The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 404 Tic's Death (End)

"Is the reaction fast?" Looking at Titch below, he jumped towards him for the first time, with a strong armed domineering on his right hand, Shen Fei immediately gave up the door of maintaining the secret method, and his right hand also appeared armed with domineering Welcomed up.


The collision of powerful forces directly smashed Titch back. Although the Navy's Sixth Form is not a difficult physical skill for those with strong physical skills, not everyone will learn the Sixth Form intact, and Some people are limited to physical and other reasons, even if they want to learn, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

Just like the white beard, you ask him to learn the six-style moon step, and the same is true for the black beard. This is definitely not to say that these people can't stay in the air, maybe they can't stay in the air for a long time like the moon step, but It can be done in a short time.

"What kind of Ability are you." Because Titch's reaction was very quick, there were not many seas that poured back into the mirrored space, and even Titch's knees did not reach. Standing in the sea, Titch raised his head, his eyes looked a bit greedy. Shen Fei in the air.

"Sure enough, for a truly strong person, even if he is standing in the sea, he will not be powerless because he is originally an Ability person."

Now Luffy just sticks his hand into the sea water, and his whole body feels soft, but for a strong man like Blackbeard Titch, he won't have such trouble.

In fact, even if the whole body is covered in seawater, it will not lose its ability to move for a short time, definitely it will not work for a long time.

"It's really Tiqi. Under such circumstances, I actually fell in love with my Ability." Shen Fei guessed what Tiqi's eyes meant.

Compared with Zhenzhen Fruit, although Shen Fei's Ability does not seem to have a positive combat effectiveness, it is very weird and secretive.

"What Ability is, for a Deadman, there is no need to know, but I can tell you that you are the first person I use this trick."

As Shen Fei said, with a light wave of his right hand, the sky was turned upside down in the mirror space. The ground where Tiqi was standing suddenly stood up. A large amount of sand and sea water began to overturn under gravity, and Tiqi's body also began to face. Fell below.

With the increase in strength, Shen Fei's control of the mirror space is gradually increasing. At the moment, he is already stronger than Kaecilius who has absorbed Dormammu's dark power.

That is to say, this is a desert area, with only yellow sand. If it is in a city and controlled by many buildings, the power will be even more powerful.

Boom boom boom.

Titch, who was very embarrassed by the changes in the mirror space controlled by Shen Fei, angered the power of his whole body and wanted to break the mirror space.

"Have you noticed the problem with the mirror space so quickly? It's a pity that you are not Thanos. It is impossible to break the mirror space."

The mirror space of Shen Feinong is not large. This is probably the key to Titch's discovery of the problem of the mirror space, but even if he finds it, it will not be possible to run out.

"I don't know if White Beard's shaking fruit can break through the mirror space." While continuing to manipulate the mirror space, Shen Fei suddenly thought of this question.

"If it's a king, Mordu and their mirror space should not be able to stop the shaking fruits of White Beard.""Dark hole road." Tiqi, who was very embarrassed by the changes in the mirrored space, suddenly flashed his eyes and jumped up vigorously. Then there was a lot of darkness on his body. When it fell, sea water, yellow sand After contacting the darkness, immediately disappeared strangely.

"An dark fruit is worthy of being a natural devil fruit. It is indeed powerful, but the double pain is completely beyond the tolerance of ordinary people. Titch is indeed a ruthless person."

Double the pain, it sounds no big deal, isn't it double, but in fact, this is its very fatal weakness.

Especially when fighting, you may be able to continue fighting with normal injuries, but if you double it, you may temporarily lose your fighting power.

When Titch was fighting Ace, he was only hit by Ace a few times, but he rolled all over the floor in pain.

Esther likes to torture people so much, and has specially planted plants that can increase the pain, but it has only increased a little, and there is still a considerable distance from the double.

"In other words, if the person who eats the dark fruit doesn't feel pain, then what?" As a biochemical expert who possesses surgical fruits, Shen Fei has come into contact with many strange cases, among which some are born without pain. People.

And with his current biochemical knowledge, he can completely make people painless.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages to this, that is, there is no pain, although there is no need to be afraid of the side effects of the dark fruit, but I also don't know when I will be fatally injured.

The people Shen Fei came into contact with were born without pain, except for those who were always around to take care of them. Generally speaking, most of them did not live to be thirty years old.

Because there is no pain, even if it is a small injury, it turns into a fatal injury.

"I see how much you can suck." Looking at the novels with a lot of seawater, Shen Fei immediately opened the door of the secret method again, and the amount of it still poured in.

