The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 528 Ghost Ship

"I didn't expect it was Laura Croft." Shen Fei didn't care about the name Laura at first, after all, it was called too much.

However, in the ensuing conversation, talking about what happened on Yimatai Island, and adding Laura’s last name, Shen Fei suddenly realized who this Laura was, where did she go, where did she go? Across the fields, Laura, like a steel-and-iron bone, is the protagonist of Tomb Raider.

Combining the situation with the domineering perceptions he had seen and heard before, Shen Fei further confirmed that this expedition was Laura’s first expedition, and it was also her first murder, but apart from killing the first person, Lao Apart from being a little uncomfortable, Laura became calmer afterwards.

It’s definitely, it’s also because Laura kills bad guys, and there are even a lot of them who are actually not humans. I have to say that Lara’s mental quality is very strong. Even many people from SHIELD can’t do it with them. compared to.

It is impossible for definitely S.H.I.E.L.D to recruit Laura, don't look at Laura now young, she is an authentic earl, inheriting the title of her father and all the inheritance of the Crawford family.

In the Western world, even in modern society, the title of aristocracy is still a status symbol, definitely, and some people don’t take it seriously. For example, Laura in front of you is like this. Property, he is definitely a member of the rich, but his hobby is archaeology and exploration, which should be inherited from the family. His father has a great reputation in the archaeological world.

This time, Laura came with a friend of her father’s. In addition, there are people from the Archaeological TV station. These people came with the intention of making a fortune. After all, if this is true This is the ruins of Queen Roar at Yamatai Beliu, which will definitely make a sensation in the world.

The leader of the TV station is the archaeologist Dr. Whitman. This is a person who can give everything for fame and fortune. He himself is hosting an archaeological show on a TV station. After discovering that this is really evil horse station After the ruins, I was very excited, thinking that I had made a fortune, but it was a pity that I didn't have the life to go back and enjoy it.

In this expedition of Laura and others, there were nearly 20 people, and only three survived, Laura and her friends, and the famous Jonah.

Because there were no other people on the island except for the group of them, the group did not immediately prepare to leave Yamadae. Both Laura and Ryoko were ready to continue investigating the island. There was no obstacle from the enemy. This investigation was definitely smooth. Although the main information about Queen Roar of Beiliu sank in the ground as the ruins collapsed, the existing information is enough to cause a sensation in the archaeological world.

As for digging out the ruins of Beiru Roar, neither Laura nor Ryoko had such an idea. The reason is simple and too troublesome. If Shen Fei used the earth to escape, it would be very simple, but Shen Fei did not. There is no such an idea.

According to Laura's narrative, in combination with some things he knew, Shen Fei knew that this island was a blood sacrifice site. Except for a small number of people who had survived before surrendering, most of them became sacrifices. .

Those who surrendered were thinking of resurrecting Queen Roar of Beiliu and leading them to unify the world. I have to say that their ambition is not small, but they do not consider whether they have the strength to support this ambition.

Ambition is not always a bad thing, but if ambition can't match one's own strength, it is a bad thing.

"Laura, this guy has got a lot of cultural relics. Speaking of it, the Crawfords manor seems to have a lot of invaluable antiquities. The Crawfords family will not make their fortunes based on this."

Although Laura has been very careful to keep the things she searched all the way, she was still discovered by Ryoko and Shen Fei. If you change to another person, such as the previous doctor, it is possible to see the money, but for Shen For Fei and Ryoko, although these cultural relics are of great value, they are still not in the eyes of the two.

Definitely, Shen Fei’s group of four people also collected a lot of cultural relics. After all, the area of ​​Yimatai’s island is not small. Laura is powerful, and it is impossible for one person to collect all the cultural relics. Reality is not a game, Laura takes it. Everything you walk is precious and small.In contrast, Ryoko is much more convenient here, and there is a yacht that can hold a lot of things.

