"It's really a magical place, the creation of heaven and earth is really amazing, and this rootless growth is really not easy." Outside the 24th solar term Tongtian Valley, Shen Fei walked through the gorge and couldn't help but sigh.

The long gorge that entered the Tongtian Valley has the power to make ordinary people walk through and become strangers. The rootlessness later changed the road with magic techniques. The mountain walls on both sides of the gorge, those weird The lines are the lines of magic techniques. From this we can know that Rootless Growth is definitely a genius with both skills and martial arts.

However, it is a pity that wanting to be a foreigner is not so simple. It is true that the road to Tongtian Valley can make ordinary people a foreigner, but correspondingly, it also pays a price. If no one is instructed at this time, The price is their lives.

In the world of ordinary people, many people are disabled every year because of this. Just like Zhao Nian in Biyou Village who was trapped in the scene before, he accidentally got an adventure and thought that he was the son of destiny. Become a stranger with their own wisdom, and most of them have disabled themselves.

Even ordinary people's exercises may cause permanent damage due to excessive exercise, not to mention the cultivation of strangers, especially those that have no inheritance.

This is the poor culture and the rich military.

In the original book, ordinary people thought they possessed the power of Superman after passing through the canyon, and they were the chosen person, especially the doctor. As everyone knows, this kind of person is only the bottom in the alien world.

"These lines are somewhat similar to the divine machine and hundred refining. Could it be that the divine machine and the hundred refining have something to do with this road." The divine machine and the hundred refining can transform ordinary people into strangers. In some ways, it is the same as this road. , It's just a magical machine, without such a big side effect.

"I don't know if this road can be copied." After walking the road, Shen Fei began to use the equipment to record everything on the road.

Although the cost of becoming a stranger through this path is very high, but that is in the absence of guidance, if someone guidance, coupled with the provision of relevant resources, the side effects can be suppressed to a minimum.

This path was not built without roots, it just made some improvements on the basis of natural creations.

"Golden snub-nosed monkey practicing Qi." Around the Tongtian Valley, Shen Fei found a golden snub-nosed monkey practicing Qi. It should be that after passing that road, he obtained the Ability of practicing Qi.

"I remember a professor who was very curious about these golden monkeys. They thought they were undiscovered species. It's a bit ridiculous to think about it." Lian Qi is not exclusive to humans. Other creatures can also practice Qi, especially those with Royal Beast Ability. Humans, and the beasts they can control, can all practice Qi, and even strictly speaking, the spirits of the horse fairy clan are creatures that can practice Qi from the beginning.

"Zhang Chulan, next is your performance." After recording the vicinity of Tongtian Valley, Shen Fei turned around, and his figure disappeared from Tongtian Valley along with the green leaves flying down in the air.

On the Tongtian Valley side, since Qu Tong has arranged, Shen Fei will naturally not destroy it. As for whether Shen Fei will kill Barron and lose this teammate, so that Zhang Chulan and others will be wiped out. Shen Fei is Don’t worry at all, Zhang Chulan, who has the origin of Qi body, can explode. Once her life is threatened, under exploding, even if facing ten guys, it’s not necessarily who will lose, Chai Yan. The strength is definitely no less than the ten guys, and he is still defeated in his hands."It's time to go to Jia's Village." Shen Fei, who appeared on the outskirts of the city using Apparition, decided to go to Jia's Village to learn their imperial arts after some consideration.

Although there are not many people who know the art of imperial objects in the foreign world, there are actually quite a few. In fact, every refiner is an expert of imperial objects. Ma Xianhong is originally a master of imperial objects. It is also different, just like Bajiquan and Taijiquan are divided into many schools, and the same is true of Imperial Wushu.

The Jia family’s imperial material art has an advantage that other imperial material art does not have, that is, multi-tasking. In a one-on-one battle between different people, the Jia family may not have much advantage, but if it is a group battle, the advantage of the Jia family will appear. NS.

"Similar to the Lu family, but not as overbearing as the Lu family." This family name is not the only one in Jia family village, there are other family names in it, but Jia family name occupies the overwhelming majority.

The Jia family used to be the same as the Lu family. Every village had the surname Jia, and basically only recruited son-in-law, but at that time, after entering the modern era, the Jia family village began to change.

"Martial arts school." There is a school in Jiajia Village, and it is still a high school. The members are basically disciples of Jiajia Village. From the beginning of enrollment, the foundation is laid. Definitely is not the basis of imperial objects, but imperial objects are exquisite. Ability, this foundation is another martial arts of Jiajiacun, rush palm.

