The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 521 Monthly Reading Meeting and Hand-Heating Meeting (End)

"Hey, it turned out to be a formal religious organization. This is really interesting." Looking at the introduction of the monthly reading meeting on the Internet, Shen Fei was very surprised. He originally accidentally said that the monthly reading meeting was a similar organization to the Shouhehui. , Belongs to the underground forces, and the other party is a formal and legal religion, and its current leader is a small girl.

Moon Reading is a religion that believes in the goddess of the moon, Moon Reading.

"What did you find?" When Shen Fei checked the information of the monthly reading meeting, a figure appeared in his room instantly. It was his shadow duplication. After the four ninjas were killed, the outside should be a response. After waiting for a while, they found no one came out and drove away immediately.

So Shen Fei directly asked the shadow duplication to track it. Since there is shadow duplication, there is no need to follow it personally.

Although Shen Fei asked, but the next moment the shadow duplication turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared, the information it detected immediately appeared in Shen Fei's mind.

"Yakushiji family, this is really interesting. Is the family fighting for power?" It was Yakushiji Ryoko who came to remind him of the danger, but the person followed by Shadow duplication was a senior who served his family's security company.

"Yaoshi Temple Hongyi is really strong."

The current person in charge of the security company of the Yaoshisi family is the old man Shen Fei met in the hotel before. This is an old man who likes to enjoy it very much. In comparison, Shen Fei is worse.

His original wife is dead, leaving him with only two daughters, the sisters of Yaoshi Temple. Afterwards, it is said that there are countless lovers in her life. Rest with my daughter on six weekends.

And the quality of his lover is quite high. You can guess by just looking at the previous twins. These things were definitely not investigated by Shen Fei, but Zhao Hailun told him. Compared with other people, there are several lovers who It is hiding the difference, but this one dared to bring his lover and daughter to meet uprightly.

At present, the Yakushiji family is mainly in charge of his eldest daughter, and his second daughter, Yakushiji Ryoko, is now working as an Interpol in Paris. Such an identity is quite normal when I know Spencer, JJ and others.

"Just see what tricks you guys are playing."

"You guys came very early, here." In the institute the next day, Shen Fei saw Spencer and jj again, as well as Spencer's mother, between Spencer and Jj at the moment The relationship seems to have changed in some ways.

At the moment, Spencer’s mother seemed normal, and she was very generous in dealing with people. After all, she was a university professor, and she was a professor of literature. If there was no genetic psychosis, Spencer’s family could say It's a model family.

"About the cost." When the researcher on one side took Spencer's mother for a full-body examination, Spencer started talking with Shen Fei about the cost of treatment.

Spencer's family is a high-income family. His mother is a university professor and his father is a lawyer. He is not only an employee of fbi, but also a visiting professor of many universities, and he is also the author of a best-selling book.

It’s definitely not a novel, but an academic book. In the United States, it’s amazing. Books like murderers’ self-reports are very popular, especially for serial murderers. Tiefen and the books written by him will become best-sellers.

Since even the autobiographical writings of murderers can become best-sellers, the same is true for the police, especially Spencer's behavior analysis department, which mainly targets serial murderers.

Even if this world has Iron Man, foreigners and other superhero, super criminals, but after all, they are a minority, and most of them are ordinary people.But even so, to tell the truth, Spencer really can't afford the treatment costs that Shen Fei's side shot, except for those charity treatments under the guise of medical research, his fees here can be called sky-high.

"You don't need to worry about this, but you just happen to check them all today." This fee also depends on people. Since it is Spencer, Shen Fei naturally cannot overcharge it.

In fact, no money is required, but in order to be afraid of the other party's care, the money still has to be collected.

"Have you injected drugs into your body?" Looking at Spencer's physical examination report, Shen Fei quickly discovered a problem with his body.

"It was forcibly injected by the prisoner." Jj on one side immediately spoke about the matter.

"It's really hard work for you guys, wait a minute, I will give you a medicine." Soon Shen Fei walked out with a few pictures of Chinese medicine and two cups of medicine.

