The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 349: Luo Tian Dajiao (1)

"That's it, indeed." Shen Fei's words immediately made Ma Xianhong think about it. Before that, he had never thought about the problem with Chuan.

Anyone who has read a novel is probably just a space ring, which is a standard configuration. However, Ma Xianhong has never read a novel. Since childhood, he has been hiding in Tibet, and finally settled down, he has also been specializing in magic Practice.

For Shen Fei, he wanted to rely on the magical machine to create a space ring, and he didn't know the year of the monkey. The magical machine was not so easy to understand, but Ma Xianhong was different. In terms of refining, Ma Xianhong was a genius. If Ma Xianhong did it, it might not take long to create a spatial ring.

In fact, Ma Xianhong and Qiu Rang can already create a similar magic weapon, that is, the jade finger. This is a defensive magic weapon, or an autonomous defense magic weapon. This is a high level magic weapon made by Ma Xianhong. Another offensive magic weapon, gilt ruyi, is a magic weapon in the shape of a wish, which can be freely transformed into various weapons.

However, this weapon was taken away by Bao Baobao by Feng Baobao. I have to say that Xu Si's education is very good.

Although the magic weapon made by Ma Xianhong can be said to be a magic weapon, strictly speaking, it can only be called a magic weapon. Because of the problems of the times, there are almost no items that can be called magic weapons in the society. Just like modern society, there is no eclosion. A strong person in the realm, even if it is as powerful as the old heavenly master, has not reached the eclosion realm.

The sacred sac, the gilt ruyi, and the jade finger are all high-level magical artifacts. Below this are the low-level magical artifacts, transforming people, and some upper root artifacts are equipped with this kind of magical artifacts.

Now in Xinbiyou Village, there are a lot of low-level magical instruments, even Shen Fei’s body, but high-level magical instruments, especially the jade pull finger and the gilt ruyi only have Qiu Rang and so on. There are root weapons, and the other upper root weapons are also low-level defensive magic weapons.

Low-level defensive artifacts, when activated, will cover a layer of flowing Qi on the surface of their body. Because they are low-level artifacts, the defense capability of this layer of Qi is not strong. If they are attacked multiple times or powerfully, the artifact will be Broken, but even so, it is already very powerful, because this magic weapon is passively defensive, and will be launched once it encounters a malicious attack.

Even if Xia Liuqing fell on the transforming person with this low-level magic weapon.

It’s not that Ma Xianhong can’t equip all root implements with high level magical items. After all, his magical implements can be manufactured in batches, but Ma Xianhong doesn’t want to make them. You have a high level magic weapon, so the next battle will probably be very hard on the company's side.

For this, Shen Fei definitely won't remind Ma Xianhong, lest the people behind the company encounter difficulties, Shen Fei doesn't want the world to fall into chaos because of his arrival.

In fact, Ma Xianhong's sister did not agree with Ma Xianhong's ideas, but Ma Xianhong was helpless, so that the cheap sister had to agree with Ma Xianhong's approach and had to clean up Ma Xianhong's mess afterwards.

Nowadays, in Xinbiyou Village, there are the most high-level magical weapons. After all, this is a space equipment, and it can be said that no one does not need it. With this, there is no trouble carrying luggage at all.

The space in the sac can be large or small, but even the smallest sac has a space that can completely fit several people into it. Jin Yong in the twelve root organs has dozens of sacs in his hand. The flower-like dolls wanted to use these flower-like dolls to besiege the king when they were fighting against the king.

It has to be said that modern society has a great influence on foreigners. Jin Yong, who is the five big and three thick, likes maid outfits, and the flower in his hands is in maid outfits."It's really unprepared, even the white puppet and the black puppet don't mind other people knowing and learning." During the period of studying with Ma Xianhong, Shen Fei had a deep understanding of Ma Xianhong. If it weren't for the originally limited resources, Ma Xianhong probably wouldn't even care about the powerful magical weapons on his body for others to use.

The more powerful the magical tool, the more demanding the materials needed. With the background of Ma Xianhong’s Xinbiyou Village, it is impossible to make up the materials for the magical tools on his body. The materials for the magical tools on his body are probably cheap. Sister Qu Tong gave it.

