The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 9 The New Army - I want to join you!


Some people are frightened, which is actually a very normal thing.

"There are so many people..." The player who walked in said suddenly.

In the next second, a team of players flooded in.

"What now?"

"Zhou Fatty asked us to escort these people out of the Chambord Islands, which can be regarded as sending Buddha to the west."

To be honest, some people can't understand the player's dialogue.

Because some inexplicable words will pop up from time to time.

For example, if you send the Buddha to the West, why send the Buddha to the West?

Of course, the meaning of the words can be understood, that is, to escort them out of the Chambord Islands.

"Who are you? Are you here to save us?"

The maid sister asked so, which aroused some pity.

"We, we once belonged to the navy, and now we are part of the new navy!

What we have done is just implementing what we think is justice! "

One player said so.

Their justice is relatively pure, without so much falsehood, not so much bells and whistles.

"Navy, I didn't expect that you would dare to betray the navy..."

The giant uncle said in surprise, even a little shock.

It never occurred to me that this group of players dared to betray the navy!

"Here is the key, take off the rings you wear around your necks."

A player hands over the key.

Can be used to remove slave collars from under the neck.

At present, the leader of the new navy is Zhou Pangpang.

The time is too hasty, just roughly pull up a frame.

Therefore, at this time, there is no need for so many voices, only one person needs to make his voice.

As the fuse, Zhou Pangpang, as a former leader of the navy camp, he still has the qualifications.

"Old man, be careful, don't fall!" A player said carefully while supporting Lei Li.

This player is a volunteer worker in real society.

The smile on his face is very sunny, giving people a feeling that he can be trusted.

Raleigh was also a little surprised, as if he hadn't thought that he would have such a day? A day when you need to be supported?

"You guys are completely different from the navies I've seen before!"

Raleigh couldn't help sighing.

There is also some entanglement in their hearts. They have already done such things, and they have no hope of escape at all.

They will be wiped out here by the navy!

In order to maintain the majesty of the navy, the majesty of the world government, and the majesty of the Tianlong people.

Myself, do you want to help them? Raleigh struggled with this question.

I really can't bear these guys to die here like this.

"Really? Old man, have you seen many navies before?"

The player responded casually, not taking Rayleigh's words to heart at all.

In fact, Raleigh had seen far more navies than he had imagined.

After all, this was once Pluto on the One Piece ship!

Speaking out, he is also a well-known big shot!

"I've seen a lot of them, and there's even one who has been chasing us!" Rayleigh said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, the player couldn't help asking: "Were you a pirate before?"

"That's right."

Reilly replied with a smile.

"I've only seen one pirate at your age (the one on the player's island). If possible, stay away from the pirate industry in the future."

The player said: "Our definition of a pirate is very simple. Burning, killing, and looting are regarded as pirates. Maybe in the future, we will issue the titles of our adventurers or explorers to distinguish the identity of pirates."

The meaning is very simple, it is to distinguish those explorers, adventurers, navigators, etc., from the pirates.

To put it simply, as long as they have not done anything bad, they are not defined as pirates.

If you want, you can come to them for certification, and even be protected by them.

But for the pirates, they really can't draw power now, but in the future, one counts as one, and the players will definitely have to deal with it.

The above is actually a big cake with two big characters of the future on it.

Is it easy to do this step?

It's actually very hard!

Their enemies will gradually expand from the navy, the world government, to the Four Emperors and so on.

"A very good idea, but, can you really do it?"

Riley said.

This is a very real question, are you really capable of doing it?

"You'll see it later!" The player didn't argue, just said so.

Suddenly, there was a different feeling, a feeling of being blessed by the Holy Light.

I am different from other players in other games. I am not purely spawning monsters or doing plots.

doing what?

Do another very meaningful thing, in terms of this game, or in terms of this world.

The sense of sublime in my heart was instantly filled!

They were fearless in the first place, but now they are even more fearless.

What are you afraid of?

Don't be afraid, just do it!

"Can I join you?"

Just then, there was a dull voice.

The one who spoke was a giant.

Uncle Giant said so.

If it is such a person and such a career, he is willing to fight for it.


"Fatty Zhou, you may not believe it, most of the slaves we let go... Sorry, most of the ordinary people, they are clamoring to join us!"

One player said: "Should we accept them to join? You know, we still have a tough battle to fight, and we may be wiped out here!"

"Take them out of here first, and wait until the end of the war!"

Zhou Pangpang said so with a blank expression on his face.

The reason is simple, he has received the news that Huang Yuan is rushing over.

He is not very familiar with this general.

But he is willing to weigh the strength of Huang Yuan.

I just don't know, when will this person arrive?

One minute, two minutes, or longer?

"Don't you need to bring in some more support? The number of people we have here is no more than 5,000!

This kind of power is not enough to resist two generals, many lieutenant generals, and a large number of warships! "

Moran said so.

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Pangpang was unmoved and just asked.

"Have all the branches of the East China Sea been mastered? In the future, there may become our basic board!

Build more bases on the great route. If they are destroyed by the navy, build them again. Don't be afraid of trouble.

As for us, hehe, if we can stop the two generals, this number is enough.

But if it can't be stopped, it won't be enough to use any more, so it's better to use it in other places! "

Zhou Pangpang knew very well that maybe, he would be killed here, and the entire army would be wiped out.

But so what?

He has already said that he wants to play big!

Maybe it's possible to be killed and unable to get out of the spring, so it's exciting, isn't it?

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