The founder of all religions

Chapter 492: Destiny prophecies, dragons fight in the wild! Naihe Golden Bridge (2-in-1)

The sky is vast and there are only a few big stars. Only a bright moon, like a fox's eye, hangs high in the starry sky.

The desolate ruins are like an abandoned cemetery, floating in the void.

"This is the ruins of Naihe City... When I was very young, I came here once with the elders of my clan..."

Fang Jisheng stood on the bow of the airship, his long-distance gaze passing through the void, looking at the ruins of the head that could not be seen at a glance, with a different kind of brilliance in his eyes.

Naihe City is an ancient city in the sky beyond the stars.

Long before Shenzong destroyed the law and the Fang family hid from the outside world, it had existed for a long time.

The most important thing is that the former owners of Naihe City, the Meng family, carry the ancient dragon fish bloodline.

Since the destruction of Naihe City, this place has been reduced to ruins. Occasionally, experts come to explore and look for opportunities.

Since a few days ago, Jing Jiuliu used the method of returning to the ruins to absorb the thousand-year murderous thoughts that remained here, there have been many more masters coming to the ruins of Naihe City.

"Naihe City... once was famous for a while, dominating the starry sky... but now it is buried in wasteland..."

At this moment, the stern man wearing a large cloak beside Fang Jisheng whispered indifferently, and the golden scales on the top of his head were looming, shining with mysterious brilliance.


Jing Jiuliu took a deep look. He was born in a ghost market and had extraordinary knowledge. He could glean the secrets of the fish and dragon bloodline with just a few files.

Although there is a chance of becoming a dragon in this bloodline, from ancient times to the present, only the golden arowana and silver arowana bloodlines are the purest.

Especially the Golden Arowana, even within this lineage, it is a legendary existence.

Within a generation, if a golden dragon fish emerges, he will definitely be the leader of the clan and be able to suppress the entire clan's bloodline.

The man in front of him named [Meng Jinghun] is the extremely rare golden arowana in rumors.

Jing Jiuliu did not expect that Fang Jisheng could still find a real golden arowana after Naihe City had been in ruins for thousands of years. No wonder he was confident and determined to get the treasure house of Naihe City.

"Brother Meng, although you are the descendant of Naihe City, this is your first time coming back." Fang Jisheng said in a friendly tone.

Even as a descendant of [Shifang City], in front of Meng Jinghun, he put away his past aloofness and behaved extremely politely.

This golden arowana was an unexpected breath that he encountered accidentally, and in terms of cultivation and strength, he was the only one ahead of him.

"Wangtu Hegemony, but Yunyan, to me, Naihe City is just a name. I am here today to get back what should be mine."

Meng was shocked, and as soon as he finished speaking, Fang Jisheng and Jing Jiuliu glanced at each other in unison.

"I heard that nine hundred years ago, that mysterious master emerged from the sky and dominated the starry sky. He slaughtered hundreds of thousands of creatures in Naihe City overnight. The Dragon Fish and Meng clan withered from then on. Logically speaking, there should be no survivors..." Jing Jiuliu probed calmly.

"At that time, the catastrophe suddenly struck, but there were still clan members outside. The city was destroyed and the clan was dead before their eyes, so they fled to the world of mortals..." Meng Jinghun said lightly.

"For so many years, the ancient Dragon Fish bloodline has been withered away like light... and now I'm afraid I'm the only one left."

Activating the dragon fish bloodline requires extremely special conditions and secret methods.

In the beginning, the reason why the Meng family in Naihe City was able to dominate was because they had mastered the method of bloodline awakening.

However, after Naihe City was destroyed, this method was lost.

Even if there are ethnic groups who escape to the human world, generation after generation, they will eventually become mountain ghosts and little demons, unable to see the terror and glory of their bloodline.

"In that case...Brother Meng can actually awaken the bloodline of the golden dragon fish..." Fang Jisheng showed a strange look.

You can't even get the blood of an ordinary arowana, let alone this rare golden arowana! ?

However, Fang Jisheng also knew that this was Meng Jinghun's biggest secret. It would be presumptuous to ask and the other party would not tell him, so he hesitated to speak and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"That's because I have another adventure..."

Unexpectedly, Meng Jinghun had no intention of hiding anything and took the initiative to speak and recall the past.

"When I was young, I was just a humble little monster who allowed myself to be despised and enslaved by others..." Meng Jinghun's eyes shone with a frosty luster.

At that time, he was as humble as the soil under his feet. He was once locked up by a human demon hunter and cursed and insulted at will. Later, he was sold to the King of Zhennan... Even there, he was still raised like an animal. slave……

Meng Jinghun knew that little monsters don't need their brains and will remain little monsters all their lives.