"We're leaving now, do you want to stay here anymore." Two days later, when Ryoko was about to leave, although Laura didn't want to leave, but now only this yacht can leave, she can only give up. 'S left.

In fact, as early as the beginning, Laura’s female friend was ready to be great. She seemed to be very afraid of approaching the island. However, because the yacht belongs to Ryoko, Ryoko didn’t want to leave. He definitely couldn’t leave. Now I hear it. When he was ready to leave, he immediately nodded his head and agreed.

In addition, Jonah also agreed to leave. Eventually, the group of people left on the yacht, because Queen Roar had been dealt with by Laura. This time the group left without the slightest obstacle. It can be imagined that once The news leaked out, and there will undoubtedly be a large number of people landing on this island in the future.

But it’s a pity that the most valuable thing on this island has been taken away by Laura and Shen Fei. Cultural relics and gold mines. There is a small gold mine on the island. Some gold can be mined to take away, but who will let Shen Fei be there.

Now that he discovered the gold mine, Shen Fei immediately took action and used alchemy to extract all the gold from the gold mine. Among them, Ryoko got the largest piece of gold. It was definitely not for money. With Ryoko’s family background, if you really want to, There is no problem in filling a house with gold nuggets, mainly because it was obtained by taking a risk. After all, this journey is named after the treasure map.

"You are not going back." Looking at the direction of the ship's sailing, Shen Fei was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that after leaving Xie Matai, Ryoko would return directly, but he did not expect Ryoko to move on here.





Replace it later, I'm sorry,





= "I said you are really not afraid of death, so let this yacht go to Dragon Triangle." After agreeing to go together, Shen Fei then saw the treasure map that Ryoko said. After looking at the content on the map, he let He felt a little speechless.

Because the map shows the location of Yimatai, it is in the legendary Dragon Triangle, this place is dangerous, but it is also known as the Bermuda Triangle.

For so many years, there have been a large number of ships and aircraft missing nearby, and no distress signal has been issued. Scientists have verified that the missing ships and aircraft are due to frequent hurricanes in the area.Although I don't know whether this confirmation is true or false, but driving a cruise ship to such a place, I have to say that Ryoko is really heartbroken.

"Don't worry, I will never die." When Ryoko said this, she appeared very confident. Shen Fei was not good at saying anything about this, so she started the journey of four.

Yes, there are only four people on the cruise ship, Shen Fei, Ryoko, and her two maids. Otherwise, if you don't think about the destination, Shen Fei will be a good enjoyment on this journey, after all, he is the only man.

Fortunately, Shen Fei had experienced similar scenes on the island before, so there was no special performance. Because Ryoko was not mainly for treasure hunting, the speed of the cruise was not fast. Taking this opportunity, Shen Fei relaxed a bit. Don't think about those issues.

When not approaching the Dragon Triangle, the four of them were very leisurely, but as they approached the Dragon Triangle, Ryoko and her two maids immediately began to get serious.

Weapons, communications, food, and other aspects were all prepared. Although Ryoko might be here on a whim, she didn't come here purely with a playful mood.

"Mistress." Accompanied by one of the maids, a group of people came to the deck of the yacht and saw the wreckage floating along the current on one side. It seemed that another ship might have been killed in the Dragon Triangle.

"It's windy, it's really not a normal phenomenon." As the cruise ship approached the island that may be Yamatai, the surrounding wind began to strengthen constantly, slowly forming a powerful hurricane, and the waves on the sea were also Under this hurricane, it kept rising and rolling.

The turbulent waves immediately made the cruise ship out of control. Even though the maid was trying her best to control it, there was no way to change the course of the cruise ship. Under this wave, the yacht swiftly headed towards the island ahead.

At this speed, once it hits the reef around the island, coupled with the rough waves around it, the only thing that can greet everyone is the destruction of the ship, even if people survive by chance, there is no way to leave here without a ship.