"You can copy the moves of strangers, and even the innate ability can copy. This magical machine is really perverted." The more he comes into contact with the magical machine, Shen Feiyue feels that the eight magical skills are too bad. , Really shouldn't be born, it can already use Qi as energy.

For Shen Fei personally, the eight magic skills definitely are the better.

Ruhua, the white puppet, and the black puppet’s power are the Qizhu at its core. This Qizhu can be artificially supplemented.

It's definitely impossible to say that Ma Xianhong has no selfish intentions at all. Of course, his self-cultivation furnace has other purposes, but the main purpose is to restore his lost memories.

"Qi is really omnipotent, so that Ruhua can be so smart." If Shi Stark encounters such a situation, he will definitely investigate and study clearly, but Shen Fei does not have great curiosity. In fact, he is right. This is not too surprising to him. In the world of Qin Shi, the organ technique of the public defeat family also had a similar effect.

Just like the organ snake toy that Shen Fei gave to Shen Fei, it can be controlled, and there is also one of the trump cards of public defeat, Qi Lang.

Don't look at Potu Qilang, although it has no combat effectiveness, but the mechanism skills on it are higher than Butu Saburo and Baihu, which are used to destroy the Mohist's mechanism skills.

Similarly, Chichiro's control is also qi.

"This guy is also a great man." This day, Shen Fei finally saw a great man, the guy who was in the air every second in his dream. To be precise, it was not in the dream, but in the interior.

There are so many cultivation systems under one person, and they are not comparable to the Qin Shi world. Although the hundreds of scholars in the Qin Shi world have their own methods, there is still a big gap compared to one person. After all, there are two developments. Thousands of years.

In this era, Taoism has been divided into dozens of sects with large file size and small file size. There are so many genres and the cultivation system is very different, and the cultivation of this world also involves the soul.

Really double cultivation of life, but it is exceptionally powerful.

Needless to say, there is a celestial master in Longhushan, and there is a mysterious celestial master.

In addition to Taoism, there are Buddhism, Shaolin, Lingyin Temple, and so on. There are so many unique skills and skills. Apart from other things, the legendary Yi Jin Jing is there.

There is also the technique of Fuluo. The Shangqing school of Maoshan is good at this aspect. One of the twelve roots, Zhao Guizhen, is a traitor to Maoshan.In modern society, people are impetuous, and it takes three years to cultivate a Fulu from the Maoshan School. In this way, it will take more than ten years to achieve something on Fulu. For those who are eager for quick success, such a long time is definitely It is impossible to wait.

That's why Zhao Guizhen wounded his senior brother and snatched some talismans. After going down the mountain, he directly attacked ordinary children and cultivated Qisha.

In modern society, there are funeral homes and crematoriums, and there are no mass graves in the past. This situation can be said to be very unfriendly to some people who practice the art of talisman.

For example, there is no such thing as a corpse chasing clan in western Hunan. There is no such thing as chasing corpses in large cities in modern society. The reason why Liu Yanyan wants to join the whole sex is actually excusable.

Think about other people of the same age who go to school and play outside, but they are in company with rotten corpses. People will feel dissatisfied. The key is that they have finally learned the corpse removal technique, but they are not allowed to use it or they are not crazy. .

There is no good thing about Shen Fei. After all, this is considered non-cultural material heritage. Liu Yanyan's parents don't want to treat her daughter like this, but it has to be passed on.

Fortunately, there is a profession of forensic medicine in modern society, and finally it will not make the corpse family useless.

Shen Fei is also very curious about the corpse driving in Xiangxi. After all, it can control corpses and zombies. Moonlight Moria's Ability also controls zombies. Maybe the two sides will collide.

You can even collide with Qin Shimingyue's exorcist. Shen Fei doubted whether the corpse clan was inherited from Baiyue's witchcraft.

There are other people who can blow their breath. This is a method that can knock the soul of a person out of the body. In myths and legends, blowing one's breath is the method used by the legendary second general.

In myths and legends, the second general may be only the lowest level, but that is the mythical world, even if it is weak, it also transcends the existence of the feathering realm.

Definitely, a person who can blow his breath in this world does not have the strength of the second general.

Strictly speaking, there are so many cultivation methods, in fact, they are nothing more than two, martial arts and martial arts. Qin Shimingyue's martial arts are not completely separated, but in this world they are very distinct.

