The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 401: Slippery Fruit

"What, there is no difference between Hawkeye and Hawkeye, this guy."

At the headquarters of the Navy, the Marshal of the Warring States Period changed his face after hearing the report from Crane. For Shen Fei, who replaced the Krokdals, the Warring States Period was originally indifferent. Anyway, it was the pirate’s dog biting the dog, and the navy was watching happily. lively.

But after Shen Fei and Hawkeye battled up and down, the situation was completely different. For an ordinary Qiwuhai, the navy wanted to suppress it too easily. It didn't even need a general to take action. A few elite lieutenants could do it, but If it is a figure of Hawkeye's level, a general can't deal with it at all.

And in comparison, Shen Fei is more dangerous than Hawkeye, because compared to Hawkeye's lonely family, Shen Fei is influential, that is to say, as long as Shen Fei thinks, he can pull out a group of four emperors.

The core of the four emperors group is the four emperors, and the forces under them are just icing on the cake, like the four dessert stars and the three plagues, people with such strengths, although there are not many in the entire sea, but not too few.

Without the fighting power of the Four Emperors, no matter how many people there are, they will not be called the Four Emperors Pirates, just like the Whitebeard Pirates. When Whitebeard is still alive, it is the strongest Four Emperors. But with the death of White Beard, the White Beard Pirates were instantly knocked out of dust.

And as long as you have the heart, you can still find such a few men in this sea. Look at the world conscription after the top war, and two new generals will come out casually.

For the navy, Qiwuhai doesn’t matter, but if there is a group of four emperors, it is completely different, especially at this moment when the prestige of the navy has been greatly reduced by Shen Fei, a new four emperor sea The band of thieves poses too much of a threat to the navy.

Shen Fei used to distribute flyers and kill the Tianlong people. Although the impact is not far-reaching, it is like a seed, buried deep in the hearts of many people. If there is a suitable time, it will completely burst out. .

The prestige of the former high-level navy headquarters was very high, but when Shen Fei was so involved, the high-level prestige of the navy headquarters was greatly reduced. All of his actions will be greatly reduced.

That is to say, the force of the Pirate World is too strong. If it were changed to an ordinary world, relying on the flyers of Shen Fei, I am afraid that there will be a lot of smoke now.

"Donghai, what are these two guys doing there?" Karp said with a smile while eating senbei.

"What, according to the situation, they saw your grandson." Seeing Karp's attitude that has nothing to do with me, the Warring States broke out immediately.

For Lu Fei, the Warring States had known him a long time ago. After all, he was Karp's grandson and Long's son. The incident of Emperor Axe Mengka some time ago made this name appear on the desk of Warring States.

In fact, definitely, the name Lu Fei first appeared in front of the Warring States period, even earlier. As early as when the Redhead Pirates were stationed in Windmill Town, the Warring States period saw this name.

The Red Haired Pirates are the Four Emperors Pirates. Even if Red Hair has not caused much trouble, the navy will not give up monitoring him. The Four Emperors Pirates have always followed them.

The Red-Haired Pirates stayed in Windmill Town for more than a year. During that time, they lost a lot of hair in the Warring States Period. The Warring States Period had a wise general called Roar, and smart people all have one common characteristic, that is, they want to get it. many.

In fact, it wasn't just the Warring States period that was thinking a lot at the time. Many people in the sea were wondering what the Red-haired Pirates did after staying in Windmill Town for so long.

As for eating, drinking, and having fun on the island, and picking up girls by the way, this is something that many people would not believe. At that time, the most widely spread theory was that there might be items left by Roger, the Pirate King, in Windmill Town. That's why the Redhead Pirates Will stay there for a year.That is, Windmill Town is Kapu's hometown, so that it can be safe and sound. If it is changed to another place, I am afraid that when the red-haired pirates leave, other people will be able to turn the entire island over.

During the time when Roger was executed, the places Roger had visited were almost rummaged by the world government, navy, and some big pirates.

Roger is dead, but the voyage diary of Roger Pirates and whether Roger has left a permanent pointer to the location of the great secret treasure Ralph Drew are coveted by many people.

