep eyes staring straight at the sword in Feng Wannian's hand.

The sword is as vast as the blue sky, its three-foot sharp edge sparkles with starlight, and when turned horizontally, it sparks thunder...

It was like a part of Feng Wannian's body, connected by blood.

If the edge of this sword is astonishing, then Feng Wannian is its scabbard, capable of carrying everything...

At this moment, Feng Wannian, who had mastered the Zhiming Sword, seemed to be completely reborn and had cut off the shackles of the past. It was as if he was reborn in the human world, no longer the same as before.

Living life, drifting with the flow, not being shackles, and controlling your destiny, this is the real power...

This is true dominance.

"The Domineering Sword Type...Feng Wannian, you have finally reached this level."

Huo Wuqing looked at the transformed and reborn Feng Wannian coldly, a deep look of solemnity appeared on his trembling face, and the murderous intent in his eyes was unabashed.

As an infinite sword type, he knew very well that Feng Wannian had broken through the most important hurdle.

From now on, the world is vast, free to roam, and is no longer fettered by the Xuantian Taoism.

This step is extremely difficult and requires great courage, wisdom and luck.

Once upon a time, Huo Wuqing had such an idea, but after meeting [Xuantian Tao Seed], he completely gave up on this childish idea and chose to surrender.

But now, Feng Wannian is capable of what others cannot and has reached the realm he once dreamed of.

At this moment, Huo Qingqing's heart was not only filled with murderous intent, but also a trace of inexplicable jealousy, as well as a hatred of heaven and earth.

"Huo Wuqing, you are very pitiful. In the end, you can only become someone else's resource." Feng Wannian looked at Huo Wuqing indifferently.

As a Xuanmen swordsman, he was very aware of Huo Wuqing's desolation.

Xuanmen sword species is both a kind of glory and a kind of shackles. This is a cursed fate.

With a supreme aura and mastery of power that is the envy of the world, he has to bear the fate of being destined to become a part of the [Xuantian Dao Seed] one day.

They were unable to escape their destined fate, and could only indulge in the power of the sword while waiting for their fate to come in fear and helplessness.

Such desolation and pain are beyond anyone's comprehension.

Therefore, at this moment, Feng Wannian only had sympathy and pity in his eyes...

Have mercy on this dead soul who is about to wither in this world! ! !

"Feng Wannian, what qualifications do you have to show that kind of look?" Huo Wuqing shouted in a deep voice.

At this time, this infinite sword species no longer had the calmness of the past, his face was ferocious, and his eyes were red.

"From the moment I entered Xuanmen, I hated you... You always look like everyone else is drunk and I am alone... You look like this is really disgusting..."

Huo Qingqing's words revealed deep anger and disgust.

"You could have been like us... When everyone in this world went crazy and you were awake, you were the biggest alien..."

"You have never seen the Xuantian Dao Seed... That's why you were able to take that step so recklessly..."

The aura around Huo Wuqing became more and more violent, and the vigorous and surging spiritual energy in his body had all turned into the terrifying supreme sword energy.

"So what if you took that step? You just contaminated his luck...In the end, they will all die..."

Huo Wuqing glared angrily and pointed at Li Mo, who was standing in the distance.

"I will let you know that all efforts are in vain... We cannot break free from the shackles of fate."

The cold words fell faintly, and Huo Qingqing's right hand ran along the neck and inserted directly into the body. Then, a "squeaking" friction sound slowly sounded, which was extremely harsh.


The terrifying sword intent soared into the sky, causing the sword energy that looked like a sea of ​​clouds to surge and roar.

The sky shook, and thunder shattered the sky.

Dense sword lights emerged behind Huo Qingqing, more magnificent than before, and most of Feilai Mountain was covered by it.

"This...this is the true power of the Infinite Sword Seed!?"

Everyone was horrified, with deep awe showing on their trembling faces.

It is really unimaginable that human power can reach this level. The sky changes suddenly. If the sword light all over the sky pours into the human world, it will be enough to completely destroy the terrain of Feilai Mountain.

"Master, he also used his own body to make swords."