Devil Fruit Ability people are afraid of sea water, but it does not mean that they cannot control sea water. Dragons and Golden Lion Shiji can control sea water. Even the blue pheasant can also freeze the sea.

Faced with the inverted sea water, Blackbeard Titch is always willing to come, sucking all the sea water into the darkness.

"If the dark fruit is tempered to the extreme, it may be able to create a black hole that absorbs everything."

"Haha, I accept your Ability." As Shen Fei continued to pour into the sea, the darkness around Blackbeard Titch suddenly condensed. In an instant, half of the mirrored space became dissatisfied with the power of darkness, and followed Tic laughed wildly, and the darkness rushed toward Shen Fei.

"Under this situation, I still want to come back. I am speaking of it as a cocoon." Looking at the wild laugh on Tic's face and the darkness that permeated the entire mirrored space, Shen Fei sighed gently.

This time, in order to deal with Tiqi, the mirror space opened by Shen Fei is not very large, and I really think so, so that the darkness of Tiqi can fill the entire space. The original book The battle between Ace and Tiqi on the island of Ribanaro. , The power of both sides covered half an island. Although that island could not be compared with the island of the Kingdom of Alabastan, it was still an island after all.

"The natural system is the natural system." Even if the dark fruit cannot be elementalized, the large-scale aoe of the natural system is not lacking.

The green pheasant can freeze an island, the yellow ape can bomb an island, the red dog can turn an island into lava, and Ace also turns an island into a sea of ​​fire. The devil fruit is naturally the strongest, but it is not a boast.

"It's a pity, Titch, it was me that you met this time." Seeing that the darkness was approaching, Shen Fei immediately put away the secret door of the backwater, and then released a huge amount in front of him. of the door of secret law.

At the same time, behind Tiqi also appeared a huge amounts of secret method door.Dark Fruit can absorb all attacks, whether it is a physical bullet attack or a slash. This Ability is actually the elementalization of Dark Fruit, which means that for the Ability of Dark Fruit, Even if a bullet hits his head, he will not die.

Definitely can only absorb the attack, not immune to pain.

However, for Shen Fei, who possesses the door of the secret method, these attacks can also be transmitted through the door of the secret method, and even the attack can be bounced back to the opponent, just like Doctor Strange vs. Ebony Maw of Thanos. The battle between Ancient One and Odin is the same. You are attacking strong, and it is useless if you can't beat people.

The sudden change caused Tic, who had an arrogant smile on his face, to froze. The power of darkness, for him, the Ability person, of course, would not hurt him, but it has remained so big. The darkness of the scale is not small for its physical consumption.

And more importantly, Titch can't remove the darkness, because before the darkness has absorbed a lot of sea water and yellow sand, once the darkness is released, it will be released.

That huge amounts of golden gate, even if he wanted to liberate the sea water to attack Shen Fei, he couldn't do it, so the two of them stood in a stalemate temporarily.

"Fan Oka be careful." It was about five kilometers away from the place where Shen Fei and Blackbeard fought. At the moment, a few kilometers around this place was completely covered by glaciers.

The Devil Sheriff Lafitte of the Blackbeard Pirates and Otoe Van Oka are trapped in the glacier.

As a super sniper, Van Oka, in the glacier, his super sniper Ability, completely lost its effect, if it weren’t for Lafitte who could fly in the air to guide him, he would probably be trapped. Inside the maze of mirrors in Esther.

Facing Hawkeye Mihawk, the mirror maze was completely ineffective, but Van Oka did not have the Ability to ignore. More importantly, the sudden temperature change also made Van Oka feel a little uncomfortable here.

After all, the Kingdom of Alabastan is a desert country, with high temperatures all year round, and Fan Oka and others wear very simple clothes.

"Hope you can let me have fun." Asides' voice rang from all directions, the expression on Fan Oka's face changed again.

Because Esdes would often change the position of the Mirror Labyrinth, even if Lafitte was showing the way, Van Oka would still get lost sometimes.

Not to mention that it is impossible for Lafitte to help him all the time. Lafitte who can fly is undoubtedly the air superiority, but in the face of Esders who can launch ice cones overwhelmingly, he can only fly from time to time. Check the surrounding environment from the air.

For Lafitte and Van Oka, the two have always wanted to gather together to deal with the enemy together, but it is a pity that the two have not gathered together since the start of the war. The most recent one was separated by an iceberg. , But for the two of them, this iceberg is a great moat, insurmountable.

