The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 279 Aftermath

The pain all over Ye Chen's body hadn't dissipated yet, so he couldn't help but trembled: "Master, Master... Disciple, there is nothing wrong!"

Chen Ming said with a gloomy face: "That's right? You don't even listen to the instructions of me and Elder Li Feiyu. Are you planning to continue practicing?"

Before Ye Chen could answer, Chen Ming cupped his hands at Li Feiyu and said, "Elder Li, this time it was Chen who was not strict in his discipline. Please be patient and don't argue with the juniors in the Qi refining period. I will definitely treat this evil person." I will serve you as a disciple and give your sect a satisfactory explanation."

Li Feiyu also realized that what he had just said was a little too much.

Although Chen Ming's cultivation level is not as good as his own, he is still the leader of a sect after all, and it is not his turn, as an idle elder of the Infinite Sword Sect, to educate him.

Now that Chen Ming has given the steps, Li Feiyu borrowed the help of Donkey Poxia and said, "It would be great if Master Chen could properly handle the vicious incidents committed by the juniors with an impartial and upright attitude!"

As soon as these words came out, it could be regarded as the final conclusion of this incident.

According to Li Feiyu, although this fight was classified as a vicious incident, it was entirely the personal behavior of the Shanying Sect disciples and was the internal affairs of the Shanying Sect. The Wuliang Sword Sect would never pursue the Shanying Sect and Chen Ming for this. Responsibility.

This is the result that Chen Ming wants to strive for.

So he immediately cupped his fists and said, "You're welcome, Elder Li. This is what I should do."

However not everyone is satisfied with the result.

Take Ren Yi, for example, who was almost humiliated in public.

Although Ye Chen didn't put his foot firmly on the ground in the end, the way he was beaten by Ye Chen before and ran away with his head in his arms was seen by the senior officials of various factions who were watching the battle. If this matter is not handled well, it may become a lifelong problem for Ren Yi. The stain, even if he succeeds in advancing to the Golden Core Stage in the future, there might still be people gossiping behind his back, saying that Ren Yi was beaten as a sandbag at the Zhongzhou Sword Competition...

Every time he thought of this, Ren Yi felt sick in his heart.

From Young Master Ren's point of view, if Chen Ming wasn't behind it, how could Ye Chen be so mad as to hit Elder Ren Tianyuan in the face unless he had eaten the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage?

How can this matter be easily characterized as an individual act?

He immediately cast an angry look at Li Feiyu, but Li Feiyu just shook his head gently at him, obviously signaling him not to pursue the matter further.

This does not mean that Li Feiyu is unwilling to give face to Elder Ren Tianyuan.

As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on its owner. If this matter involves the Shan Ying Sect and Chen Ming himself, it will inevitably lead to the Shan Ying Sect's great backer and the supreme elder of the Wuliang Sword Sect, Cheng Shuying.

Li Feiyu doesn't want to provoke conflicts among the Nascent Soul monks for his own reasons during the critical election period of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. He is now counting on the Nascent Soul monks of the Wuliang Sword Sect to jointly nominate him as the next term of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. Where is the vice president!

Although Cheng Shuying is not a powerful person, he is still a Nascent Soul monk with real power. He still has a greater say in the personnel issues of the Lingshi Reserve Bank than Ren Tianyuan, the ancestor of the Yuan Ying sect.

Although Cheng Shuying has never given him any hints about the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, and there is a high probability that he will not stand up for Ye Chen, a monk in the Qi Refining Stage, but if Chen Ming is also involved, he will definitely stand up for Chen Ming. . Although Ren Yi is Ren Tianyuan's designated successor, he is only a monk in the Qi Refining Stage after all, and his weight is far from enough to overpower Chen Ming and the Shanying Sect.

Ren Yi is not a political idiot with zero emotional intelligence like Ye Chen. After discovering that Elder Li Feiyu was unwilling to continue pursuing the matter, he realized that there was a high probability that the matter would go unsolved, so he had no choice but to nod to Li Feiyu, which was regarded as reluctant approval. As a result, he was not stupid enough to throw a wrench on the spot.

Seeing that all the forces had expressed their stance, and the matter had been revealed lightly, Chen Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to Ye Chenhan and said: "You evil disciple! Can you leave now?"

Ye Chen's whole body was still shaking violently due to pain, but he stared at Chen Ming with his red eyes.

After a long while, he struggled to squeeze out a few words through his teeth: "Master...Master, it was who gave me the body just now, and moved...moved your hands and feet!"

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?" Chen Ming did not answer the question directly, but said in a cold tone, "Ye Chen, don't forget who gave you the opportunity to be in this arena! Just because of your reckless behavior today, Not only did you almost completely ruin your own life, you also almost implicated the entire sect."

"I...just want justice!"