So, he kept a low profile and finally found an opportunity to escape from Zhennan Palace.

"I fled to the East China Sea. My whole body was covered with bruises and I was about to die soon... However, there is no end to the road. At this time, I met a person and he saved me..."

There was not much emotion on Meng Jinghun's face, as if the suffering of fate had already made him numb. Only when he mentioned that person, there was a little emotion in his cold eyes.

"Who?" Fang Jisheng asked casually.

"Tall and thin, with muddy legs, carrying a broken bamboo basket on his back, full of fish smell... I began to think that he was just a fishmonger who made a living by fishing on the beach..." Meng Jingxun said in a deep voice.

"He healed my injury and kept me with him for three years. He fished in the East China Sea every day, and then sold it in the market..."

"Although he helped me save my life, if I follow such an ordinary person, I will never get ahead in my life..."

Meng Jinghun paused for a moment and took a deep breath.

"That day, I originally wanted to say goodbye without saying goodbye. It was a blue night with a big moon hanging in the sky... Then I saw him blocking the way, walking step by step towards the turbulent sea... raging waves, raging thunder..."

"He stood like that on the sea, allowing all phenomena to arise and die, but he couldn't do anything about it. The vast ocean seemed to sink and float under his feet..."

Speaking of this, Meng Jinghun's eyes flashed with awe.

"That's when I really knew the identity of this man."

"who is he!?"

Fang Jisheng and Jing Jiuliu asked in unison.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea!" Meng Jinghun opened his lips slightly and spit out a name.

"The Eight Great Demon Immortals in the World..."

Fang Jisheng and Jing Jiuliu changed their expressions upon hearing this, and looked at Meng Jingxin in disbelief. They did not expect that the last blood descendant of Naihe City would have such an incredible opportunity.

"From then on, he began to teach me how to practice. The sea is boundless and the ocean rises and falls... I sleep and hide in the fluctuations every day..." Meng Jinghun recalled those years.

"Brother Meng is really a blessing, to be able to become the disciple of the Dragon King of the East China Sea!?" Fang Jisheng couldn't help but whisper, with a look of envy in his eyes.

The eight great demon immortals in the world have descended since the Shen Sect. Over the course of thousands of years, only these eight have taken the bodies of demons and ghosts, practiced retrogradely, conquered the heavens, and achieved the status of demon immortals.

Even in the outer starry sky, these eight people are all supreme beings with illustrious reputations. Being able to worship under the Demon Immortal Sect is an opportunity that many people yearn for but cannot ask for! ?

"Do you think he means well!?" Meng Jinghun sneered.

"Brother Meng, where did you say that?" Jing Jiuliu was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

"The Dragon King of the East China Sea once used Guixu's [Future Dharma Eye] to perform divination and fortune-telling. As a result, he got a destiny prophecy..."

"His own destiny? What?"

Fang Jisheng was slightly moved and couldn't help but ask, that was the fate of the eight great demons and immortals in the world, and it was a top secret in the world.

"When dragons fight in the wild, their blood is black and yellow!" Meng Jinghun said in a whisper.

"What's the meaning?"

Fang Jisheng and Jing Jiuliu met each other, and both showed doubts.

"He saw a corner of the future. There will be a powerful enemy ahead. It is another true dragon after him in the world..."

"Another real dragon!?"

Fang Jisheng, Jing Jiuliu couldn't help but be moved.

They all know that although dragons are famous, for thousands of years, there is only one real dragon in the world, the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Other than that, there are only vague legends.

"Not bad..." Fang Jisheng nodded.

"He saw the time in the future, the mortal world, a ray of golden scales flickering, ascending to the sky and transforming into a dragon, the demonic aura shocking the world, dominating the world, fighting with it outside the sky, the universe is horrifying, and all living beings are terrified..."

"That is the great enemy of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and it is also his fate of life and death." Meng Jinghun said in a deep voice.

"Golden scales transform into a dragon... Could it be..."

Fang Jisheng's eyes trembled slightly, and he couldn't help but look at the golden scale on Meng Jinghun's head.

"If nothing unexpected happens, I will be the enemy of life and death that he sees. One day, I will be able to ascend to heaven and transform into a dragon, and become the peerless overlord of this world..."

Meng Jinghun spoke calmly, but his deep eyes shone with invincible confidence.

At this moment, his identity seemed to be suddenly elevated. He was so high and different from the ordinary people. Even people like Fang Jisheng and Jing Jiuliu seemed insignificant in front of him.

