
Von Klein pretended to be a fake king, and with this face on his face, he acted mischievously outside, constantly angering the rebels.

All these things completely disappointed Kosha, the leader of the rebel army, and made up his mind to launch the final general offensive.

At this moment, he has brought his army and galloped towards Albana.

"The players are almost all in place. There are people from us in all directions nearby, including those in the King's Army and the Revolutionary Army. Do you want to stop this battle?"

"Some players keep urging to start, why don't we start?"

There was no hesitant expression on Fengbai's face, and he closed his eyes slightly, thinking about the time in his heart.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer..."

"Wait any longer, the war will really start!"

"The king's army is ready to use artillery, and the rebel army is ready to attack the city!"

"Fire the signal flare, let's start." Feng Bai suddenly stood up, with a vaguely excited expression on his face.

A red flare was fired for all to see.

When the rebel army saw this signal flare, they thought it was a sign of a general offensive, and the speed of their horses became faster and faster.

The king's army also began to prepare to light the cannons. At this time, an unexpected situation happened.

There was smoke inexplicably appearing, just like this suddenly appeared here.

There was a trace of astonishment on Jiaka's face, and he turned his head to look over in disbelief, and suddenly found that something was wrong.

Xia Wen used his abilities unscrupulously, the smoke turned into fists, and swung directly at the faces of these ordinary fighters.

It's not a heavy blow, it's just knocking them out.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Jia Ka, who was still talking nonsense, was directly knocked out by a player in the next second.

"To capture the thief first capture the king,

Quickly start to stop the fighting, knock all these people out, and don't forget to remove the weapons! "

This guy is a stingy guy.

Knock others out, and don't forget to take away their weapons.

The king's army, which was suddenly attacked by players, was a little caught off guard.

Although there are not many people here, the combat power displayed at this moment has at least tripled.

"Stop them, they must be the internal agents of the rebel army!"

The soldiers of the king's army rushed forward bravely. Their courage is admirable, and their strength makes people speechless.

Players using silent steps walk on the battlefield one by one.

"Iron block! You can't beat mine!"

A certain player said with a little pride that fighting with these ordinary fighters allowed him to experience the thrill of abuse.

Kou Sha on the other side actually seemed very confused.

Looking up at the accident on the city wall in a daze, suddenly at this moment, a bottomless pit appeared on the sand in front of him.


He hastily pulled back his war horse and looked around vigilantly.

A player in a black coat came indifferently.

Don't ask, you just learned from Lao Sha!

"This way is dead!"

Feng Bai said lightly, feeling that he was full of style at this moment, as if he was on the pinnacle of his life.

If he played the piano here, maybe it would be even better. He is so strong in his heart that he is actually talking nonsense.

Leaving aside whether he can play the piano, in front of so many people, sitting down and playing the piano by Gu Zi, do you think it's a pretense? In fact, it is very sand sculpture!

Cough cough, back to business, his purpose of coming here is very simple, to stop the rebellion on this side.

The rebel army did not only have such a force, other forces also rushed in all directions.

But it doesn't matter, this is the strongest and most numerous one.

As the number one force among the players, they want to eat the strongest and the most!

The thought in my heart is that it is really meaningless to bully these guys. After this is over, let's go to the Navy Headquarters to have fun!

By the way, I would like to recommend myself to see if I can have a Shichibukai for fun!

Not to mention the strange thoughts in this guy's mind, the rebel army in front of him was indeed a little bluffed.

"Are you the king's man?"

Kosha couldn't help asking, his brows were furrowed, he had already realized that this person in front of him was definitely not a simple person.

Very strong, definitely very strong!

For ordinary people like them, a natural devil fruit ability user is naturally a very powerful existence.

But in front of the real strong, it is not worth mentioning.

"No, I'm not the king's man, you can remember my name, my name is Feng... The wind is a bit noisy today, my name is Andre Drew Sarut!

He is a guy who is about to become Shichibukai. If I stop this rebellion, it is my sincerity to show those people. "

He said it calmly, and actually started talking nonsense again.

"Hehe, you said you wanted to be Qiwukai? Do you really think anyone can be Qibukai?"

"That's not the point, the point is not to block us, otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Someone behind Kou Sha said, apparently speechless.

Tell me, what does this matter have to do with you?

Wherever it is cool, stay there, this matter has nothing to do with you, a pirate!

"Really, then beat you to the ground and then make sense!"

Fengbai clapped his hands, the players of Fufeng Pirates appeared here, the number of them seemed a bit small, compared with the opposite side.

But don't worry about it, although Fengbai has been talking nonsense, but there is one thing that is not wrong. The group of players behind him are really strong.

When fighting Lao Sha, he was a little weak, because Lao Sha is a natural fruit ability user.

In fact, it is not difficult for any player here to get a million-level reward in the East China Sea.

Ten million this level, only those core members can do it.

As for hundreds of millions, the one barely qualified is their captain Feng Bai!

The nonsense talk ends here, Fengbai sets an example and begins to abuse vegetables.

Many players took silent steps and rushed towards the large number of rebels.

The number of these rebels is indeed large, several times, or dozens of times, that of the Fufeng Pirates.

But so what?

As soon as the fight started, these rebels were already at a disadvantage!

"My eyes, my eyes are a bit full of sand... Be careful of this guy, he has a special method of sand control."

Fengbai, who has mastered the rustling fruit, likes to throw sand in the eyes of others.

After all, it's not strange, there's no need to use those mana-consuming attack skills, just knock out the guys in front of you.

"Iron block!"

"Paper painting!"

Some players are even practicing the Six Forms at this time, which makes people speechless.

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