The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 435: Five Dynasties Hokage (Part 2)

"I'll try my best." Dashewan wants to heal his hands, and Shen Fei wants to study the ghoul sealing. Both parties can have the same goal. Shen Fei has always been very curious about the ghoul sealing. This kind of directness The technique that attacks the soul and can seal the hands of the soul is very rare.

Oshemaru's hands were sealed. For him, it was a god-given opportunity. It was also an opportunity to unblock the ghouls and release the soul of the four generations of Hokage Wave Fengshuimen.

If it weren't for the fact that both hands were sealed, Dashewan would definitely not be studied how to remove the ghoul seal.

"It's completely dead, it's almost a conceptual death, isn't this the result of the soul seal." For Dashewan's hands, the first thing Shen Fei did was to see if he could recover from the body level. The result was He expected exactly the same. His twin hands were of no use to the Oshe Pill, and even if the operation fruit was used to change the hands of the O She pill, it did not work at all.

"The Sage's Stone doesn't work either. Is this the Death God rule? It's a pity that most of the sealing techniques of the Maelstrom clan have been lost."

"Speaking of the hell of this world, the underworld is really interesting. It seems that there is only one last resort." After using all the methods, technology, and mysterious methods, I found that there was still no sign of the hands that Dashewan had recovered. After the effect, Shen Fei was ready to use the last trick.

"Don't resist." After letting Dashewan relax, Shen Fei slapped Dashewan's chest with a palm, and directly knocked his soul out of the body.

"This is." Dashemaru floating in the air, looking at his body in surprise, and Shen Fei, the soul astral means, only Kato cut's spiritualization art, and Penn's six ways of humanity can Catch the human soul.

Kamar-Taj's magic shoots the soul out of the body. It can be said to be a big killer. Most people have no means of soul fighting. When the soul is discharged from the body, it is equivalent to losing the power to resist.

However, the current trick is a bit of a taste for Shen Fei, because it doesn't work against the strong. The stronger the strength, the closer the body and the soul are combined. It is not so easy to exclude from the body, even if it is Payne’s human world, he wants to extract the soul. , It also depends on the strength of the other party.

And to deal with the weak, it is completely unnecessary, definitely, not at all. It is completely different if it is facing the problem of the soul of the reincarnated soul, such as the big snake pill. In a certain way, Shen Fei It's Tianke Dashewan.

"Don't be nervous, this is your soul state. Sure enough, your soul has a big problem. It's not pure at all." The soul state of the Oshe Maru contains some weak impurities. It is the soul fragment of the body that has been transformed by the Oshe Maru. Maruko does not have the magic of Kamar-Taj, it can purify the soul, and naturally cannot eliminate those impurities.

"Is this the soul?" Da She Maru is worthy of a research madman. After knowing his soul state, he immediately checked his own situation curiously.

But no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see the soul impurity on his body.

"Sorry, it seems that I can't do anything at the moment. It may be that I have not studied enough ninjutsu. After all, the time I have been in contact with is too short. Maybe it is called Tsunade of Konoha Sannin. There should be a way, I remember Her medical ninjutsu is number one in the ninju world."

"I just killed the teacher, you told me to find her." The soul returned to Da She Wan in the body, and heard Shen Fei's words, showing a meaningful sneer."Then there is only another possibility. Find a way to remove the ninjutsu effect of the ghoul seal. Since it is a sealing technique, it should be able to remove it."

"That damn old guy."

"There are probably only these two methods now. Think about it yourself. I still have something to do."

Shen Fei ignored Oshe Maru’s complaint. After being sealed with his hands, can’t he complain? If he were replaced by him, he would have cursed a long time ago. In fact, there is only one of the two so-called methods. Tsunade’s medical ninjutsu is powerful, and it’s good for the soul. There is absolutely no way to seal it.

Only to find a way to unblock the ghoul is the correct way, but for Oshemaru, it is not so easy to unblock the ghoul. From the original work, even if it is Oshemaru, it cost about three It took years to work out a solution. This time with Shen Fei providing ideas, it will probably save a lot of time.

But for Oshemaru, the way to remove the ghoul was too far away. For him who is eager to recover, the top priority must be to find Tsunade.

"This is Mu Dun." Returning to his home, Shen Fei immediately copied the ninjutsu on the seal scroll. "Although Konoha's seal scroll has a seal on it, most people won't be able to see the contents even if they get it, but for Oshemaru, the seal is nothing at all, and it will be solved soon.