"You can soak this in hot water when you go back, and this is what you drink now."

"I have too." Jj looked at the cup of potion that Shen Fei pushed in front of him in surprise.

"Your cup is for health preservation. Don't waste it. It's rare for me to decoct the medicine for someone myself. To put it bluntly, if it's put out for auction, it's absolutely worthless."

This is not Shen Fei's boasting, but a fact. After all, these two copies have added vanilla that can cure all diseases. If you really want to tell the effect, one billion dollars is not a problem.

"That's really grateful."

"I will come up with a treatment plan soon, and I will contact you at that time." After Spencer and Jj drank the potion with vanilla in it, Shen Fei then discussed with him. Serbia’s mother’s treatment plan.

Naturally, such a big problem cannot be solved immediately.

"Serial murderers are indeed a group of dangerous people." Looking at the back of the two who left, Shen Fei gently shook his head. As a department dedicated to hunting serial murderers, Spencer and others will naturally face many dangers. Yes, not just a dangerous and cunning serial murderer, there are also many unexpected situations.

For example, the recent case handled by the Behavior Analysis Department is a very shocking thing. The prisoner is a genius girl whose genius is no less than Spencer in some respects.

He became a university assistant at the age of fourteen, and his thinking is extremely meticulous. It can be said that if it were not for the behavior analysis department, it would be difficult to treat him as a murderer, and even so, in the end, it was because he was too young, the sentence was extremely timed, and he deliberately treated him. The reporter said that he would write books in prison.

I have to say that this young girl feels terrifying in some respects. According to the investigation, she probably killed four people in total. They were in elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university. The other three stages of crimes were committed. , Was discovered after Spencer and the others intervened in the investigation.

Reluctantly, there is no evidence, and the only one who can have evidence to sue is the university. The result is still because of the age of underage, so he was lightly sent off.

"Forget it, the world seems to be mixed, maybe this time their luck will be better."

Soon Shen Fei stopped paying attention to Spencer. After all, he had a lot of things on his own. Strictly speaking, it is not a good thing to be a serial murderer in Marvel's world. If you are not careful, you may get someone off. , Disappeared silently.

With the disappearance of certain serial murderers, there is a high probability that such a thing will happen."After a few days, you can start and start." The so-called hands-on is naturally to Rose, and starting is to explore a new world. Shen Fei, who was reading a book in the coffee shop, thought this way.

"Mr. Shen." At this moment, a very authentic Mandarin-sounding voice rang in his ears. Shen Fei looked up and immediately laughed. He is very familiar with the person, although he has never seen a real person. .

The man came with an old look, with a cane in his hand, and the clothes on his body looked very simple. It was Mrs. Gao who held hands together.

Shen Fei has seen the photos of Mrs. Gao and Jin Binhui in Shouhehui many times.

"Are you?" Shen Fei closed the book, pretending not to know each other.

"My surname is Gao, and Mr. Shen can call me Mrs. Gao." After listening to Mrs. Gao's introduction, Shen Fei nodded faintly, but did not speak. The other party would definitely not be bored looking for himself.

"ADDC9." Mrs. Gao didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

"What?" Shen Fei still looked confused.

"Some people hope that Mr. can withdraw their evaluation of ADDC9, and definitely they will not treat him badly." Seeing Shen Fei pretending to be confused, Mrs. Gao directly pointed out the matter.

"In that case, this kind of harmful drug is what you are doing."

"This is not a drug that hurts people, but a drug that saves people. I think Mr. Shen knows more about how many Alzheimer's patients in the world are than I do. It's just a little side effect. Compared to those who are sick, It's not hard to accept, isn't it." Madam Gao still smiled.

"Deadman, it's just a little side effect, so what are the big side effects? No need to talk nonsense. I will never let this drug appear." Shen Fei stood up and returned the book. , Left directly.

"I didn't want to deal with you, but since you came out to find death on your own, don't blame me. I'll see if the people from Kunlun will show up." I can see from the corner of my eyes, my face is still calm. Mrs. Gao drinking coffee, Shen Fei showed a sneer in her heart.