The main difference between the two parties lies in the interior, but warlocks are not easy to cultivate. Ten warlocks and nine lunatics can be said to be the correct portrayal of warlocks. If a warlock practices, it is very easy to go crazy if you can’t strictly observe your heart. This madness is the main reason. It is embodied in the fact that you are stuck in the interior and cannot come out.

Whether you can come out of the inside scene or not has nothing to do with the level of strength. The key is to see your aspirations. Just like the older generation in Wudang, there are people who fall into the inside scene.

The main reason why the warlock is like this is that the warlock is like a scientist in the alien world. He is searching for the secrets of heaven and earth. Since he is searching for the secrets of heaven and earth, he has designed an eternal question. From there, I want to go there.

There is also what is the real world, must the interior world be false, must the real world be real, is it absolutely real?Even Shen Fei couldn't answer this kind of question. It's like, someone said that the world before he traveled was simply mapped from other high latitudes and didn't really exist at all.

If you think about such a problem, you will get a big head.

The great man Shen Fei said before was a sorcerer cultivator. His name was Zhao Nian. He was originally a high-level programmer of a computer company. However, because he accidentally discovered the practice method of the sorcerer, he passed it because he was a programmer. Self-study of the strange knowledge, forcibly practice.

It may be because he is a programmer with strong logic, and as a result he succeeded in his cultivation. Then he entered the interior scene and did not wake up. Now he has become a vegetative person.

But even if he became a vegetative, Shen Fei admired him very much. He could enter the interior scene of the warlock without a teacher. If he was born in the warlock family, it would definitely be a completely different result.

Unfortunately, he was just an ordinary person. After he became a vegetative, his mother kept trying to wake him up without success. If he did not meet Ma Xianhong by chance, he would have been a vegetative for all his life.

But that was after Zhuge Qing appeared. Now Ma Xianhong has no better way for Zhao Nian. The self-cultivation furnace allows others to enter Zhao Nian’s interior. However, the warlock on Ma Xianhong’s side is too weak. There is no way to wake up Zhao Nian.

In his own interior, Zhao Nian’s strength has been infinitely strengthened. It can be said that he is the creator of the world, and his wishes come true. Except for the warlocks like Zhuge Qing, who is replaced by other warlocks, they may only have spell words. Chen Jinkui, one of the top ten masters of the door, can wake him up.

The Qimen of Wuhou is the first family of warlocks. Its ancestor Zhuge Wuhou was a warlock in the Eclosion Realm at the time, but after the last Zhang Zhenren of the Eclosion Realm disappeared, there was no eclosure master in the back.

The reason why a master who hasn't been in the Eclosion Realm appeared for hundreds of years, some people have also speculated that it was caused by Liu Ji that year, who cut the dragon veins and cut off the road to the Eclosion Realm.

The emergence of the Eight Wonders is likely to be created by some unwillingness to cut off the road ahead. You must know that the people in the 36 thieves back then were all outstanding people in all sects. If they didn’t get into trouble, It can be said that most of the heads of the sects and the heads of the family have to be replaced.

Such characters can only attract them to work together in the legendary Eclosion Realm. After all, with their identities at the time, it can be said that they want power and power, money and money, and ordinary things should not be able to move them.

Although this guess is very possible, for most people, the thirty-six thieves are the thirty-six thieves. Shen Fei has no objection to this after understanding some things, because it is them. Caused the most turbulent era of the year.

If it wasn't for the thirty-six thieves who let the foreigners fight in the world at that time, and the shame that came from there, even if they really wanted to settle, they could act after they had driven away foreign enemies.

At that time, it was obviously an invasion by foreign enemies. As a result, the most elite group of masters in the foreign world died in the hands of their own people, which caused the strength of the domestic foreign world to be empty. It is no wonder that many older generations are right. There is no deep taboo about the Six Thieves.

"You must find a powerful warlock. You also need a warlock on the self-cultivation furnace to go further." Ma Xianhong was a little disappointed without awakening Zhao Nian. His mother was also very sad, but Ma Xianhong finally comforted the mother and said I am thinking of a way.

"How many vegetative people in this world are because they have come into contact with Qimen Cheats." Since ancient times, folks have come up with talents, as long as there is an opportunity, but it is a pity that Cheats is not so easy to obtain.

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