The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 75 The color of knowledge!


The so-called armed domineering is a kind of domineering, which can improve one's own defense and attack power.

When it is used for defense, it is like wearing an invisible armor. When it is used for attack, it can even compete with those with natural devil fruit abilities.

Lei Li is a very responsible teacher. The content of teacher Lei Li's lectures is often seen by many players through the live broadcast room.

Not dozens of people, but hundreds of thousands.

To be honest, there is a video about Rayleigh's lectures, the highest playback record has reached tens of millions of times.

It refers to the number of times, not just the number of people. From here, it can be seen how eager the players are for domineering.


"If I can wrap my armed domineering spirit on a grain of fine sand, then who can stop my attack?"

Fengbai is researching his new abilities, or in other words, developing his own new moves.

This guy has given up his desire for dominance at present, and he doesn't even care much about the color of knowledge.

What he really wants to master is armed domineering ah!

It's just a pity that although Fengbai's strength is one of the best among players, his talent is really not top-notch, and there will be no progress for a while.

He has gone through those videos countless times, but if he can't learn it, he can't learn it, and he can't learn it in a short time. This is useful if you don't rush it.

Our Fengbai also went to ask Mr. Lei Li for advice.

Teacher Lei Li told him very leisurely, do you want to master the armed color in less than a month?

Most people may not be able to do it in two years!

In comparison, what is it for only a month?

Our Rayleigh is also very helpless. Recently, players have been pestering him, almost even following him to the bathroom.

what is the reason?

In the final analysis, it is domineering!

Yes, this thing is indeed something that people are born with.

But the vast majority of people are unable to realize the existence of this power, and even cannot use this power in this life.

But the players seemed quite impatient. To be honest, some people had already given up.

Their next goal may be to choose to obtain a good devil fruit, then develop the ability of the fruit, and finally become stronger.

The road of domineering is really not suitable for them.


The one who really surprises people is Xiao Qi after all. He is the first player to comprehend domineering in a relatively short period of time.

"Knowledge-colored domineering, how do you master knowledge-colored domineering? Is there any secret?"

After Fengbai learned about it, he was a little crazy, feeling as if he had been abandoned by the world.

"Boss, you can try to attack me, I seem to be able to predict your attack!"

Xiaoqi said so.

To be honest, his talent is really good. At the beginning, the shells he fired could always hit the enemy or the target steadily.

Others didn't think much of it at the time, or took it as luck.

But is it really just luck?

Xiaoqi's talent in terms of armament may be average, but in terms of knowledge and knowledge, he has a talent that far surpasses others.

Therefore, it will be mastered in such a short period of time.

But it's still a little too young, and he insisted on converting it to a level. The people in the second card may be at the full level, and he estimates that they are only at the tenth level, or less than the tenth level.

But the mastery is still mastered after all, and many, many players are left behind by him.

Even Raleigh was actually a little silent when he learned about it.

What are you kidding? How long has it been?

Although it is said that domineering is not a rare ability in the new world, it does not mean that,

There is no threshold for this ability.

There are still some, and many people will not be able to get started throughout their lives.


At the same time, new army players have entered the battlefield one after another.

"The other party's pirate ship has been destroyed by us so far, so they are like turtles in a urn, they can only honestly wait to be brushed off by our players!"

Zhou Pangpang held a telescope and looked into the distance with style.

The wreckage of those pirate ships is still burning.

"Carter, pay attention to the navy over there. If they plan to attack, don't forget to warn in advance!"

"Understood, indeed, the number of naval warships over there has begun to increase. Don't they want to have a praying mantis catching cicadas, with the oriole behind?"

Carter said so in the chat channel, his warship is opposite those naval warships, and he has no intention of joining this battle.

The reason is simple, what he is responsible for is to keep an eye on these navies!

If the navy really wants to do something, Carter will be the first player to fight them.

The fourth batch of players has not yet grown up and is not suitable for this kind of important task. Only veteran players like Carter are suitable for the top 100 list.

If there is a lieutenant general on the opposite side, Carter may not lose.

Even with three lieutenant generals, he can hold on for a while.

I'm afraid, the full power of the navy is coming from the opposite side!

Players are wary of the navy, but they don't know that the navy is also wary of players.

The reason is simple, to deal with so few pirates, but the players mobilize such huge power here, what exactly do they want to do?

Have to guard against!

Besides, on Zhou Pangpang's side, a warship has already docked, and a large number of eager players are pouring down from it.


A certain player shouted subconsciously, but he didn't think about it, which caused a large group of players to respond.

The pirates on the opposite side are a little confused, what's going on?

Does this mean something else? What I have to say is that even if only a small part is shouted out, the momentum is quite amazing.

Some pirates mistakenly think that this is a means for players to improve morale!

"My big sword is already hungry and thirsty, where are the pirates?"

"My darling, is this the so-called big battle? It's even more exciting than fighting guild battles before, and it's much more real!"

A certain new player who joined the fourth batch couldn't help but said in a daze.

This is no different from the real battlefield, which makes people feel immersive.

"What is this? You don't know the scale of the top war. In comparison, this is already small!"

That's what an experienced veteran player said.

Others think that the new army is big this time, but in fact, they really don't think so.

what is this?

Than just drizzle on top!

Not to mention, this is just new players. If players from other camps are added, the number can be multiplied by five or six times in an instant.

Facing such a large number of players, the Pirates were a little taken aback.

It's not that they haven't fought the navy, but is it so amazing? Is there such an exaggeration?

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