
Today, Rogue Town is another day of peace.

Two days have passed since the Straw Hat Pirates left.

One day has passed since Mr. X left.

It has been two days since Mr. Ye left, and he is now working as a teacher on the initial island.

Today is another day full of energy for naval players.

"In the name of absolute justice!"

Navy players, this is what they talk about every day.

He said so much that even he believed it.

I (Navy identity) represent justice!

The guy from the baroque studio that a naval player just arrested the day before yesterday has been put in jail.

It's not the big prison, it's a small prison built here.

Not all pirates are qualified to throw it over, just say that this small character is a cannon fodder level character.

He couldn't find anything to ask, so he was thrown directly into the prison.

For the players, today is another normal day. Training starts in the morning. To be precise, it is a naval drill.

That clumsy female boss is currently fighting three naval players.

The three players played very happily, mainly because the basic sword skills in the list are increasing experience.

In other words, as a sparring partner, you can gain skills with experience!

Of course they are motivated!

Although Dashiqi is a bit clumsy, her swordsmanship is actually not bad, at least, she is better than ordinary pirates.

If you hit a player, one can hit three to five!

Of course, we are talking about ordinary players here.

Our top players are not bad, and some people may not lose if they go one-on-one with her!

They never knew, the naval players never knew, that someone was watching them.

Their day is so happy and happy!

Karp at this time,

Put on a very serious face.

You read that right, the old man's expression at the moment is really dignified. As long as he doesn't speak and maintains this image, no one will think that he is unreliable.

The wind gently blew up the justice coat on the back, and the word "justice" was quite distinct.

This is an old sea soldier, unreliable or not, but in fact, he is really a qualified sea soldier.

In the top war, when Ace died, this guy really lost his composure.

Understandable, but also a little distressed.

"They are all pretty good!" Garp said lightly.

"Indeed!" replied Smoker, who was standing nearby.

These naval players are really good. The difference between them and the 16th branch is that only strong players are recruited here!

The number of naval players here is not too large, only two hundred people.

Not many, the number of some player pirates has exceeded this point.

As for the Sixteenth Division of the Navy, the four-digit number of naval players is far beyond here.

But the strength here is the strongest!

Most of the powerful players in the naval camp, such as Cromwell and Carter, are here.

Garp seemed a little moved, as if he wanted to bring them back to the Navy Headquarters to train them.

This old man broke his skills in the next second, picking his nose with his fingers, how could he look like a lieutenant general?


Cromwell practiced daily, starting with 10,000 push-ups to warm up.

Don't look, it's just basic exercises.

At this moment, Karp appeared here instantly.

Attention all players!

After observing for this period of time, he found that this group of navy is indeed quite good.

They are brave, fearless, not afraid of any pirates and bounty hunters!

(Those are experiences! Who would be afraid? No one would be afraid!)

They are honest, warm-hearted, and will take the initiative to help townspeople in need!

(Please, it’s all experience! This is a task, don’t worry about it, as long as it is a task, I will complete it for you!)

They dare to sacrifice, even to protect ordinary people.

(In a mission to spawn monsters, a player was hacked to death by pirates in order to protect ordinary people, and died on the spot!)

(This kind of thing happened not only once, but several times!)

Of course, these sacrificed players had to pinch their faces again and ran back in a hurry.

It was troublesome to complain in my heart, but I still came back here obediently.

By the way, I will change my name again, anyway, the player name on the top of the head, other than the player, it is impossible for other people to see it!

To be honest, these players are far more competent than some navies when they are navies.

Not to say that the navy is full of depraved things.

But what I have to admit is that some navies are really not very popular, and the reputation of the navies has been ruined by them.

Among them, what I have to mention is the shame of the navy-Zhou Pangpang!

Back to the topic, this naval player in Rogue Town.

Nature is quite excellent!

Although to be honest, if any troops from the real world were brought over, they might do even better.

Kill more than 90% of the navy in seconds!


"It's shaved!"

"This is an iron block!"

"This is Lanjiao!"

"This refers to the gun!"

"This is paper painting!"

"This is the moon step!"

After a period of observation, these players have been recognized by Karp.

Don't look at this old guy's usual unreliability, in fact, he secretly pays attention to these players.

This is an old crooked fellow!

Serious doubts, sometimes there may be a lack of strength in the head!

Of course, as for teaching the six styles, it is definitely against the rules.

How can you come like this?

This is definitely not in line with the rules!

But, does Mr. Garp care about the rules? In other words, the performance of these players has made the old man ignore the rules.

They are willing to help others and help everyone selflessly (there are tasks, do you accept them? Of course they accept them!)

They dare to sacrifice, no matter when and where, facing pirates, you can always see them on the front line!

(Nonsense, there are more wolves and less meat, you are so slow, you can't even eat a mouthful of wild monster soup!)

They are just naval players!

To be honest, Mr. Garp will never know how much impact one thing he does today will have on the future!

The old man did not teach the sixth style of the Navy very carefully.

It was just a rough demonstration. Of course, his adjutant, who was very competent, came over to teach it again.

To be honest, the adjutant was actually a little fast in teaching.

But after all, there is still teaching!

what does that mean?

It means that the little two hundred naval players in front of them can learn the six styles?


It means that all players in the future, no matter what camp, may learn the six styles!

If you can't learn it, it's not that you don't have channels, it's just that you don't have the talent.

This, this is something the old man doesn't know. Of course, who can know it except the players?

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