"That stinky boy." Speaking of Luffy, the senbei in Karp's hands suddenly became unflavored. He wanted to let Luffy be the navy, but he turned out to be a pirate. What kind of character is his grandson? Karp knows it very well. Once a decision is made, a hundred Aquaman cannot be pulled back.

"Shanks that bastard." Thinking that Luffy was completely broken by the red-haired Shanks, Karp had an urge to find the red-haired Shanks to practice boxing.

"Green pheasant, you can take a trip." After the Warring States sighed slightly, he no longer cared about Karp. During this time, his position as a navy marshal was uncomfortable. Karp was a naval hero. It is also uncomfortable.

Because Shen Fei had already told the truth about Roger's arrest. The others were seriously ill and surrendered. They weren't caught by Karp's desperate pursuit, as the Navy propagated.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, the title of Karp, a naval hero, is only because of the capture of the One Piece. Only a few people know that it is related to the Rocks Pirates.

Shen Fei hasn't leaked out the matter in this regard.

"Understood." As the green pheasant said, he moved his long legs and stood up.

"What are these two guys doing here?" At the moment of the navy station in Roger Town, Smogg's mouth was full of smoke and his brows were frowned. The two kings, Qiwuhai, came to his jurisdiction together, making him feel What might happen in Rogue Town.

Therefore, it reported the situation to the navy headquarters as soon as possible, but the headquarters was a little far away from Rogge Town, and even if someone came to support it, it would not be reachable in a short time.

Fortunately, neither Shen Fei nor Hawkeye had any idea of ​​revealing his whereabouts, so the situation in Roger Town remained unchanged.

"I'm going to be the one to be the One Piece King." On the execution stage of the original One Piece King Roger in Roger Town, he was caught by Bucky and others. Luffy, who was about to be executed, shouted out these words loudly, showing a brilliant face at the same time. Smile.

With this smile, Smogg and Hawkeye below were slightly stunned. There are not many people in Pirate World who are not afraid of death, but there are not many people who can still show such a bright smile before death.

"Bucky, this guy is really interesting." On the execution stage where Roger was executed, it didn't matter if he was replaced by another person. After all, Roger has been dead for more than 20 years, and he still hasn't found it in the Big Secret Treasure. Under circumstances, many people regard Roger as a big liar and may disrespect the execution platform.

But Bucky is different. He respects Roger in his heart. How could such a person disrespect the place where Roger was executed.

Not to mention that Luffy had a straw hat with red hair, it was Roger's straw hat, and Bucky couldn't fail to recognize it.

"Luck King Bucky, maybe I'm also guilty of the common fault of smart people, so think about it too much."

boom.Just when Bucky was about to take action against Luffy, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the sky and struck the execution platform, knocking Bucky, Luffy and others all into the air. As a rubber fruit Ability, Luffy is immune to thunder and lightning. , Naturally unscathed, but Bucky, his hair exploded immediately.

"Yeah." Hawkeye's gaze immediately swept to the left. The others, including Smogg, had no idea why there was a sudden thunder and lightning, but they couldn't hide it from Hawkeye. Following Hawkeye's sharp gaze, a taller figure , The figure shrouded in a green cloak, unexpectedly saw that Shen Fei and Hawkeye were the same, and disappeared.

"Catch them all to me." The sudden thunder and lightning caused great chaos on the scene, but under Smogg's smoke fruits and the navy's stone net gun, a large number of pirates were arrested.

Located in Bucky, Alrita and others met early, and used the other pirates as a shield and fled.

Bucky uses the split fruit to escape, while Yal Rita uses the slippery fruit to slide quickly on the ground with bare feet. The speed is so fast that the average navy can't catch up.

If Smogg was still there, he might not be able to escape, but it was a pity that Smogg went to chase the road and flew away. The order from the navy headquarters must not let Luffy enter the great route.

"The development of this fruit is really too wasteful." =



= Wait for replacement. October is coming soon, and I promise next month that there will never be such a problem. Set this flag first.





"My ship is over there." After seeing Hawkeye's reaction, Shen Fei immediately invited him. Hawkeye did not refuse, and the two rushed towards the ship at the same time.

If you change to someone else and wait here for the boat to arrive, it will be the big guy's style, but it is a pity that Shen Fei has never been a big guy's style.

