

Rapeseed Port

"Wait, those two ships in front, if you're not mistaken, they should be pirate ships, right?"

Feng Bai picked up the binoculars and said to himself.

In the next second, the boat fell silent instantly, and countless eyes looked at him.

"There are pirates? Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

Xia Wen seemed very excited. In his eyes, those were walking wild monsters.

What are you still doing here? Hurry up and brush wild monsters!

His current level is level 28, and the further down the level, the harder it is to improve.

To be precise, it was only because the wild monsters he encountered were not strong, they were all little pirates, not too challenging.

How many powerful pirates can one expect in a place like the East China Sea?

It's not the North Sea and the South China Sea, and it's not the great route!


Fengbai was also a little moved, the reason is very simple, here is the rustling fruit that he never forgets.

What did you say?

The rustling fruit is not his?

After defeating Lao Sha, isn't it his? A certain player thought in his heart.

Brush pirates, explode equipment!

He didn't put away the pirate flag, just rushed over like that.

On the shore of the port, when a group of pirates were about to start burning, killing and looting, one of them suddenly said.

"Captain, look there are five pirate ships over there!"

"Hehe, it's just a large number, don't worry about it!"

The ordinary people nearby trembled, but they were suffering from pirates.

I don't know how Roger will feel when he sees this scene.

This somewhat fat pirate had a fierce look in his eyes.

He opened his mouth and said: "Hand over your treasures, and I can spare you from dying!"

"Boss, those pirates are rushing towards us, what should we do?"

"Tell them to get out of the way, here, we are renting out the venue, we want to rob, let them go elsewhere to rob!"

Become the boss of the pirate group, said lightly.

Pirates like him are completely cancerous.

I don't know how many villages and civilians have been hurt by him.

the other side.

"Our boss said, if you want to rob, go elsewhere to rob, this is ours!"

The eyes of the others turned to Fengbai.

"I just want to say one thing, you can calmly spawn monsters when you spawn monsters, and don't just fight your own people!"

Fengbai emphasized in a calm tone that this kind of situation has not happened before.

Spawning monsters, brushing and brushing, the players fight together, and then the wild monsters are trembling beside them.


Someone wanted to set up a cannon, but was stopped by another player.

"There are so many civilians around, without blood bars, what if they are injured?"

Someone stepped silently and rushed over.

With a hideous smile on his face,

Looking at these long-lost wild monsters playfully.

"Fuck them!"

"Who the hell robbed me of wild monsters?"

The pirate group on the opposite side looked at the player in confusion.

In the next second, it was like a scene where a group of huskies were released.

He rushed over screaming, looking extremely scary.

This is why it took too long.

If you hold back for too long, you need to vent.

The civilians around looked a little confused, why did these pirates fight on their own?

There was a vicious pirate rushing over, the knife in his hand was about to be chopped off, but was stopped by another pirate.

This pirate, who doesn't look like a pirate, smiled shyly at the commoner and said.

"Stay away from here, be careful not to be accidentally injured!"


The surrounding civilians backed away in fright, their heads filled with question marks.

Are these really pirates?

How does it feel more like the navy than the navy? These people's hearts are full of doubts.

"Hehe, is this the quality of the pirates on the Great Route?"

A user with an inflated smoke fruit ability couldn't help but pouted and said.

None of these weak wild monsters could stop his random moves.

It's normal, after all, it's also a natural fruit ability user.

If you can't even beat the ordinary ones among the ordinary ones, then the natural fruits will not be so eager and envied by people.

In less than a minute, the battle was over.

To be honest, it is indeed a little fast, which inevitably makes these players a little dissatisfied.

Hold it in until now, it will be over in less than a minute, can we not be so fast?

"I'm still not having fun!"

Someone complained, subconsciously kicked the pirate by his feet, and asked.

"Why are you so weak, can't you be stronger?"

The pirate under his feet felt aggrieved and confused.

It doesn't matter if you beat me so hard, after the beating, you still laugh at me for being weak, is this something people do?

"It feels like the Aaron Pirates are not as good as they are, and they haven't enjoyed themselves!"

Jia Xiaoxian said aloud at this time, he didn't even use the ability of the devil fruit, just excited, it was over, this feeling is a bit indescribable.

At this moment, a figure suddenly stood on a high place, looking down at these players.

"Then who is it? I hate people looking at me from high places, if you have the guts, come down for me!"

Xia Xingshang pointed to the person standing on a high place and said.

The surrounding civilians looked slightly surprised and shouted happily.

"This is Lord Crocodile!"

"Lord Crocodile is here to save us!"

After finishing speaking, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. Do we really need to be rescued?

These civilians thought in their hearts.

Looking at the surrounding pirates with weird eyes, these guys don't look like pirates.

If their pirate flag is put away, no one will be able to tell that this is a group of pirates!

"Crocodile...why is this name so familiar?"

Fengbai rubbed his chin and muttered, as if he had heard it somewhere.

The question is, where exactly have you heard it?

To be honest, Lao Sha is also a little confused now.

Ordinary pirates come to rob, this kind of time is the time to jump out to gain reputation!

However, a group of inexplicable pirates jumped out again.

What should I do now? Kill this group of inexplicable pirates together?

So, do you want to say a few words here?

I have my protection here, you pirates, don't let yourself be presumptuous here!

"Um, Boss Boss, this is our goal, what Qiwuhai!"

A player reminded in a low voice, this is our goal.

Feng Bai stroked his chin thoughtfully, and nodded.

Xia Wen crossed his hips, inexplicably a little swollen, Qi Wuhai looks like this?

Hehe, it doesn't seem to be that great!

"Here's Krok, come down quickly, let's swipe and see what equipment we can unleash!"

A user with an inflated smoke fruit ability said with his arms akimbo.

Hmph, I'm also a natural fruit ability user, you know that?

Hurry down and let me swipe once to see what equipment can be revealed!

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