The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 28 Advancement City - Entering the Advancement City

"The Fourth Scourge in Pirates ()"


In a naval base on the Great Route

Xia Wen aggressively led the players under his command to attack here.

For him, a fairly ordinary naval base was completely captured in a short time.

In fact, the strength of the naval officers here is also very ordinary.

It is simply impossible to beat a natural devil fruit ability user.

"Boss, the news here must reach the Navy headquarters soon, we just need to wait here for a while."

Some players couldn't help but say so.

The implication is very simple, just wait here for a while, and the Navy Headquarters will send support.

At that time, Xia Wen was unexpectedly defeated, and in desperation was imprisoned in the advancing city, and the white-clothed pirates were defeated!

It's still very reasonable.

"I hope that the admirals who come here can be stronger, otherwise, I will have to release the water at that time."

Sitting in the office of the head of the naval base, Xia Wen said leisurely.

At this moment, he just felt something was wrong.

"Boss, something is wrong... It seems that it is not a rear admiral or a vice admiral..."

Han Yue stared outside blankly, her tone full of surprise.

Of course, Xia Wen said disapprovingly: "Hehe, the Navy Headquarters really look down on me, so why not send a navy colonel to attack me?"

As soon as the words fell, the player said: "It's the Admiral of the Navy,'s General Huang Yuan!"

"What? Are you kidding me? I thought Ding Potian was a vice admiral. How could he be a general here?"

Xia Wen himself was a little surprised, suddenly raised his head, and looked not far away.

That's an admiral!

If you can't beat yourself, you can't beat it at all.

Although it can be dragged.

"It's unbelievable, is this a strong man at the general level? The level is full, and the intelligence that comes out of the investigation is a bit shocking!"

"The color of knowledge and weaponry... are all top-notch, and the control over the fruit is also top-notch!

Boss, in comparison, you seem to be a bit worse! "

"Why don't we withdraw first, otherwise, maybe we will be taken by him here!"

"You go first, let me play with this general!

The level and so on are all fake, who knows if you can win if you don't fight a game? "

Xia Wen said confidently, but in fact he was talking nonsense.

Before he fought, he already knew that he couldn't beat Huang Yuan at all.

Perhaps, it is meaningless to compare the gap on paper, it is better to fight directly.

But the problem is that the gap between them on paper is really too big.

In this case, you don't need to fight to know the final result.


"It's scary, you are Xia Gunoya Wen?" Huang Yuan appeared in front of Xia Wen with an exaggerated expression on his face, and couldn't help but say so.

In less than three minutes, Xia Wen was beaten to the ground!

To be honest, Xia Wen didn't let the water go, although he didn't hit it very seriously.

But the strength of the yellow ape still surprised him a little.

"I'm Kizaru, the mission is over... huh? Do you want me to be sent to the city of advancement by the way?"

Our general Huang Yuan said with some displeasure.

Does this count as overtime pay? Not to mention the completion of the task, but also to send this guy to the city of advance, in case of any accident.

For the yellow ape, it actually didn't take long to get there.

They didn't need to take any warships. With Xia Wen's cooperation, the two of them arrived in the city within a short time.

"General Huang Yuan, why did you appear here?"

The jailer, who had not received the news beforehand, asked in surprise.

"Wait, isn't this... Isn't this a famous big pirate recently? His bounty has exceeded 300 million!"

"what a pity,

As a pirate, he has come to an end! "

Then, Xia Wen, who had already been handcuffed by Shanghai Loushi, was officially handed over to the jailer on the side of the city.

At this time, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slowly, and there was still a slight smile on his face.

It's just that in the next second, he couldn't help laughing.


【Live room is closed】

The players of the white-clothed pirates looked at each other in blank dismay.

"No, why did the boss close the live broadcast room? Show us the situation inside the city!"

"It's a bit puzzling, but one thing to say, the former General Huang Yuan is quite strong.

Even if our boss takes it seriously, he will probably lose in the end. "

At this moment, Han Yue couldn't help but said leisurely: "Don't you guys know that this is not closed by yourself? This is forced to close the live broadcast room!"

As soon as this remark came out, many players were a little confused and a little confused.

"What's the meaning?"

"Didn't the boss close this studio on his own initiative?"

The players couldn't help asking.

"No, that's not the case at all. It's just that the content of the live broadcast may violate some regulations, so it's temporarily closed!"

Next, in the minds of the players, some contents of the Eighteen Bans could not help appearing.

This is not closed by the boss himself, it was forced to close!

You say, why is this?


Lao Se criticized Xia Wen, and kept looking aside.

Do you know what he is looking at?

There is a young lady named Domino next to her, who is very temperamental and beautiful.

So, that's why he kept staring wildly.

Not only that, he couldn't help but look at Jinjin City.

The world's largest prison, few people can escape from here.

All these are enough to explain the extraordinary progress.

It seems that it is really not simple, and it actually gives him a feeling of hell.

To be honest, here, he could hear the screams of prisoners from time to time.

Just listening to the voice, he was a little scared and a little creepy.

What the hell is this place? It actually gave him a feeling as if he was in hell!

"It's really screaming... Hehe, is it really so scary here?"

Xia Wen couldn't help saying this.

There is one thing to say, he is not really afraid of pain, but listening to the screams or wailing of these prisoners, some of them affect him.

It also made him subconsciously afraid.

But soon, he came back to his senses, or rather adapted.

Please, I am a player, and I am not afraid of pain. Do you think I will be afraid of torture or something like that?

Let me see how well-deserved the so-called No. 1 Prison is!

"There were many prisoners who were like you when he first came in."

Domino said calmly.

Being stubborn now doesn't mean you can keep being stubborn forever.

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