After unlocking the seal scroll, Shen Fei immediately copied a copy. The same is true on Oshemaru. As Konoha's seal scroll, the records on it are the lowest A-level ninjutsu. In addition to ninjutsu, there are no Less secret techniques, such as Sai's pseudo-beast paintings, are among them.

During the treatment of Dashewan, Shen Fei was already learning the ninjutsu of the Seal Scrolls. In order to speed up the progress of learning, Shen Fei used the ninjutsu which is called plug-in in this world, which is the technique of multiple shadow duplication. .

In the practice of chakra, shadow duplication is not helpful, but in terms of training skills, proficiency, etc., shadow duplication is the strongest plug-in. If Naruto does not have so many shadow duplication, how can it be completed in half a month? The practice of wind escape spiral shuriken.

If you practice according to the normal schedule, it will take at least a few years to complete the change in the nature of the spiral pill. The technique of multiple shadow duplication greatly reduces this time.

The Ability of the shadow duplication technique is not possessed by the form of Ekern. For Shen Fei, the shadow duplication technique has reduced the time he needs to practice swordsmanship and physical skills. There are some shortcomings, but these can be added up by quantity.

"The art of the four-pillar family of wood escape." With the seal of Shen Fei's hands, four small second-floor villas connected together appeared in front of him instantly. Create a large number of identical houses.

Yamato desperately released Mu Dun, making his face pale, and he could only create a block of houses, but if Shen Fei were to use it, it might not take a few days to create a town.

Compared with other Mu Dun, this is what Shen Fei first learned.

"Even if it is greening, Yamato is not as good as the first generation." Yamato's Mudun can best beautify the park, but the first generation's Mudun is different. It can create a forest.

"Sara Ninja Village should have spent a lot of money to invite the first generation of Naruto to make a few forests in the desert." The Ninja world has named tasks. If the money is enough, it is not impossible to ask a village of Kage to do it. The amount of money definitely cannot be paid by ordinary people."The art of flying Thor." Compared with Mu Dun, Shen Fei is more interested in the art of flying Thor. For others, the art of flying Thor is very difficult to learn. For Shen Fei, it is very simple. Learned that, in terms of space, even the second-generation Hokage and the fourth-generation Hokage can't compare his foundation.

For Shen Fei, the Flying Thor technique just made up for the free gate and the deficiencies of the Phantom Transformation, because the flying Thor technique is not available in the two. If it can be combined with the space replacement of the operation fruit, it is completely possible. Play a stronger role.

"Bofeng Shuimen is Bofeng Shuimen, how did he manage to fly Thor's technique so that he hasn't been discovered for more than ten years, and he also used the spiral pill engraving technique, and he still has to be resurrected."

Really came into contact with the art of flying Thor, let Shen Fei know how powerful Bo Feng Shuimen is. Bo Feng Shuimen played against the soiled flying Thor second stage, which can be said to be one of his amazing performances, but after learning about the flying Thor After the operation, Shen Fei felt that the more shocking thing was the use of spiral pills to leave the surgical technique.

The spiral pill is a chakra ball that keeps spinning.

Also after contacting the technique of flying Thor, Shen Fei also discovered that the so-called kunai of the fourth generation of Hokage's engraved technique is actually a cover to cover up his ability to leave the technique anytime and anywhere.

The battle between the four generations of Raikage and Watergate illustrates all this.

"Mutual multiplication detonating talisman, water breaking wave, the second generation of this guy in modern society is a scientific madman." When Shen Fei quietly practiced the ninjutsu of the book of seals, the Ninja world was also because of Dashemaru. Konoha collapsed the plan, and the dark tide surged.

The first action is the two aggressive villages of Yunnin Village and Yannin Village. Iwanin Village has the fastest speed. After receiving the news, there are a large number of Iwanin Ninjas, in the name of exercises, Coming to the border of the burning country, it is said that Iwano's scout has fought against Konoha's Anbe many times, and both sides have suffered losses.

Because Tanokuni is relatively close to Kushinin Village and Iwanin Village, I quickly got news about it. This definitely relies on the intelligence network of Oshemaru, and the intelligence network of the five major ninja villages established by Oshemaru and Doudou. .

