The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 430 The Baptism of War (Part 1)

"Your Excellency Fengying, what do you mean?" On the high platform, even though it was held on the neck by Kuwu, the expression of the three generations of Hokage was very calm.

"Didn't you see it?" Four generations of Fengying standing behind the three generations of Huoying glanced at the surrounding chaos, revealing a sneer.

Four generations of Kazekage said that they took the third generation of Hokage and jumped from the high platform to the roof. The sight line here is much better than that on the high platform. Not only can you overlook the entire arena, but even Konoha can also be seen elsewhere. .

"Master Naruto." Seeing that Naruto was held hostage, the Anbu guarding one side rushed up for the first time, but at this moment, four Anbu dressed ninjas rushed out from the four corners of the high platform. Their goal was not to save Hokage, but the six Anbu who wanted to save Hokage.

"Ninfa spider's nest opens." One of the Anbu's hands quickly printed, and then opened his mouth continuously to spit out huge amounts of cobwebs. The spider webs blocked all directions in front, leaving Konoha's shadows with no room to escape. , Can only resist positively.

Rushing to the dark part at the forefront, immediately waved the chakras of his right hand, and under the flash of cold light, huge amounts of spider webs were directly cut to pieces.

However, Konoha's Anbe reacted quickly, but the moment of delay was enough. At the moment, the four Anbes revealed their disguised identities and turned out to be the Otonin group.

Because Konoha Anbe wears a mask, except for Hokage and other people who know its true identity, others don’t know how many people there are in Anbe. So Otonin, except for some people dressed as ordinary people, others People are dressed up as Anbu.

The four Yinren and the four occupied the four corners of the roof, quickly forming a seal in their hands, and instantly unfolding a rectangular enchantment covering the entire roof, the four purple flame formations.

The purple barrier is covered with a strange purple flame enchantment.

An Anbu who was eager to save the third generation of Hokage, after touching the enchantment, purple flames immediately glowed all over his body, and after struggling for a while, the body stopped struggling.

"It's an enchantment, don't come close." As the leader Anbu said, he shot the Kuwu in his hand towards the barrier of the Four Purple Flame Array. In an instant, a purple flame ignited on the Kuwu and then melted.

"Go and find the enchantment squad immediately." The previous death of the Anbu and the melting of Kuwu immediately made the leader of the Anbu understand the difficulty of destroying the enchantment from the outside world, so he immediately ordered the Anbu on one side, Brought by Konoha's enchantment class.

The Anbu that can become the Naruto Guards is naturally not a general generation. Although the strength is not as good as the elite ninjas such as Kakashi and Asma, it is also much stronger than the average Shinobu.

Konoha's Anbu's reputation in the Ninja World was not blown out, but was actually made out.

"It's magnificent here." On the roof, the kunai of the fourth generation Fengying still hangs on the third generation of Hokage's neck, motioning him to look at the chaos in the At the moment arena.

Pharmacist’s technique of Nirvana Abode is only effective for ordinary people and lower-level characters. Those leaders from various countries, rich and powerful, did not fall into a deep sleep, but under the leadership of the guards, quickly fled to the outside with the fastest speed. The daimyo of the country of fire soon disappeared under the leadership of the six guardians and twelve ninjas.

For these people, this sudden turmoil was obviously aimed at Konoha. They definitely didn't have to fight for Konoha, and they even wanted to watch the excitement.I am afraid that even the name of the country of fire thinks so.

The Otonin people in the arena did not stop these people from fleeing. The goal of Oshemaru was Konoha. To be precise, it should be the third generation of Hokage. These people on the other side are undoubtedly out of the question.

"Your Excellency Fengying, do you want to start a war? It's too late to stop now. We will discuss what is going on." Looking at the many flare flares rising in the distance, the expression of the three generations of Naruto became solemn in an instant, those flares It means a large-scale enemy invasion.

Konoha did receive information about changes in the Ninja exam, but after discussing it, Konoha's executives believed that at most it was a raid by a small group of elite enemies, and wanted to destroy Konoha’s five-year alliance. In the Zhongren examination, the war situation was not considered at all.

But those flares show one thing: the war has begun.

"At this time, I even persuaded the other party to stop, teacher, you still have not changed." The voice of the fourth generation Fengying suddenly changed to a familiar and unfamiliar voice, causing the pupils of the third generation of Hokage to shrink involuntarily. This voice even though he I haven't heard it for more than ten years, but it's still very familiar.

In the next moment, the figure of the third generation of Hokage immediately disappeared from Oshemaru's body. When she reappeared, the person was already standing three meters away from Oshemaru, with his eyes fixed on Oshemaru.