For Hawkeye, this iceberg can be broken in one blow, but for both Lafitte and Van Oka, although it is not indestructible, it is impossible to break it in a short time.

Esther's side actually committed her old problem before, that is, she likes to watch the opponent struggle, otherwise the battle can be ended early.

"You." Compared to Esders teasing his opponent here, the battle on Chitong's side was over long ago. Poor Poison Q was hit by Crimson's Emperor's one-stroke killer Mura Yu before his strength was displayed. Then, Chi Tong directly pierced his neck with a sword.

Born as a killer, Chitong believes in a one-strike kill, even if it has changed a lot now, but when dealing with enemies, he will still use his imperial equipment to kill Cura Yu with one blow.

Killed the Poison Q's Crimson Eye, and watched the fight between the Black Pupil and the fighting champion Gizas Badgers quietly. The fighting style of the Black Pupil was the same as that of the Crimson Hitomi, and he did not fight against Badgers at all. His plan directly used the Eighth Room of the Digu March.

When a golden lion and black spider stopped Badgers, a golden cobra less than one meter long in the desert quietly took a bite on Badgers' ankle.

Following the venomous invasion, Badgers did not last long before he fell."Sister, I solved it." After killing Badgers's black pupil, he immediately looked at the red pupil on one side with excitement. It was black pupil's dream to be able to fight with his sister.

"It's done well, let's go to Esther's place." As he said, Chi Tong took out a sac, and put away the bodies of Poison Q and Badgers.

"Sure enough, she's guilty again." When I came to the battlefield on Esther's side, watching Esther At the moment confronting Lafitte and Van Oka, the red pupil shook his head slightly, but they did not. Did not intervene in Esdes's battle.

Shen Fei naturally said about Esdes's question, but it doesn't seem to be of much use. After all, his personality is so, otherwise he won't be overturned by the red pupil in the original work.

But this time Lafitte had no chance to make a comeback. Even with Van Oka's sniper support, they were also losing ground in the face of Esders.

Under Shen Fei's suggestion, Esdes developed an ice armor covering the whole body, and the magic weapon given by Shen Fei even blocked Van Oka's sniper.

"It's self-inflicted, Titch."

In the mirrored space, At the moment Shen Fei has already lifted the door of the secret method, while Titch At the moment is lying in the sea, rolling in pain. In the end, Titch did not persist and let those sucked into the dark sea liberated. , Taking this opportunity, Shen Fei immediately appeared next to him, and punched countless punches with Baji Fist and armed color domineering.

Armed domineering can attack the Ability in the first place, and adding double the pain, Tic's physical pain can be imagined.

"Room." After that, Shen Fei directly used the fruits of the operation to cut Tic into several segments. Tic Shen Fei was going to enter the March Eighth Room. He definitely wouldn't kill him now. The March Eighth Room is not in his hands now.

"It's a shame to be a clan of D." Although he couldn't kill Titch, he could get some information from Titch's mind.

"Double hands." After obtaining information from Titch, he reassembled his body. Shen Fei immediately changed Titch's body with both hands. There was no way, Titch was too stubborn. NS.

At the same time, he found the corpse of a pirate and turned his body into Titch's appearance.

"It's time to get a reward from the navy."

As a member of the White Beard Pirates, although he tried his best to hide his strength, his bounty was over 200 million. In fact, if he could catch all the main characters of the 16 teams under the White Beard Pirates. , Surprisingly, you will find that the total bounty is higher than that of the white beard originally.

Speaking of the Four Emperors Pirate Group, the White Beard Pirate Group does not have more than one billion pirates, and the other three Four Emperors have this level of pirates.

If you add other members of the Blackbeard Pirates, the combined bounty will be enough for the Baroque Work Agency to operate for a year, and Shen Fei is not planning to save the navy for these bounties.

"Shen Fei, hand over Tic's corpse to me." Just when Shen Fei contacted the navy to receive the corpse and bring the bounty, this day, one resounded through the rain. The voice appeared.

"It's the Firefist Ace of the White Beard Pirates." Looking at the young man standing in the rain spray square with the White Beard Pirates flag tattooed on his back, his identity was immediately recognized by some surrounding pirates. NS.

After Ace's identity was recognized, the surrounding crowd immediately dispersed.

The traitor under the White Beard Pirate Group had just been solved by Qi Wuhai, and the second division captain of the White Beard Pirate Group appeared, immediately making many of the surrounding pirates feel wrong.

"What a troublesome guy."

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