In terms of spies, Tou can be said to be a character in the Ninja world who is only worse than Hei. No, is the code name of Tou back then, but after the death of Yakushi Ye Nao, this code name has disappeared.

He not only lurked in the Five Ninja Villages, but also in Akatsuki's organization. His apparent identity is a scorpion spy. Several bases of Oshemaru were exposed, and Deidara and the scorpion found Oshemaru's whereabouts. , Just leaked out.

Definitely, this was actually made by Dashewan and Dou to paralyze Akatsuki's plan.

Iwanin village sent ninjas to test Konoha’s fictitious reality, and Yunnin village’s four generations of Raikage were more direct. They sent a delegation directly to ask why Yunnin village went to Konoha to watch the elders and accompanying ninjas who took the Ninja exam. All dead, still dead under the soft fist.

As for Konoha’s questioning that the people of Yunnin Village took the opportunity to kidnap the File Size sister of the Konoha family, they all denied it, saying that it was Konoha’s planting, and it was the Konoha family who wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate. The fourth generation Raikage claimed that if Konoha’s If Ye didn't give an explanation, don't blame Yunrencun for revenge, it would be war.

Compared with Iwanin Village and Yunnin Village, there was no movement in Wunin Village, and Sunnin Village quickly reached a settlement with Konoha. After all, it was Oshemaru who killed the three generations of Naruto. At the moment, I was facing threats from Iwanin Village and Yunnin Village. Konoha could only reach a reconciliation agreement with Sand Ninja Village as soon as possible to avoid three-sided enemy.

Although Konoha wants compensation from Sand Ninja Village, Sand Ninja Village said that their fourth generation of Kazekage was also killed by Oshe Maru and refused to compensate. Definitely, Sand Ninja Village can have such confidence because Konoha is in a bit of a situation now. Danger."Shortbook Street? I really want to look for Tsunade. The goal is more than half achieved. Let's see Tsunade."

After thinking about it, Oshemaru finally decided to negotiate with Tsunade and let Tsunade heal his hands. As for the price, definitely is to resurrect the two most important people for Tsunade.

There were some idle Shen Fei, so he also joined them. As for Sasuke, because he was busy practicing, Shen Fei did not take him. Now Sasuke, under the leadership of No-Zhan, is undergoing actual combat training. The main target is They are wanted rebels.

Fragrant Pho also followed Sasuke. Kagura's eyes of Fragrant Pho were very helpful in searching for those rebels.

"Tsunade-sama, you really don't go back, the third generation of Naruto-sama," he said quietly, sitting opposite Tsunade in a small tavern on Short Street.

"What are you going to do?" Tsunade shook the flask in his hand and said blankly.

Konoha was attacked and three generations of Naruto died in such a big event, even though Tsunade has not paid much attention to the intelligence of the Ninja world now, and soon received relevant news.

Konoha was attacked and three generations of Naruto died in battle, but it is the latest hottest topic in the casino. There are even many wealthy people who have prepared not to do business recently in order to avoid a possible Ninja war.

In peacetime, merchants mainly defend against bandits, wandering ninjas, and rebel ninjas. Ninjas in major ninja villages generally do not attack merchants. After all, once things are revealed and the merchants’ lips and teeth are chilled, the village will not be entrusted.

But in the case of war, it is completely different, because you may not even know that Shinobu Village did it. Those who dare to go out to do business in war matters are those who are big businessmen who are not afraid of encountering such things.

"But." Silent looked at Tsunade, who had been drinking sullenly, and wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

The information that Konoha circulated outside, only Konoha was attacked, and three generations of Hokage were killed in battle. As for the fact that the Seal Scroll was taken away, it was definitely concealed.

"Itachi Tsunade, long time no see." At this moment, a low voice sounded beside Tsunade and Silent. Tsunade and Silent looked up, and their expressions changed at the same time.

"Master Oshemaru." Mute started, and then immediately became alert.

"Oshemaru, you dare to appear in front of me." Tsunade patted the flask on the table and stood up immediately.

"Why don't I dare to appear in front of you, or say, you are going to do it with me here." Looking at Tsunade with an angry expression, Osaimaru said softly.

"You." Tsunade looked at the situation in the tavern, and other guests looked at this side curiously. Tsunade immediately squeezed his right hand and crushed the hip flask in his hand.

"Go, go out and say."

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