The founder of all religions

Chapter 465 Full of gains! Luofu imperial seal (two in one)

The night is as silent as a moon, and the bright moon is like the eyes of a fox, looking at the world indifferently.

When the wind and smoke calmed down, the huge Ailao Mountain completely disappeared in the Beimang land. Where the mountains and rivers used to be, it turned into a huge deep pit, and not even the ruins were left.

The furry golden palm just now seemed to contain the power to destroy the world. The sky was born in the palm, and it could destroy the world.

Such ferocious power shocked the world, and the shock it brought to everyone was like a brand, deep into the bone marrow, and indelible.

"Monkey...that's a monkey...a monkey from Luofu Mountain..."

Zhu Ganghye's ears were trembling, and his horrified eyes were filled with unquenchable shock.

He had heard Wang Jiu and the little black cat mention earlier that among the demons released by Li Mo, they were not outstanding. The most powerful ones were naturally the monkeys, three-eyed ones, big snakes, and big birds.

Among them, monkeys are undoubtedly the most terrifying existence among these monsters.

However, this monkey only recognized Li Mo and lived in seclusion in the back mountains of Luofu all year round. Apart from the three-eyed monkey, the big bird and the big snake, it rarely had contact with other people.

As for what level of cultivation he has reached now, no one knows.

"It's definitely that monkey, he's so powerful!?"

Zhu Ganghye's eyes trembled slightly, and there seemed to be a voice shouting in his heart, and he became deeply curious about this monkey he had never met before.

"That's a monkey!?"

At this moment, Xia Chanming's pupils reflected a faint golden light, staring at Li Mo for a moment.

She finally understood why Li Mo was so special. He was born in Luofu, but he could come from behind, sweep through the five major mountain gates, and cause such a commotion in the capital.

There is such a terrifying power hidden behind him, no wonder he is confident.

Moreover, even with Xia Chan Ming's current ability, he was unable to get a full picture of the figure in the crack in the sky just now.

The monkey had not arrived in person, and what they saw was not the former's true power.

"What kind of monkey is that!?" Xia Chanming thought thoughtfully.

After three hundred years, Luofu Mountain finally has another evil spirit coming out. Compared with the black sword, it seems to be more special, more mysterious, and more unique.

"Fortunately... I was never an enemy of him."

Thinking of this, Xia Chanming breathed a sigh of relief and seemed a little happy about her fate.


At this moment, Li Mo stood in the air and exhaled a long breath, but his mood was unprecedentedly calm.

He felt extremely happy fighting the six-sense monster monkey. Although he failed to subdue the monster monkey, he saw the limit of his power.

The most important thing is that this trip has yielded so much.

Not only did he subdue the generals and release Xia Chanming, he even devoured the Five Elements Demon, regained his spiritual intelligence, entered the [Holy Embryo Realm], and became a middle-grade real person.

The three real realms are the void realm, the holy embryo realm, and the next higher is the feather realm.

You know, at this time, it had only been more than a month since Li Mo refined the [Qingping Sword] in Jiujiang Mansion and entered the [Void Realm].

In such a short time, he broke through again and cultivated the Holy Embryo. This speed was enough to make Gu Changan jealous to the point of perversion.

"The black iron rod was taken away by the monkey..."

At this moment, Li Mo came to his senses and remembered the black iron rod just now. Its weirdness and hidden dangers were even higher than those of the six-sense monster monkey, but this monster monkey didn't seem to be real and could not be used. The power of this black iron rod.

"I don't know where this thing comes from."

Li Mo murmured in his heart. One thing was certain. If the monkey got this thing, it would definitely be more powerful than a tiger. He was afraid that it would become more and more violent in the future. If he didn't put other people in his eyes, he might not be able to even take a look at it.

Li Mo could even think that maybe after the monkey was refined, the first thing he would do was to find the number one demon and ghost to train with.

"found it!"

At this moment, the general's voice came from the huge pit.

Li Mo took one step forward, passed through the smoke, and landed next to him.

At this moment, the general dug out a gray jar from under the soil of the deep pit, which was sealed with purple-black talismans and was nine layers deep.

"Is this an urn!?" Li Mo said uncertainly.

