The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 418: Mu Dun (1)

"I didn't expect the Wind Demon Clan to still exist, I thought they had completely disappeared, but although they exist, they seem to have completely declined." After the lavender-haired young man left, the expression on his side looked like no more. Some emotions.

Feng Molan is the name of this young man.

"The Wind Demon Clan?" Shen Fei looked curiously and didn't cut, Sasuke, Bai, and Xianglin on one side also focused his attention on him at the moment.

"There are very few people who know this clan now. I only learned some information about this clan by chance. It was the ninja clan that was once famous as Hanzo and Sarutobi clan."

Sarutobi, Hanzo, and Wind Demon were once famous in the Ninja world only under the Uchiha, Thousands, and Hakata clan. During the Ninja Warring States period, they separatized one side, but with the big changes in the Ninja pattern. , The Wind Demon clan was the first to be eliminated.

Subsequently, the Senshou clan and Uchiha clan began to establish Konoha, and the other four ninja villages began to be established one after another. This is the current pattern of the five ninja villages.

The Sarutobi clan joined Konoha at a very early age. The young Sarutobi Hisaki, and worshipped the second generation of Naruto Qianshoujian as a teacher, so that the Sarutoi clan gradually surpassed the declining Hanzang clan. It wasn't that the Hanzo clan had a guy known as a demigod, and the Hanzo clan might have completely declined.

Hanzo of Amunin Village was undoubtedly the man who stood at the top of the Ninja World during the Second Ninja World War, and single-handedly suppressed the youth of Osamaru, Jilaiya, and Tsunade. This battle is also the origin of Konoha Sannin.

It’s just a pity that Hanzo is strong, but there is still a big gap between Uchiha Madara and the original Naruto Senjuzu. So even if he is very strong, he cannot avoid making Amunin Village the first. The central battlefield of the Second Ninja World War.

If it was Uchiha Madara or the first generation Naruto Senjuju who was from Amnin Village, no one would dare to invade Amnin Village based on their names, and it would be easy to even make Amnin Village the sixth largest Ninja Village. Things.

Hanzo's strength is not the absolute strength of Uchiha Madara and the first generation Naruto Senjuju that suppresses opponents, part of his strength is achieved by poison.

But the poison can be solved. Konoha’s Tsunade and the Chiyo mother-in-law of Sand Ninja Village are all well-known medical ninjas, especially the Chi-yo mother-in-law. It's so big now.

In the Ninja Warring States era, which was not established in the Five Ninja Villages, it was an extremely chaotic era. Ninjas mainly took over tasks in a family situation. I don't know how many powerful ninja families were destroyed, such as the Yuyi clan.

It wasn't until Uchiha Madara and Senjuju appeared between the two that they jointly established the Konoha Village and sheltered the ninja family, and then there was the current ninja order.

In the beginning Konoha only had the Senju clan and Uchiha clan, Sarutobi clan, Pig-deer clan clan, Hyuga clan, Shimura clan, Yunyu clan, Hagiki clan, Kurama clan and so on. The families slowly joined in later. .

Other ninja villages immediately followed suit. At the time, the four great ninja villages did not actually have this idea at the beginning. At that time, the first generation of the four generations of ninja villages, the original intention of establishing villages and taking in the major ninja families was just to fight against the gradual increase. The mighty Konoha Village.

Ninja family is not as strong as Ninja Village, because the ninjas of a family are too restrictive. Ninjutsu is similar, and it is very easy to be targeted and restrained. Ninja Village is different. The cooperation of different ninja families can completely make up for each other’s shortcomings. .In fact, it was not just the Five Great Ninja Villages that established Ninja Village at that time. The Ninja Villages such as Amunin Village, Kushinin Village, Takinin Village, Yunin Village, Sora Ninja Village, etc. were also established at that time.

These ninja villages divided almost all the powerful ninja families at the time. At this time, the luck of a ninja family was tested. After joining a powerful ninja village, the ninja family will naturally be continued, but a weak ninja village is nothing more than Delayed the time of destruction.

After some battles, negotiations, and elimination, the pattern of Ninja Village was established, but the real pattern was still after the first Ninja War.

Because the Uchiha Madara and the first generation Naruto Senjuzuma were too strong at that time, while they were alive, the other ninja villages could only form an alliance against Konoha, until the two died one after another, so the first ninja battle was immediately Most of the Ninja Village, which had started, insufficient strength, was annihilated in this battle of the Ninja World.