"Fairness?" Chen Ming seemed to have heard a big joke, and laughed angrily, "If there is so-called justice in this world, then what else does the sect do? What else does the management school do? We high-level monks What are you fighting for again? You don’t really think that if you suffer a little bit of flesh and blood, you will definitely be rewarded!"

Chen Ming's words can be considered the truth from the bottom of his heart.

For Ye Chen to stand in the finals, his own strength only accounts for at most 30% of the factors. Chen Ming standing behind him, and Cheng Shuying standing behind Chen Ming, are the most important factors.

Otherwise, there was no need for Su Yuanfeng to do any tricks like re-drawing lots, and he would just go to Heyu Pavilion and ask for a golden elixir-level murder commission of one million spirit stone coins, and Ye Chen would be dead!

Su Yuanfeng didn't lack this kind of money. The hidden cost of inviting the Han Light Sword Sect to take action was much higher than directly spending millions of spirit stone coins.

However, Ye Chen couldn't understand Chen Ming's explanation.

In the "Lu Xing Chang Shuang Wen" he had read, most of the villain groups appeared like the Calabash Man saving grandpa. They had to wait for the protagonist in the Qi Refining Stage to defeat the enemies in the Qi Refining Stage before they could attract the opponents in the Foundation Establishment Stage. As a result At this time, the protagonist has also upgraded to the foundation building stage. After successfully killing the opponent, the villain will send out opponents in the golden elixir stage in order.

He still hasn't realized that the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference seems to be just a Qi Refining Stage event, but in fact there are already many Golden Core Stage and even Nascent Soul Stage monks competing with each other.

Hearing that Chen Ming described the pain he had suffered over the years as "a little pain of the flesh", Ye Chen couldn't help complaining with grief and anger: "Justice comes from the heart of the people. I, Ye Chen, have endured the humiliation for more than ten years, and even the Infinite Sword Sect cannot overturn it." Black and white——"


Hearing that he, a shameful disciple, dared to openly slander the Wuliang Sword Sect in public, Chen Ming immediately slapped him again. This slap was also delivered with anger, and it actually made Ye Chen spit out blood.

Seeing Ye Chen fall to the ground again, Chen Ming was also a little frightened.

In the Zhongzhou cultivation world, loyalty to the Wuliang Sword Sect is an absolutely unbreakable principle. Even if you don't agree with it in your heart, you still have to do enough work on the surface.

Winning or losing the game is just a trivial matter. If Ye Chen is really allowed to slander the Wuliang Sword Sect here, it will definitely be a serious political mistake. If no one pursues it, that's it. If someone takes advantage of the topic, not only Ye Chen must die to apologize, but also Chen Ming All are dangerous.

At the current competition site of the Zhongzhou Sword Competition, there is more than one person who is dissatisfied with the result of the handling just now and wants to escalate the matter again, such as Ren Yi, the second-generation immortal who looks calm on the surface, and the Haiya Chamber of Commerce who is watching with cold eyes. Changsu Yuanfeng...

Although he is a disciple who can endure hardships, he is just pretending to be a piece of shit in his head. He really treats the real world as a piece of entertainment and wants to die. If he hadn't been here to help him, he would have died countless times by now. Got it!

When the Ascended Immortal Xiao Huang participated in the competition between the monks in the Qi Refining Period, he dared to speak nonsense in front of the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect, saying "Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river", mainly because of everyone's inner feelings. Everyone knew that standing behind him was Ma Tianyi, the head of the Wuliang Sword Sect back then.

If it were a grassroots monk with no background who yelled "Don't bully young people into poverty" with the senior officials of the Infinite Sword Sect, I'm afraid he would have been beaten to death with sticks and dragged out to feed the dogs the next day.

who do you think You Are?

There are a lot of unfair things in this world. If you hold it back, everyone will still give you some respect. If you really learn Shuangwen's way, the big guys in the cultivation world will not tolerate you.

Which is more important, your grievance or the boss’s face?

Of course, the boss’s face is important!

Chen Ming has been the head of the Mountain Eagle Sect for hundreds of years and knows this truth very well, so the anger in his heart is no less than that of Ye Chen.

Seeing that Ye Chen was so stunned by his own slap that he was speechless, Chen Ming warned in a cold voice: "Remember, there aren't that many opportunities for you to do whatever you want in this world!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ming turned around and walked towards the auditorium.

As Chen Ming left, Ye Chen felt that the pain all over his body gradually began to subside. Although Chen Ming did not directly answer his question just now, Ye Chen knew that he should have guessed right. Chen Ming had indeed tampered with his body. !

He stood up tremblingly, staggered to follow Chen Ming's footsteps, and asked through gritted teeth: "Master Chen, why did you do something to my body?"

Chen Ming seemed to have known for a long time that Ye Chen would follow.

He did not look directly at Ye Chen, but said without looking back: "This is all for your own good! Fortunately, I stopped you in time this time, and the matter has not developed to the point of irreversibility. Come with me quickly, Apologize to Elder Li Feiyu and Ren Yi in person!"

