I don't intend to come to a testimonial for the shelf, and I have no testimonials when I put it on the street.

Grades, no grades, poor grades, just ignore them.

There are nearly a thousand collections, and the new book period is more than two months. Well, in general, the results are still relatively dismal.

But it doesn't matter, I'm used to it.

The new book issue is indeed a bit too long, also because I update more casually.

Well, after it is put on the shelves, the update must be guaranteed, two chapters a day, at least some.

If you have the ability to do more, you don't even need to add more conditions... Anyway, there is a high probability that you will not be able to meet it.

cough cough

As for this book, set a small goal, try a 2 million words first?

I found that I have never written a book that is too long, and I have never broken through a million. This time I can try.

Then, add a testimonial for the launch, and there must be a sense of ritual for the launch.

When I look at the grades, my heart is cold, I still can't look at things like grades, it's too shocking to look at.

It's better to turn on the stand-alone mode... Haha, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly pass, a collection, and a subscription every day.

That's about it.

brain pain / brain pain

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