The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 25 Rayleigh: Are you kidding me?


"Fengbai, do you know why you couldn't beat the Four Emperors and why you were rubbed on the ground by Kuzan?"

On the Fufeng pirate ship, Zhou Pangpang asked Feng Bai with a very sincere expression.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't fart, just speak up!"

Feng Bai rolled his eyes and said.

"Since this is the case, then I have something to say, do you know the domineering color of knowledge? Do you know the domineering color of armed? Do you know the domineering color of domineering? (Flicker)

Want to learn? No 998, as long as you are willing to serve as Qi Wuhai for the new army, I will take it home for you directly! "

Feng Bai frowned slightly, rubbing his chin and thinking.

In fact, he doesn't mind being Qiwuhai for the new army.

This attitude has already been made clear, otherwise, Chambord Islands would not make a move, and they would not be beaten on the ground by our general Kuzan.

What he is thinking now is, can he learn the domineering look and arrogance?

In fact, Zhou Pangpang himself didn't know much about the overlord's color, it was nothing more than an accidental awakening.

Domineering color cannot be learned, it depends on a person's fate.

"I agree!"


"Xia Wen, be Qiwuhai to me, and bring your arrogance home for you!"


Xia Wen said silently: "Isn't this the content of the previous cooperation? It's really insincere!"

At the beginning, when Zhou Pangpang was busy getting promoted, he climbed up on the basis of Xia Wen's fame.

In the deal that was boasted at that time, there were armed and knowledgeable arrogance... It's just that Zhou Pangpang never fulfilled it.

The corner of Zhou Pangpang's mouth twitched slightly, and he said calmly.

"Do you want to learn the color of the overlord? Be Qi Wuhai for me, and you will be taught and taught!"

To be honest, no one really dared to say this sentence.

Where is Baojiaobaohui?

In fact, Xia Wen does not reject being Qiwuhai, in fact, he really wants to be Qiwuhai.

It's just that the navy despises him and doesn't want him to be Shichibukai.

Thinking of this, I felt some inexplicable resentment in my heart.

"Yes, I agree!"

Xia Wen naturally knew what was going on in Zhou Pangpang's mind, so he invited them, players from the Pirate camp, to fight against the pressure together.

I will agree, which means that I am also willing in my heart.

Of course? If the opportunity to become the Four Emperors is in front of him? He might not mind changing jobs.


"Hadley, do you know why you can't go beyond the top? Because you can't be domineering!"

This guy flicks again? Flicks to Hadley's head.

"Do you really think I don't know? Have you already contacted Fengbai and Xia Wen?"

Hadley said silently.

"Um...Actually, I've always felt that your talent far exceeds theirs.

As long as you can learn domineering? Surpass them in minutes!

What about natural devil fruit ability users? As long as you master the armed color domineering, you can still press them on the ground and rub them! "

"Okay, okay? No problem? I can be Qiwuhai for you!"


"Sister, little sister, don't you think about domineering?"

Nanachan rolled her eyes, she was still very familiar with Zhou Pangpang.

My own live broadcast room? The top five veterans on the reward list!


"Mr. X? Don't hesitate, that's domineering!"

Since this time, Zhou Pangpang has been very busy.

Until this day, Raleigh began to give a formal lecture, preparing to open the door to a new world for players.

"Veterans who can't watch it live? Don't panic, I'm going to start a live broadcast? You only need to pay for a ticket to watch, and the ace lecturer Rayleigh has an explanation about domineering? I'll bring it home for you!

Don't look at me like this, I'm still very poor? The new army needs money from top to bottom? Please take pity on everyone! "

Zhou Pangpang sells badly online.

This guy has no airs himself? And he's a profiteer.

When Rayleigh came to the training ground, he was suddenly silent.

Looking at Zhou Pangpang blankly, he didn't know what to say for a while.

There is a feeling as if you are teasing me?

"Are you serious?"

"That's right, one person is also teaching, and two people are also teaching, anyway, they are both teaching, so let's teach together!"

Fatty Zhou said with a smile on his face.

It seems to be saying, one sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also chased, so let's chase together!

Lei Li twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and couldn't help roaring: "There are obviously more than a thousand people here, how can I teach you if you call me an old man?"

To be honest, he really didn't expect that he would need to teach so many people.

First of all, some players are not eligible for this right now.

What do you mean by pulling them over?

Wait, why are there some familiar faces here?

That guy is a pirate, right? Raleigh asked in his heart.

That guy is obviously a pirate!

Xia Gunoya Wen!

A big pirate with a reward of more than 300 million!

Lei Li took a deep breath, and suddenly realized that he really couldn't see through these guys.

Let's talk about these players, staring straight at Rayleigh.

"Look at his panel, it's simply super luxurious!"

One player said incoherently.

"Information-colored domineering...armed-colored domineering...and domineering-colored domineering!"

"Asshole, can you stop your saliva from getting on my clothes?"

Even Feng Bai stared straight at Lei Li.

He murmured to himself: "Overlord's color...overlord's color!"

Being stared at by so many wolf-like eyes, Lei Li suddenly felt a little flustered.

He has never taught so many people at once!

Looking back at Zhou Pangpang closely, our Zhou Pangpang smiled shyly.

Can't help but say: "Mr. Lei Li, let's start!"



navy headquarters

"Did you receive that..." A lieutenant general raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything directly.

"Oh? Did you receive it too?"

In fact, what they were talking about was Zhou Pangpang's invitation.

In fact, it is poaching!


The Marshal of the Warring States Period coughed twice, interrupting everyone's whispering.

"Marshal, when are you going to send troops to deal with these traitors?" said a lieutenant general with a fiery temper.

Zhou Pangpang feels that they just have different ideas, and they cannot be regarded as defecting from the navy.

But some navies feel that this is a traitor!

In fact, the Warring States Period had no plans to send troops to deal with Zhou Pangpang and other new troops.

The majesty of the navy has been greatly reduced, and the pirates on the sea are becoming more and more rampant.

How to enhance the majesty?

Public execution of Ace!

Why not deal with the new army at this moment? Because they are weak, don't they need to be valued?

No, it's just because of what Zhou Pangpang mentioned that made Warring States pay attention to it.

They will not die!

After not having a clear grasp of all the situations, the Warring States didn't want to rush into a full-scale war with the new army.

But at this moment, the majesty of the navy has also dropped to the bottom.

After thinking about it, Warring States finally made a somewhat risky decision to publicly execute Ace.

This decision is actually very risky.

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