Hearing that he had to apologize to Ren Yi, the second-generation bastard, in person, Ye Chen felt bad.

"I...I don't apologize!"

"Go even if you don't want to go!" Chen Ming's tone was very cold, leaving no room for Ye Chen to refute, "As long as you have to deal with the Wuliang Sword Sect in the future, it is impossible to offend these two people, unless you don't want to plan to replace them in this life. The family has taken revenge. Otherwise, even if you have cultivated to the Nascent Soul Stage, you will not be able to overthrow the Haiya Sect under the eyes of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Wang Sandao, the leader of the Spirit Clan at that time, was known as the strongest man in the Wilderness Territory and Kyushu. But even if that guy wants to openly challenge the authority of the seven major sects of Kyushu, he will still end up dead!"

Although Chen Ming's words were unpleasant, they were true.

Not to mention that Ye Chen himself was not good at words, even an eloquent person could not refute such a truth, so Ye Chen hesitated for a moment and struggled to keep up with Chen Ming.

Ren Yi stayed with Li Feiyu at this time.

When he saw Ye Chen, who looked like a beggar, following Chen Ming, he had a look of surprise on his face and mocked: "Master Chen, you really taught a good apprentice!"

Chen Ming said with a straight face: "My disciple doesn't understand the rules. This time I personally bring him to make amends."

Although Ren Yi really wanted Ye Chen to kneel down and kowtow to him, he was also self-aware and knew that it was not good for him to offend Chen Ming, a big boss in the Jindan stage, so he nodded and said, "Let him say it to me face to face." Sorry, this matter has been revealed!"

Seeing Ren Yi's general performance, Chen Ming also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was also worried that Ren Yi would make any excessive demands that would prevent both parties from stepping down.

It's just a verbal apology, which is definitely a very generous condition.

For this reason, Chen Ming couldn't help but look at Ren Yi a little higher. It seemed that Ren Tianyuan had a good vision in choosing his successor, at least he didn't choose a foolhardy man like Ye Chen.

So Chen Ming immediately turned around and ordered: "Ye Chen, since fellow Taoist Ren has chosen to forgive you, why don't you apologize to him quickly?"

However, Ye Chen was like a wooden stake, standing there motionless. His lips murmured a few times, but he didn't say a word. Not to mention that Ren Yi frowned again, and even Li Feiyu, who was watching, showed his expression. Speechless and disgusted expression.

So many big guys in the world of cultivation have decided to kick you down, why are you still pretending to be cool here?

Do you have the capital to show off?

Do you think that the real world is just a novel, and you have been divorced/scorned/disliked by the big boss, but you still dare to put a stinky face on the other side and cause trouble for the other party?

If Chen Ming hadn't been standing behind him, Li Feiyu could hardly hold back and slapped this reckless guy to death on the spot.

Chen Ming's eyes turned cold again, and he scolded in a deep voice: "Ye Chen, please apologize to fellow Taoist Ren!"

Ye Chen clenched his fists tightly, his temples were pounding, and his eyes were about to burst into flames. However, facing Chen Ming's strong pressure, he finally had no choice but to compromise: "I... apologize to you!"

Ye Chen's extremely perfunctory attitude can be seen by everyone as long as they are not blind. However, Ren Yi could see at this time that Ye Chen had a negative emotional intelligence. He was a hot-blooded idiot who couldn't use his brain to think about problems. He even had no intention of getting angry with such a fool. He just looked at Chen Ming helplessly. Then This means:

Master Chen, how did you teach such a weird person?

Seeing his disciple's stupidity, he almost made the second-generation immortal in front of him laugh. After Chen Ming smiled wryly at himself, he had no choice but to hand over his hands and take Ye Chen to say goodbye to Ren Yi and Li Feiyu.

The strange interactions between these people cannot be hidden from the eyes of those who are interested.

Li Qingning sympathized with Ye Chen, but seeing Yang Lu always looking at Ye Chen with a monkey-like expression, he couldn't help but ask: "Yang Lu, don't you think that guy named Ye Chen is quite pitiful? He's just so bad You can join the Infinite Sword Sect with just one point, but because you want to win so much, you are humiliated by everyone in turn..."

If it were someone else who behaved like this, Yang Lu wouldn't want to talk to him at all. But who made Miss Qingning so beautiful that she is still cute even if she suffers from Mary's disease?

So Yang Lu explained with a smile: "What does it mean to almost join the Wuliang Sword Sect? There is no chance that he can reach the top eight! The Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference involves the enrollment quota of the Wuliang Sword Sect and precious treasure rewards. It has long been nothing. The martial arts tournament is a competition for relationships between the big guys from all sides. Without external intervention, Ye Chen would have had no chance of joining the Wuliang Sword Sect from the beginning to the end! His ability to enter the top 16 is already the limit of Chen Ming's face. Got it!"

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