The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 231 Gossip spreads thousands of miles

Yang Lu's first light-escape flight ended in an air crash.

Although the scene of the plane crash was very tragic, and even the place where the two people made an emergency landing was smashed into a deep hole, but fortunately they both had body protection, and Li Qingning also consciously braked when he landed, so the two people's bodies were It's nothing serious, but my head is still a little buzzing.

Just when Yang Lu was immersed in dizziness and the soft touch on his hand, he heard Li Qingning scolding in his ear in a mosquito-like voice: " should let go!"

Only then did Yang Lu realize that he was still holding the eldest lady's waist and pressing on her!

This posture does look a bit inelegant!

Quickly getting up from Li Qingning, Yang Lu stammered a little: "Eldest...eldest lady, I..."

Li Qingning was also suppressed until his face turned red.

She instinctively felt that she should scold Yang Lu, but she did not discuss it with Yang Lu when they just took off, which made her unable to say the scolding words anyway.

Just when the situation between the two of them was a little awkward, the rescuers finally arrived.


A slight cough attracted their attention.

Turning around, he saw a monk in the Qi Refining Stage wearing Haiya Sect attire, using his escape light to land next to the two of them. He said with a serious expression: "I, a disciple of the Haiya Sect's Law Enforcement Hall, have just received a report from the people in Haiya. Someone does not abide by the "Zhongzhou Urban Air Traffic Code", openly hugs each other while driving the escape light, and wreaks havoc on the air traffic order in Haiya City. Is that the two of you?"

Seeing someone breaking the deadlock, Li Qingning breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fellow Taoist, we made an unintentional mistake!"

The Immortal Master of the Sea Cliff Sect hadn't paid much attention to Li Qingning's appearance at first. When he saw Li Qingning taking the initiative to answer, he couldn't help but glance at him. As a result, with such a startling glance, he was almost stunned by Li Qingning's pretty face, red face and disheveled clothes. Blind.

Subconsciously glancing at Yang Lu, who had an ordinary appearance and looked like a young scholar, the Immortal Master of the Haiya Sect said in a sour tone: "I don't mean to make things difficult for you, but hugging and hugging are prohibited during the light flight. This is what we The old rules of Zhongzhou. Do you have proof of identity? According to the "Zhongzhou Urban Air Traffic Code", I will send your identity information to the Haiya City Lord's Mansion for registration. At that time, you will inevitably have to pay a fine of one or two hundred spiritual stone coins!"

A fine of several hundred spirit stone coins is not a small amount for ordinary low-level cultivators. However, both Li Qingning and Yang Lu are wealthy owners, so they are not afraid of paying any fine at all, so they casually handed over their name cards. .

The Immortal Master of the Haiya Sect was originally a little curious as to who this strange, beautiful cultivator was, but when he opened the name card and looked at it, he almost stared out of his eyes——

Golden Knife Sect...Li Qingning?

The Immortal Master of the Haiya Sect swallowed, and then immediately handed over his hands and said: "I have written down your names. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first!"

The disciple of the Haiya Sect neither verified the authenticity of the name post nor waited for the two people to answer, before he turned around and ran away as if running for his life.

Seeing that the other party was walking so hastily, Li Qingning quickly said: "Fellow Taoist, you haven't said how much the punishment will be!"

However, the disciples of the Haiya Sect had already flown nearly a kilometer away, and they didn't know if they heard Li Qingning's question. Yang Lu even had the illusion that after Li Qingning asked him, this person's light escape speed was actually faster than before.

It's no wonder that the disciples of Haiya Sect were running in a hurry.

Li Qingning is quite famous in the cultivation world of Haiya City. Although most of the Haiya Sect monks have never met Li Qingning in person, it is unlikely that there will be a second person with the same name in the Golden Knife Sect.

He saw with his own eyes that this eldest lady did that kind of cowardly thing with a wild man in broad daylight and when she was flying away from the light. This kind of thing was so exciting that he was afraid that if he ran too slowly, he would be raped by this pair. The adulterer and the adulterer were killed and silenced!

Even if she doesn't kill someone to silence him, who knows if President Li will quietly kill him for the sake of his great-granddaughter's reputation. He is afraid that he will run too slow and the other party will remember his appearance!

Li Qingning and Yang Lu didn't expect this person to think so much. Since they were already suspects in the air traffic accident, they were too embarrassed to continue flying around, so they had to walk back to the Qingning Chamber of Commerce headquarters before making plans.

Although the fine seems to have gone away, the real problem has not been solved.

You must know that the headquarters of Wuliang Sword Sect is located in the hinterland of Zhongzhou, nearly 20,000 miles away from Haiya City. If Yang Lu has cultivated to the fourth level of Qi Refining and reached the minimum standard for controlling the escape light before setting off, or he can forcefully walk through On the way, I am afraid that Li Qingyang will have exhausted his lifespan and died before reaching the headquarters of Wuliang Sword Sect.

