The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 489: Post-War Compensation (Part 2)

"You can only take one step and see one step." Nara Lujiu sighed deeply as he spoke. Under the absolute power gap, he couldn't help it.

"Have you found Mizumon?" Nara Luji asked in a low voice.

"He said it was Konoha's business. He had already sacrificed for Konoha once." As Konoha's think tank, since the Mizuno couple has appeared, Nara Kajiu will definitely not turn a blind eye. The behavior of the Mizuno couple shows that although they are The body of the dirty earth reincarnated, but it was not controlled by the people behind the scenes.

Nara Kakuhisa originally wanted to use Konoha's will to persuade the Mizumons to take action, but it is a pity that this time the will of fire can't be effective.

"Then now we can only see if Kay can kill Akatsuki's leader." Even if things get into this situation, Konoha's side is not completely without a chance to comeback, that is, Matkai's eight-door Dunjia.

"You are too heavy to start. Wouldn't it be troublesome if you kill them." On the battlefield of Iwanin Village, I watched the four-tailed and five-tailed people who were beaten as baseball by Uchiha's Nohashi. , And the third generation of Tuying who suffered from a tired backache, Shen Fei shook his head helplessly.

Because of too much leisure, Uchiha Madara snatched the second-generation Dokage’s opponent, the third-generation Dokage Onoki. Originally, Chen Yun was also restraining the body of the dirty reincarnation, but the difference between the strengths of the two sides was too large. Uchiha Madara still has reincarnation eyes, and Chen Dun has no room to play.

When he was alive, Uchiha Madara was not afraid of dust escape. At that time, he did not have reincarnation eyes, let alone now. As for the complete tail beastization of the four-tailed man and the five-tailed man, the same is true.

Back then, the nine big-tailed beasts were captured by Madara Uchiha. Originally, he could control the nine big-tailed beasts to fight with the first generation of Naruto. Why did he bring only one nine-tailed beast to the battle? It was not because the other tailed beasts faced Senjujuta too. Weak, it's just a burden to bring it, and only Kyuubi can intervene in the battle between the two.

But even if it was Nine Tails, it was not grasped by one hand by the wooden man's art of the Senjuzuzu.

"Don't worry, you can't die, you are here, which means that the battle is almost over."

"It's almost there, only Konoha and Wunin Village are still resisting."

"Obviously such a simple thing, you just do it so complicated."

"To fight the world is different from ruling the world. Why didn't the Six Dao Immortals bring peace to the Ninja World? It's not because he can't rule the world."

"Humph." After hearing Shen Fei's words, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but snorted. Although At the moment he was very upset, but he had to admit that the people in the Ninja world were far inferior in governing the world. Shen Fei.

Then Madara immediately turned and walked towards Yurenin Village. Since the war is over, there is no need for him to stay here, he can go to see his good friends.

"The four tails and five tails are here." After Uchiha Madara left, Shen Fei dragged the two tail beasts and the third generation of Tokage Onoki, who had no resistance, and the skill of flying Thor disappeared.

"This is Erwei." Then Shen Fei appeared on Konoha's battlefield, At the moment Erwei Renzhuli was collapsing on the water, with several black rods stuck in his body, which was made by Nagato through the eyes of reincarnation. The tail beast can be restricted.

"Nagato, it's almost time to end." Konoha's side Akatsuki has an absolute advantage, and Nagato plus Payne Six Ways, and Xiaonan are not something Konoha's ninja can resist."All retreat." Under the control of Shen Fei, the group of people who reincarnated from the dirty land, and the ninjas of the country of dawn, immediately began to retreat, leaving only Nagato and Payne in front of them.

Although Nagato, Xiaonan, and Yahiko are the disciples of Jiraiya, but the hatred of the three of Nagato towards Konoha is not uncommon. The murderer who made the three homeless back then was Konoha and Nagato. It can be said that Uchiha Madara and Kuruze were shooting behind the scenes, but the tragic deaths of the two families of Konan and Yahiko have nothing to do with Uchiha Madara.

In addition, Konoha has always been known as the strongest of the five ninja villages. In the original book, Nagato went to Konoha to carry rice, but there was no problem at all. In fact, if you don’t consider other circumstances, such as the problem of the Watergate couple, Shen Fei Choosing Konoha as the chicken to kill the chicken and the monkey is the most correct one. If you want to use the knife, you must naturally choose the strongest.

"Be careful." Akatsuki's movements caused Konoha's remaining ninjas to gather at the side of the five generations of Hokage Tsunade. At the moment, there are four fat guys about six or seven meters tall on Konoha's side. That's Autumn Road. A family of people.