There are a lot of martial arts schools in the world under one person. On the surface, these martial arts schools are just to keep fit and practice some ordinary Sanshou fighting, but in fact, almost every martial arts school has strangers behind them. .

The country, sect, and aristocratic families have divided up all martial arts schools, because martial arts schools are actually used to select disciples who can practice Qi. Not everyone can do Qi training, such as Liu Dang, ordinary people’s boxing. The champion, the iron master, taught him for a month, but he did not feel Qi. If he hadn't met Ma Xianhong, he might never have the opportunity to come into contact with another world in his life.

Selecting one by one through the martial arts school is the main way for the martial arts to recruit people. This is much more convenient than the past kind of income, and it is much more convenient to determine whether they have a training ability through time. After all, a martial arts, time and time again How many disciples can be accepted, after all, there is nothing in this world that tests the qualifications of cultivation like the immortal world.

Just like Wang Ye, if he doesn’t go to Wudang Mountain, who can know that this top student of Huaqing University, the third young master of China Overseas Group, has such a strong ability to cultivate. This is a proper rich second generation, and pocket money is all A million is counted.

With a martial arts school, it is different. It can be determined at a very young age whether he has the ability to practice Qi. This is good for both parties. The martial art does not need to waste time and resources, and the personal aspect is the same.

Like the Tang Sect in Chuanshu, there are two martial arts schools under its sect, one is an ordinary martial arts school, the other is an alien martial arts school, and one step further is the outer disciple of the Tang Sect.

Tang Sect is divided into outer disciples and inner disciples. It is definitely not that the inner disciples must be better than outer disciples. In fact, outer disciples and inner disciples are not treated specially in cultivation. The difference between them , Is the difference between the surnamed Tang and the non-surnamed Tang, and the successor of the sect leader must be a person in the inner sect.

The disciples of the outer door want to enter the inner door very easily, just change the surname.

Tang Sect, in the past, it was not so much a sect, but rather an aristocratic family, and the aristocratic family has a common problem, that is, they value their own inheritance very much. If you want to gain inheritance, you must become your own talent, the outer door at that time. , Is not a true Tang Sect disciple, and what he can learn is limited.

However, with the progress of the times, the inheritance system of the aristocratic family has become outdated. If you don’t want the family to decline, you can only change. In this regard, the Tang Sect is undoubtedly at the forefront, so the former Tang family has become The Tang Sect now, and those families that hold the old traditions, are undoubtedly gone.Looking at all the current aristocratic families, apart from the Lu family who is still insisting on not passing on outsiders' traditions, other families have more or less different changes, even the Wang family of the four families is the same.

The Lu family, there is still no major problem with Lu Ci, the ten men, but once Lu Ci is gone, the decline of the Lu family is inevitable.

"It's no wonder that Jia Zhengyu can only control three dragon pecking cones, so he is so arrogant. It turns out that he is still the best in Jiajia Village. So speaking, Jia Zhengliang, who is five hundred a night, is not a genius."

Jia Zhengliang, who can control twelve flying darts, is an invincible hand for the younger generation, not to mention the invincible hand of the younger generation. Even the older generation has no rivals. What he lacks now is only the original qi content.

"Doesn't this rush palm look weak? No wonder it is as famous as the Imperial Object Technique." After the Jia family’s rush palm hits the opponent, its Qi will penetrate into the opponent’s meridians like water and impact the opponent’s body. Blood, muscles, internal organs, in a way, this is similar to the five thunders of Yin, which can constantly weaken the opponent.

"Is Jiajia Village quite open?" Shen Fei easily acquired two of his stunts in Jiajia Village, rush palm and imperial objects. Compared with Lu's harsh inheritance, Jiajia Village is much better.

Among them, Run Liuzhang has the cheats directly in the martial arts school, and Yuwushu is on the side of the ancestral hall of Jiajia Village. Although there are many old guys guarding it, it doesn't matter to Shen Fei.

"Tang Sect, let's forget it." After leaving Jia's Village, Shen Fei gave up his plan to go to the Tang's after some consideration.

For him, the Tang family's cultivation method had no effect at all. After all, he couldn't practice the Tang family's exercise method now, and even because of the poison, it didn't even have any meaning for reference.

"Speaking of the Tang family's practice is really similar to Qin Shi's farmer's." Tang Sect's poison practice reminded Shen Fei of the farmer's family. The two have similarities in their cultivation. The farmer's Tian Mi relies on it. The ability to use poison, as well as the peasant family's non-invasion of all kinds of poison, just like Tang Sect, they use poison to slowly increase their resistance.