The Ninja Village where the Wind Demon Clan was located was destroyed in the first Ninja World War.

"The Wind Demon Clan probably wants to use the power of the Oshe Maru to rejuvenate its own clan? There are many families like Ninja World, and they are all idiots with ridiculous thoughts." Don't cut it after talking about the experience of the Wind Demon Clan. I don't care about this family anymore.

As a person who has experienced the land of blood mist in Wunin Village, he has fled for so many years, and he has a very good understanding of the idea of ​​the ninja family, especially the declining ninja family.

Shen Fei didn’t ask much about the Wind Demon Clan. Just like I don’t want to cut it anymore, there are too many families in the Ninja World. I don’t know how many ninja families have been beaten to death in the Three Ninja World Wars. No village can shelter all the families in its own village, let alone other forces.

For example, Konoha's pommel horse clan is very weak in Konoha's influence, but it is no wonder who let the pommel horse clan play illusion, in terms of illusion, who can play the Uchiha clan.

The illusion that you have practiced for many years can't stop the opponent's stare at all.

"Let’s find a place to rest first. The Dashewan guy doesn’t know when the news will come." Originally following the person named Fengmolan, he should be able to find the Dashewan, but Shen Fei did not do this this time. Now that I have arrived at Otonin Village, it will be sooner or later to see Dashemaru.

"This is helix pill." In the rented yard, Shen Fei looked at the helix pill on his left hand and couldn't help but laughed. As he increased the input of Chakra, it was originally a fist File size helix pill. It became a huge spiral pill with a diameter of about one meter, Dayu spiral pill.

"How does Bo Ren's invisible spiral pill do it? Does the nature of the spiral pill change." Strictly speaking, learning the spiral pill is just the beginning. The spiral pill is just the shape change of the chakra, the truly completed spiral pill. It is the addition of Chakra's nature change, just like Naruto's wind escape spiral shuriken.

Because the fourth generation of Hokage died too early, Helix Maru did not complete the change in nature.

Regarding the nature of Chakra, Shen Fei now only cultivates two attributes, Huo Dun and Water Dun. Huo Dun was learned from Sasuke. As a descendant of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke is weak now, but there are many Uchiha clan. Fire escape ninjutsu.

Naturally, Water Dunn was learned from No More. Most of the ninjas of Mist Ninja are proficient in water Dunn. It’s not that they can’t learn other ninjutsu, but it’s not necessary. For most ninjas, ninjutsu is not The more the better, the specialization is the best.

For example, Naruto has two attributes of Feng Shui, but from beginning to end, he relied on a non-attribute spiral pill to fight the world. Feng Dun and Shui Dun didn’t learn much. By the way, I almost forgot, Naruto has wind escape. Wind escape spiral shuriken.

Ninja’s chakra attributes are divided into two types: innate and acquired. The innate attributes can be confirmed through the chakra test paper. Shen Fei wants to know his own innate chakra attributes, but unfortunately because there is no chakra test paper, there is no one at the moment. Ways to test.The acquired chakra attributes are simple, except for the innate attributes, they are all acquired attributes.

For ninjas, as long as you think, any ninjutsu can be learned, and the power of definitely cannot be guaranteed. The innate attributes are probably equivalent to that some people are born to run fast, some are born to be powerful, and some are born to jump high. Some people are naturally smart, some are naturally confused and so on. Working hard in what they are good at will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

The acquired attribute is constantly practicing. It doesn't matter if you run slowly. You can practice constantly to make yourself run faster.

However, this kind of cultivation may not allow you to run faster than someone who is born to run faster.

Just like Xiao Li, he is very good at physique, but he is a mess in ninjutsu.

However, although Shen Fei did not conduct the Chakra test, he would not be surprised by his full attributes. This full attribute is not only the five chakra attributes, but also the two special attributes of Yin and Yang.

He can practice all the onmyojis of onmyoji, and naturally the same is true for ninjutsu.

The so-called innate attributes, but the strength has not been reached, the later Naruto and Sasuke after reaching the sixth level, there is no doubt that they are all attributes.


Just when Shen Fei was considering the change in the nature of the spiral pill to practice first, suddenly a figure fell from the sky in the yard, and then Sasuke jumped up from the outside.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the strange figure lying on the ground, Shen Fei looked at Sasuke and asked softly.

"I don't know, he is peeping here." Sasuke left after speaking.

"who are you?"

"My name is Ban Qi."

The person who was thrown in by Sasuke was very honest, answered all questions, and quickly answered all of Shen Fei's questions.