"If this is really the case, then why did the Dragon King of the East China Sea teach you the method of cultivation instead of smothering you in the cradle?" Fang Jisheng showed doubts.

Since it is a life-or-death disaster, isn't that the safest way to kill a young man while he is still in his infancy and before he can succeed? ?

"What do you think the Eight Great Demon Immortals are?" Meng Jinghun sneered.

"How could a being like that kill a little guy out of fear of his unpredictable fate? If he did, he would no longer be the Eight Great Demon Immortals..." Meng Jinghun sneered.

"Even if he really did it, I'm afraid that the devil will be born in the Taoist heart, and there will be many disasters..."

"So he would rather personally cultivate an opponent, a catastrophe of life and death, and then personally eliminate it and survive the catastrophe..." Fang Jisheng felt the courage of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"That's the Demon Immortal. Once he overcomes the catastrophe, he will have no worries anymore. The world is vast and he can go further..."

Meng Jinghun said coldly: "I am his doom, and he is my doom..."

"I left Donghai three years ago, and he seems to have come to the sky."

"The Dragon King of the East China Sea has come to Tianwai?" Fang Jisheng couldn't help but ask.

"The starry sky seems like a vast sea. Who can catch the dragon and the king... He wants to fish for the real dragon in the outer starry sky, waiting for the disaster..."

Meng Jinghun stood on the bow of the airship, his distant gaze seemed to have flown to the depths of the ruins in front of him.

He entered the starry sky to find his own opportunity and retrieve everything from the Meng family in Naihe City. Only in this way could he complete the most important transformation in his life.

Meng Jinghun believed that one day, he would be able to become a true dragon between heaven and earth, as the king of the East China Sea, and dominate the world as the destiny said.

"Let's go!"

After Meng Jinghun finished speaking, the huge flying boat shuttled through the void and descended towards the vast ruins.

Deep in the ruins of Naihe City.

In front of a broken temple, there are broken walls everywhere, and the collapsed palace walls are still vaguely stained with black blood, showing the age.

"Sir, here..."

Meng Xiaoyu stood in front of the ruined temple, his eyes distracted, and many strange pictures appeared in his mind.

"What do you see?"

Li Mo looked at Meng Xiaoyu and asked casually. He knew many demons and ghosts, and their memories could be passed down through blood and would be immortal for generations.

"This place used to be very prosperous..."

Meng Xiaoyu's pretty face had a hint of sorrow and sorrow for no reason.

"Sir, I feel like crying..."

As he spoke, Meng Xiaoyu sobbed softly, crying so hard that the silver scales on his head slowly emerged, glowing with a strange luster.

The next moment, waves of water rose up around her, and then, silver scales actually fell from her body.

Meng Xiaoyu looked down and leaned over to carefully put away the fallen scales.

"You also have this habit!?" Li Mo couldn't help but said when he saw this.

He knew that all fish monsters would shed their scales when they were emotionally excited.

"Yeah!?" Meng Xiaoyu stopped sobbing and looked at Li Mo blankly.

"I know a little koi... um... his name is Jin Lian... he likes to keep it every time it sheds its scales... and then finds a place where no one is and buries it secretly..."

Li Mo thought of the dirty-mouthed koi and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Then he must be a very gentle fish demon." Meng Xiaoyu said seriously.


Li Mo was silent for a moment before saying, "If I have a chance, I'll introduce you to him."

As he spoke, Li Mo's spiritual thoughts spread around like ripples.

The ruins of Naihe City are much larger than he imagined. After thousands of years of precipitation, the surrounding void has been continuously swallowed by the ruins, forming a special secret realm.

If Guixu hadn't contained that thousand-year-old murderous intention, this place would have been even more dangerous.

But because of this, these days, there are a lot more monks coming to explore the ruins of Naihe City.

"There are many great demons..."

Under the shroud of Li Mo's spiritual thoughts, there were hundreds of masters nearby, including great demons with advanced cultivation levels.

They all came for the opportunity left by the Meng family in Naihe City.

However, Li Mo knew that the only people who could truly find the Meng family's treasure trove were the descendants of the Meng family with dragon fish bloodline.


At this moment, Meng Xiaoyu called out in a trembling voice, pulling Li Mo back from his thoughts.

Li Mo turned around and saw Meng Xiaoyu's delicate body trembling slightly, her hands clenched, her beautiful eyes shining with a hint of awe and doubt.

"What's wrong?"

"There is something under this ruins...I saw it..." Meng Xiaoyu said in a daze.


"A bridge...a golden bridge!?" Meng Xiaoyu said uncertainly.

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