The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 412: Whirlpool Fragrant Phosphorus (Part 2)

"Naruto calm down." Kakashi's face looked at him lying on the ground with a hideous face, bulging nails on his hands, and an evil and powerful red chakra all over his body, and Naruto with two red tails wagging behind him, Kakashi's face. It becomes very ugly.

Regardless of public or private, he cannot allow Naruto to continue to run wild like this. Yugong, once Naruto continues to run rampant, and if Nine Tails appear, Konoha will lose the powerful tail beast of Nine Tails. Yu Shi, As his teacher, the child of the fourth generation of Naruto, Kakashi also did not allow Naruto to die here because of Kyuubi's rampage.

So after placing Sakura in the distance and telling her not to protect herself carefully, Kakashi immediately walked to where Naruto was.

Naruto, who was just lying on the ground and standing still, immediately turned to his direction after hearing Kakashi’s voice. The red pupils stared at Kakashi, and the next moment he heard a loud noise. The ground under Naruto's body immediately collapsed. At the same time, Naruto turned into a red lightning, rushed towards Kakashi, and grabbed Kakashi with both hands.

"Tu Dun Tu Liubi." When Naruto was about to rush to Kakashi's front, the writing wheel of Kakashi's left eye immediately turned, and then he immediately sealed, patted his hands on the ground, and suddenly his body A stone wall about three meters high and one meter thick rose up in front.


The stone wall was instantly broken by Naruto's claws, but taking this opportunity, Kakashi had flashed a few meters to the left, avoiding Naruto's attack.

Originally, Kakashi could take advantage of the moment Naruto broke through the stone wall, but the opponent was Naruto after all. Kakashi hesitation for a while, in order not to hurt Naruto, he gave up the shot.

"Soil escape, the technique of earth flow on all sides." The next moment Kakashi quickly sealed the seal again, and instantly created four stone walls around Naruto's body, trapping Naruto inside.

"The art of earth escape from the sky." Just when Naruto suddenly raised a stone wall because of the surrounding area, when he was a little confused, a huge amount of earth cover suddenly landed in the sky, directly hitting the four stone walls, in an instant I sealed Naruto directly inside.

"Soil escape, the art of earth flow on all sides." The next moment Kakashi did the same, adding another stone wall outside the four stone walls.

"It's really a copy of the ninja Kakashi, this ninjutsu is very slippery." The dirt wall used for defense is used to trap Naruto, so that Naruto won't be hurt.

There are many ninjutsu skills, and it is not without benefits. Although it may not be good enough to reach the level of Naruto hitting the world with a ball, it is completely possible to adjust tactics according to the opponent’s situation. There is no huge amount of difference between each other’s strength. Tactics are very important.

The battle of the ninja is the battle of strength, intelligence, wisdom, terrain, ninjutsu restraint, and psychological state are the key to victory or defeat. For example, the battle between Kakashi and No Slash is such a battle. Finally, Kakashi chess Go ahead and don't lose again.

"It's a good solution, but does it underestimate Naruto's strength." As the strongest tail beast, Nine Tails, its Chakra is only leaking a little bit, and it is not comparable to ordinary ninjas.

Sure enough, the next moment, I heard a loud boom. Under this loud noise, the rock wall that trapped Naruto was trembling constantly. Just by looking at the shaking of the rock wall, you can know that it won't last a few times.

"Soil escape." Seeing that the stone wall that trapped Naruto was about to be broken, Kakashi repeated the same trick again, but this time the four earth flow walls that appeared around were somewhat wide, not only in range, but also in height. More than double the previous stone wall.

"Water escape, the technique of the big waterfall." Kakashi, who jumped onto the rock wall, immediately spit out an endless stream of water in the area covered by the earth flow wall, as if his throat was connected to the sea. In the area almost surrounded by four stone walls, the water level was level with the height of the stone walls.

Naruto, who broke the stone wall in the next moment, immediately lost his balance as soon as he rushed out.

The current Naruto has not yet learned to tread water. In addition, he is in a state of violent walking and has zero IQ. He can only struggle hard in the water. Although his power is still strong, after the water is weakened, he wants to destroy the stone wall. It's impossible.Using so many ninjutsu in a row, Kakashi squatted on the wall of Tuliubi, panting for breath, Chakra consumed too much.

