The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 425 Konoha collapse plan (end)

"The book of seals? I am definitely interested." Konoha's book of seals, Shen Fei is naturally very interested. In fact, it is not just the book of seals of Konoha, but the other four Ninja villages. He was also interested, but Konoha's was more attractive in comparison.

Mu Dun, Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth, Thor's Technique, Mutual Multiplication Detonation Talisman's Technique, Sealing Technique, etc., all of which are very powerful. In this respect, it is completely unmatched by other Ninja Villages.

Konoha Village can be said to be the place of choice. The fourth Ninja World War is not so much a joint battle of the five Ninja villages in the Ninja world, it is more of Konoha's unilateral show.

Originally, Oshemaru had no interest in the book of seals. After all, before he defected, he was one of Konoha’s three forbearances, a high position, and he was naturally qualified to watch the book of seals. It was his time when he was reincarnated from the dirty land. He saw that before he defected, he wanted to read the book of seals, so naturally he didn't have much interest.

But now it’s different. It integrates with the first generation cells and obtained Mu Dun’s Oshe Pill. If you want to learn Mu Dun, you can only read the Mu Dun in the Book of Seals. There was no Mu Dun in Da She Pill before, so naturally you would not study Mu Dun. .

Although after you have Mu Dun, you can slowly research the corresponding Mu Dun, but if there are ready-made Mu Dun, why bother to study, after all, I want to develop a new ninjutsu, especially Mu Dun such high-end Ninjutsu, it takes a lot of time.

With the ability of the fourth generation of Naruto, it takes three years to study the spiral pill, but Jilaiya and Naruto have not learned the spiral pill for a month. This is just a ninjutsu. You must know the powerful Mu Dun of the first generation of Naruto. But many.

Shen Fei now combined with Wanye Feihualiu, using some simple wooden escapes is no problem, but the first generation of Hokage’s ruining wooden escapes, such as the top of the Buddha, really thousands of hands, etc., can’t be used. Many of these techniques can be used out of thin air if they know the power image.

However, for Shen Fei, these wooden Dune still have a chance to be used, but for Oshe Maru, it is impossible to use it. Oshe Maru is now able to use the wooden Dun, strictly speaking, it is equivalent to strengthening the Yamato one level.

In fact, Shen Fei is interested in Konoha's Sealed Book. There is another reason, that is, the second generation of Hokage's Water Dun, as Naruto, the strength of Water Dun, even if there are not many people in Wuren Village. It's comparable, and as a genius who develops ninjutsu, there are some water escapes, even in Wunin Village.

Water escape in the Hokage World has many restrictions, but if it is in the Pirate World, it is different. There are seas everywhere, and it is a natural location.

That is to say, the second generation of Hokage died early, otherwise the reincarnating and flying Thor technique will not be the turn of the Dashemaru and the fourth generation of Hokage to further improve and develop.

Since you are taking the Nakanobu test, you definitely have to prepare for the people who will take the test. With some selection, the candidates from Oshemaru are still the same as the original Sake Stirrup trio. These three are considered to be the elites of Otonin Murashita Ninchu. It was Oshemaru who tempted them to rely on him with strength as bait.

Otonin Village, the name is not just named Oshemaru. Many ninjas in Otonin Village are good at sound attack. Among the four of Otonin Village, Yuu is also good at flute illusion.

The strength of the three people who are going to take the Konoha joint Zhongnin exam this time is mainly focused on their voices.

Sonic equipment is one of the by-products of so many researches on Oshe Maru. Although it is not very powerful, it is very good equipment for ninjas of the lower and middle levels.

In fact, this kind of equipment is also available in the Pirate World, which is the defeated Blackbeard Pirates fighting champion Badgers. Two years later in the original book, his right hand has a sonic arm guard that strengthens his attack.

However, although they are both sonic weapons, the focus of the two is different. On the Oshemaru's side, the main focus is on illusion, and Badgers's enhanced physical destructive power.

"Are you interested in going back to Konoha." When the three people selected by Otonin Village were preparing to set off, Shen Fei found Sasuke here, combined Konoha with the Ninja test, and Oshomaru might launch an attack on Konoha. The thing told him."Okay." After thinking about it, Sasuke immediately nodded in agreement.

"Do you want me to catch Danzo and give it to you." Seeing Sasuke's indifferent expression, Shen Fei continued.

"No need, I said, he will be solved by me personally."

"up to you."

