The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 68: Mount Corpo


Leaving Windmill Village, Zhou Pangpang and his gang continued to move forward.

This is almost the range of Mount Korpo, and what you see is indeed a jungle, and it is rare to see some wild animals.

Zhou Pangpang didn't attack these beasts, and the players in the same group didn't intend to do anything either.

Back then, when I just entered the game, I would only attack these ordinary beasts, but I have to say that the strength of these beasts is also much stronger than those in reality.

In the beginning, the inexperienced players formed a team and piled up these beasts with their lives.

No way, who told me, the newcomers who first entered the game were really weak.

Apart from the advantage in numbers, they have no advantage at all.

"There seem to be quite a few beasts here, so we can give those newcomers a transition!"

Zhou Pangpang touched his chin and said, this is just a proposal.

Alas, compared with the first and second batch of players, the fourth batch of players is really pitiful.

There are not many pirates in the East China Sea, and the remaining ones occasionally hide and hide, and their strength is actually quite strong, and the general ones have already been dealt with long ago.

With such a huge player base, the pirates in the East China Sea cannot satisfy them, and the beasts on some islands in the East China Sea cannot satisfy them either.

Therefore, these rookie players have come to the great route to fight the beasts and pirates there, even though their levels are generally not high.

For example, Little Garden, for players on the top 100 list, the so-called dinosaurs can be swiped solo, and they can be swiped solo!

But for new players, come on, even if ten people play together, there is a risk of group destruction!

The same is true for those pirates, even if they are just pirates with a bounty barely over ten million, they are still very powerful.

With one person's strength, it is no problem to fight dozens of newcomers.

That's why Zhou Pangpang made such a proposal here.

"There are bandits here, everyone be careful."

A player reminded: "Just now, I found out from the villagers that there are so-called bandits here."

"Huh? Are there any bandits?"

Zhou Pangpang pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the domineering look revealed directly scared away the low-level beasts around him.

This scene seems to be powerful, but in fact, it is just like that.

You know, Luffy himself, was about ten years old, and he had already spawned monsters here, so it can be seen from this that the monsters here are not strong.

Even that big tiger is actually the same for these top 100 players.

"Let's go, let's meet the so-called bandits!" Zhou Pangpang got excited and led the players to find the bandits.


"They are already very close to us, shall we run away?"

A bandit asked Dadan with a worried expression on his face.

Those guys, although not the navy, seem to be no different from the navy.

I will definitely not let these bandits off myself!

To be honest, Dadan was also a little panicked.

Don't panic, because it's not the navy, but the new army!

In terms of the navy, Karp and she have met a lot, and they are not very unfamiliar with the navy.

What is really strange is this new army who suddenly appeared!

Just this year, new forces emerged.

Although they are far from being as brilliant as the navy, nor have they reached the height of the navy, in fact, there are many people or forces paying attention to them.

Especially ordinary people, the level of trust in the new army is still inferior to the old navy, the navy.

"Run away, everyone pack up and get out of here quickly!"

Dadan shouted loudly, always felt that this group of menacing new troops came to find him.

That's why they were so panicked and wanted to escape from here.

What I am most afraid of is running into these new troops!

Hit the Navy, at best you'll be thrown in jail,

But who knows where they will be locked up if they bump into these guys?

The reputation of these guys outside is far more terrifying than the navy!

Because, this is a group of forces that even the Tianlong people dare to kill!

This incident caused quite a lot of turmoil, and the Chambord Islands became a taboo for the Tianlong people. Many Tianlong people asked the World Government to increase their protection power.

As for the reason, it is because of these players!

The sound of footsteps came in a hurry, and Zhou Pangpang had already arrived here.

Dadan and his gang, who were about to leave here, were very unsuccessfully blocked.

No way, it's because these guys came too fast!

Dadan and his gang were not prepared at all.

"Boss, do you think it is useful for us to surrender? These guys look fierce, why do you think they are more fierce than pirates?"

A bandit said tremblingly, people who don't know probably thought he was an ordinary person and the player was a pirate.

"Or we surrender!"

Dadan also said with a bitter face, why are you so unlucky? How did you meet these guys here?

What bad luck!

"You guys are the famous Bandits Dadan and his gang here?"

Zhou Pangpang made a sound, and was a little surprised after seeing the introduction about Dadan.

Unexpectedly, the old man Garp would hand over Ace to a bandit to raise him, and even gave the protagonist to a bandit to raise him.

Are you old, are you serious? Is this really the way to cultivate an excellent navy?

"Since you haven't done any heinous things, this time, we won't arrest you.

But correspondingly, from now on, you are not allowed to act here as bandits. Later, I will go to the villagers to check whether anyone has been robbed by you.

If there are any, you need to make compensations one by one! "

Zhou Pangpang himself is not a naive player who only knows how to fight and kill.

Of course, this group of people, or this group of bandits, may have a lot to do with our protagonist.

But it cannot be ignored.

In the final analysis, these bandits also have a cute side and an evil side, but they didn't make any big mistakes.

Therefore, his treatment is quite fair.

For example, he doesn't think that all pirates are so unforgivable. As long as he is willing to give up his identity as a pirate, register with the new army, and act as an adventurer or navigator, these will not be punished by the new army. Crusade, you can also get the protection of the new army.

This may be the difference between him and the Navy.

Of course, in this sea, there are more vicious guys.

Let's talk about Dadan's group, with an expression of disbelief on their faces, it seems that they never thought that this group of new troops would let themselves go so easily?

Just a little surprised!

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