The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 428 The Death of Three Generations (Part 2)

Dashemaru's words were not completely finished, so he immediately shot out. From his right arm, more than 20 big black snakes flew out instantly, opening their mouths in the blood basin, and rushing towards the Luosha trio.

Although Luosha was vigilant after the appearance of Oshe Maru, but the Oshe Maru that he did not expect was so fast, she was caught off guard, and immediately lost her first opportunity, looking at the many blacks that were wrapped in the fishy wind. Da Snake, Luo Sha can only choose to retreat.

"Retreat." Luo Sha said a little water under his feet, and immediately jumped to the rear. After receiving Luo Sha's reminder, the two dark parts behind him also leaped back. This time Luo Sha went to Konoha to execute Konoha. In the collapse of the plan, the two guards around him were naturally also masters in the village of Ninja.

"Ten fingers through bullets." When the three of them jumped into the air, from the left behind Luosha, Junmaro shot. The phalanx of ten fingers shot at the three of Luosha like bullets, shooting three waves in a row. , The Luo Sha three people all blocked up and down, left and right directions.


Luo Sha, who was in mid-air, took out a seal scroll. As the scroll unfolded, a golden cube about two meters long appeared in front of him. The golden cube instantly seemed to melt, turning into a golden cube. The curtain stood behind the three of them, blocking all of Junmaro's ten-finger piercing bullets.

"Sure enough, no one can be a simple figure." In the mirror space, looking at the golden curtain, Shen Fei nodded with emotion.

The golden cube is exactly gold dust. As a wind shadow, it is natural not to be like a gourd baby, always carrying a gourd behind him, and the limit of magnetic escape is very large. Put the gold dust inside the seal scroll.

I have to say that although magnetic escape is powerful, but the restrictions are very large, such as water escape, soil escape, etc., even if there is no corresponding environment around, it can also be made through chakras. Chakras are very magical and can become A variety of substances, in addition to the five ninjutsu attributes, can be turned into oil, and Ji Lai is also good at this.

At the same time, it can also become poison. The mute around Tsunade will do this, but Chakra seems to be unable to make sand directly.

The three generations of Fengying, the fourth generation of Fengying, and Gaara, the fifth generation of Fengying. Although their magnetic escapes are all the same kind of blood inheritance, they are good at different things.

Moreover, the magnetic escape is not unique to Sunnin Village. Yunnin Village also has ninjas who can magnetically escape, but that magnetic escape is very different from that in Sunnin Village. The magnetic escape in Yunnin Village is mainly for weapons.

"Speaking of which, Kidd's Ability may be the magnetic fruit of the Superman system."

"Water escape water dragon bullet technique." Luo Sha just blocked Jun Maru's bone veins attack, Oshe Maru immediately started the next round of attacks, the shot is Water Dun, this is the most restrained ninjutsu of magnetic escape Now, whether it is sand iron, sand gold, or sand, the effect of water escape will be greatly reduced.

Even the rustle fruit is restrained by water.

Although Oshemaru mainly focuses on Shulking Snake Hand and its derived ninjutsu when fighting, this does not mean that Oshemaru does not possess other types of ninjutsu. In fact, Oshemaru is capable of all five types of ninjutsu. .

The reason why Oshemaru rarely uses other types of ninjutsu is because his Shulker Snake Hand is his best combat method. If the Shulker Snake Hand can't deal with the enemy, he can't deal with other ninjutsu either.

However, learning multiple attributes of ninjutsu is still beneficial. You can launch targeted attacks on the enemy's weaknesses, such as now.There are not many people who use the technique of water dragon bombs in the ninjutsu world, but there are no masters who can use it, because this ninjutsu requires a lot of seals, there are forty-four seals, and people who are not strong enough. There is no way to use the ninjutsu of water dragon bomb.

However, the water dragon bullet used by Dashe Maru does not need forty-four seals, but is improved by the second generation of Hokage, and can be used with only four seals.

Ninjutsu's Jiyin can be used with one-handed Jiyin with one hand because of the abilities, strength, and proficiency of each person.

There is also the art of shuriken shadow duplication, the third generation of Naruto, the Oshemaru, and the fourth generation of Naruto will use this ninjutsu, but the three of them have different knots.


The water dragon more than ten meters long directly hit the sand gold curtain of Luosha, but although Oshemaru's attack was blocked by Luosha, his face became very ugly, because the mixed water would make the gold sand It becomes heavy and requires more chakras to manipulate.