For Shen Fei, resolving Tuan Zang is easy, but Sasuke is very stubborn and must solve Dan Zang personally to avenge his parents.

Shen Fei had no choice but to let it go. Anyway, a Danzang was nothing, and it wouldn't be a big deal for him to live for two more years.

"Let's go, let's take Konoha's Nakanin exam." After getting a certificate from Otonin Village Shimaninu from Otomanu, Shen Fei, Sasuke, Xianglin and Toss headed towards the village of Konoha. Rush away.

If you want to go to Konoha, you must have a hidden identity. Shen Fei originally wanted to enter Konoha with Sasuke as a businessman or tourist.

This joint Ninja test attracted many outsiders to enter Konoha. This is a very good opportunity to sneak into Konoha. In fact, this is the case. Many ninjas from Ninja Village took this opportunity to sneak into Konoha. Konoha.

However, when Xianglin expressed that he also wanted to go to Konoha, after Shen Feizhi found that there were three people on his side, he immediately had a whim, and entered Konoha Village with Xiaren from Otonin Village.

Although Da She Wan was very surprised, how could Shen Fei be so interested in a mere Zhongnin exam, but he still gave his identity certificate.

In the beginning of Ninja Ninja, it was mainly based on the five great Ninja villages. Generally speaking, it was twice a year. This is definitely an internal exam in the Ninja village.

There is only one joint Ninja test every five years, and this is also the most difficult test because it is not a fight with the ninjas in your own village, but with other Ninja villages. It is a battle of life and death.

The Ninja test is generally divided into two parts, the written test and the qualifiers, and the official competition. For the big names, leaders of Ninimura and the rich, the previous competitions and qualifiers will not care, only in the official competitions. Will appear to watch.

There is a one-month time interval between the qualifiers and the official competitions, so that the players who pass the qualifiers can make relevant preparations. After all, they are facing the big names, leaders and rich people of various countries. The competition must be exciting enough.

The identities of the three of Shen Fei were not clear to the three of Toss. All they knew was that the three of them were from Otonin Village, so even if they went to Konoha in the same way, the two groups did not act together.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shen Fei took Sasuke and Xianglin and strolled around.

"Big Sheep, you also know her, but it's a pity that you came late, she left a few days ago." On this road, Shen Fei would enter every casino, not to gamble, but to go to the lobby to gamble. About the famous Big Sheep in the world, who is the Big Sheep in the gambling world, naturally there is no need to say more, naturally it will be the future five generations of Hokage Tsunade.

As a result, even though he inquired about Big Sheep's information, there was no chance to see each other at all. In the town where Naruto and Jiraiya met Tsunade in the future, Shen Fei didn't know where.

There are too many casinos in the country of fire, it is difficult to judge where Tsunade will appear, and sometimes she hides in order to avoid gambling debts, and only appears after the gambling debts are paid off.

Fortunately, Tsunade had an excellent medical ninjutsu, and he could make money with this, otherwise he would have gone bankrupt."Does the ninja follow the rules like this? You can use Chakra to cheat." For Tsunade, he will lose every gambling. Shen Fei can only say that her gambling is good, otherwise she cheats by virtue of her ability to manipulate Chakra. too easy.

As the time for the first session of the Nakanobu test approached, Shen Fei gave up looking for Tsunade, and quickly rushed towards Konoha with Sasuke and Xianglin.

"In other words, vehicles such as cars are not easy to invent. Why are there no bicycles? Ninjas don't need them, but ordinary people need them."

Walking all the way to Konoha, people came and went on the road, basically for the joint Zhongnin test, and many of the merchants brought a lot of goods.

Xianglin was still looking around with interest, but then immediately hid behind Shen Fei, his body trembling a little.

"Ninja from Kushinin Village." Xianglin's movements made Shen Fei look at the cause of her for the first time. There were six ninjas on the road with Kushinen Village guards and face masks.

Although Kushinin Village suffered heavy losses due to Shen Fei before, the village did not perish after all. He would definitely not refuse Konoha's joint middle-level test, but just send six cannon fodder to his death. Kushinin Village doesn't care.

"Today is really a coincidence." Moving on, Shen Fei soon found three more acquaintances. There was a very conspicuous figure in the pavilion on the side of the road for people to rest. Because of his existence, he could have sat down for a dozen. There are only three people in the personal pavilion at the moment.

"Calabash Baby." The person in the pavilion is Calabash Baby. No, it was me who came to the third sister and brother of Luo. Gaara sat there with his eyes closed, his elder brother and sister watching around carefully.