Ji Tian cried softly, with deep fear emerging from his shrunken pupils.

"This is his natal magic sword." Li Mo said solemnly.

Feng Wannian said that the Shangmiao realm was a divine punishment for the Xuanmen sword species.

If you don't use tricks, you must forge a natal magic sword and carry it with your body to survive a narrow escape.

Obviously, Huo Wuqing also entered this level early.

However, unlike Feng Wannian, he relied on the guidance of [Xuantian Tao Seed] to enter this realm, where he is difficult to defeat with a magic sword.

Li Mo's eyes were heavy, but he didn't take action.

He knew that this battle belonged to Feng Wannian, and the past was over.


Huo Wuqing pulled out the keel of his spine and transformed it into a sword, glowing like glass and exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Just now, the fonts formed by the condensed sword energy melted into it one after another, adding to the power of this magic sword.

"Infinite Sword!"

Feng Wannian looked calm and looked at the glazed magic sword.

Huo Qingqing's natal sword is called [Wu Liang Sword], but Feng Wannian's natal sword is not called [Domineering Sword], but [Knowing Fate Sword].

"You're still in the cage."

"Speaking of breaking the heavens, strength is the most important thing!" Huo Wuqing shouted loudly.


Suddenly, Wuliang Sword's roar shook the sky, and the sky was filled with sword light.

At this moment, everything around Huo Qingqing was alienating, turning into a sword light that was running at will.

Air, floating clouds, real fire, thunder... Where he stood, everything around him was under the influence of [Infinite Sword], turning into a world-shattering sword light, gathering like a shocking sea wave, rolling and killing. Infinite.

"The Infinite Sword Seed... This is the power of the Infinite Sword Seed... As a human being, it can actually affect the surrounding materials..."

Yu Zhaoyue's numb face reflected the most primitive fear.

At this moment, facing the power of the immeasurable sword species, she only felt that she was as insignificant as dust.

Such power cannot be resisted by human beings.

"I took action..."

Under the reflection of the sword light in the sky, Feng Wannian looked calm. He whispered softly, and the Zhiming Sword in his hand danced gently, like the wings of a butterfly, wonderful and beautiful, but it fell in the eyes of everyone but extremely slowly.

In the eyes of everyone, the swing of the sword was so wonderful, without any killing intent, and the trajectory it drew dyed the entire sky a blue color.

"Shang Qingtianhao, the sword is brilliant!"

At this moment, everyone's thoughts seemed to be wiped out by the trajectory of the swing. There was only the blue sky in their hearts, only the supreme sword intention, only the domineering and invincible...

"Know the destiny and cut off the shackles...Feng Wannian, he actually took this step..."

Capital, Xuantian Pavilion.

Inside the old house, a middle-aged man wearing a toga and bare feet slowly walked out.

At this moment, the sky is clear and the sunshine is very good.

However, the middle-aged man in a toga looked solemnly in the direction of Feilai Mountain.

"For over nine hundred years, Xuanmen has refined forty-nine sword species... I'm afraid only this one can be considered truly refined."

At this moment, a burst of laughter came from behind, which seemed to be both gratifying and mocking.

"Gu Pingfan, are you talking sarcastically?"

The middle-aged man in a toga had a slightly downcast look, showing a hint of displeasure.

"Qi Baoshan, you are the master of Xuanmen... You should be happy that Xuanmen has such a talent." Gu Pingfan sneered.

"One kind of life, one kind of death...what is there to be happy about?" Qi Baoshan said solemnly: "Don't forget that the fate of Xuanmen sword species is..."

"Break fate, control the future, and have infinite possibilities... Isn't this the original intention of His Majesty Shenzong when he created [Xuantian Dao Seed]?"

Gu Pingfan said in a deep voice: "His Majesty Shenzong said that human beings have the most incredible potential in the world..."

"So, they are always unwilling to be bound by any shackles and want to control their own destiny... Isn't it because of this that the Guixu gang came into being?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Baoshan's eyes were as focused as a thin line, and he looked at him coldly.

"As the leader of Hongmen, your remarks are very dangerous."