"Oshemaru, what do you mean?" With the placer gold floating by her side, Luo Sha's eyes were fixed on the Oshemaru who was walking towards him. At the moment Luosha was very puzzled, why the Oshemaru was attacking. he.

The Konoha collapse plan between the two parties is not a recent cooperation, but a long time ago. This plan is good for both parties. If the plan is implemented and the two sides turn their faces, Rosha is not surprising, but it has not yet started. It was so strange that Oshe Maru came to attack him.

"Or you are Konoha's hidden spy." Luo Sha immediately said her guess.

The five big Ninja villages are extremely exclusive, and it is not without reason. Who knows if the outsiders are spies sent by other Ninja villages. There are quite a few such spies in the Ninja world. Just like Itachi, he was originally a spy.

In fact, this kind of thing happened in the history of Qin Shimingyue. One of the four famous assassins wanted to leave. In order to assassinate the target, he used a bitter trick. In order to get close to his goal, he sacrificed his wife, children and arms. , Can be called the most sad assassination.

It’s no wonder that Luosha would guess this way, because if it weren’t the case, Oshemaru really had no reason to attack him now. With him, the shadow-level powerhouse who can control the sand gold, he can definitely bring more casualties and greater damage to Konoha. destroy.

"This Konoha collapse plan, Oshemaru is purely a teacher who just wants to kill her." Hearing Luosha's guess, if Shen Fei didn't know about Oshemaru's personality, I'm afraid there would be speculations in this regard.

Before the plan is implemented, kill the shadow master of his own side. It is unreasonable to think about it. With the cooperative relationship between Dashemaru and Luosha, if he wants to pretend to be the fourth generation of Fengying, as long as he proposes it, Luosha will definitely be the first. Time agreed, and he was eager to hand over the three generations of Hokage to Da She Maru to deal with it, so that he could free his hands and cause more damage to Konoha.

In fact, in this Konoha collapse plan, except for the death of a third-generation Naruto, the other losses are not great. On the contrary, the village of Ninja was pitted by the big snake pill, and a group of elites were damaged in Konoha. NS.

Konoha also used the Konoha collapse plan to get a baptism of blood, and twelve Xiaoqiang could emerge from behind. It can be said that this Konoha collapse plan was indispensable.

However, in fact, Da She Maru just wanted a surprise for his teacher. In order to be able to face off against the three generations of Naruto, he used four purple flame formations.

However, other people can only guess what the truth of the matter is, and only Oshe Maru himself knows it.

"Well, there is no need for Deadman to know so much, Ten Thousand Snakes." Oshemaru said as she put her hands together and quickly made a few seals, and then an endless group of snakes spit out from Oshemaru's mouth."This technique is really true." Even if there is a mirror space, Shen Fei saw this scene, and his scalp was numb. This technique is really oozing.

"Ten fingers pierced." At the same time, Junmaro also launched an attack. The two attacks made Luo Sha's face very ugly. After looking at the water, he immediately unfolded the gold dust and turned into a golden sphere. , Surrounded himself and the two Anbu.

Bang bang bang.

Junmaro’s attack arrived first, but was blocked by the gold dust again. Taking this opportunity, the endless snakes around him directly submerged the gold dust. For a moment, the golden sphere was no longer visible, so I could only look at it. To a huge amounts of snake ball, there are too many snakes.

Boom boom boom.

The snake ball suddenly exploded with an extremely strong explosion. The force of the explosion directly set off water waves several meters high on the surface of the water. The surrounding reefs were also shaking endlessly because of this violent explosion.

"It's really Fengying." Seeing the blood mist in the sky dissipate and the golden sphere emerged again, Da Shewan's tongue unconsciously licked his lips. At the moment, there were dozens of black snakes around the golden sphere. The light of the sharp blade of the cold came out of his mouth, Kusanaru sword.

Then these dozens of black snakes, with the Kusanaru sword in their mouths, rushed towards the golden sphere in front of them. The Kusanaru sword pierced the golden sphere, making a metal collision sound. Most of the black snakes, After hitting the golden sphere, it was smashed together with the Kusanaru sword, but there were still several Kusanaru swords in the mouth of the black snake that pierced into the golden sphere.

Kusanagi sword is a series of weapons in Dashemaru, not just one. Different Kusanagi swords have different characteristics.

The one owned by Da She Maru has an elongation effect. It is a real forty-meter long knife. The one in Zuo's assistant has the best blessing effect on Chakra.

