Just when my eyes were confused and I was about to fall into a coma, an anxious cry came from my ears: "Fox life, fox life..."

When my eyes were foggy, I was carried out of the coffin: "Thank God, thank God." The

voice was familiar, not black and white at all, and when I opened my eyes again, I saw that my mother's eyes were full of tears.

"Mother! You're back. "I felt very tired and speechless.

My mother wiped a handful of tears and said, "Yes, my mother is back." Mother thought she would never see you again. "

My mother carried me back to the house, and I found that Niu Guofu had disappeared a long time ago, and I don't know if he ran away in the middle of the night, or if something happened.

I lay on the bed for a while before I slowly recovered, and my mother brought me a bowl of water, and drank it all in one go, and only then did I have a little strength.

"Mother, what's going on?" My head is like a mess right now, and with so much going on inside and out, my brain is a little short-circuited, and I can't figure out what's going on.

Before my mother could speak, I heard a voice like a silver bell from outside the house: "If we hadn't rushed back in time, you would have died in this coffin if you hadn't been killed by this happy corpse." "

My whole body looked out of the house as if I had been electrified, but there was no one in the house.

It was strange in my heart, and the voice came again: "Are you looking for me?" The

voice was real, and it was possible to tell that the man had come into the house.

But I still didn't see any figure, and I was about to ask my mother when her eyes glanced at the ground.

Immediately, my whole scalp was numb, and I got goosebumps on my arms.

I saw a white jade-faced fox standing on the ground, with snow-white hair like a holy light, reflecting a bright light in the light.

The whole body stood up, the two feet in front of him were like human arms, and the white tail on the butt shook twice from time to time.

I was shocked, this... Isn't this the group of foxes that my mother told me about when I was a child and sent me to her?

Seeing that I opened my mouth wide and stared at myself with my eyes dead, the white fox seemed to feel a little shy, and even wrapped his tail around the front to cover his cheeks and said, "How can you look at a girl like this?" Hearing

that the white fox, who was like a human, was able to speak human words, he was even more taken aback, and subconsciously shouted: "Demon... Monster! Mother, our family is a monster! "

Youkai? Where? The white fox heard my shouting and hurriedly turned around to check.

When my mother heard this, she was so frightened that she quickly covered my mouth and whispered, "Don't shout!

I looked at my mother in horror and could only nod silently.

Seeing me nodding, my mother slowly let go of my mouth, and then turned around and knelt down for the white fox with a 'plop'.

"My son was young and ignorant and offended the immortal family, please don't blame him."

I know that if a fox can speak human words, he must have a lot of Taoism, and it is not an exaggeration to be called an immortal.

It can be seen that my mother actually knelt down for this beast, and she was a little angry, but she still held back and didn't say anything.

At this time, my mother hurriedly glanced at me, as if to ask me to kneel down together.

Although I was puzzled, I still got out of bed and knelt down because of the fear of my mother and the unknown fox.

Seeing my mother and my mother kneeling towards him, the white fox already knew something.

It seemed that he was a little tired from standing on two feet, so he put down the two feet in front of him and said, "This immortal family will not be held accountable for your first offense."

My mother took a breath of relief after hearing this, and after beckoning me to stand up together, she took out a piece of red paper from her arms.

"Child, my mother went into the mountains this time to find a marriage for you, don't ask why, just go down."

I looked at the red paper in my mother's hand, and the whole person was directly stupid, I probably knew that this should be a marriage contract.

Can...... What is this?

I just got out of danger, and I have to get married on the spot in the next second, which is outrageous.

"With whom?" I asked subconsciously.

Then my mother turned her head to look at the white fox, and I immediately understood.

I secretly complained in my heart!

My mother asked me to marry anyone, I have to be a brute, if I transform into a big beautiful buddy, I can barely accept it, but looking at this four-legged fox, how can I agree in my heart.

I said I was trying to find a way to find my birthdate, but now why did I bring back a marriage contract?

Folk often say, the fox is charming, could it be that my mother fell into this beast's way? When this fox saw that I was handsome, he confused my mother and asked me to do this family business.

Thinking of this, I secretly screamed in my heart that it was not good.

If you want to break through the beast's confusion, I'm afraid you have to capture it first.

Now that my mother was confused in its hands, I didn't have time to be afraid, and while they didn't pay attention, I pounced directly on the white fox.

Who knows, this white fox seems to have expected it a long time ago, and it dodged with a dodge.

didn't say anything, and almost didn't fall a dog to eat, looking a little embarrassed.

It is often said that foxes are cunning and unusually vigilant about their surroundings.

That's true, on the surface, she seems to have lost her vigilance, but in fact, she is extremely vigilant about the things around her every minute.

When my mother saw that I actually pounced on the white fox, she was immediately frightened, and when she saw that I didn't pounce, she was a little relieved.

Hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to the white fox, and kept chanting: "Ask the fairy family for forgiveness, ask the fairy family for forgiveness..."


The harder I scolded, the louder my mother kowtowed.

I struggled to control my anger and took a deep breath before shutting my mouth.

When the white fox saw that I was no longer talking, he raised his head and stared at me directly, and said, "You think I like you?" What do you do Spring and Autumn Dream, if it weren't for the clan..., hmph, this girl is too lazy to talk nonsense with you, if you don't agree, it's fine. After

speaking, the white fox walked up to my mother, snatched the marriage contract from her hand, and turned around to leave.

I hurriedly stepped forward to help my mother up and said, "Mother, don't knock." This fox has bewitched you, you must come to your senses. "

Who knew that my mother got up and hit me in the face, but then I thought that I had already slapped me twice in just one day, and the palm hanging in the air was put down, and I quickly got up and chased the fox out of the door.

"Immortal family, don't be angry, I'll make amends to you, you can do whatever you want me to do, but don't regret it!"

The white fox seemed to be very uninterested in this matter, and he was about to walk out of the gate without looking back.

Seeing this, my mother was also anxious, so she shouted, "Don't forget, how can you explain to your clan when you go back like this?" "

I don't understand it very well, it looks like a marriage contract proposed by my mother, and this fox seems to be carrying something, if you can't make a marriage contract with me, you can't explain it.

Hand over? Explain what?

It wasn't until later that I realized that this marriage was indeed initiated by my mother, and that something must have happened after she entered the mountain that made such a huge change for her.

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