"Who are you?" Although the voice is very familiar, the third generation of Hokage still wants to confirm.

"I haven't seen it for so long, has the teacher forgotten me?" Four generations of Fengying said, and threw the Fengying hat on his head aside, revealing the true face inside, Oshemaru.

"It's been a long time, Teacher Sarutobi." Da She Wan said this in an unusually nostalgic tone.

"How could it be him?" Anbu outside the barrier, after seeing Oshemaru, he couldn't help but startled Roar in a low voice. As Hokage's direct subordinate Anbu, he naturally knew who Oshemaru was.

At the moment, not only was the leader of the dark part scared Roar, but also the sand ninja ninja Maki who stayed with the Otonin in the arena. The fourth generation of Kazekage suddenly became Osamaru, and the fourth generation of wind was added. The shadow hasn't appeared until now, causing a very bad premonition in Maji's heart.

The status of Maki in the village of Nara is similar to that of Nara deer in Konoha. Although it is not as good as Nara deer, it is already a leader in the village of Nara, and he made a decision in an instant.

The four generations of Fengying did not appear and did not tell him that the plan had changed. This accident was very unusual, so Maji gave up the so-called Konoha collapse plan in the first place, and quietly approached Gaara and Temari. Kankuro's side ordered them to return to Sand Shinobu village immediately.

Gaara was a bit unwilling, but under Maji's strict orders, I finally left with Temari and Maji.

The original Konoha collapse plan was that Otonin Village was inside and Sand Shinobu Village was outside. The two sides should join forces inside and outside. In addition, Gaara completely liberated a Shouzuru and destroyed Konoha with the power of the tail beast.

As a tail beast, what he is best at is destroying a large area. At the same time, Luosha can also use the sand of Shouhe to turn Konoha into a favorable terrain for him. I have to say that the plan is indeed very good, but it is a pity.

"Kakashi, is that him?" On the audience stage, Kai immediately asked Kakashi who was back to back with him after kicking a ninja of Otonin.

"You can't go wrong, I didn't expect Sand Ninja Village and Otonin Village to join forces. Fortunately, it seems that something has changed between them." Kakashi has always been aware of the situation of the entire audience stage, and the four generations of Fengying became The disappearance of Oshe Maru, and the disappearance of Maji, Gaara and others, made him immediately guess."It's been a long time since we fought side by side like this."

"Be careful, your injury is not completely healed."

"Don't worry, youth will not be affected by this injury, Kakashi, this time it depends on who kills more enemies." Kai said, excitedly rushed towards the sound of Shinobu on one side and kicked one away. , And then fisted and flew again.

Boom boom boom.

When the battle on the side of the arena started, the fighting around Konoha also started. Dozens of huge amounts of three giant snakes began to attack Konoha's city wall. Despite Konoha's efforts to resist, they faced Sand Ninja Village. Konoha could only retreat steadily when he was prepared.

The perennial peaceful life made Konoha inevitably carry on guard.

"The technique of roof collapse." But then the battle situation in the east was relieved. With a loud roar from the sky, a huge amounts of figure fell from the sky, and it raged on the ground, facing Konoha's kunai. The three-headed serpent whose shuriken and even the detonating talisman were unharmed was crushed into meat sauce.

The person who came was naturally one of Konoha's three forbearances, the horny immortal, no, Toad immortal came, and today is still his time to collect materials as always, just in the east, and he caught up in the first time.

"Thank you, Toad loyalty, fire escape great flame bullet technique." After killing a three-headed giant snake, Jilaiya and Toad under him immediately separated and rushed in two directions.

Jiraiya leaped from Toad's back, immediately Jieyin used a powerful fire escape ninjutsu, a huge fireball burning with high temperature, and directly turned the other three-headed giant snake in front of him into roasted snake meat. However, the temperature of the flame was obviously too high and it was a little burnt.

"Dayu spiral pill." After the fire roasted the three-headed giant snake, Jilai also jumped up after landing, and a huge amounts of spiral pill appeared on his right hand, appearing above the third three-headed giant snake. , With one blow, the head of the three-headed giant snake was directly driven into the depths of the ground. With the disappearance of the spiral pill, the cracked pit on the ground was completely bloody.

At the moment Toad Zhong also used the two huge amounts of long knives he was carrying on his back to solve the last three-headed giant snake.

"Master Jilaiya." The appearance of Jilaiya, and the three-headed serpent that instantly solved the four-headed raging three-headed serpent, made Konoha's morale greatly increased, but on the contrary, the morale of Sand Shinobu plummeted.

