The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 452 The Storm Is Rising (Part 1)

"Nagato, it's still a bit too anxious." After Xiao's group had left, Shen Fei shook his head slightly. According to his original meaning, Yuren Village had been hiding in the dark for several years, waiting for the fourth time. When the Ninja World War broke out, and then when the Five Great Ninja Villages suffered heavy losses, they came out to harvest the entire Ninja World.

The wretched development, the motto that Shen Fei has always believed in, the overall situation of the Ninja World, even if there is no Heijue behind the scenes, the fourth Ninja World War will inevitably occur, just like the third Ninja World War, even if there is no scorpion. The same goes for attacking the three generations of Fengying, the difference is only a few years earlier and a few years later.

The fourth Ninja World War broke out. There is no doubt that the five major Ninja villages will lose a considerable part of their strength. Then Akatsuki will come out to harvest. It will undoubtedly be much simpler. With the cruelty of the war, at that time, no matter the strength or the hearts of the people, Akatsuki will leading.

Unfortunately, after hearing Shen Fei’s analysis, Nagato and Xiaonan had the idea to prevent the outbreak of the Fourth Ninja World War. That’s why Akatsuki's all-member gathering was born, and The birth of the kingdom of dawn.

Xiaozhiguo is the idea that Shen Fei put forward after confirming the determination of Nagato and Xiaonan. After some consideration, Nagato and Xiaonan agreed.

"Although I'm a bit anxious, it's not impossible. After all, the absolute strength is here." Shen Fei was able to propose the plan of the Kingdom of Xiao, because Xiao's strength is not afraid of everything. If there is no such absolute strength, No matter what Nagato and Xiao Nan think, he will persuade them to grow up for a few years.

"First, we must find an applicable law for the ninja world." The rule of law is very important. The ninja world is so chaotic and the rule of law is the main reason. The Uchiha clan will be resented as a guard, you can know that What is the rule of law in this world?

Although it is just a joke that the prince breaks the law and commits the same crime with the people, it doesn't matter how you do it secretly, but it cannot be exposed.

"It seems that I can only ask for a reward. How much money is this time? Ten million should be enough." It is impossible for Shen Fei to come up with an applicable law for the Ninja World. He can only propose at most. Some basic opinions, as for more specific content, can only rely on collective wisdom.

Fortunately, he is rich now, and he publishes the solicitation online in the name of designing the game background, which will definitely attract a large number of people to participate.

"The messenger has already set off." Just when Shen Fei was silent, Nagato and Xiaonan walked in from the outside, Nagato's body was already healed, and the Six Ways of Payne would not appear unless it was necessary.

"This time our enemy can be said to be the entire Ninja world, and then you and your teacher may have a war." Akatsuki’s system and philosophy can be said to challenge the old order of the entire Ninja world, although It's not that no one is on their side, but compared to the entire Ninja World, that is simply a drop in the bucket.

"The teacher has always hoped to find a way to make the world peaceful, and now he has found it. If he hinders him, then he can only be sorry." Nagato's tone was very calm.

"Do you focus your hatred on yourself? This is very similar to Sasuke Uchiha's thoughts behind him."

"You don't have to kill him, it won't help to catch him."

"There is no need. If the teacher obstructs it, it only means that he does not want real peace in the Ninja world. He has betrayed his original idea." Nagato's tone was unusually firm.

Nagato was able to be persuaded by Naruto in the past. Naruto’s Mouth escape was on the one hand, but on the other hand, Nagato was also lost in his heart. At that time, he could not find a way to peace in the world of Ninja, and could only use deterrence to let the enemy feel Pain, so after being defeated by Naruto, the black fox will shake after hearing Naruto's words.

But now it's different. Now Nagato has found the way forward. If Jiraido really stops him, there is no doubt that Nagato will never show mercy.

There is no doubt that Naruto has absolutely no way to Mouth escape him this time.Now that Yahiko is not resurrected, it is after Nagato was thinking about unifying the world of Ninja. After resurrecting Yahiko and then letting Yahiko come to the front desk, he, the person who gathered most of the hatred, left the scene. He always felt that this idea was very similar to some guy. .

"This is a matter between your master and apprentice, I don't care." This time Jiraiya will not die at Nagato's hands. It depends on Jiraiya's fate. Since he is on Akatsuki's side, It is impossible to scrupulously so much.

"Next, there is no doubt that the five big Ninja villages and the five big nations will respond. At that time, you will still need to act to frighten them. As for the first target, it is him." Shen Fei said as he manipulated the holographic imaging system. A photo showing a person is the name of the country of fire.

Nagato nodded slightly. Although the guards around the daimyo of the five great nations are not weak, the daimyo of the country of fire, and even the guardian twelve forbearance, facing Nagato's level of strength, there is an extra twelve. Shinobu could not be his opponent.

"This is not in a hurry, the next development of Akatsuki is the most important." Since Yuren Village has decided to change its name, it naturally does not exist.

