The Fourth Natural Disaster: I Rely on Players To Dominate the Star Field

Chapter 84: : Saturn 6, I'm Jiang Ze, here we come! !

"Light warriors, three days later, everyone will gather in the square and follow me to Titan to participate in the trial and assessment of the gourd civilization!"

"This time the assessment is related to an important secret realm. You have to compete with other civilizations on the same stage. I only have one request for you."

"Suppress all opponents and win the first place in all assessment items!"

While speaking, Jiang Ze released a mission!

"Ding, the limited-time event of the whole server is open [Trial and Assessment of the Secret Realm of the Black Hole]"

"Phase 1 goal: Participate in the trial and assessment of Titan's gourd civilization and win the first place in all projects."

The final reward for the first place: 1. Very rich, 2. Mysterious special reward, 3. Vehicle appearance customization skin, 4. Extra light energy crystal block.

Participate in the final reward: rare title [trialer], light energy crystal block * 2000

Jiang Ze's words are undoubtedly among the players, like a stone that stirs up a thousand waves.

"Titan?? Trial assessment?? This is a new map?? And it's a planet map!"

"Damn it, the planner didn't give up the three-test players, so we're waiting here!! 2000 crystal blocks are enough for us to get E+, it's delicious!"

"Did you not notice the key information?? Other civilizations will also participate?"

"It's actually Titan, has the background of the solar system begun to unfold??"

"I only have one very important question. Are the little sisters of other alien civilizations as cute as Princess Ayer's??"

The players were in an uproar, and they were talking excitedly.

"Is it going to start a ring battle?? I am the God of Di, and I should suppress all the enemies in the world!" Didi Wei was eager to fight.

"The big scene should be a bit interesting, my sword is already hungry and thirsty!" Meizhijiulan raised the corner of his mouth.

"The forces of other civilizations? Competing on the same stage, group hacking or dueling? We have to prepare accordingly!" Kai said.

"Why don't the dogs fly everywhere? I have already collected a lot of worms. This time I can take the opportunity to bring them to the Gru family. Do I want to give them some flavor, strawberry-flavored watermelon flavor or something? "Hani Lei is not on the same channel as everyone else!

"Okay, in three days, each team will try to bring this group of three-test players to the E-rank or above, the individual strength will be handed over to you, and the team strength will be handed over to me!" Huahuan said.

Players are mobilizing one after another, preparing for another wave of sweeps to improve themselves as much as possible!

The player with the name "First Shot in the World" above his head walked to Meizhi Jiulan, and it was Yang Jin who had competed with Curator Mei before.

"Lend me the 1.2W light energy crystal block to do the mission to break through to D-, and return it to you after the event!"


The first shot in the world took the light energy crystal block and turned around to go to the breakthrough mission.

And the player whose name is Tiga excitedly surrounded Didiweidao

"Brother, I want to become Tiga too, teach me to use the power of light!"

"Okay, bro, I'll give you 100 million light energy crystals. You go to the training camp to practice light armor. When you learn the light armor, I'll take you to fight monsters, okay? Brother is going to take other players south to the glacier now. Come on, work hard."

Didiwei smiled and patted his head, turned and left with the large army.

"Yeah" Tiga nodded heavily, looking at the back of his brother leaving, his eyes were burning with fire, "Don't worry, brother, I will become a light, I will defeat the monsters and save this whining planet!"

"Tiga?? You also believe in light??" A voice sounded from behind.

Diga was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, it turned out to be four young teenagers!

I was stunned when I saw their names





Four dazzling teenagers stood side by side.

"Since you believe in light, then you are qualified to join my group of light!" The boy with Gaia on his head said.

He stretched out his hand and shouted loudly, as hoarse as Grandpa Lu.


The light armor gradually condensed into the shape of Ultraman Gaia.

Gaia looked at Tiga, who was in shock, and said!

"In a world shrouded in darkness, someone needs to guide them with light!"

"The power of belief turns into courage! The power of this belief can turn the impossible into possibility. This is Ultraman!"

"Ultraman is not fighting alone. Only with the companions who fight with him can he exert his strength and fight strongly."

"Come on, join us, this world will be guarded by us!"

Diga looked at the four people who were shining brightly, his heart was boiling with excitement, and his eyes were excited.

"Okay! We will protect this world!"


at the same time.


A sprawling eco-city stands in an endless sea of ​​methane.

Inside a huge steel castle, a figure of a woman of peerless elegance slowly got up.

A closer look at the figure turned out to be a human form, and then looked up

! ! !

Gourd head!

"Lord, that one agreed." An old man with vicissitudes opened his mouth and said, the gourd above his head had begun to wrinkle, but his body faintly exuded an aura that surpassed D+.

"Well, let the clansmen get ready in advance!" He whispered softly, crisp to the core.

"Hehe, a mere C-rank, as long as the master speaks, I can send other civilizations to bring him directly. I want to come, as long as we give notice, it is impossible for other civilizations to refuse our request!"

"No, I want to see him in person, you go! Select the most elite clansmen to participate in the assessment!" The beautiful figure instructed, while looking at the young gourd beside him.

"Hong'er, you are also participating in this assessment!"

"Yes, Castle Lord!"

The young gourd on the side looked excited and excited, as if the gourd above his head would crack open in the next moment.

"Finally, I can see him again..." Jumei Gourd looked at the sky with a touch of tenderness in her expression.

[Not a heroine, there is no heroine in this article! Again and again! I'm not skilled in emotional drama, I only write about brotherhood! 】

At the same time, there are many regions of the solar system, one by one, within the civilized forces of different sizes.

"Black Hole Secret Realm? Assessment?? Hahaha, this time our civilization will rise! No one can stop it!"

"The top ten on the gold list is simply a joke. This time, our civilization has made foolproof and adequate preparations, and we are bound to win the first place and get the most places!"

"Another mysterious powerhouse force? I laughed so hard, just because he was on Europa, so many people flocked to it! I'll let you know that he's just a pretentious bastard!"

"Mysterious forces?? The juniors I brought are all super geniuses, sealed ancient powerhouses?? What does he use to fight me?"

"The Europa forces? It is estimated that the forces that are hiding in Tibet are evading the pursuit of the Zerg! Hahaha!"


Three days are coming soon

The map plate of the Glacier Land was directly developed by the Hahaha, I am already familiar with the D+ strength, I am invincible! ! "

"I don't know what challenges lie ahead, waiting for us!"

"My new trick has been developed, and I will let everyone know about the new power I created!"

"As a freshman in the third test, I want to watch the big guys perform and shout 666!"

All the players gathered in the square chatting excitedly.

Jiang Ze looked at the excited players, his thoughts moved, and he motioned for Apocalypse to issue a notice.

"Ding, the official live broadcast room is temporarily open. This trip to Titan will be broadcast live!"

On the official website of the Star Domain Natural Disaster, the official live broadcast room officially opened the assessment of this trip to Titan, and all cloud players who follow the official website have also received a notification.

"I'll wipe, the official live broadcast?"

"I have brought melon seed cola, watermelon popcorn, and a brother to watch with me! My sofa is big and soft, and there is also a high-definition projector!"

"Damn it, I'm a big brother, I'll come! All you need is room and board!"

"let's go!"

The announcement caused a furor under the blue sky.

Jiang Ze waved his hand and called out a flash of blue light, carrying everyone, and he flew into the sky, then broke through the sky and flew into the dark universe.


"I'm Jiang Ze, here I come!!"

Jiang Ze looked at the cosmic starry sky and murmured in a low voice!

[The climax continues, and tomorrow will explode! 】

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