"Wonderful, if you add Meltdown, it is simply a copy of the ten tails." Kakashi's series of ninjutsu made Shen Fei feel a little dazzled.

"It's really a copy of a ninja, it's really eye-opening." Sudden applause broke out in the forest.

"What is your purpose?" Kakashi panting loudly, staring at Shen Fei with his eyes fixed on Shen Fei. At the moment, he was extremely vigilant in his heart, who consumed a large amount of Chakra in order to subdue Naruto.

As Renzhuli, he was originally not allowed to go out at will. Naruto's side was because his identity was kept secret. Don't look at Konoha. Many people know that Naruto is a demon fox, but Outer Village doesn't know this at all.

Now that Naruto's identity is known, Kakashi can't be careful.

"What I said before was the truth, why you just don't want to believe it, I repeat, I have no purpose, I just tell the truth." Seeing Kakashi's gaze, Shen Fei smiled helplessly. Shook his head.

For Kakashi didn’t believe in himself, Shen Fei also knew the reason. After all, a stranger came out and told Konoha’s secrets that Konoha had hidden for so many years. Some people in other worlds may believe it, but in the Ninja Realm, no one will believe it.

There are many people with persecuted delusions in the ninja world.

"Okay, we've seen enough of the play, we should also go." Shen Fei said, turning around and preparing to leave, but after just taking a few steps, he stopped immediately and turned to look at Kakashi. The face calmly said, "I know that Konoha method will definitely not give up. I will probably send Anbu to track us down. You bring me a sentence to that third-generation Hokage. I hate trouble. If I dare to provoke me, the most Be prepared for my revenge."

"Is this a flag? It's really troublesome." After warning Kakashi, Shen Fei just wanted to leave. As a result, several figures appeared right in front of him, making Shen Fei helpless and shook his head.

"Kakashi, what's the matter with you?" The black watermelon head, the unique green tights, and the white and beautiful teeth. Tekai, and his disciples, Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee, and Tian Tian trio.

"That's it?" Kay then saw Konoha's forehead guard on Sasuke's body, and the unique mark of rebellion. As a disciple of Kakashi, Sasuke is a disciple of Kakashi. Although Kay is unfamiliar, he still knows him, let alone now. By his side, Sasuke is surrounded by two Ninza and Bai who represent Kiri Ren Ren Ren, and both of them wear foreheads representing Wu Ren Ren Ren.

Although Shen Fei does not approve of this kind of self-reporting behavior, it is not easy to stop it. Rebellion is also dignified, even if it is Six Penn, his forehead also carries the forehead of Yuren Village Rebellion. .

"There seems to be something wrong with you." Naruto trapped in the water, Sasuke betrayed, although Kay didn't know what happened, but since it was Kakashi's business, it was his business.

Speaking of Kai, he walked towards Shen Fei and the others, and behind him, Sun Ning Ci and the others quietly followed.

"Be careful, the other party is weird." Kakashi didn't stop Kai from taking action. After all, Shen Fei's intelligence problem was too big.

"Don't worry." Kay immediately turned his head and gave Kakashi a thumbs up, showing a mouthful of shiny teeth.

"Forget it, let me do it." Seeing No More Zhan and Bai greeted them, Shen Fei immediately stopped them. It was rare to encounter Metkay, just to try Bamen Dunjia.

"You stand back a little bit." After letting the three people of No-Zhan retreat, Shen Fei immediately greeted Metkay.

"Konoha Rigid Tornado." Kai stared at Shen Fei for a while, and the next moment his figure appeared on Shen Fei's left side, with his right leg facing Shen Fei's upper body at an astonishing speed, and a whirling kick came, Roar whistling. The sound of the wind and the powerful chakras on his legs all show that the power of this blow is amazing.

Snapped.But the next moment Kai’s expression was immediately stunned. Because of his powerful relic kicking, his right calf was directly grasped by the opponent. The powerful force carried on his leg did not shake the opponent at all, and he grabbed his right calf. The power contained in that hand made it impossible to move at all.


Just when Kai was about to break the siege with his left leg, he immediately felt his body lose his balance, and then he felt a sharp pain in his back, and he seemed to fall apart.

"Teacher Kai." Seeing that his teacher was hit by the opponent, he was slammed into the ground. Kakashi and Kai's three disciples opened their mouths unbelievably. .