It was not strange to dig out an urn from a large tomb, but what concerned him was the talisman sealing the urn. The pattern on the urn was extremely ancient and unique. It looked like a mountain and a big seal. Some of the Tianshi Mansion The taste, but it seems to be older than that.

"The talisman has been passed down for a long time, but today not many people are willing to put in the effort to practice it."

The general held the "urn" in his hand and whispered: "The core [urn pattern] in the talisman is almost unique to each inherited method..."

"This talisman is very was passed down at least before Shenzong. I have studied many Taoist traditions in Beiman Mountain. I have even seen those who were destroyed by Shenzong and even escaped into the ruins. ...No Dharma lineage is like this."

Having said this, the general paused in his words and showed a meaningful expression.

"Left by that mysterious Taoist back then!?" Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

The mysterious Taoist was like a wave in the long river of history. He was described lightly and passed by in one stroke, leaving just a ripple and then disappearing.

However, his simple handwriting had an extremely far-reaching impact. Not only did he save the young Shenzong's life, but also killed the monster monkey and buried his body here. Even nine hundred years later, this impact has not completely dissipated, involving Li Mo and the general. , the fate of Xia Chanming and others.

All this seems to be a coincidence, but in fact it is like a big net. The more I think about it, the more chilling I feel.

"In any case, that person is definitely extraordinary...but that's not important anymore..."

The general shook his head and looked at the urn that he was hugging tightly, his originally cold eyes becoming extremely intense.

"Is there black treacherous soil here!?" Li Mo asked uncertainly.

"That's right!" The general didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "You can't find this thing even if you look at the hundreds of thousands of barren hills in Beimang..."

"I'm afraid that what was left in Black Sword's hand was all that was left... but in the end, Master was allowed to fuse..."

"Let me see..."

Li Mo became curious and wanted to uncover the sealing talisman on the urn.


Upon seeing this, the general's expression changed slightly, he took a step back holding the urn, and hurriedly avoided Li Mo's "spicy hands".

"What's wrong? Is it possible that this is still a young girl who is not allowed to be touched!?" Li Mo was stunned for a moment and then said.

"The black clay is different from other clays you have seen..." the general said with a solemn expression.

"It's more like an alternative life with consciousness..."

Beimang Barren Hills, this land is extremely vast and contains many incredible beings.

Things like the strange earth, the Zhugang Mane's precious golden rake, and even the black iron rod, in fact, they all come from the Shenzong forbidden area.

Especially the strange soil, this kind of strange soil has incredible power. Even the white strange soil, yellow strange soil and red strange soil that Li Mo has seen are all powerful.

As for the black clay, it seems to be different from the previous categories.

"When Black Sword discovered this substance, he was extremely cautious and almost lost his life..."

There was a hint of fear in the general's eyes. He had seen some treasured notes in Beimang Mountain, which mentioned some things about the black soil.

"Perhaps you don't know... Black Sword did a lot of research in Beimang's Hundred Thousand Barren Hills... These studies were based on Han Qi..."

"The first generation master of Ling Sect..." Li Mo lost his voice.

"You should know that he is a madman. More than 900 years ago, he abandoned the Ling Sect and joined the Guixu, founded the [Ghost Market], and left behind many secret notes..."

"In fact, the matter about the black soil was discovered through Han Qi's notes when Black Sword sneaked into Guixu..."

"This madman captured many living people and demons for research..."

"For him, all life is just material."

The general did not comment on this approach, and there was no emotion on his face.

"The notes left by Han Qi said that if other clay soils are just unstable babies, then the black clay soil is an adult who has formed an independent will. The two can hardly be regarded as the same substance..."

"Heijian was very curious about this substance. Later he came to Beimang Barren Hills and dug countless graves before finally finding this special substance."

As he spoke, the general raised his hand, pinched the tip of his little finger, and whispered softly: "Just a little bit of fingernail can kill an entire city in Lingjin Prefecture."

"Lingjin Mansion!?"

Li Mo's expression changed slightly. Lingjin Prefecture is the second largest city in Liangzhou, second only to Jiujiang Prefecture. Three hundred years ago, the permanent population was nearly 300,000.

"Are you kidding!?" Li Mo was stunned.