"After a fight, I'm a little hungry, the restaurant should still be open." After arriving at the sea restaurant Balaty, Shen Fei immediately walked towards the restaurant.

Hawkeye nodded lightly after seeing Shen Fei's questioning gaze.

"Speaking of which Hawkeye is sitting on a raft alone on the sea, what do you eat every day, barbecue, or sashimi." After entering the restaurant, Shen Fei suddenly came up with the idea, "Definitely". He won't ask Hawkeye on his own initiative.

According to previous speculations about Hawkeye's pursuit and killing of the Creek Pirates, this question may make Hawkeye feel a little embarrassed.Hawkeye doesn't want him to have space objects, Pim particles, and can carry a lot of supplies. On the surface, Hawkeye is alone, a boat, and he can go anywhere. It is very cool, but if you consider the actual situation, you will find that, This has nothing to do with being chic.

Just like the Straw Hat Pirates, most of its members seem to be very happy, but that is in the animation. If you are in the real world, you will suddenly find that the Straw Hat Pirates are actually very hard.

Sailing on the sea for a day or two may be very exciting, but if you have been on the boat, it is very boring, especially if there are so few members of the Straw Hat Pirates, the daily schedule alone is enough to make them tired. It's choking.

Why does Sauron go to bed whenever he has a chance? It's not because of lack of sleep at night.

The main ships in Pirate World are sailing ships, which must always pay attention to the course. In addition, they also fly the Pirate Flag. In order to prevent people from attacking, someone must watch the course every night to avoid deviating from the course and be aware of possible occurrences. Enemy.

Due to the changeable climate and currents of the Great Sea Route, ships may deviate from the course if they are not paid attention.

In the Straw Hat Pirates, only two people can freely arrange time to rest. One is the ship pet and ship doctor Chopper, whose daily schedule is the most regular, and the second is naturally the captain of Luffy. As the captain, he does not need to perform duties.

There is no high or low inside the Straw Hat Pirate Group, and even the deputy captain has not been officially appointed, but as a regular Pirate Group, some things belong to the iron law, that is, the captain's orders are absolute.

In the usual Straw Hat Pirates, it doesn’t matter how you fight, but as long as it is Luffy’s order, the crew must obey it. Look at Nami, no matter what Luffy’s ideas, including whimsical desires, Going to the sky island, although his face was dissatisfied, he still carried out the order.

It doesn't matter whether it can be done or not, the key is whether to do it or not.

Later Usopp ignored Luffy's orders and fell out with Luffy. Sauron insisted that Usopp didn't formally apologize and would not let him come back.

This means that the Straw Hat Pirates can make Usopp come back again and replace them with other Pirates. It is very good not to execute those who disobey the captain's orders immediately. I want to come back and have a dream.

In some cases, the rules on the pirate ship are stricter than those of the navy.

"You are amazing." While Shen Fei and Hawkeye were waiting for the food made by Zhepu, Sanji and others, Luffy walked over without paying attention.

"My name is Lu Fei, I am a man who wants to become One Piece." Lu Fei, who came to the two of them, covered the hat on his head with one hand, showing his big white teeth, and introduced himself with a bright smile.

"This guy." Luffy's behavior shocked the others. These are two monsters.

"One Piece? This is a very difficult road." Hawkeye looked at Luffy and said slowly.

For Luffy, although it is the first time I have seen Hawkeye, it does not mean that he does not know who Lu Fei is. As a person who has been studying with red hair all the year round, it is naturally impossible for him to admit his mistake with a red-haired hat. He also knew the reason for the broken arm, otherwise the original book would not immediately go to the redhead after discussing it with Sauron.

"Why do you want to be the man of One Piece, not One Piece?" The rest of the people in the restaurant looked at Luffy with shocked faces. After all, they were the ones who dared to tell their dreams in front of two monsters. .

Some people will only make people laugh when they say their dreams, but Luffy is different, let alone actually said it in front of Shen Fei and Hawkeye.

But as soon as Shen Fei’s words came out, the faces of other people around them turned very weird in an instant. For people in the Pirate World, there is no misunderstanding about Luffy’s words, but for the world that Shen Fei came to. In terms of any words,

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