"Xiao Nan will trouble you next, integrate those middle and lower ninjas and let them cooperate with the attack. I will also equip them with some weapons. By the way, Xiao Nan, although the total amount of your chakras is not low, it is still the same as others. People are still a lot worse than people. After that, I will help you integrate the primary cells, so that you can separate a few more shadow duplications to deal with related things."

The ninjas of Yunin Village still have some reputation in the ninja world, because Yunin Village has a signature ninjutsu, which is like rain and dew thousands of books. Through the umbrella of the mechanism, a large number of thousands of books are released. This is a mechanism that can be equipped in advance. Many people in Yuren Village will carry several umbrellas when performing tasks. That's why.

In the ninja world, especially between the middle and lower ninjas, the use of weapons can greatly increase their strength. If they are equipped with firearms, they will undoubtedly exert a strong power.

Even if you don’t use firearms and use crossbows, it’s the same. In Konoha, there is a Shinobu who uses a crossbow, that is, the number of ninjas is very small. Cloud's crossbow arrow shooting is really spectacular.

The weapon Shen Fei currently provides is not a firearm, but a chakra weapon, which is the technological ninja in the blog.

Shen Fei has always had this idea for technological ninjas. After learning the sealing technique, he can already make some technological ninjas. The first thing to be made is naturally the ninjutsu bullets.

Sealing technique can shrink the scrolls. Shen Fei put these scrolls into bullets, which are ninjutsu bullets, not just ordinary ninjutsu, even some powerful ninjutsu can be sealed in.

This is mainly due to the help of the Ability of the Surgical Fruit. By cutting the bullets and the lines of the spell, the lines are drawn and then perfectly combined. This cannot be achieved without the Surgical Fruit.

It is absolutely unexpected for the enemy to use firearms to extinguish the fire. Ninjutsu bullets solve the problem of insufficient accuracy of the single ninjutsu of the technology ninjutsu. It will not release a spiral pill and do not know where it will go. .

The use of technology ninjas in some exam occasions is undoubtedly cheating, but in battle, there is no problem. Ninjas are omnipotent.

"I'm already training intensively." Xiao Nan has his own unique paper duplication, and can do several things at the same time. Many things are troublesome in other worlds, but they are not troublesome in the Shinobi world.

"Wasting ninjas on missions is actually the biggest waste. I really don't understand why no one wants to form a ninja army for so many years." Xueyihou still has a team of hundreds of white armored soldiers. On the ninja side, except for Shinobi In the world war, you can't see the situation of teaming up, obviously the combination of ninjutsu is very powerful.

This is definitely Shen Fei's vomit. The four-member team in the Shinobi world needs to do tasks due to objective reasons, but Xiao Zhiguo changed this system.

The country pays to raise the ninja army, trains together, eats, lives, and fights. Fortunately, Xiao Xiao has saved a lot of money through horns for so many years. Otherwise, he really can’t afford it. Because you can't afford it.

Definitely, the country of Akatsuki does not completely eliminate the task mode. These tasks will be given to those ninjas who are not in the national organization, which is equivalent to the escort in Qin Shimingyue and modern security companies. Definite must have a qualification issued by the state to have it. Qualified to engage in this industry.Fortunately, Yuren Village is a small ninja village, coupled with the perennial wars and the unusual worship of gods and Angels, this makes these reforms go very smoothly. If it is the five great ninja villages, don't think so smoothly.

Just like the reforms of the Seven Warring States in Qin Shimingyue, Qin succeeded in reforming at the most dangerous time, but all the other six countries failed.

The Kingdom of Dawn contains a large amount of iron ore, so it saves a lot of resources in the manufacture of weapons. Through alchemy, Shen Fei has produced a large number of huge crossbows and equipment at the entrance and surroundings of the Kingdom of Dawn, in order to guard against outsiders. Infiltrated.

With the current reforms of Akatsuki, it is conceivable that a large number of outsiders will infiltrate in the future.

When Shen Fei, Nagato, and Xiaonan were carrying out the internal reforms of the Kingdom of Akatsuki, the Five Great Ninja Villages and the Five Great Nations, also because of the messengers sent by the Kingdom of Akatsuki, set off a shocking nuclear wave.

Since he decided to challenge the entire Ninja World in an upright manner, Shen Fei naturally had no reservations. He took out the leaflet tactics in the Pirate World again, and then sent people to distribute them, or use Flight psychic beasts to send them from the air. Throw it down, the place where Definitely threw it is not the Five Great Ninja Village, but some cities in the Five Great Nations.

Directly breaking into the Five Ninja Villages, even the Flight psychic beasts are just sending them to death.

The content of the flyer is very simple. It is mainly divided into two parts. One is the conspiracy of the daimyo, and the five major ninja villages will launch wars in the ninja world every once in a while and consume the ninjas at the bottom. No matter in any world, the bottom is the most numerous. In normal times, these people don't have much power, but once they erupt, it is enough to change the day.

