The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 410: Whirlpool Fragrant Phosphorus (Part 1)

"You said that the reason Itachi didn't kill me was to protect me. He killed the people of his family and his parents, all to protect me."

After Shen Fei told Sasuke the truth about Uchiha's genocide, he suddenly burst into laughter, with a sense of absurdity in the laughter.

"On the surface, he wants to keep you, let you grow up, and take your eyes in the future, but in fact, he wants to give you his own eyes after you grow up to make you stronger, and then replace He guards Konoha."

Itachi is a very great person, and Shen Fei asked himself that it was absolutely impossible for him to make such a choice.

"Is Konoha so important to protect Konoha instead of him?" Sasuke's voice was full of hatred, but Shen Fei didn't know whether the hatred was against Konoha or Itachi.

"In his heart, you are equally important. If you really want to distinguish between highs and lows, you will probably be a little higher than Konoha. Itachi is different from you who lived in peace times. He personally experienced war when he was very young. Cruel, so he cherishes peace very much. Konoha and Uchiha will have a battle. No matter who wins or loses in this battle, Konoha's strength will definitely be greatly damaged.

If Konoha's strength is greatly damaged, the other Shinobu villages will never let go of this opportunity, and war will break out at that time. "

"So I killed my own people and parents to stop the war." Sasuke interrupted Shen Fei's words immediately.

"Listen to me first." After seeing Sasuke finally shut up, Shen Fei continued, "He killed his clan and his parents to prevent the war. The other reason is to save you. If the Uchiha clan In a battle with Konoha, the chance of victory is too low. If this is the case, you are very likely to die in this battle."

The strength of the Uchiha clan is not weak, but compared to Konoha, the gap is not small, not to mention that the Uchiha clan is not unified. The two main forces, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are both biased towards wood. Ye over there.

Although in fact even Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are biased towards the Uchiha clan, the probability of victory of the Uchiha clan is also very low. Although Uchiha Shisui’s other gods are powerful, they can only control one person at first. The cooling time is too long, even if you control the three generations of Hokage or Danzo, it will not change the overall situation.

Don't forget that Konoha belongs to the Hyuga clan, and it is very powerful at seeing through illusions.

At that time, Uchiha Itachi did not open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. His kaleidoscope writing wheel eye was opened after the death of Shishui. Without the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and Amaterasu, the Itachi at that time was at most one. The elite is just forbearance.

It has to be said that the second generation of Hokage is indeed scheming. In this regard, the third generation of Hokage seems to have extremely superb political methods, but it is still inferior.

If there is no second-generation Hokage's means of differentiation to isolate the Uchiha clan and prevent them from getting assistance in Konoha, the Uchiha clan will not be the last step.

"Well, the truth about the demise of Uchiha's clan, you only need to know so much first, and our deal has been cleared." Shen Fei loosened the chains and released Sasuke, then immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, you mean there are other truths in it. You said that you told me the truth before. This truth should include all the truths. What you said is equivalent to exchange." Sasuke immediately shouted at Shen Fei.

"It’s no use telling you other things now. You are too weak. It’s no good for the weak to know too much. I can tell you so much. I just don’t want you to be deceived all the time. Itachi didn’t tell you. That’s why. You know the reason for your clan's demise, but what can you do? Are you capable of killing three generations of Hokage, or Danzo."

"Then why are you telling me this? I heard from Teacher Kakashi that you are very strong, much stronger than him. You should not just be bored to tell me the truth. The reason why you told me is that I have Use the value, no matter what you value me, as long as you tell me all the truth, after I take revenge, you can take everything."

"If I want your soul." Shen Fei smiled and looked at Sasuke with an unusually firm expression."You can take it, after I take revenge." Sasuke's expression didn't move at all.

"Okay, then tell you everything. There are some things in it that even Itachi doesn't know." After being silent for a while, Shen Fei decided to tell Sasuke the matter.

A twelve-year-old child in another world may not understand so many things, but the world of Naruto is different, =



=Wait for the replacement, not much to say, I'm so depressed.