Gu Pingfan's eyes were calm and did not cause any disturbance, but a smile appeared on his fair and plump face as he looked towards the sky.

"The domineering sword species finally broke the cage... He has walked his own path... Maybe he will be qualified to challenge Xuantian Daozong in the future."

To a certain extent, the sword species is just a failure in the process of creating the [Xuantian Dao Seed], a derivative.

But now, Feng Wannian has broken through the shackles of the sword species and embarked on a path that did not exist in the design.

Such variables may...

"You think too much... I always feel that his breakthrough was not an accident. He was somehow contaminated by luck..."

Qi Baoshan's eyes narrowed. He really wanted to go to Feilaishan to have a look.

But as the master of the Xuanmen Sect, he has too many inconveniences. Because of the fate of the sword species, he would have to intervene if he showed up, and he did not want to see such a result.

Therefore, at this moment, Qi Baoshan could only pretend to know nothing and let nature take its course.

"The indeed unpredictable."

Qi Baoshan sighed, walked away, turned around and walked into the old house, leaving Gu Pingfan looking up at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Flying to the mountain, under the blue sky, the endless sword light was shattered.

All the visions slowly dissipated like wind and lingering clouds.

Feng Wannian stood in the air, letting his robes rustle as he looked calmly into the distance.


There was a crisp sound, and Huo Wuqing looked down subconsciously.

Cracks slowly emerged on the [Infinite Sword], getting bigger and bigger, and spreading.

Finally, there was a crisp sound like a silver bottle being broken, and the glazed [Infinite Sword] suddenly exploded under everyone's gaze, turning into tiny fluorescent lights that scattered across the sky.


Huo Wuqing's grip on the [Infinite Sword] was slowly released at this moment, as if he had given up on his miserable fate.

His body became gradually more transparent, as if his connection with this turbid world was getting weaker and weaker.

"Feng Wannian...why...why can you take that step..."

Huo Qingqing raised his head and looked at Feng Wannian. At this moment, there was only reluctance and regret in his eyes.

Two lines of clear tears fell slowly and disappeared into nothingness in the sky.

He is still very attached to this rolling mortal world. If he can take that step bravely like Feng Wannian, if he can also give up everything and cut off the shackles...

If, instead of being immeasurable, he is overbearing...


Huo Wuqing slowly closed his eyes. In an instant, the already dim and void body suddenly shattered, and like a glazed sword, it turned into fluorescent light and scattered across the world.

The infinite sword species has fallen.

He lost to the domineering sword species, to fate, and to himself.


At this moment, there was deathly silence on Feilai Mountain, and Feng Wannian could only look at him in awe.

This man is so powerful that even the most powerful Infinite Sword Type cannot stop the power of his sword.


Suddenly, when the strange phenomena in the sky disappeared, a loud noise suddenly started.

The dark figure took advantage of everyone's distraction to break through the clouds and escape into the distance.

"Qiu Baichi, can you still leave?"

At this moment, Li Mo took a step forward and stood in front of this unusual man.

As early as when Feng Wannian broke through the barrier just now, he had already locked it.

"Li Mo..."

Qiu Baichi's body suddenly expanded, bursting his flesh and blood, and a black ball of flesh emerged.

The ball of black flesh exploded suddenly and turned into countless black flesh and blood, splattering in all directions.

"Five Thunder Transformation Hands!"

Li Mo was ruthless. He stepped out with his right hand and intertwined his five fingers, creating a raging thunder.

The terrifying thunder suddenly dispersed, covering a distance of hundreds of feet in an instant.

The Five Thunder Transformation Hand is the ultimate killing move in the [Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Lei Bu Sutra] awakened by the little black cat. It is more than a hundred times more powerful than the thunder in the palm that Li Mo practiced back then. It can attack and kill in groups, and is very domineering.


Groups of decomposed flesh and blood quickly exploded and evaporated within the range covered by the thunder, and the pungent smell filled the sky.

Waves of heart-rending wails struck everyone's hearts.

This kind of scream is like coming from the Nine Nether Purgatory, which makes people's hair stand on end.

