
At the same time as the tenth step was taken, the two turned around instantly.

X could even see the stunned look on Duddy's face.

It seems completely unexpected that this person's turning speed is so fast, so fast that it is unimaginable.

The black muzzle of the gun was pointed out at the same time.

Mr. X looked calm and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

I just feel in my heart that the stimulation, even the blood flow in the body is a little faster.

The gunshots rang out, and the two gunshots rang out at exactly the same time.

Everyone looked at them in disbelief.

In this competition, who will win?

Mr. X looked at his left shoulder expressionlessly, there was a blood hole there, and the result was obvious.

In this competition, he had already been injured, and the injury was not too serious.

The main reason is to face this one, I didn't plan to kill him from the beginning.

He really deserves to be a famous bounty hunter in the East China Sea. His reaction speed and accuracy are not bad.

Much more than an ordinary shooter.

If it were placed in the real world, he doubted that this guy might become an excellent sniper.

Of course, this is just suspicion and speculation.

Blood gushed out from the wound, dripping slowly.


Kai Luoer yelled a little cautiously, because she felt that her father was a little weird.

One arm was raised, still maintaining a shooting posture.

On the other hand that hung down, blood slipped faintly, and a small pool of blood appeared on the ground.

Even his clothes were already stained red from the wound.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, as if they didn't expect that Duddy would be injured.

Both of them didn't make a killing move, and Mr. X didn't mean to kill monsters.

Therefore, he would never say that he was merciful because he saw that he had a beautiful daughter.

This game is very real, and it really makes him feel that this is a world.

"Can we have a chat now?" Mr. X said lightly, his tone seemed very calm.

It seemed that he was not moved by the injuries on his body.

What a strong will this is, not paying attention to the pain at the wound.

It's amazing!

Of course, this is not the case. Others' misunderstandings belong to others' misunderstandings, and he doesn't bother to explain.

To be honest, didn't even bother to bandage the wound.

Why so much trouble?

Just pick up the flintlock pistol, point it at your forehead, shoot it, and wait for two hours, won't you be able to resurrect?

At that time, the state is full!

"You are very strong...you remind me of a person. Of course, compared to that person, you still have some gaps!"

Duddy Masterson finally spoke, with his mouth slightly open, and said.

Mr. X frowned slightly, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

In this game, there are many people stronger than me.

He also doesn't think that he is the top when it comes to using guns.

Not as cocky, but also somewhat confident.

Arrogance may mean self-confidence, but self-confidence does not mean arrogance.

"So, who will win this battle?" A spectator couldn't help asking.

He really couldn't see who was winning and who was losing.

"It should be a draw!"

A certain player said lightly here, and was still taking pictures by the way.

The content of the opening four pictures is all edited... No, the content is all true, with occasional exaggerations.

"A draw? It turned out to be a draw?"

"As expected, he is indeed the strongest bounty hunter!"

"I never thought that this mysterious bounty hunter would be so powerful?"

Everyone couldn't help talking.


somewhere bar

Mr. X looked at the wine in front of him and remained silent.

What kind of wine is this? Can I drink it?

Duddy Masdasenda appeared here, and his wounds had already been bandaged.

I couldn't help but look at the person next to me, and sighed softly in my heart.

Over the years, his strength has improved very slowly.

This is actually quite normal, after all, the pirates he captured were all minor characters, some of them were not even pirates.

In a sense, he is more life-saving.

To put it bluntly, he is afraid of death, but his fear of death is different from everyone else's fear of death.

He has a daughter, so he feels that he cannot die.

This is the reason why he resolutely quit the navy, fighting those powerful pirates, he will die one day.

It is not impossible to die in the hands of those powerful pirates.

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" Duddy said indifferently.

Right now, he doesn't want to get involved in any troublesome things.

I just want to give my daughter a happy home, earn some money, and let them live happily.

In fact, Mr. X vaguely guessed that when he saw his daughter, he actually understood something.

He was also thinking, always feeling that the success rate of this invitation is not high!

People, the most important thing is their own daughter!

"Ahem..." He coughed twice, and couldn't help but said, "I want to invite you to join our organization."

It's normal to have a very uninspiring beginning, after all, he doesn't specialize in this kind of thing.

State your intentions directly and bluntly.

I didn't say how extravagant the hype is, it's that simple.

Duddy couldn't help but frowned tightly, and as expected, he said in the next second, "I refuse!"

He chose to refuse, which is normal.

No hesitation, just rejection, because he doesn't even know what this organization is?

Even the navy always quit as soon as they said they would quit, so how could it be possible to join a random organization now?

Moreover, he was once a navy after all!

Mr. X felt that he could still persuade him.

"This is an alliance formed spontaneously by bounty hunters from the East China Sea. There are no requirements. On the contrary, it should be of some help to you!"

Duddy Masterson being noncommittal, any help? Help yourself with your daughter?

Even if those people are willing, he himself is not at ease!

He was worried about letting a group of bounty hunters take care of his daughter!

Just to change it, would you trust a group of mercenaries to help you take care of your daughter?

Scared to death!

People's attitude is very firm, if you don't want to join, you just don't want to join.

It also means that some look down on this organization.

East China Sea bounty hunter formed spontaneously? How many bounty hunters are there in the East China Sea? The good ones, or the famous ones, are just that.

For example, a certain road idiot, but a certain road idiot is now a pirate.

Now the more famous one is Mr. X.

cough cough

Besides, whose name can be called?

"Well, don't rush to refuse, you can still think about it!"

After Mr. X drank the wine in front of him, it took him a long time to hold back such a sentence.

After finishing speaking, he left gracefully.

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