They knew the strength of Metkay very well, but with such strength, only raising and waving the left hand to deal with, the battle ended. Such a scene was beyond their dreams.

"Teacher Kai." After Xiao Li reacted, he immediately wanted to rush to help his teacher, but the next moment he was stopped by Ning Ci on the side.

"Let go of me, Ning Ci, Teacher Kai."

"Calm down Xiao Li, you can't help Teacher Kai when you rush up like this." Compared to impulsive Xiao Li, Ning Ci is undoubtedly much calmer.


The next moment, when Metkai was smashed into the ground, a powerful chakra wave suddenly erupted,-




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--After learning the truth from Shen Fei, Sasuke was very angry with him, because he didn't discover these problems. He didn't think of it until Shen Fei told the truth.

This is for himself, and for Itachi, that’s why you want to kill your parents. Even if things are really irreversible, you don’t need to do this step at all. The other members of the clan are killed if they kill. Those are the biological parents, this is the most unforgivable.

Konoha can't tolerate the Uchiha clan, can't the Uchiha clan leave, the Ninja world is so big, with the strength of the Uchiha clan, it is not completely impossible to live without Konoha.

"Kakashi, are you here to tell me why?" Sasuke yelled out in an extremely angry tone.

"Really worthy of the most emotional family." Seeing Ergou Yu in the eyes of the extremely angry Sasuke, Shen Fei couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

This is not the first time that Sasuke has discovered that when Sasuke and Shen Fei met before, he vented a lot, and then his eyes became two gouyu.

"Sasuke." Sasuke was so angry that Sakura and Naruto didn’t know what to say at the moment. Although Naruto was a little simpler, he was not a fool. Sasuke’s meaning in his words, he already understood it. what.

"Sasuke, there may be hidden secrets in this, but leaving them like this is not the right choice. They are just using you."

"Use it." Kakashi's words made Shen Fei suddenly laugh. For Sasuke, Shen Fei admitted that there was an element of use, but before that, he had already told Sasuke, compared with Konoha and Itachi. He is very honest about Sasuke's concealment.

Unlike Itachi, who has arranged all the future of Sasuke, he told him the truth and let him choose. No one likes his future being arranged, and Sasuke is no exception.

"Let's go." Sasuke sneered at Kakashi, then turned and prepared to leave with Shen Fei.

"Sasuke, wait a minute." Just when Shen Fei and his party were about to leave, Naruto suddenly yelled, "The third generation of grandpa is not that kind of person. There must be some misunderstanding in this, you go back with us, third generation. Grandpa will find out the matter."

"Three generations of grandpa, it's a shame for you to be so affectionate." Naruto's words made Sasuke stop, and he turned to look at Naruto with a sneer.

"Do you know how your parents died? Why are you called a demon fox in Konoha."

"Ah." Hearing Sasuke mentioning his parents, Naruto was stunned for a moment, and Kakashi's eyes flashed quickly on one side.

"Didn't my parents died during the Demon Fox Chaos." Naruto's tone fell involuntarily when he mentioned his parents.

"Then do you know the identity of your parents? Many people in Konoha know the identity of your parents, but no one tells you. Do you know why?"

"Sasuke." Kakashi suddenly interrupted Sasuke's words loudly.

"Why Kakashi, are you afraid that I will tell you the identity of his parents, Naruto, why do you ask your teacher Kakashi, who are your parents?"

"Ms. Kakashi, who are my parents?"

Regarding the identity of his parents, the official statement to Naruto is that he was an ordinary ninja who was sacrificed in the Kyuubi Rebellion.

Facing Naruto's hopeful gaze, Kakashi couldn't help but hesitate.

"Why don't you dare to say, then let me tell you, Naruto, your father is Konoha's fourth-generation Hokage Wave Fengshuimen."

"What?" Sasuke's words made Naruto and Sakura look incredulous at the same time, especially Sakura, she didn't expect Naruto to be the son of Kokage's fourth generation Hokage.

"The fourth generation of Hokage is my father."

"Yes, as the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, after they were lost, they actually lived a life of not having enough food every day. Not to mention that they are hated and feared by the civilians every day. Do you know why this is? Originally the son of a hero, why is there such treatment? Who hides your identity?

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