The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 450: The Kingdom of Dawn (Part 2)

The Uchiha group fan is a weapon handed down from generation to generation in the Uchiha clan. It is said that it may have been handed down from the Indra era. It was made using part of the sacred tree. Countless people who knew the characteristics of this weapon died on it.

Originally, Shen Fei thought that this weapon would be placed in the divine power space with soil, but after inspecting the things in the divine power space, he did not find this weapon. In the divine power space with soil, except for some kunai shurikens, There are no other surplus materials.

In the subsequent exchanges with Xiaonan, Shen Fei also knew why the two did not kill the soil. The two were planning to keep the soil for the future resurrected Yahiko to deal with.

For Nagato and Xiaonan's thoughts, Shen Fei looked speechless. With Yahiko's character, even if he knew what happened, he obviously wouldn't kill the dirt.

"You came to laugh at me." I don't know if it was because Chakra was banned. The soil at the moment looked a lot calmer, even when I saw the image of Hei Jue, I didn't feel too much anger, just There was a self-deprecating smile.

"I'm not so free. I'm here to ask you where Uchiha Madara's weapon was hidden by you."

"what do you want to do?"

"The identity of Uchiha Madara is still very easy to use, isn't it." Shen Fei asked Uchiha to fan. The weapon was made by the sacred tree on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was pretending to be Uchiha Madara.

In all honesty, Uchiha Madara's identity is still very useful if you want to make trouble in the Ninja world.

"Don’t stop talking, speaking of it, I’m still very curious about you. Infinite Moon reading such an unreliable thing, there are still people who believe it. Not only you believe it, but the idiot Uchiha Madara believes that you want to have sex with you. If Lin Ye is together, it’s okay to resurrect her directly. Don’t you dare to resurrect her, are you afraid to see her? If you let her know that you killed the Watergate couple, I’m afraid she will never forgive you.” Looking at the silent belt Soil, Shen Fei continued.

"I dare not face the reality, I just want to make Lin like you in the false infinite month reading. If I let Nohara Lin know that you are such a person, she would be very disappointed."

"Shut up." Shen Fei's words seemed to touch the dirt-covered scales, and he immediately roared.

"Well, don't say it, don't say it, tell me where the things are, and I will leave."

"The stuff is there, you can find it yourself." As soon as Tai Tu said, he said a place.

For Daito, the Uchiha group fan is not easy to use, and it is not compatible with his Divine Power Ability, so except for the final battle, he carried it to let the Ninja Alliance Army determine his identity, other times, He didn't want to see this weapon at all, he didn't even want to put it in the divine power space.

"By the way, I have the means to resurrect Lin and the Watergate couple. Do you want to resurrect them." When leaving the cell, Shen Fei left this sentence at the last moment, and then he didn't wait for the soil to answer. left.

Since taking soil won't die, it would be a waste to be held in a cell like this. Even without a kaleidoscope, the ability to carry soil is not weak.

"Zhaolunyan, are these eyes with soil spare." At the place where the soil said, Shen Fei found the Uchiha group fan, and the writing round eyes with a large number of various gouyus.The use of Izanaki requires the cost of blindness in one eye. For the Uchiha clan, this is a very significant loss, so they found a way to avoid this cost, just like Danzo's right arm.

However, Danzo is not a member of the Uchiha clan. His Izanagi and Uchiha clan use Izanagi with far less effect, just like the difference between Yamato's Mu Dun and the original Hokage's Mu Dun.

"Thinking about it is a little disgusting, let's forget it." Shen Fei can naturally do what Danzo can do, but thinking that one or more eyes appeared on a certain part of his body, Shen Fei immediately took This thought came out of my mind.

When thinking of being with Ada or Robin, with one or more eyes in his body, Shen Fei didn't want to do it even more.

In the high tower of Yuren Village, after watching several days of documentary about modern concepts about war and equality, Nagato and Xiaonan found Shen Fei.

"Now you should understand where your problem is. You can't just consider the issue of world peace from the perspective of a ninja, but from the standpoint of everyone."

"Yuren Village has been ruled by you for so many years, and the result is only a closed village, with no development at all. For non-ninja talents, you have never paid attention to it."

The ninja world has not been without development for so many years. For example, televisions, air conditioners, computers, etc., have also been invented, but the utilization rate is not high. Konoha Computer is mainly used by medical ninjas and secret code decryption classes, and other aspects. No application at all.