When Shen Fei looked at them, he was naturally discovered. Teju was slightly shocked after seeing Shen Fei, but then he shifted his gaze.

Going to Konoha to take the Zhongnin exam, naturally, you need to disguise. Although Shen Fei is disguised here, he is still a handsome guy. As for Sasuke, after disguising, his appearance becomes ordinary, and Xianglin is just simplified. A little makeup.

"Ninjas from Otonin Village, it seems that some ninjas from Otonin Village have arrived." Outside Konoha's gate, Konoha Nakanin who was in charge of checking the identity, his eyes immediately became vigilant after seeing the identity certificates of the three of Shen Fei.

"We walked separately and completed a task by the way. How could Konoha stipulate that the ninjas of a village must arrive together."

"It's not, I'm sorry." After saying this, Zhong Ren immediately returned his identity to Shen Fei, and then immediately called a Xia Ren and took Shen Fei's three to the resident of Yin Ren Village.

Since I came to Konoha to take the Zhongnin exam, Konoha should be responsible for eating, drinking, lodging, and transportation. Konoha still has some money.

What's more, this joint Zhongjin exam is also a good opportunity to make money for Konoha. The entry of a large number of outsiders will certainly cause some hidden dangers to Konoha's safety, but it will also greatly stimulate Konoha's consumption. .

Konoha would be responsible for eating, drinking, housing, and transportation, but that was in the resident. Since I came to Konoha, why can't I look around? This is a rare and honest opportunity to visit Konoha.

In terms of the overall environment, Konoha is the best among the five ninja villages, not to mention more than the little ninja village. The only five ninja villages we came this time were Konoha's alliance sand ninja village.

After Temari came to Konoha, he was very excited. The environment of Sand Ninja Village is hard to see even a little green, but it is everywhere in Konoha.

"Don't be so happy. You will stay in Konoha forever. No, you don't have to chase Sasuke. How can you develop between Temari and Shikamaru?"



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This is Mu Dun, and all you need to do next is to get Konoha's Book of Seal, the Art of Flying Thor. "After Dashewan integrated the first-generation cells, Shen Fei also started to integrate the first-generation cells and let him have Mudun. Looking at the spikes emerging from the palm of his hand, Shen Fei nodded with a smile.

Mu Dun got his hands, it can be said that his goal has been half achieved.

"Are all the Uchiha guys so perverted?" On this day, Don't Slash with the decapitating sword on his back, and walked back from the door with a look of misfortune. Behind him was Shiro, and Kusanaru sword was slung on his waist. Sasuke.

The Kusanagi sword belonging to Sasuke in the original book was sent to Sasuke by Shen Fei in advance.

"What's the matter?" Shen Fei looked at Nozhai and Sasuke curiously, not understanding what happened between them.

"It's the previous battle." Bai on one side immediately explained it, and Shen Fei understood why he didn't cut it anymore.

During this period of time, Sasuke’s training was initially in charge of Bai, but after Sasuke integrated the first generation cells, he quickly defeated Bai, and then it was his turn not to slash again, and to face Sasuke without slashing at the beginning. It has an absolute advantage, but with the passage of time, the absolute advantage of not being cut has slowly disappeared.

Relying on the effect of the writing wheel, Sasuke's body art has progressed very quickly, and even the silent killing technique that does not cut again, has learned a little, the silent killing technique of no more cut is not only the fog hiding technique, but also the body technique. Skills in this area, such as a quick and silent movement, and a silent swing of a knife.

The decapitation sword is very heavy. It takes a certain skill to swing out and kill people silently. In addition, Sasuke occasionally fights with the Otonin and Junmaro, and absorbs Junmaro's. Physique, integrate into your own unique physique.

Definitely, Sasuke's progress is so fast, it is not only the effect of writing round eyes, but also the effect of his hard work and the first generation of cells.

The first generation of cells can speed up the body's recovery speed, which means that Sasuke now has a physique no less than that of the Uzumaki family. No matter how tired, a sleep is almost enough.

Compared with the current Sasuke, Naruto has one advantage.

If you don't cut it anymore, it's because Sasuke can already have contact with him. You know it's only a few months.

"Master Dashewan, there is a contact." This day Shen Fei and Dashewan were discussing Junmaru's blood vessel disease together, and the pharmacist came in from the door and whispered.

Junmaru’s blood vessel disease is a very difficult disease, even now Shen Fei,

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