The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 83: Red Dog Arrives!


In the chat channel, players are also reporting the situation.

"The ship doctor of the Blackbeard Pirates has been captured by us!"

"I have some problems here. Lafitte didn't catch him, and he escaped, probably in the south direction. He is also a fruit ability user, with the ability to fly!"

On Mo Lun's side, some small accidents happened.

No catch!


On the new army warship in the south direction, some players who stayed here said so.

"We'll try to intercept Lafitte here!"

There are always some small accidents in the battle. Lafitte's escape is an accident that the players did not expect.

Not only that, the appearance of the captain of the Whitebeard pirate ship here was also an unexpected surprise.

"Don't worry about Laffitte for the time being, the situation here is not good... everyone, get ready, you might face off against the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Zhou Pangpang said silently, looking at Marco solemnly.

The player's high-end strength actually lost a lot in this battle.

For example, Lin Qing had already lost blood, and a large number of middle-level forces were wiped out by Blackbeard's big move.

If you are facing Marco, it doesn't mean you can't fight, it's just that the winning rate is not high.

"He is a traitor of our Whitebeard Pirates. I came here to bring him back!"

Our little Ma brother landed and said in a somewhat lazy tone.

Of course, these players are also a little surprised.

They didn't seem to expect that they could really defeat Blackbeard!

No wonder they dared to confront the Navy head-on, no wonder there was such a commotion before, it was really not a simple force.

"Do you think that's possible?"

Zhou Pangpang said, frowning, exuding a domineering look.

What I have to say is that Lei Li had warned him a long time ago not to use the Overlord Color rashly when he has not completely controlled it.

The reason is simple, because there is the possibility of harming innocent people.

For example, right now, there are two or three players who are too close, or Zhou Pangpang didn't control them. As a result, they were hit by the Overlord's Color and almost lost their footing.

On the contrary, Marco is still standing here firmly.

Even the overlord look of red-haired Shanks can bear it? What is this?

"Chou Pangpang? When using Overlord Color, can you pay attention?"

"Sorry sorry!"

In the chat channel, there was another round of denunciation against Zhou Pangpang.

"You can get a favor from the Whitebeard Pirates? As long as you are willing to let me take him back!"

Marco was a little silent, and said so after a while.

This is a favor from the Four Emperors? Or, is it from the most powerful man in the world? And a favor from his pirate group.

what does that mean?

This means? This favor is quite valuable. Pangu Novel Network

"Do you think we need it? You are pirates, we are the new army!"

Zhou Pangpang said: "You want to take him away, it's very simple, just fight us? As long as you kill us all? You can take him away!

Do you want to try it? ! "

At the end, Zhou Pangpang's voice suddenly became louder, as if he was shouting.

As soon as the words fell, there are still some players left here, even if their condition is a little bit bad? But they still hold their weapons tightly.

Aim at Marco!

"You can come and try... Let us also see how strong the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates is!"

At this moment? Cromwell was walking towards here, slowly walking towards here.

Lin Qing with blood? In other words, he with only a trace of blood left, also rushed here at about the same time? The whole person looked quite embarrassed.

Actually? He didn't feel it himself? Because he didn't feel anything.

But in the eyes of outsiders, his right eye frame has already been covered in blood and flesh. People who don't know,

Thought it was some kind of monster.

Morun, who still had more than half of his health left, was in a rare mood, as if he was a bit bitter about his failure to stop Lafitte.

"Do you want to try?!"

He asked, asking in a somewhat indifferent tone, without seeming to have the slightest fear.

If it's an ordinary navy, they might be afraid of Whitebeard's name.

But their players can't!

For the new army, these four emperors will also be their goals in the future.

It doesn't matter if you match up in advance.

Marco looked at these people, suddenly a little silent in his heart.

These people are full of fighting spirit, they don't know how to be afraid, don't know how to retreat, and don't know how to compromise.

He seems to have understood why these people killed the Tianlong people when they were in the Chambord Islands.

That's why!

Do you really want to fight?

Marco hesitated for a while, really hesitant.

Maybe they are not in a good state now, but even so, Marco may not be able to take advantage of it.

As for our black beard, he has long been a loser, he has no right to speak here, and can only passively wait for his final fate.

There are nothing more than two kinds. If you are brought back to the Whitebeard Pirates, the end will be terrible.

At that time, it will be useless even if you call him Dad again!

Of course, he has another fate, which is to be taken back by the player, take out the fruit, and then be imprisoned in the prison belonging to the new army.

For Blackbeard, for a man who is ambitious and wants to become the One Piece, these two fates are a kind of torture.

"Boss, the number of naval warships has increased significantly, and it has exceeded ten!"

A player ran over and said.

"More than ten ships? Which lieutenant general is leading the team? Or how many lieutenant generals are there?"

Zhou Pangpang asked, a third-party force is about to enter the arena.

"It's Admiral Akainu!!"

As soon as the words fell, even Marco on the opposite side could hardly ignore this information.

The person who appeared here was not a lieutenant general, but General Akainu!

Yes, it is the adherent of absolute justice.

Zhou Pangpang didn't know much about General Chinu, but he also knew that this guy was a strong man standing at the top of the pyramid.

In this state, do you really have hope to compete with Akainu?

Marco looked at Zhou Chubby in silence, then left without saying a word with a dark face.

Obviously, he didn't intend to face Akainu directly here.

Then, the next thing players need to think about is whether to fight Akainu!

"How to say?"

Mo Lun and the others wanted to ask Zhou Pangpang for his opinion in order to come over.

"Do you think we can beat Akainu in this state?"

Zhou Pangpang said so, and everyone thought that he was not going to fight Akainu.

But would he really retreat so decisively? This is not cowardice, this is just a strategic transfer!

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