"Half, it's not too much." A real pill can create a top master. When converted into a Naruto world ninja level, it is roughly equivalent to a general upper ninja level.

Regarding the coverage of the attack, Qin Shi's level of force is completely incomparable with Hokage, but if it is person-to-person, the situation is different.

The Naruto World also has samurai, and the strength of the country of warriors is not weak, after all, if it is too weak, I am afraid it would have been destroyed by the ninja.

"Although it's a bit wasteful, it's not bad. After all, it's not completely useless, and it's just taking it and continuing to practice. It should increase."

Since it works, then don't be afraid. He doesn't have much else, but there are more real people Dan.

"When the mirror space is completed, find a chance to catch Heijue, and everything will be fine." With mental arithmetic and unintentional, even if Heijue has a strong ability to escape, it is impossible to escape from the mirror space.

During the period of studying Bai Bingyun, Shen Fei himself did not have any restrictions, and has been using the power of Space gem to strengthen the communication space.

"I have to take a trip to Dashemaru. Similar experiments of blood inheritance and boundary replication have not been done less. With these materials, it can save me a lot of time, as well as the base stay Roar, the ghost bud Luo art. ."

"Is this progress fast? If there are ninjas to help with the construction, it will be faster than the speed." After studying the situation of Bai Bai, Shen Fei, who was idle, came to the construction site of the Naruto Bridge.

Perhaps it was because of Shen Fei's assurance, or it was because Cardo was dead, so Kakashi seemed very lax in protecting Dazna.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were not there. Only Kakashi was sitting on the elevated shelf with a book in his hand. The strange laughter from time to time made the workers below helpless. Shook his head."Intimate Paradise, I finally have the opportunity to see this book. How wonderful is it to attract Kakashi to this point." Kakashi is an avid fan of Jiraiya's Intimate Paradise series.

"I'm practicing tree climbing. As expected, my family is gone. It makes a big difference to practice alone." When Sasuke was in the Ninja School, he mastered the family's fire escape and the art of fireball, but he has been in the Ninja School for so many years. , Even the basic skills of the ninja, climbing trees, treading water have not been completed.

If the Uchiha family were still there, this would definitely not happen.

"Uchiha Sasuke, do you want to know about Uchiha Itachi? If you want to know, don't disturb anyone. Come here. I'll be waiting for you in the west."

When Sasuke climbed to stand on the top of the tree, Shen Fei immediately used the sound of the sky to transmit the sound into Sasuke’s ears. The sudden sound shocked Sasuke. He immediately became unstable and stood up from the tree. The tip fell off, but its reaction was also rapid. In mid-air, he immediately turned over, grabbed a tree trunk with his right hand, and immediately flew to a branch, watching the left and right vigilantly.

"Hahahaha, Sasuke, you can't do it." Seeing Sasuke fell down, and Naruto stood on the treetop, he immediately laughed.

"I only wait for you for ten minutes. If you don't come, don't want to know Uchiha Itachi's intelligence, remember that it is a person who came." The voice in his ear made Sasuke ignore Naruto's ridicule. In normal times, he would definitely fight with Naruto, but the four Uchiha Itachi, like a curse, have been devouring his heart.

In other matters, Sasuke will calmly consider it, but if it involves Uchiha Itachi, it is completely different.

Then Sasuke jumped directly from the branch towards the east.

"Where are you going, Sasuke?" Naruto's voice came from behind.

"Go for a walk, don't follow." Sasuke said that the figure had disappeared from Naruto's sight. After he couldn't see Naruto at all, Sasuke turned around and walked to the west.

"The ninja is really terrifying. It would be so small that he would use his voice to hit the west." Using the domineering look and hearing to perceive Shen Fei here, he shook his head with emotion.

But when I think that Kakashi will be a ninja at the age of six and become a ninja at the age of twelve, it is not surprising.

"Yo." Shen Fei, sitting on a branch in the west of the forest, smiled and called Roar to the rushing Uchiha Sasuke.

This is a figure of the sixth rank of combat power in the future, definitely Uchiha's hug wrestling is definitely not counted.