Both parties pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, but whoever eats is different.

Although Shen Fei doesn't like Madam Gao, there is one thing that Madam Gao admires very much. That is her profound way of gou. In this respect, Shen Fei is inferior to the opponent, and when the strength is not as good as other people, Shen Fei will However, if the strength comes up, it will be different.

Just like what he did in Pirate World, he was so low-key when he first traveled through the past, but as his strength came up, he dared to slay the dragon, fight the generals, challenge the four emperors, and even the naval hero Kapu. , Also fought for a while.

Looking at Mrs. Gao, as a disciple of Kunlun, she has lived for more than four hundred years. In modern society, she is only one of the five fingers of her hand, and the underground forces on the side of Jin Bin and Mao Xiong are mainly cooperating. The Lord, even at a disadvantage, has never done it himself.

Even if it is doing it, it is mainly the following poisons, and he basically doesn't do it.

In fact, once Mrs. Gao started her hands, even if she looked very powerful, she could beat her with a slap in the face of a muscular golden pair. She, a Kunlun disciple, was not fake.

This kind of grudge is real grudge."What do you want to do?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go in."

In the underground parking lot, when Shen Fei was about to walk to his car, ten young men in suits and leather shoes sprang out of two cars. He pointed at Shen Fei with a pistol and pushed him into one. Inside a car.

"It turned out to be Jin Bing's subordinates. There are really enough people involved in this matter." Originally, Shen Fei thought that Shouhehui was not involved, and only had a one-month reading meeting. Now Shouhehui and Jinhe are both involved.

The reason why Shen Fei knows that these people are Jin Bin’s is because when he used his domineering perception to see the surrounding situation, he found Jin Bin’s deputy James Wesley, this guy who died a little aggrieved, because he was too much. Confident, thinking that the other party didn't dare to kill him, but was killed by the woman directly with a gun.

In this case, those who still do not use their hands to join hands have to say that Mrs. Gao is genuine.

"How's it going?" Just when Shen Fei left the coffee shop, Mrs. Gao's mobile phone rang, and when she was connected, a young woman with short white hair appeared on the screen of her mobile phone.

"Don't worry, it will be resolved soon, but what about your side, how is the progress of becoming Ruoshui?"

"As long as the plan goes well, you will soon see the real change."

"Liu Lizi, you'd better not lie to me, otherwise you know the consequences." The expression and tone of Mrs. Gao's At the moment were completely different from the usual kindness.

"I know." The phone was immediately hung up while speaking.

"Mrs. Gao is looking for death, and Jin He is also here for death. Is this asking me to sweep these underground forces." Shen Fei couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he perceives the car that has been tracking in the distance.

He was too lazy to bother about Jin and them, but since he was looking for death on his own, Daredevil didn't need to fight Jin and merge so hard.

"Speaking of which, among these superheros, Jessica is the easiest to live now." Because Ziren was killed, Jessica is now a private investigator. It is too easy to be a private detective with her strength. , Even the modern Sherlock Holmes and Watson can't compare, after all, she is a superhero.

Next is Luke, who runs a bar. In contrast, Daredevil, Spider-man is a bit miserable. Definitely, it was the Spider-man before. Now Spider-man is much better than before. The worst is the night. The devil is now.

Every time I go out to fight for justice, I will more or less get some injuries. Although it has a perception ability comparable to what is seen and heard, it is not very powerful.

"Now let's talk about it." James Wesley appeared directly in front of Shen Fei when he was retreated into a warehouse that seemed to be abandoned.

Bang bang bang.

However, it is a pity that before James Wesley could finish speaking, there was fierce gunfire outside. This result made Wesley's face changed immediately.

Shen Fei was not surprised here. He had perceived that someone from behind was following, and they were acquaintances, the two French maids of Yakushi Temple Ryoko.

Originally, Shen Fei thought it was a real maid, but now she definitely wouldn't think it was a simple maid. Judging from their hands-on situation, they are comparable to elite special forces. Such maids are rare.

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