Since it was impossible for Miss Qingning to fly back with him, Yang Lu could only think of other ways.

Fortunately, the Qingning Chamber of Commerce has a good relationship with the Haiya Clan, so they might consider asking Han Fu to borrow a flying spirit boat for use.

With the astonishing financial resources of the Haiya Sect, even the maintenance of a dozen flying spirit boats is no problem. Even Fei Fan, the elder of the Shanying Sect's Law Enforcement Hall, can mobilize the flying spirit boats of the Shanying Sect. Han Fulai's uncle and nephew with greater financial resources must also have the ability. The ability to invoke the spirit boat.

So early the next morning, Yang Lu personally set out for the City Lord's Mansion to visit Han Fulai, the popular star of the Haiya Department.

After winning the huge victory in the Outlying Island War, Han Fulai has become the uncrowned king of the main palace of Haiya City. Although he still holds the title of head of the Ocean Trade Department, the ordinary clerks in the city lord's palace already treat Han Fulai and the cultivators of the Haiya Sect with respect as big shots of the same level.

There are even rumors that Han Fulai is expected to go one step further and become the only mortal deputy city lord of Haiya City.

Han Fulai has such a high reputation mainly due to Han Xinhe, the law enforcement elder of the Haiya Sect, who through some unknown channel bribed the relationship with "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" and allowed the newspaper to conduct an exclusive interview with Han Fulai, which was published in the latest issue of " Xiuzhen Financial Weekly" Zhongzhou Edition.

The content of this exclusive interview can be said to be extremely flattering. It not only boasted about Han Fulai's deeds, but also praised all the big figures who could be praised one by one.

Han Fulai said in an exclusive interview that the epic victory of the Haiya Fleet was inseparable from the strong support of the senior leaders of the Haiya Sect, the wise leadership of the senior leaders of the Wuliang Sword Sect, and the accurate judgment of the war situation by leader Lin Jianxing. .

He believes that, as Leader Lin pointed out, the development of Zhongzhou is always faced with major external risks and challenges. When dealing with external threats, we must deeply grasp the acuteness of the contradictions behind the outlying island war, in order to maximize our strengths and avoid weaknesses, be upright and unexpected, and ultimately achieve success. The war is won.

Han Fulai also said that while he was encouraged by Leader Lin's earnest teachings, he also felt a heavy responsibility. After all, he is just an ordinary mortal in Haiya City, but he has shouldered a heavy burden that ordinary cultivators have no chance to bear. This is undoubtedly a huge pressure, and it also gives him endless motivation.

In order to figure out a way to defeat Tian Beixi, he couldn't eat in the morning or sleep at night. He lit an oil lamp in the command cabin of the Haiya Fleet every night, thinking hard about how to defeat the enemy.

In addition, in order to boost morale, he also personally shared the joys and sorrows with the grassroots soldiers, eating the same food and sleeping on the same bed. When the soldiers of the Haiya Fleet saw their commander leading by example and leading by example, their morale was high. This is why Later, all the combat personnel of the Haiya Fleet united as one and defeated the brilliant achievements of Tian Beixi's army.

Han Fulai said with emotion that all his hard work was worth it.

He is able to serve the Infinite Sword Sect with a mortal body, and he deeply feels that the mission is important and the responsibility is glorious. Whenever he gritted his teeth and almost couldn't hold on any longer, as long as he thought of the great trust he had on his shoulders from the head of Lin Jianxing, the senior leaders of the Haiya Sect, and even all the cultivators in Zhongzhou, he would feel full of strength again. It is Leader Lin's profound strategic thinking and the ardent expectations of all Zhongzhou people that form his inexhaustible spiritual support and source of strength.

"Even if I risk my life, I can't embarrass the Haiya Sect, I can't embarrass the Wuliang Sword Sect, and I can't embarrass our Zhongzhou!" Han Fulai concluded affectionately at the end of the interview.

Before this interview was published in the newspaper, Han Fulai sent a copy of the sample manuscript to Yang Lu and asked him to "comment" on it.

Yang Lu knew that Han Fulai wanted to unify his voice, and of course he had no reason not to agree to such a request to be complicit. However, when he read the full text of the report, he was still shocked by Han Fulai's shamelessness.

During the Outlying Islands War, Han Fulai never left the flagship Ruicheng of the Haiya Fleet.

Not to mention that he has never experienced any hardship, even all the daily necessities are transported thousands of miles from Haiya City. The level of luxury in life is even worse than that of Xu Tong, the emperor of the outlying island. He has no idea of ​​sharing the joys and sorrows and taking the lead. I have never heard of it, and I have never seen any ordinary soldier in Haiya City who can enjoy the delicacies of the mountains and seas every day like Mr. Han.

Of course, it's not right to say that Han Fulai didn't use his brain at all.