There are many groups of pig deer butterflies in Konoha.

"Tsunade-sama." Metkay said as he walked out of Konoha's team, facing Nagato and Payne by himself, the thumb of his right hand touched his heart.

"Is this going to open the eighth dead door? This can't be done." Metkay's eight-door Dunjia is much stronger than his father, Matt Dai. When Matt Dai opened the dead door, he had no time to play. With one blow, his body collapsed and died.

After Kai opened the gate of death, Xixiang hit five punches, and after that, there was Yekai’s mode. Let alone Yekai, it’s just Xixiang. Now if Kai uses it, five punches will come down. , Nagato is absolutely unstoppable.

Back then, Uchiha Madara was able to block Yuzhang's five punches by relying on the Six Way Immortal Mode.

"Kay." Although Tsunade felt sad when he saw Kai's movements, he did not stop him. In this situation, he can only rely on Kai to break the game.

"Room, slaughterhouse." When he saw that Metkai was about to open the eighth dead gate of Eight Dunjia, Shen Fei immediately waved his right hand, replacing Metkai's position with a bamboo he had summoned by Mu Dun The location of the space.

"Go, you." When Kai was a little stunned, Shen Fei's right hand was already on Kai's right shoulder. The next moment, Kai's body immediately disappeared from the battlefield. It was the technique of flying Thor.

The technique of flying Thor can carry people for space transfer, and naturally it can also transport people to other places alone. This is a much higher level than the technique of sending from the sky. The technique of flying Thor does not have the disadvantages of the technique of sending from the sky.

Although it was very similar to seeing the power of Kai after opening the door of death, Shen Fei had no intention of dying.

"What did you do to Kai?" Tsunade cried out immediately when Kai disappeared suddenly.

"It's nothing, it's just that Thor just threw him onto an island on the sea, the dead gate of the eighth gate of the Eight Gate Dunjia, is this your last support? Unfortunately, there is no more now." Shen Fei said and grabbed him. The second tail figure on one side immediately disappeared.

Eight door Dunjia’s dead door is certainly very powerful, but there are many ways to deal with this trick. The easiest is naturally the art of shadow duplication, which separates dozens of shadow duplications, and then spreads them around. It's the body that reincarnated from the filthy soil, not afraid of Bamon's attack at all.

Definitely, all of this is based on Shen Fei's method of serving dishes from the perspective of God. If it is the first time to see it, it is difficult to defend against this trick. This is how the Wu Ren Qiren fell.

"Super God Luo Tianzheng." After Shen Fei disappeared with the second tail, Nagato launched his strongest attack method. This time, it was not a pressure from above, but a horizontal attack.

The super-shen Luo Tianzheng's incomparable power immediately divided the water on the lake into two, like a cliff. From the line of sight of Nagato, you can see the ground on the bottom of the lake in front."Psychic art." Tsunade immediately accumulated all the chakras in his body after sending out the Super Shinra Tianzheng at Nagato. In an instant, Tsunade's young face became extremely old, and this time Tsunade's Yin Yin All the sealed chakras were also taken out.


Along with a burst of smoke, a white wall appeared in front of Konoha and his group. If someone looked down from the sky, they would suddenly find that it was not a white wall, but a wall that was hundreds of meters long. , A huge slug with a height of several tens of meters.

The slug immortals in the Wet Bone Forest are very huge, even if the slugs summoned by Tsunade now are only a small part of the slug immortals.


As soon as huge amounts of slugs were summoned out, they ushered in Nagato’s Super God Luo Tianzheng. The extremely powerful force blasted this huge slug to pieces in an instant. There are countless tiny slugs accompanied by the Super God Luo Tianzheng. The power flies away towards the front.

Even though Tsunade used huge amounts of slugs as walls, it did not have the power to stop the Super God Ra Tianzheng. The extremely powerful impact caused many Konoha ninjas to be shocked into the air for the first time, and then their bodies were in the air. Burst open.

Konoha’s ninja and the lake’s water all flew towards the distance under this extremely powerful Shockwave. After a while, in front of Nagato, there was a large pit nearly 100 meters wide with a deep visible bottom. Konoha's ninja and the lake were blown away by the super god Luo Tianzheng.

After a while, the water on the lake surface was the bottomless pit, and the inverted lake water directly dropped the water level of the surrounding lake several meters deep.

With one blow, Konoha suffered a heavy loss. Fortunately, Tsunade used psychic slugs as a wall before, blocking the first wave of the most powerful impact, allowing many of Konoha’s ninjas to survive this impact. Come down, if there is no Tsunade step, Konoha's ninja will definitely lose more.