In this leaflet, everything that can be put in is put in. Anyway, it is how the black daimyo, the five great Shinobi villages, and how to come.

The other part is Nagato, the leader of the Kingdom of Akatsuki, the prophetic son who inherited the fairy eyes of the legendary Six Dao Immortals, who came to save the entire Ninja World, and Dayi is useful at all times.


Konoha Hokage Building, in the Hokage office, looking at the former Yunin Village in front of him, the messenger of the country of Akatsuki almost smashed his desk with a punch.

Since Yuren Village has been renamed the Kingdom of Akatsuki, the symbol of the protection of the forehead has naturally changed.

"What the hell do you Yunin Village want to do?" With Konoha's intelligence network, it is naturally impossible not to know the changes in Yunin Village. After all, this information has not been blocked.

"Master Naruto, now is the country of Akatsuki, I hope Master Naruto will not call it wrong."

"Sanjiao Yu Hanzo, he will let you mess around." This time the matter was very big, and Tsunade had a headache, especially that the so-called Ninja Wars conspiracy was to consume the lowest ninja and let Konoha Many people at the bottom of the ninja have begun to waver.

The ninjas at the bottom do not have Naruto's idea that I want to be Naruto. For them, life is the first.

"The traitor Hanzo was executed by Lord God himself a few years ago." Nagato is orthodox, and Sansho Fish Hanzo is naturally a traitor.

"What?" The information that Sanjiao Yu Hanzo was dead caused several people in the Hokage office to change their expressions immediately.

At the moment, the people standing in Hokage's office are Konoha's think tank Nara Shikuhisa, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Silent, Nara Shikamaru, and the five generations of Hokage Tsunade.Among them, the looks of Tsunade and Jiraiya were the most surprised. As they had fought Hanzo back then, they knew Hanzo's strength very well. Such characters have died silently for several years, which really surprises them.

"The invitation letter has been sent. If Naruto-sama doesn't want to kill me, I'll leave." The five envoys went to the Five Ninja Villages respectively, with a simple purpose, inviting them to participate in the celebration of the Kingdom of Akatsuki.

"Do you Akino Kuni want to be an enemy of the entire Ninja World?" Tsunade finally changed his words.

"Naruto-sama is wrong. Our Akatsuki is to save the entire Ninja World. This time Lord God invites you to Akatsuki to eliminate the forthcoming fourth Ninja war."

The envoys of the Five Great Ninja Villages, on the surface, are to send invitations to the Five Great Ninja Villages, inviting them to participate in the celebration of the nation’s founding of Akatsuki, and to discuss the Fourth Ninja World War, and secretly to test the Five Great Ninja Villages. Attitude.

"The Lord God in your mouth, is Nagato?" Jilai also asked suddenly on the side.

"This must be Lord Jiraiya, Lord God asked me to tell your Excellency a word." The messenger of the Kingdom of Akatsuki said solemnly, "Teacher, you didn't find a way to make the entire Ninja world peaceful. I have found it. My son of prophecy did not disappoint the teacher. I hope that the teacher will help me and bring peace to the Ninja world as soon as possible. This is the original words of Lord God."

"Nagato him, Yahiko, how is Xiaonan." Jilai asked again after being silent for a long time.

"Sorry, Lord God only asked me to take this sentence and say goodbye." The messenger of Akatsuki said and left Hokage's office.

"Tsunade, let me go this time. I want to meet them and see what happened to them." Jiraiya has remained in Konoha until now, without taking Naruto away to practice. Everything comes from The butterfly effect caused by Shen Fei.

Because of Shen Fei's words, Tsunade had to temporarily leave Jiraiya in Konoha to stabilize Konoha's morale, and also to put pressure on Danzo.

However, although it was in Konoha, Jiraji also practiced Naruto. In addition, Sakura is now a teacher of Tsunade, and the seventh class is temporarily disbanded. The only good news is that Sai does not need to return to follow.

"Jiraiya, calm down, now they are not the same as they were back then." For the Nagato trio, Tsunade is not very familiar with it, but he knows it.

"Tsunade." Jiraiya immediately said again, and at the moment, Jiraiya, who always has a hippy smile, was extremely serious.

"Akatsuki has invited Hokage."

"It is naturally impossible for Master Naruto to go in person. Since Master Jilaiya has such a relationship with the person who has reincarnation eyes, it is okay to take a trip, Shikamaru, you accompany you."

Shikamaru, who always likes to be lazy, had to be caught by his father after Konoha's collapse plan and began to deal with Konoha's affairs.

"As for the other person."

"Let me go."

Just when Nara Shikahisa was considering another person to accompany him, Kakashi on one side spoke.

"Kakashi, you, no matter what, do everything for your own safety. If you find something wrong, retreat immediately."

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