In this respect, Konoha is better than other Shinobu villages, and it is not unreasonable. Konoha also pays attention to this aspect at least, but other Shinobu villages, including the four great Shinobu villages, are not taken seriously.

Throughout the entire Ninja World, several people who study science and technology are all in Konoha.

The technology of the ninja world is basically invented by ordinary people or those ninjas with low strength. Who makes the powerful ninjas pursue their personal strength.

As far as the traversers of the celestial dynasty are concerned, as long as they are not stupid or idiots, they are basically people who run the country like cooking small fresh food, and it is difficult to get a champion in the test.

"You have ruled Yuren Village for so many years. Have you cared about the annual spring plowing? Do you know how much grain you can produce in one mu of land? You just want to rely on the power of collecting tail beasts to achieve peace. Is that really peace?"

When Qin Shihuang Yingzheng took the lead in cultivating the heavens every year in spring ploughing, he even planted the royal fields himself. Although it was a show, it also showed that he was really concerned about spring ploughing and agriculture.

Agriculture is the foundation of everything. Regardless of the development of commerce and modern society, farmers are even more despised by so-called elites. These people don’t want to think about it. Without enough food, commerce can’t develop at all. If you say bad words, they will eat. If you are not full, who cares about business.

The so-called full and warmth can only think about **, let him go hungry, think about it.

Nagato and Xiaonan were involuntarily lowered by the words of their identity. After integrating the first generation cells and after Shen Fei's treatment, Nagato can now walk on the ground.

"In addition to the food issue, there is also education. For so many years, Yuren Village has not even a ninja school, and all the five major ninja villages have ninja schools."

The ninja school created by the second generation was quickly learned by the other four ninja villages. Although the scale system is not Konoha, it is always a school, but the other ninja villages remain unchanged as before."These two problems must be solved first. People who have studied agriculture must be called together. Also, since you can rain, you must first control it to prevent rain in Yuren Village."

The special environment of Yuren Village makes it rainy all year round, even if Nagato doesn’t use Rain Tiger Freedom, but fortunately, here is the world of ninjutsu, with many magical ninjutsu, and it’s very easy to solve it, such as It is said that the rain tiger free technique can control the rain, and naturally it does not need to rain.

In the past, Nagato used the Yuhu Freedom technique to rain from time to time to prevent Yurenin Village from entering the spies. Now there is no need to qualify, even if it is discovered that Akatsuki is in Yurenin Village.

There is another Shinnobu in the Five Ninja Villages, who dare to attack Akatsuki's organization alone. With Akatsuki's strength, he may not be able to beat the five Ninja Villages, but it is more than enough to hit one, even the strongest Konoha.

If Nagato is desperate, everyone can brush a Shinobu village alone. The physique of the whirlpool family is combined with the integration of the first generation cells. Believe it or not, I will give you a copy. A bag of rice can resist several floors.

The surrounding environment of Yurencun is very difficult to solve in other worlds, but in the world of ninja, if you think about it, some solutions, it is hard to find a few powerful rock ninjas to complete the reclamation of the sea and land.

"I'm going to make arrangements." Xiao Nan said and left. Yuren Village may not have much money, because there are not many tasks, but Xiao is different, especially Xiao Nan, who can be called the number one rich woman in the world. The existence of ah, 600 billion detonating talisman.

After discussing with Nagato, the things that Xiao Nan was responsible for mainly became internal affairs. It happened that Nagato didn't want Xiao Nan to work hard outside. Before, Nagato couldn't directly come forward because of his body. Now his injury is healed. I came forward.

"When will the people of Xiao arrive?" After Xiao Nan left, Shen Fei asked Nagato. After the seal was sealed, Shen Fei inherited the ring organized by Jue Zaixiao, the ring with mysterious characters.

Since the Nagato has the magic lantern body technique, Xiao organization usually communicates through this technique. Even if it is to seal the tail beast, it can also be sealed by this technique, but this time, at the request of Shen Fei, Nagato asked all Akatsuki members to go to Urenin Village in real life.

This is also the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization, the first time it has been exposed to all the members of the Akatsuki organization.

Now that the purpose of Akatsuki's organization has changed, the corresponding plan must definitely be changed. Akatsuki will not focus on doing tasks to make money in the future.