"Enough, Deidara, didn't I tell you not to kill him." When Shen Fei appeared in the Wujin Village, the six-tailed man Zhu Li, facing Deidara's aerial bombardment, could only be powerless. The body curled up.

After preparing a lot of clay, even if it is the six-tailed man, it is not Deidara’s opponent, but Dedara may be too excited because of throwing a clay bomb, even if the six-tailed man is seriously injured. Still continue to throw.

"Leave it to me here, you go and deal with them."

The person who reincarnated from the dirty soil, cooperated with Deidara's clay bomb, is simply a perfect match, and the dirty person drags the opponent, and Deidara can throw the clay bomb unscrupulously without worrying about accidental injury.

"It's only seven tails and nine tails." After the second tail got the hands, the nine big tail beasts, Shen Fei gathered seven, only the Nanao from Takinin Village, Naruto, and the Yin and Yang nine tails on the water gate. .

"The two brothers are at the end." After Shen Fei put the trophies away, he went to watch the battle between his brothers Sasuke and Itachi. At the moment, both of them were injured in many places. You can imagine from here. How fierce their battle is.

At the moment, Itachi started to use the red Suzano. Because Sasuke did not open the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, he used the technique of wooden man. Both the technique of Susano and wooden man are about ten meters in height. , The battle between the two destroyed the square in front of the steel tower of Yuren Village and the surrounding buildings.

"It seems that Itachi's body is no longer good." From the height of Itachi's Susano, one can guess what the current situation of Itachi is. Uchiha Madara's complete body is nearly 100 meters high. The wooden man's technique between the hand posts can hold huge amounts of nine tails with one palm.

The strong collision between Suzuo Nenghu and Mu Ren shakes the surrounding ground. =



Wait and replace=




Just like when Shen Fei is idle, he will also play some Psychokinesis games. This is learned from Jin Fu Lishi, why Jin can imitate the Ability of most other Ability people, and Leo Li’s Ability is even more true. You can see it once, this is due to his precise control of Ability.

This is why Shen Fei can create ninjutsu similar to Mu Dun through Tu Dun, Jing Dun and other related ninjutsu.

This is the same way that Xiao Wuxiang Gong imitates other martial arts.

"It's really a tail beast, I recovered so soon." After watching the eight-tailed ox ghost who fell on the ice stood up again, and after all the eight tails had recovered, Shen Fei nodded gently, and then quickly moved his hands. Jieyin.

"Mu Dun, Ming Shenmen."

The next moment the sky immediately fell nine huge amounts of the door frame, suppressing the eight tails and the head of the eight-tailed bull ghost in the door frame.

Mu Dun's Myoshin Gate is one of the most effective ninjutsu to suppress the tail beast. The original work can suppress even the ten tails for a period of time, not to mention the eight tailed bull ghosts.

When the six immortals used yin and yang to divide the ten tails to create the nine tails, it was actually very unfair. That is, the strength of the nine tails is too strong. To put it bluntly, if you really want to fight, the nine tails can hit seven. Even one dozen eight is not a problem.

"Master Raikage, Master Kirabi." The battle ended too soon, and the waves that had been set off before made it impossible for the Yunren who had supported them to get close. Now that the battle is over, a group of people rushed over, and some of them rushed towards Shen. Fei and others, the other part rushed towards Kirabi, trying to rescue Kirabi.

"Very loyal, it's a pity that his hero is my enemy." With different positions, he is naturally an enemy. Facing nearly a hundred Yun Ren who rushed up with different strengths, Shen Fei lightly snapped his fingers.

In the next moment, a huge amounts of ice ball with a diameter of nearly ten meters appeared in the sky, and it fell rapidly towards the cloud ninjas below. At the same time, Shen Fei moved his foot and his figure immediately retreated.

Three generations of Fengying over there also began to retreat after liberating four generations of Fengying.

"Sure enough, the speed is too slow." Shen Fei learned the ice hockey fall from Esders. In the world of Slashing the Crimson Eye, the power is not weak, but in the Naruto World, the speed of the falling is a bit slow. Now, the fast ninja has no time to escape from the falling area of ​​the ice wall.

Seeing the six bodies glowing with the light of thunder, holding a long knife towards Yun Ren Shangren who rushed towards him, Shen Fei shook his head gently, and his left foot gently touched the ice surface a little, the next moment a thick line About one meter, a huge ice wall of seven or eight meters high appeared directly in front of him.

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