The Tang Sect’s practice of Qi is through the combination of poison and Qi, so that one’s own Qi has a poisonous effect. This is the secret of the Tang Sect. There is no Tang Sect’s unique method. If others want to follow suit, they can only end up reaping the consequences.

Through the combination of different poisonous mists and chis, the poison chis of the disciples of the Tang Sect also have different effects. For example, if poisons such as snake venom are used to coordinate the training of chisels, then the chis will have the effect of snake venom.

Among the Tang Sect, most of the disciples use ordinary five poisons to practice Qi, and a very small number of people use other poisons, such as croton. Once hit by this, they will have the effect of causing the enemy to have diarrhea. , Think about the sudden diarrhea of ​​the enemy during the battle, that scene is really pleasing.

"Jiulongzi, it's really a good set of instruments." After not planning to go to Tang Sect, Shen Fei returned directly to the imperial capital. On the one hand, he was preparing for the company's related affairs, on the other hand, he began to calm down and organize. Own harvest.

First of all, it was the self-cultivation furnace. Using the knowledge of refining tools obtained from Yuan Tao, Shen Fei quickly made the Jiulongzi, the water gun, and the scurrying rabbit master and other related artifacts.

Shen Fei even modified the water gun and the scurrying rabbit. If there is no self-cultivation stove, it would be difficult to do so, but if there is a self-cultivation stove, it seems very simple.At the same time, Shen Fei also understands why the water gun was designed in this way. Now in modern society, the management of guns in China is very strict. Not noticeable anymore.

As for Mr. Rabbit, it is purely Yuan Tao's personal interest, just like Liu Dang and Jin Yong's interest is to put Ruhua in maid outfits.

"Esdes is suitable for the martial arts of the ice system, and the two people, Chitong and Blacktong, have to think carefully about what kind of martial arts they are suitable for." With the self-cultivation furnace, Esdes, Chitong and Blacktong can also practice Qi. NS.

This Qi training can't improve the strength of the three of Asdes. After all, in terms of combat power, Pirate World is quite high, but if they don't practice Qi, then there is no way to use magic weapons. Consider from this point. , The three must learn to practice Qi.

As for the side effects of the self-cultivation furnace, it is called side effects to other people. For Shen Fei, this is nothing. It's a big deal to use a lot of resources to support it. Just eat it with the real person pill and the elixir gathering pill.

The so-called bottlenecks and shackles are nothing at all when a lot of resources are smashed down.

"It is a five thunder talisman, the Tongtian urn is really extraordinary. Under normal circumstances, it takes about seven days for a genuine five thunder talisman to be drawn successfully, but under the Tongtian urn, it can be completed almost instantaneously. A five thunder talisman."

Looking at the five thunder talisman that had just been drawn successfully in front of him, Shen Fei nodded slightly. After studying the self-cultivation furnace, Shen Fei focused his energy on the Tongtian Urn. There was only a magical machine, he was going to wait for the next time. Practice slowly.

The advantage of the Tongtian Urn is that you can make a large number of talismans in advance, and you can just throw the talisman at that time. This is definitely a throw away. The materials that can be used to make the talisman are expensive.

"Now using Xuehouchuqing, it doesn’t take that long to get in front." With the blessing of Tongtian Urn, the time for this sword qi that needs to be used by people has been shortened a lot. If Xiaoyaozi If I see it, I'm afraid my eyes will stick out.

"It's still the easiest practice for the Liuku Immortal Thief, just eat it."

"Is this, did Zhang Chulan start to set up traps against Ma Xianhong?" Just as Shen Fei was focusing on training, a message appeared on the mobile phone and the foreign network that the company was being abused by Biyou Village. The arrested person, Zhuge Qing in the picture looked as if he had been tortured as much as eighteen.

"This Chu Lan treats Ma Xianhong as an idiot." Looking at the picture of Zhuge Qing, Shen Fei shook his head slightly. Others might be tortured, but who is Zhuge Qing? I really think Zhuge's family is a decoration.

"When Qu Tong meets such a pig teammate, I am afraid that he will feel angry and liver pain." Looking at the many comments under the message, Shen Fei suddenly laughed, because there were many net names he was familiar with in the comments.

"Zhang Chulan, play slowly." Shen Fei took out another mobile phone as he said. After turning it on, after sending a question mark in the group, he typed a line on his chat bar.

"Second-year senior, if you see what I said, remember to contact me. I know the problem you are encountering now, and I can make you fully recover." After typing this line, Shen Fei did not send it out, just let it be. Stay quietly on the chat bar.

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