"It is recorded in the state annals of Liangzhou that in the fifty-sixth year of Lingdao, there was a great epidemic in Lingjin. Sixty-seven out of ten people were infected and eighty-nine out of ten died..." The general whispered softly.

Li Mo's face condensed slightly. He seemed to have seen such records when he was in Xuantian Pavilion.

More than 300 years ago, a great plague occurred in Lingjin Mansion, Liangzhou. Almost all people in the city died. This was a rare natural disaster. After the great plague, all ten rooms in Lingjin Mansion were empty, so that the court could not There will be no migration of refugees here.

"That was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster... Heijian made a big mistake... He underestimated the horror of this kind of thing... In fact, it was also set up by that lunatic Han Qi..." The general said solemnly.

"The lunatic deliberately left wrong guidance in the notes he left behind, causing Black Sword to make wrong judgments..."

"This mistake resulted in the loss of nearly 300,000 lives."

"In order to cover up, the imperial court could only declare this to the world." The general couldn't help but sneer: "From then on, Heijian became more careful. He tried many methods, and finally saw the results in the master..."

"Regardless of life or death, whether human or seems that only Master's body can carry such dangerous substances..."

"At the same time, this also laid the foundation for her future as a demon fairy."

Having said this, the general looked subconsciously at the urn in his arms.

"Don't you think this thing is dangerous?"

"Are you sure you can handle it!?"

"No." The general shook his head: "Throughout the ages, only Master is the most special. I can only try my luck."

"If I'm lucky, it may be able to make up for my losses today, allowing me to take a step forward and become the heir to Beimang Mountain..."

In today's battle, Li Mo's gains were extremely huge, but the generals suffered heavy losses. Not only were their injuries irrecoverable, but even the holy weapon [Lost Soul Banner] was severely damaged. He didn't know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to recover.

"What if you have bad luck!?" Li Mo asked

The general paused for a moment and then shook his head. If he was unlucky, he could not predict the consequences.

"I'll go back and do some research. Let's leave first. There's too much movement here."

The general looked at the huge pit and warned.

"Okay, let's talk about it when we get back."

Li Mo nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he took Xie Pipa, Xia Cicada, Zhu Ganghui, and Meng Xiaoyu with him, followed the generals, walked directly into the void, and disappeared into the huge pit.

After a while, streams of cold demonic energy came from all directions.

Under the bright moon, these monsters were completely shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. The huge pit was like a bowl embedded in the earth, but the original mountains and rivers were gone.

"Oh my god...what happened here just now!?"

"A pit...a big pit..."

"Where is Ailao Mountain!? Why is Ailao Mountain gone... I remember it was here..."

"This...whose big shot is this!? This is so outrageous..."

A series of exclamations resounded from all over the pit, echoing for a long time and unable to subside.

The huge Ailao Mountain disappeared overnight. Such a power to change the world is beyond imagination. Even for monks and demons, this reality is a miracle.

"Quickly look for...the kind of battlefield that exists after a big war. Maybe there will be some opportunities..."

At this moment, the voice of a black mouse suddenly aroused the alarm of all the monsters.

Terrifying beings that can change the world, the traces they leave behind may contain extremely subtle methods. If a weapon hits them head-on, even a fallen thread will be a supreme treasure to ordinary monsters and ghosts.

Thinking of this, all the demons and ghosts started to dig holes on the spot one after another, especially the rat spirits, gopher spirits, earthworm spirits, etc., which immediately became the favorites and became the targets of the major mountain forces. .

By the middle of the night, the huge deep pit where Ailao Mountain was originally located had been dug full of holes and was in pieces.


The bright moon was setting in the west, and the demons gradually dispersed. In the rising dust, a white-skinned mouse suddenly dug up a hard object. It ecstatically opened up the gravel, and an ancient stone tablet was exposed. It looks like a dusty tombstone. It is too old to be verified.

It's just that this stone tablet is vaguely engraved with mottled and ancient two lines of dragon and snake script! ! !

"The place where Xin Yuan suppresses corpses, the place sealed by Luofu's imperial edict..."

The white-skinned mouse watched for a long time and seemed to find nothing strange. He couldn't help being disappointed, so he spat and threw it aside casually, letting it be buried in the dust.

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