The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 67 Confrontation Chapter - Lord of the Sea!

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"Bah, you're obscene, you want to grab even a little bit of experience!"

"It's shameless, do you want to show some face? You want to grab such a little bit of experience?"

The player who came late complained to Zhou Pangpang.

They are here to kill monsters, not to end it!

"Don't look at me like that, I just want to practice my overlord look, I don't have any intention of stealing monsters!"

Zhou Pangpang said proudly: "Actually, the so-called awakening of overlord color is still very easy."

"Are you kidding? It's not easy!"

The player curled his lips and said, in fact, it is really difficult to awaken the overlord color, otherwise Zhou Pangpang would not be the only one who has successfully awakened so far.

More importantly, how should we wake up?

On this point, players have not summed up a method with a higher success rate.

There are only some guesses, but these guesses have been verified, and most of them fail.

That's why the players are both envious and helpless towards this domineering look.

On the other side, everyone in Fengche Village was relieved.

"Why do I feel that when the pirates appeared, they came in a more timely manner than the navy?"

A villager said silently.

As soon as the words fell, no one answered, but everyone also had their own thoughts in their hearts.

"Get ready to entertain them, Makino, your bar may be used later, let Dadan and the others leave first, lest the two sides collide."

said the village chief.

Dadan and his gang are celebrating at the village pub, but what are they celebrating?

Aren't you celebrating Ace's successful rescue? Dadan is a tough-looking old woman who is a bandit.

But in fact,

She is also a very affectionate and righteous old woman.

It belongs to the kind with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart. For example, in the past, they often said that they would let Lu Fei and Ace fend for themselves, but they were always worried and would send their subordinates to take care of them secretly.

Even after Ace's death, he gave a severe beating to the person he never dared to beat in his life-it was Garp.

Avoiding the collision between the new army and the bandits is just for fear of conflict.

After all, the village chief didn't know much about these new troops, and even before that, he had no contact with them at all.

At this moment, there was a big fluctuation under the sea surface.

"Do you feel that there is something wrong?"

A player asked.

They are still on that pirate ship. This pirate ship is not big, and it can even be said to be quite small. It seems that something is hitting the bottom.

"There's something under the sea!"

Fatty reacted suddenly and rushed towards the right side of the ship.

Sure enough, there seemed to be a big guy under the water.

"Fuck, Fuck, the Lord of the Sea, the existence that once bit off Shanks' arm? Are you kidding me?"

One player said in disbelief, the expression on his face was full of shock.

Are you kidding me, Four Emperor Shanks lost an arm here?

Is the water in the East China Sea so deep? There is such a powerful master of the sea?

The players were a little surprised, but they just didn't expect that the origin of this Lord of the Sea is a bit unusual, or not simple.

Even the Four Emperor Shanks suffered from it.

Although, its level doesn't seem very high, but the introduction looks scary enough.

"What do you say? Boss, do you want to fight?" Some players couldn't help asking.

"What do you think? I want to see how powerful this so-called Lord of the Sea is!"

To be honest, Zhou Pangpang is prepared in his heart. If even the Four Emperor Shanks have suffered from it, people like himself may not be its opponent.

Even if the entire army is wiped out here, it is not uncommon, but what is there to be afraid of?

On the contrary, Zhou Pangpang wanted to see even more how powerful the Lord of the Sea who could bite off one arm of the Four Emperors was!

【Sickle Weasel·Large Cut】

【Land foot】

【pointing to the gun】

【Overlord color】

Players are fearless and still dare to draw their weapons.

The final result was somewhat expected.

The blood left by the corpse of the Lord of the Near Sea stained the sea red.

Once bit off the arm of a Four Emperors, and was also defeated when Luffy went to sea, now, it finally fell into the hands of the player.

But players, you look at me, I look at you, everyone is a little confused.

"No, is there a problem with this investigation? With such an existence, I am afraid that even players on the top 100 list can single-handedly swipe. How could Shanks, the Four Emperors, lose an arm here?"

Some players said depressedly.

"Not as strong as we imagined, but rather weak?"

Even our Fatty Zhou couldn't help touching his chin.

Thinking in my heart, could it be that the strength of the Four Emperor Shanks is actually quite average? That's why you lost an arm here?



The body of the Lord of the Sea was dragged to the shore. Zhou Pangpang was not very interested in its meat, so he generously handed it over to the villagers of Fengche Village.

To be honest, it was the first time Zhou Pangpang came here.

This village is the place where the protagonist was born. Thinking of this, Zhou Pangpang couldn't help squinting his eyes, with a pensive expression on his face.

As the place where the protagonist was born, is there anything unusual here?

To be honest, the villagers of Fengche Village are both interested in them and a little afraid of them.

The reason is very simple, I heard that this group of people even dare to kill Tianlong people!

Ordinary villagers, how can they not be afraid? Some even want to keep their distance!

"What? Are you planning to build a base here?"

The village head said with some surprise, it seems that he never expected that these people would make such a request to build a base here?

This is the scope of the Kingdom of Goa, that king, will you agree?

How could you agree!

If you think about it, you know it's impossible. That's why the village chief looked a little surprised.

But there is one thing to say, if there is really a team that sticks to justice staying here, it would be a blessing for the villagers.

Let me think about it again. Is it really a blessing that the new army and the navy are naturally opposed?

"After dinner later, I will go back to visit the king here!"

Fatty Zhou said so.

It is said to be a visit, but in fact, it is just a verbal notification.

Some players are already here, ready to start building bases.

It is planned to build a small base near the sea.

There don't need to be too many players staying here, just a hundred players are enough, even if there are really pirates appearing, they can shake people at any time.

Once the teleportation array is opened, a large number of players can appear here in a short time.

To put it bluntly, even if you want to break through the Goa Kingdom, it is not difficult, it only takes two or three hours at most.

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