"Do you know where Itachi is?" Early Itachi, Sasuke's eyes were full of bitter hatred.

"Even if I let you know that Itachi is there now, do you have Ability to kill him now, that is the character who became the team leader of Anbe at the age of thirteen." Kakashi is one year younger, but don't forget the time itachi was in, not the time of war.

Not to mention that the current Itachi can completely kill Kakashi in a second.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is Itachi?" Sasuke took out the kunai on his waist and rushed towards Shen Fei.

"It's really impulsive." Facing the rushing Sasuke, Shen Fei shook his head slightly, and then with a wave of his left hand, an iron chain immediately appeared in front of him, and instantly tied the rushing Sasuke, and then hung. On the branch.

"Calm down, before killing Itachi, don't you want to know the truth of the Uchiha clan extermination? Why Itachi killed even his parents but didn't kill you, and you really believe that Itachi has the Ability to kill all alone. Is the Uchiha clan strength?"Sasuke, who was still struggling desperately, gave up the struggle immediately after hearing Shen Fei's words.

"You don’t know how much strength the Uchiha clan has, you probably know a little bit. With Itachi’s power, can you really kill them all, and most importantly, when Itachi deals with the people who killed his clan, Konoha's ninja is there."

"That's Konoha, Konoha, the most powerful of the five ninja villages. Such a big thing happened in the village. Konoha's ninja didn't even notice it, and finally let Itachi escape. Don't you think there is a problem here? ."

"What the hell is the truth?" Sasuke Uchiha, after closing his eyes and meditating for a long time, opened his eyes and slowly said. At the moment, his eyes looked unusually calm.

There are many problems in Uchiha’s annihilation, but Sasuke was completely blinded by the idea of ​​revenge, and he did not expect that when Shen Fei mentioned it a little, he would react to it. After all, he was very clever, in the ninja school. The cultural course is the second year of the year.

As for who is the first, Haruno Sakura is definitely Haruno Sakura. This has always been the number one in theory. He can become a member of the seventh class as a commoner. Sakura’s ability is actually very good, only because of the flower. Infatuation, and lack of ideals, it seems a little useless.

Naruto's ideal is to become Hokage, Sasuke is revenge, this is their motivation to become stronger, Sakura does not have this motivation, at least not in the early stage.

"I will tell you the truth, but I won't tell you unconditionally. I will tell you the truth and you will provide me with some information. How about it?"

"What do you need, my eyes? After I take revenge, I can give you my eyes." In order to revenge, Sasuke can say anything at all, even the body can give up, don't talk about writing round eyes.

"Writing round eyes, although many people want it, it's a pity that it doesn't include me. What I want is Chakra's refinement methods and some ninjutsu."

"That's it?" Sasuke was stunned by Shen Fei's conditions. Chakra's extraction method was too common in the Ninja world.

"Yes, that's all, you first tell me how to refine Chakra."

"Okay." Although Sasuke was strange, with the strength that Shen Fei showed before, he needed Chakra Refining Technique, but because it was not an important thing, he immediately said the method.

"This is Chakra." Shen Fei quickly perceives the Chakra in his body. Under the tall building, Chakra's cultivation is not difficult for him.

"Duplication technique, duplication technique, transformation technique." After mastering Chakra, Sasuke explained Konoha's basic three-body technique.

"The art of fireball fireball." After Sanshenjutsu, it is the fire escape ninjutsu most commonly used by the Uchiha clan. After three experiments, Shen Fei immediately completed this ninjutsu.

Definitely is just finished. If you want to use it in actual combat, you still need to continue to practice.

That's it? "Shen Fei's condition caused Sasuke to be stunned. Chakra's method of extraction is too common in the ninja world.

"Yes, that's all, you first tell me how to refine Chakra."

"Okay." Although Sasuke was strange, with the strength that Shen Fei showed before, he needed Chakra Refining Technique, but because it was not an important thing, he immediately said the method.

"This is Chakra." Shen Fei quickly perceives the Chakra in his body. Under the tall building, Chakra's cultivation is not difficult for him.

"Duplication technique, substitute technique, transformation technique."

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