"Oshemaru, old man." After solving the three-headed giant snake, Jilai didn't make a shot, but jumped onto Toad Zhong's body, looking at the purple enchantment above the arena in the distance, as one of the three ninjas. He naturally knew what it was, but At the moment he couldn't get out for the time being.

"When can there be real peace?" Although I didn't want to kill very much in my heart, Jiraiya could only make a move when facing the attack on Konoha's Sand Shinobu.

"This is the war, how does it feel." From the other direction of the arena, Shen Fei took Sasuke and watched the battle in the arena on the left, the residents of Konoha on the right, and the many three-headed giant snakes raging in the distance. , Asked Sasuke beside him softly.

After the attack on Osake Maru, Sasuke summoned a shadow duplication and left with the fragrant phosphorus. He himself took Sasuke and was the result of the bystander war.

He watched Sasuke silently watched the horrified Konoha residents who fled, and then said, "In fact, Itachi's choice back then was not unreasonable. Once a war breaks out, no matter who the final victor is, he will be hurt. It's these civilians."

"So he slaughtered the whole family, including his parents." Sasuke's voice was very cold. Although the situation of the war before him made him feel a lot, but when it came to the destruction of the family, especially the death of his parents, Sasuke Immediately, his resentment surged up again."The civilians of Konoha are indeed very pitiful now, but did you know that in the three wars of Ninja World, the most pitiful was actually the civilians of Yurenin Village."

The problem of geographical location, Yuren Village was affected by the three wars of the world, and the third war of the world was reduced to the main site of the war.

"The so-called peace of Itachi is only to see Konoha, and the top five of the Five Ninja Villages also see their own villages. They don't know what real peace is." Shen Fei said here with a light sigh.

There is a saying that I would rather be a peaceful dog than a person in a chaotic world. This shows how terrible the chaotic world is, but even if Shen Fei possesses such power, what can change is the destiny of some people. He wants to change the whole world. No, but it's too much trouble.

For Sasuke’s education, Shen Fei did not brainwash like Oshemaru, but gave him a lot of things. This war was a baptism for Konoha’s twelve strong, and it was the same for Sasuke. , This is also the main reason why he brought Sasuke to Konoha.

I have never experienced a war personally, and only relying on books and materials to understand a war is completely different from being in a real war environment.

"Konoha's reaction mechanism is pretty good, he recovered his calm so soon."

Konoha's ability to become the head of the five Shinobu villages is not because it has gained a reputation. In addition to the sudden attack and some panic at the beginning, Konoha soon began to evacuate and counterattack in an orderly manner. The Anbu, And the ninjas of the major ninja families have begun to gather.

"Let's go, go and see the third generation of Naruto." No matter what the original situation of the third generation of Naruto is, the Uchiha clan was annihilated, and he occupied a large part of the reason for sure. Sasuke definitely wanted to witness his death in person.

"Sasuke." As soon as Shen Fei and Sasuke appeared on the side of the arena, they met Kakashi and Kai and others. At the moment, they had already solved the Otonin people in the arena.

"Yao Shidou, this guy ran there, just leave it here." Looking around and not finding the whereabouts of Yao Shidou, Shen Fei felt a little speechless.

Kakashi and Kay were able to solve the Otonin people in the arena so quickly, in large part because the pharmacist pocket who was supposed to be commanding here did not show up, and they also took away some of the real high-level ninnins from Otonin Village. Ninja.

"Yeah, Kakashi, long time no see." Sasuke faced Kakashi, his eyes were very calm, but after seeing the three generations of Hokage in the Four Purple Flame Formation, his expression immediately changed.

"What are you doing here? This attack on Konoha, you are also part of it." Kakashi looked at Sasuke with a very entangled expression. He had no idea that he would see Sasuke here.

"What are you doing here, what do you say, the blood debt of the Uchiha clan, someone must be responsible for it, and the blood debt is paid off. Today is just the beginning."

"Don't take action at will." When talking like this, the Anbu on one side was ready to attack Shen Fei and Sasuke, but was immediately stopped by Kakashi.

Sasuke's strength is nothing, but Shen Fei's strength, Kakashi has personally learned, even if there are him and Kai, and several three generations of Hokage's close dark parts, they may not be Shen Fei's opponents. .

"Okay, what nonsense with them." Shen Fei glanced at Kakashi and others, and then grabbed Sasuke's shoulders. The expressions of the two disappeared in front of Kakashi and Kakashi in an instant, replacing them with knots. There was a shattered tile in the realm, and the two appeared inside the enchantment.

"This is time and space ninjutsu."

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