"This Luosha is really calculated to death." Before Oshemaru and Junmaro's attack, Luosha wanted to avoid the only one diving into the water, but unfortunately, because of the magnetic escape, Luosha didn't. Dare to dive into the water at will.

"Master Fengying is going." As the golden sphere shattered, three figures immediately rushed out of it, rushing in three directions. These three people also had the appearance of Luosha.

Junmaro immediately stepped forward and stopped Luo Sha, who was rushing towards him. On the Oshemaru side, the main body stopped one, allowing the remaining Orosha to block the other figure.

Bang bang bang.

All three Luosha were stopped, but the next moment, another figure rushed out of the golden sphere. This person was also Luosha.

"A puppet?" At the moment, I looked at the three Luosha before, all of which were puppets.


Luo Sha, who finally rushed out, had just left the surrounding area of ​​Oshe Maru and Junmaro, another figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and a hand knife was cut at him. Luo Sha could only face the attack from the incoming people with his right hand.

The collision between the two sides made a muffled sound, and the two of them shook their bodies at the same time, and they involuntarily retreated back. The person who came was in the pocket of the pharmacist, and he had been hiding around.The pharmacist's pocket, which had stepped back a few steps, raised his trembling right palm, smiled and looked at Luo Sha on the opposite side, and said, "It is indeed the fourth generation of Fengying. Under such an attack, it can still be Pick me up unscathed."

The appearance of the pharmacist's pocket made Luo Sha's expression more solemn. On the surface, he caught the blow of the pharmacist's pocket unscathed. In fact, at the moment where At the moment collided with the pocket, At the moment was slowly cracking. Open, and Sisi placer gold falls toward the surface of the water.

Gaara is the city of sand armor. As the fourth generation of Fengying Luosha, will he ignore it? In fact, his aventurine armor is stronger. Gaara's sand faces Luosha's placer gold. Although the natural weight is related, Be restrained.

The same one-tailed Shouhe was also restrained by him.

Luo Sha's strength is undoubtedly stronger than the current pharmacist, but in order to resist the golden ten thousand snakes of the big snake pill before, it took a lot of chakras, and now chakras are somewhat insufficient.

In the battle of the ninja world, except for Naruto, Sasuke in the later period, and super-specs such as Uchiha Madara, the original Naruto, and the Otsuki clan, other ninja battles need to consider the consumption of Chakra.

The second generation of Naruto is so powerful, and there is also the technique of flying Thor. In the end, it was not because of Chakra's relationship that it was consumed by the golden horn and silver horn and the six ninja world.

"I didn't expect it." After sighing softly, Luo Sha's aventurine armor immediately peeled off and turned into three aventurine spears, shooting at Yakushi's pocket, Junmaru and Oshemaru respectively.

In order to escape before, Luo Sha abandoned the placer gold there, and now she can only fight with the placer gold armor on her body.

"If you want to go, it's not that easy, there are many snake hands in the hidden shadow." The big snake pill, who flew the sand gold spear that shot at him, watched Luo Sha want to escape from the air, and immediately used the hidden shadow snake hands again.

At the same time, Junmaro and Yakushitou immediately attacked Luosha in the air. Junmaro still had ten-finger penetrating bullets, and Yakushitou was filled with a lot of kunai and shurikens, which also contained explosions. symbol.

Magnetic Escape can control the placer gold to make itself fly, but now Luosha, who is under the severe damage of Chakra, is flying very slowly, and can't avoid the cooperation of the three people.

"It's really miserable under restraint." Seeing Luo Sha under the siege of the three, with no backhand strength at all, Shen Fei shook his head slightly involuntarily.

This is the battle of the ninja, but logistics, under the strong absolute strength, this kind of battle is gone.

After all, Luo Sha is the fourth generation of Fengying. Although one-on-three, he lost the opportunity before, but the three of Dashemaru still find it difficult to win each other in a short time. Knock and fly to a teacher's place, then turn the reef into gold dust, and continue the fight.

If it is land, Luosha can use chakras to make placer gold on the ground. If it is in a desert area, even if it is one enemy three, Luosha will not fall under the wind for a short time.

In the Ten Thousand Snake Array before the Oshe Maru, he can completely fight with a large amount of gold dust, but unfortunately, under the restraint of the environment, he has no way to use a lot of ninjutsu.

After fighting and escaping, Luo Sha finally got out of the water and came to land, but unfortunately at this time, he was already at the end of the battle.

"Speaking of which, he is still Temari and Gaara's father."

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