hum! !

Spaceship flying at low altitude at super high speed.

"Wuhu~" Hanilei called excitedly.

The Banshee battleship in the rear followed to increase its speed, barely able to keep up with Hanilei's speed and eat farts behind.

And with the increase in speed, the hit rate of the low-energy artillery fire launched by the Banshee battleship has dropped significantly!

The spacecraft jolted violently, and the internal gravity leveled off at extreme speed.

"Finally.... finally settled down!"

Young Master Kong, with a trembling hand, pulled on the second seat, gasping for breath, and then looked at the banshee battleship that was eating farts at the back, and was instantly delighted.

"Fuck, Lei God, you're playing fast! According to this situation, the battleships behind will be thrown off by us in a short time!" Young Master Kong adored.

"???" Hanilei wondered: "What? It's just a basic exercise, I haven't really moved."

For him, this speed has not reached the climax, because the spaceship has also turned on the shield to avoid being hit by stray bullets. If the shield is weakened, the overall speed of the spaceship will be improved by another level!

"What?" Young Master Kong was incredulous!

Then, a bad premonition came to mind.

"Little kidney deficiency, continue to hold steady!" Hanilei was full of confidence and moved his neck and wrist.

With the tragic experience of falling into a mess before, Young Master Kong did not dare to ignore Hanilei's reminder.

He quickly fastened his seat belt, grabbed the armrest with both hands, and took a deep breath, his face full of tension.


In an instant, the spaceship cut and bent, then floated, and then flicked its tail. The whole process was smooth and smooth.

Like a wild horse running away, it completely freed itself.

The Banshee Fleet itself was struggling to keep up with the ship, and Hanilei jumped up and down again, all kinds of strange movements, which made their formation suddenly become scattered, and even the artillery fire was a lot sparser.

The head banshee in charge of the pursuit is numb, really numb.

If it can talk, the first sentence is 'Fuck you girl! ’

The empty son only felt that he was in a suitcase that was shaken violently, swaying to and fro. For the first time, he felt the inertia of pulling around him in all directions.

The spacecraft crossed the wasteland debris space and stepped into a green grassy plain. In the distance, there was a towering tree and an altar constructed of simple electronic components.

There was also a herd of cows grazing on the grass with their backs to them!

Since the spacecraft was flying at a low altitude, it was obvious that it was going to collide with it.

"Oh! Mavericks!" Hanilei whistled.

next second.

Hanilei knocked Niubi away with his awesome driving skills.

"Moo~" The cows jumped to the sky in panic, clutching their buttocks.

Hanilei controlled the spacecraft and threw a zigzag line, avoiding the herd, and suddenly said: "Little kidney, later, you condense the void energy, and send a void spiral shuriken to the back!"

"No problem, Lei God!" Young Master Kong hurriedly accepted it, hurriedly condensed the energy of the void, sat upright, holding his breath, stirring up the rotating airflow in his hand, forming a rotating purple windmill!

"Prepare, launch!" Hanilei stared at the scene behind the virtual screen.

Young Master Kong was agitated, and threw the shuriken directly!


The **** of the spaceship exploded, a purple windmill flew out, and then exploded a large-scale Void Rift, and the shield of the Banshee fleet lit up.

However, under the pull of the void crack, the vanguard fleet was forced to slow down, and the fleet behind it came up directly and collided with the vanguard fleet. There was chaos, there were shields, and there was no air disaster-level explosion.

But the speed of the entire fleet was indeed thrown a lot by them!

I can finally get rid of these scumbags.


"Piao Liang!" Hanilei and the empty son high-five excitedly.

But the next second.


In front of Hanilei, the torrent of data surged, and suddenly a 100,000-unit Banshee battleship appeared, flying in a mighty manner, and kept firing on it.

The sound of explosions came from all directions, and for a while, the area was covered, the ground shook, and the smoke burst!

Hanilei hurriedly controlled and avoided.

This blocking, the rear banshee fleet, which had been thrown away, suddenly shortened the distance.

And Vex learned to be smart this time. Two banshee fleets were sent in half to block the gap on both sides of the space that was broken by the powerful force, and Hanilei was blocked in this space to prevent him from jumping up and down and catching turtles in the urn!

"I'm rubbing, the troops have been increased?? The space gap has also been blocked!" Hanilei, who was giggling for a second, was instantly dumbfounded when he saw the form.

What else did Hanilei want to say, the torrent of data in the entire space shook violently again!

A B-rank high-level goblin walked out of the data torrent and came towards Hanilei's spaceship.

This super unit can easily intercept their civilian spaceships!

"It's over, God Lei, now it's Barbie's Q! What should we do?" Young Master Kong said in a panic.

Hanilei drove the spaceship, looked around, and immediately stared at the huge altar in the distance.

When passing by the altar before, the image of the Vex banshee battleship detouring came to my mind, and my eyes suddenly lit up: "Go to that altar, it's weird!"

Immediately, the spacecraft flicked its tail, and the extreme speed broke out towards the altar.


A beam of red light was tracking towards them, and it was already close. It was the B-rank high goblin.

At the same time, the two teams of Banshee battleships had already encircled them from all directions.

Looking at the nearby altar, Hanilei blessed all the energy to the power of the spacecraft.


The spacecraft accelerated again, the metal on the body surface had begun to turn red, and the tail was overloaded and black smoke began to rise!

The higher goblin was the most reluctant to give up, its one eye condensed red light, calculated the trajectory of Hanilei's spaceship, and in the next second, a stellar energy ray shot towards it.


Hanilei hurriedly dodged and forcibly cut corners to avoid it, but was still wiped by the wings of the ship and destroyed the balance device.

"Lost! It's going to spin! Hurry up... ah a little a little..." Hanilei exclaimed. Before he could finish speaking, the voice was drowned in the spinning spaceship, and was instantly turned around. dizzy.

The world is everything is in a trance!

The two have been turned dizzy.

The spaceship spun around, hovering and crashing into the altar, but there was no sense of impact, but a brain slammed into it.

However, the B-rank high goblins that had caught up with them came to a sudden stop and stayed where they were.

It quietly analyzes the picture in front of it, and it is a piece of nothingness.

It didn't understand why the spaceship disappeared for no reason.

When this strange phenomenon occurs, its computing core has a brief freeze, and then a stop command is issued, and it immediately stops here!

Similarly, the nearly 200,000 Banshee battleships stared blankly in front of them, unable to deal with such a result, they had to silently hover in the air.

But the actual picture is of a large fleet, quietly suspended in front of the altar.

What happened, this altar is not in the sight of this group of Vex?

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