"These few days should be coming soon."

"Unexpectedly, the headquarters would be in Amunin Village. I heard that this is the site of Hanzo, so he is also a member of Akatsuki's organization." To the west of Aminin Village, by the lake, two people stand by the dried persimmon ghost shark and Uchiha Itachi. On the shore, overlooking Yurenin Village on the opposite side.

The news of the death of Sansho Fish Hanzo is extremely confidential, even if there is not much known in Akatsuki's organization.

"Don't you know if you go?" Itachi said, stepping on the water and walking towards Yuren Village.

"that's true."

"Big Brother Scorpion, you said that the leader summoned us to do something, but I am about to find the big snake pill." In the air, a huge amount of clay bird was on, and Scorpion and Deidara were also flying towards Yuren Village.

"It's really troublesome, but I haven't sacrificed to the evil god for a long time." On the side of the undead duo, Feiduan At the moment's words were full of dissatisfaction."Shut up, I almost caught the guy with the 10 million reward." At the moment of Jiaodu's face looked gloomy. As the finance minister of Akatsuki's organization, I have to say that Jiao is very very kind. Qualified, has been making money non-stop, Xiao Nan can buy so many detonation charms, he is indispensable.

However, although Jiao Du likes to make money, he is also the one who listens most to the leader's words. Looking at all the members of the Xiao organization, it can be said that Jiao Du is the best employee.

Looking at other people, they are either spies or their own way.

"Warmly celebrate the first round table meeting of Xiao organization." Looking at the arranged steel hall, Shen Fei smiled and nodded. With a trace of evil interest, Shen Fei hung such a red banner in front.

In addition to Shen Fei, Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon ghost shark were the first group to rush back. After seeing the bright red banner in front of them, the corners of their mouths twitched.

"It turned out to be you, absolutely?" Uchiha Itachi, after walking to the position that marked his ring, and after staring at Shen Fei for a while, he asked.

Shen Fei, Itachi and Guiyu naturally knew each other. They couldn't fight a fight before. At first, after seeing Shen Fei, the two of them were shocked, but they didn't act immediately.

Where Shen Fei is currently sitting, there is a sign in front of it with the word "Xuan" written on it. With the addition of the ring on his exposed right hand, Itachi discovered it immediately. For Itachi, this is an observation organization intelligence. Great opportunity.

"Do you still need to ask? You will know as soon as you look at it. I took his place." Shen Fei smiled at Itachi and waved his hand.

The ten official members of the Akatsuki organization, except for Nagato and Xiaonan, can theoretically be replaced at any time. As long as you win the current Akatsuki member, you can get the ring. For example, A Fei will get the scorpion. Ring.

The Akatsuki organization does not only have ten official members. There are a large number of secret bases all over the Ninja World, in order to collect information and provide support to Akatsuki members who are going to perform tasks.

Intelligence work, whether it is the Five Ninja Villages or Akatsuki's organization, attaches great importance.

"Is that guy killed? It's really surprising." At this moment, an arrogant voice came from outside. It was Deidara, and there was the scorpion hiding in the Scarlet Hu, talking to Didal. It seemed that he was a little unhappy with Jue.

"Mr. Scorpion, the leader said that everyone must attend this meeting on their own. Puppets are not allowed." Looking at Scorpion, Shen Fei said softly.

For Shen Fei, the choice of the scorpion was completely a wrong decision. Although he could control a large number of puppets, he was not afraid of being injured, but there was a fatal problem, that is, Chakra had no way to improve, only to improve the puppet’s. Power to increase your strength.

If it is a normal Ninja world, this choice of Scorpion is not wrong. Ninja shadow level is the upper limit. Scorpion's strength has reached the shadow level. It is difficult to improve, but that is a normal Ninja world. The problem is forbearance. It's not normal when the world reaches the later stage.

"Humph." After snorting coldly, the scorpion turned on the Fei Liuhu, and a handsome young man walked out from it. Except for Deidara, it was not surprising that Itachi and Guiyu were a little surprised. They were The first time I saw the true face of the scorpion.

"It's just trouble." After saying this, Scorpion sat directly in his seat and closed his eyes.

"Why change someone?" Not long afterwards, Jiao Du and Fei Duan also arrived.

"There are only nine people, isn't this one bad?"

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