"Let's go." After knowing the identity of Ban Qi and the reason for peeping here, Shen Fei immediately lost interest and waved to him to leave as soon as possible.

This person named Banqi is from the Wind Molan clan before, but he was expelled by the Wind Molan clan. He peeped at this yard because Shen Fei and his group were in the village of Yinnin before.

After the decline of the Fengmo family, they took refuge in the daimyo of Tianzhiguo, and wanted to use the power of the daimyo to restore their strength, but it is a pity that the daimyo of Tianzhiguo is a guy with great ambition and talent.In order to expand the territory of Tanokuni, this daimyo mobilized the domestic ninja family and began to invade neighboring countries. As a result, he was defeated. The domestic ninja family suffered severe damage, and the wind demon clan was one of the severely injured members.

Otonin Village was able to gain a foothold in the country of Tanokuni. This is the reason. The country of Tanokuni, which was defeated, was invaded by a neighboring country. It was about to cut the ground and seek reconciliation. Otoshimaru appeared to help Tanokuni. At the cost of defeating the enemy country's invasion, Otonin Village established a foothold in the country.

In the entire Ninja World, in addition to the five big countries, there are countless small countries, and there are often battles between each other.

The power and fame of Oshemaru made many ninjas from Tanokuni decide to join Otonin Village, including the Wind Demon clan. These people all hope to use the power of Oshemaru to rejuvenate the family.

There are definitely people who don't believe in Oshemaru. After all, this is Konoha's S-rank rebel. Hansaki is a member of the Fengmo clan who doesn't believe in Oshemaru. He was then expelled by the revival faction of the village.

If Naruto heard about the wind demon clan, I am afraid he will immediately crusade on the Oshe Maru, but for Shen Fei, this is nothing to do with him. He is not interested in helping the Oshe Maru get rid of the wind demon clan who does not believe him, and is even hostile. His people are not obliged to help the Fengmo clan to fight the Oshe Maru, and he is not Naruto.

Oshemaru is interested in the Fengmo clan, the biggest reason is the ninjutsu of the Fengmo clan, after all, the Fengmo clan had also passed that year. After all, the wish of Oshemaru is to study all the ninjutsu in the world.

"Uchiha Sasuke?" In a secret underground base in Tanokuni, Oshemaru, who was reported by Feng Molan, couldn't help but licked his lower lip, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

Originally, Oshemaru’s interest in the Uchiha clan was only to study their writing round eyes, but Itachi’s performance made Oshemaru immediately discovered that compared to Itachi’s genius, he, who is also known as a genius, has a big gap. The time when Oshemaru was really interested in Itachi was when I once saw Itachi practicing shuriken throwing.

At that time, Oshemaru thought Itachi would be injured and wanted to save him. As a result, Itachi was not injured at all. From then on, Oshemaru became interested in Itachi. After joining Akatsuki, she teamed up with Itachi and was killed in seconds. I am more interested in Itachi. It should be said that I am more interested in the Uchiha clan. I can't beat Itachi, so I can only look for Itachi's younger brother Sasuke.

"Pocket." After Feng Molan retreated, Da She Wan said softly.

"Oshamaru-sama, according to the reported information, Konoha doesn't seem to know his origins, but we can know that the turmoil in Kushinin Village some time ago should be related to him. Konoha lost a group of dark parts before. It has something to do with him."

The pharmacist's pocket on the side of Dashewan immediately revealed the information of Shen Fei and his party after Dashewan spoke.

"It's really interesting. I came here directly to find me, as if I'm pretty sure I must be here, and I know what I want most now." Even Konoha doesn't even know that Osaki Maru is in Tanokuni. , Otonin Village was established by Oshemaru, but Shen Fei and his team confirmed this incomparably.

"Since he wants to see me, let him come over, and you can arrange this, and maybe it can bring unexpected gains." After a short silence, Da She Maru decided to see Shen Fei.

He was killed by Itachi and was interested in Sasuke. The only person who knew about this was Yakushitou. Yakushitou would definitely not betray him. So the information that Shen Fei got from there, Dashewan was very curious. of.

In order to escape from Itachi, the price that Da She Wan paid was not small. The biggest price was that his body could not last long.

"Unexpectedly, he appeared directly. Could this guy have changed his sex?" Shen Fei was a little surprised when he looked at the Pharmacist Pouch who appeared in front of him. Pharmacist Pouch's favorite was to control the dead body to appear in front of other people.

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