"No matter what you are, you are going to die."

Li Mo's palms squirmed, and after a moment, the thunder around him slowly dissipated.

"It's finally quiet."

"What was that just now?"

At this moment, Feng Wannian walked over.

"I don't know what this thing is...whatever, it's a dead thing now anyway."

Li Mo grinned and hugged Feng Wannian's shoulders.

"It's all coming to light tonight."

"Whoever gets drunk first is the son."

"I must be your father."

The two of them laughed, took one step forward, and sank deep into the mountain.

Tonight, I am destined to have trouble sleeping.

Feilai Mountain was full of joy and laughter, and everyone had a feast and drank wine. Li Mo, Feng Wannian, Zhu Gangxi, Wang Jiu, Kuigang, Ji Tianxi, Yu Zhaoyue... and even Huang Shulang were all present.

In comparison, the latter two seemed extremely reserved and did not dare to move their chopsticks.

There is no way, the noise caused today is too great, Ming Prajna is dead, and the Infinite Sword Seed is also dead.

As for the three thousand armored soldiers of Tianshi Mansion, their eyes turned white after Ji Tian howled so loudly that they are still feeling blind in the mountains.

Sitting at the same table with these ruthless people, they wouldn't dare to touch their chopsticks. They wished they could have a separate table.

Everyone is very clear that what happened today has far-reaching consequences, and I am afraid there will be quite a storm behind it.

However, tonight, carnival is the only theme.

Late at night.

Capital, Tianshi Mansion.

Under the bright moonlight, Chu Nianxin, wearing a thin gauze dress, walked along the golden lotus and came to the quiet courtyard.

On the table, a three-legged incense burner contained a mass of black, sticky flesh that was slowly squirming.

"Damn Li Mo... almost ruined my life."

Angry roars came from the three-legged incense burner.

How many times is this death? Heitian can no longer remember it. Every failure became the root cause of Li Mo's strength.

It seems to be trapped in a fateful cycle.

"This person seems to be your nemesis."

Chu Nianxin walked to the incense burner and looked at the squirming flesh and blood inside with some pity. She touched it lightly with her fingertips, as if caressing it.

"He is an anomaly... Even if I fail ten thousand times, as long as I succeed once, he will be beyond redemption..."

In the three-legged incense burner, the angry voice seemed weak and feeble.

"Now...I can't maintain this state for too long..."

When Chu Nianxin heard the words, she felt something. Suddenly, her complexion changed slightly, and she saw the black flesh and blood slowly entering her body along its fingertips.

"You...what are you going to do?" Chu Nianxin's voice became a little flustered, unable to believe the facts in front of her.

"Didn't I say it? I can't last long..."

" want to transform me?" Chu Nianxin was horrified to find that her body began to refuse to obey her orders. The strange black color instantly penetrated into her internal organs and spread deep into her bone marrow.

"Don't you like me? From now on, there will be me in you and you in me, regardless of each other, we will always be together..."

Excited sounds came from Chu Nianxin's body.

"You want a body, I can help you find... find a better one..." Tears of despair and fear filled Chu Nianxin's eyes.

"No need, the black sky is a blur, it's all mine..."

The excited voice revealed a hint of laughter and enlightenment, and it seemed to awaken more dusty memories.

"I was originally the weakest creature in the forbidden land of Shenzong, and I was indescribably humble... Now I finally know why that woman brought me out..."

The weird black color began to spread towards Chu Nianxin's brain and dantian.

"That woman? The Supreme Master..."

Chu Nianxin's voice became weaker and weaker, and the bones and appearance on her face kept changing. Men, women, old people, children...the skins that had once been parasitic appeared one by one, and all living beings appeared in all kinds of weird ways. Just like this rolling world of mortals.

"From now on, you are me and I am you..."

"We are...Krishna!!"

The chaotic and noisy sounds suddenly sounded from Chu Nianxin's body, and finally merged into one.

All the visions disappeared, the gauze shattered, and the new body emerged in the bright moonlight.

"This world... is so wonderful!" Chu Nianxin raised the corners of her mouth slightly and gently licked her red lips.

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