This guy has been thinking about how to make more money from the outlying island war military expenses all day long, how to extort more money from the outlying island lords, and how to quickly finish the war and report to the Infinite Sword Sect. If Yang Lu hadn't argued hard, this offshore island war would have been a disastrous defeat!

As for understanding the spirit of the important instructions from the top leaders of Wuliang Sword Sect and learning the strategic thinking of leader Lin Jianxing from a high position, that is even more nonsense. Whenever Lin Dong was not present, Han Fulai's favorite things to do were nothing more than three things: eating, sleeping, and scolding Lin Jianxing for being a fool.

In fact, everyone knows that the outlying island war is a cruel war with real swords and guns. No matter how profound and sophisticated Master Lin's thoughts are, he cannot withstand Tian Beixi's gunpowder!

Rather than saying that the high morale of the Haiya Fleet comes from the thoughts of Leader Lin and Han Fulai's example, it is better to say that it comes from the powerful bankrolling ability of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce.

However, Lin Dong is already dead. No matter how outrageous Han Fulai's boast is, no one can falsify his statement.

In addition, Yang Lu also learned from Han Fulai that Han Fulai's uncle and nephew spent 30,000 yuan in spiritual stone coins just for this exclusive interview. This was because the Han family had insiders in the editorial department of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly. Moreover, the Outlying Island War itself is considered a relatively important current affairs news, otherwise others would not be able to buy the space no matter how rich they are.

When Yang Lu saw the latest issue of "Cultivation Financial Weekly", he couldn't help but be impressed by the strength of the Haiya Department.

You must know that "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" is the top news media in Zhongzhou. Usually the heads of local sects do not have the means to publish exclusive interviews. The Han family in Haiya City is only the third largest family in the Haiya family, so they can go to "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly" The editorial department has in-house editor-in-chief editors who can even publish articles with obvious tendencies according to their own wishes. From this point of view, the Su family and Jiang family, which are stronger than the Han family in Haiya City, may have even more unfathomable backgrounds.

Yang Lu is now more and more convinced that the alliance between the Qingning Chamber of Commerce and the Haiya Chamber of Commerce is definitely a quick move to revitalize the overall situation!

As the saying goes, high investment brings high returns. After Han Fulai became the subject of an exclusive interview with "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly", he has become the most famous mortal role model in Zhongzhou. Everyone in Haiya City knows it.

However, after hearing the news of Yang Lu's visit, this influential figure in the Haiya family still chose to go out to greet him in person, which was considered as giving Consultant Yang enough face.

Others may not know it yet, but Han Fulai knew very well that the biggest contributor to the offshore island war was not Han Fulai at all, but his own brother Yang of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce who was not seeking fame.

As soon as the two parties sat down in Han Fulai's office, Yang Lu noticed something strange in his office.

He pointed at the large ceramic water cup on Han Fulai's table and said in surprise: "Brother Han, when did you start using ceramic water cups? Where is your high-end tea set made of thousand-year-old spiritual wood from the Tianshu Mountains?"

Han Fulai casually handed Yang Lu a ceramic water cup of the same style, and said with a smile: "The war on the outlying islands caused a huge financial loss to the Wuliang Sword Sect. Elder Mo Yunlan specifically instructed that all the vassal sects should live a tight life. Your brother, I am also from Zhongzhou now. The man of the hour must of course lead by example and respond to the call of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Not to mention that the spirit wood tea set and spirit tea cannot be used. Even the toilet paper in the toilet of Haiya City's Lord's Mansion has been optimized by me. Now the official affairs of Haiya City If personnel want to go to the toilet, they need to bring their own toilet paper from home, setting an example for our local sect in Zhongzhou to be diligent and frugal.”

After saying that, Han Fulai also brought up a large bottle similar to a thermos, and pretended to pour boiled water for Yang Lu.

Seeing Han Fulai's coquettish behavior, Yang Lu was completely speechless. You embezzled all the hundreds of thousands of spiritual stone coins allocated to the Infinite Sword Sect, and now you still have the nerve to perform this for me?

Han Fulai also knew that it was nonsense to show diligence and frugality in front of Yang Lu. He laughed dryly and explained: "Fashion projects still have to be done. The spiritual wood floors in my office will have to be removed and replaced with old ones someday. You Don’t think that this is a trivial matter. Even the patrolling elders sent by the Law Enforcement Hall of the Infinite Sword Sect can’t find out those so-called major matters, so they like to use these trivial matters as excuses. I’m also taking precautions in the bud!”

Yang Lu picked up the ceramic water cup and took a sip with great understanding, then smiled and said, "It's completely understandable!"

Han Fulai didn't want to dwell on this topic, but changed the subject and brought up another matter: "By the way, Brother Yang, I just heard... you have already had an affair with Miss Qingning... so what?"

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