The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 44 Top Part—Pacifist!


The current situation of the players is very bad, and they are being besieged by three navies at the same time. For them, the battle situation was not very smooth, and now it is becoming more and more difficult.

In fact, their enemy is the headquarters of the Navy after all, the top force in the sea, and it is not so easy to deal with.

Besides, the navy's hole cards haven't been fully revealed yet.

Most of the players, or nearly 80% of the players, have been driven to the inner harbor by the navy.

"The players on the left and right sides are retreating steadily, and the situation ahead is not going very well. There are more officers and officers in the navy than we thought!"

"Damn it, is the mission really going to fail? The navy is already preparing to execute Ace in advance..."

Fengbai's complexion remained unchanged, even though the players on the left and right were retreating steadily, his expression remained calm.

"Xiaoqi, you take all the players who can move on the moon and vacate for me, and rush to the execution platform as quickly as possible!"

"Hadley, you take your pirate group to block the enemy on the left, Xia Wen, let you block the navy on the right!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiaoqi flew into the air in an instant, which actually meant the start of a surprise attack.

In the next second, many players who could move on the moon vacated one after another.

Compared with the total number of players, there are indeed not many players who can walk monthly, but there are no fewer than several hundred players.

More importantly, seeing this scene, Haijun showed an expression of disbelief.

"Are you kidding? How do they know our Navy Type VI?"

"This is impossible, how is this possible?"

To be honest, the navy was also shocked.

Roughly estimate, pirates will have six styles, maybe more than the navy, which is actually a bit surprising.

Even the Warring States, seeing such a scene, couldn't help frowning.

"It shouldn't be, how come there are so many pirates who know the sixth form of the navy?"

Warring States is indeed very puzzled,

As everyone knows, the reason lies with Garp.

In the past, because of Karp, players began to formally come into contact with Six Forms. Today? Players use Six Forms to save Ace.

"Block them for me!"

Shocked? But after the Warring States wave, many admirals and officers rose into the air.

From time to time, someone falls from the sky? The battle can be said to be extremely fierce.

The situation on the left and right? At present, it can only be said that it is barely maintained.

What really matters is whether they can break through the defense of the navy in a short time? Rescue Ace and complete the mission!

"Fengbai? There seems to be something behind it!"

Just finished speaking? Hearing these words, Feng Bai suddenly turned his head, and a little surprise flashed across his face.

"Are you kidding? How could there be so many bears behind?"

Actually, these aren't bears behind them? Just pacifists? Naval humanoid weapons.

"What is my task now? Is it to deal with the pirates on the left and right sides? I understand!"

Zhan Taowan held a phone bug in his hand, as if he was talking to someone.

As soon as the words fell, these pacifists all took action in an instant.

The lasers shoot out from their mouths and palms. The power is unimaginable? It has far exceeded the power of ordinary shells.

In just the blink of an eye, many players were affected.

"Why does such an attack hurt so much? It's unbelievable? Half of my life has already been beaten like this?"

One player said in a daze, his words were full of disbelief.

So scary!

A dozen pacifists? Besieged the players on the left and right sides.

Up to now, the players have fallen into the most unfavorable state.

There is naval power on all sides!

"Fengbai? We seem to have fallen into the siege of the navy...Damn? How should we come back now?"

"Even if we go back and deal with the navy behind us now, or the navy on both sides, it's too late... The only thing we need to do is to break through the naval defense line in front of us!"

Some players said.

Turn around now, is it too late? It's already too late!

The momentum of the players was slightly interrupted, and they were even in a slightly chaotic state.


"The improvement is not small, but if you only have this level, you can't beat me!"

It was Hawkeye who said this. After countless times of leveling A, he swung his sword suddenly, and all you could see was Sauron's figure suddenly falling down.

Once again, there was a hideous wound on his chest.

Of course, Sauron is still as tenacious now.

Forcibly opened the distance, desperately trying to stand up, just want to continue to confront Hawkeye.

However, his reality no longer allows it.

I don't know when, Chopper has appeared here, helping Sauron to bandage the wound, not only that, but also said.

"Zoro, don't force yourself, you don't have the strength to fight now!"

Just then, an old-looking figure walked by.

This is Mr. Ye Lao.

"Hawkeye, if you don't mind, can I have a fight with the old man?"

As soon as the words fell, Hawkeye, who was about to leave here, suddenly looked here slowly.

"I didn't expect you to appear here? If that's the case, let me take a look at your improvement during this time!"

Hawkeye said so in a calm tone.

The two were fighting together, and the speed of their sword swings had long since disappeared, even so fast that they couldn't even capture the afterimage.


Let's talk about Luffy here.

Luffy suddenly realized that something seemed wrong.

"Even if it is you, you may not be able to stop me!"

This is what he said to Kuzan, and he also complained secretly in his heart, unable to understand why the Whitebeard Pirates hadn't appeared yet.

What are you kidding? If it doesn't appear again, the player is likely to be defeated soon!

Do you think that now is all the trump cards of the navy? No, no, they even have hidden hole cards!

At this moment, many, many pirate ships suddenly appeared on the horizon of the sea.

Seeing this, Luffy almost knew that Whitebeard still appeared after all, but the way of appearance was a little different from the original one.


On the boat, Marco looked at the scene of Luffy fighting ahead, suddenly a little surprised, and couldn't help but say so.

"Is this Ace's younger brother? I didn't expect that they would come here too..."

To be honest, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates is still very unfamiliar with Luffy.

Mainly because I haven't seen it!

"I didn't expect that he turned out to be a natural-type devil fruit ability user... His strength is really terrifying, and he doesn't look like a rookie at all!"

One player couldn't help but say.

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