In the eyes of others, all of this is due to natural reactions, but in Shen Fei's eyes, it is someone behind the scenes controlling all of this.

Just when the yacht could not be controlled, Shen Fei suddenly heard the sound of an airplane coming from the sky, and immediately reminded Ryoko and others to pay attention. A small airplane above was flying towards the island, but it flew over. When the sky was over the island, suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and a thunder and lightning hit the left wing of the plane with great accuracy.

Along with a puff of black smoke, the plane immediately rushed towards the middle of the island, and then there was a loud noise. Don't think about it, it should be that the plane hit something and exploded.

"It's really troublesome." Although he doesn't want to reveal his strength, Shen Fei doesn't want to think about the current situation. He doesn't have any problems himself, but Ryoko and the two maids are ordinary people.

After thinking about it for a while, Shen Fei immediately took out the magic wand and waved it. A rope flew out of the front part of the magic wand to bind Ryoko and the two maids, and then appeared next to the three and pressed them on the deck. And then the magic wand was spotted on the deck, and an armor body was used for the yacht.

"You are a magician." Shen Fei's actions made Ryoko guess his identity for the first time. In fact, it is also very easy to guess. Although the magic wand was once sold out of stock after the magician became famous, it was really usable. He was the only one who used the magic wand to produce magic.

"This is not the time to talk about this."

In the case of armor protection, the yacht hit the reef and did not cause the slightest damage to the yacht. As for the shaking of the yacht caused by the impact, it is not a big deal to Shen Fei. Not to mention the shaking, even if it is violent. Times, he can also be as stable as Mount Tai.The violent shaking did not last long. When the yacht was approaching the shore along the waves, the hurricane that had raged before slowly returned to calm, as if the purpose had been achieved and it was no longer needed.

"This is magical." Ryoko, who stood on the deck again, watched the sea suddenly become calm. He didn't feel the slightest surprise, but felt very magical. The two maids on one side also quickly recovered their calm.

"What do you think of the current situation?" Ryoko asked afterwards.

"It's probably because this island doesn't want outsiders to disturb you." Shen Fei looked at the phone, and there really wasn't the slightest signal on it, and said softly.

"You should have a way to leave." When Shen Fei confirmed the signal of the mobile phone, the two maids on one side were also determining the communication situation.

"Definitely, but since it's here, depending on your personality, it shouldn't be so easy to leave."

"This is natural."

"Endurance." After roughly sorting out the equipment, a group of four people got off the yacht and began to investigate the surrounding situation. Soon they found a ship that had been torn apart by the sea, and some equipment scattered from the ship. , You can probably guess that this is a salvage boat.

"It seems that their luck is not as good as ours." In the shattered cabin of the Endurance, Ryoko looked very calm when seeing two broken bodies. Although the condition of the corpses was miserable, Ryoko knew a lot. Guang, don't even care about seeing monsters, let alone people.

"There are only two corpses. The others should have survived. For so many years, I think there should be many survivors on the island. Maybe you can learn something from them."

After a brief discussion, a group of people took the walkie-talkie and set off towards the island. Although they could not communicate with the outside world, the walkie-talkie could still be used on the island.

In order to confirm the situation on the island, the four of them first walked towards the nearest mountain, preparing to observe from above.

"What's going on?" When the four of them came to the mountain, they saw the fire flames burning in the distance and the sound of explosions from time to time. This was observed through eyes, and Shen Fei used it later. After seeing and hearing the domineering, immediately perception to the depths of the island, a woman who should be very young, is killing her.

Although the woman At the moment is being attacked by many people, it is a pity that every time the gun is fired, the opponent's person falls down. The woman is unscathed from beginning to end, while the enemy is constantly declining.


Just when the group decided to see what was going on, there was a loud noise in front of them, and a mountain collapsed.

"Disappeared." After that mountain collapsed, Shen Fei immediately sensed that the strange power that enveloped the island had disappeared.

"But it's really cruel enough. The people on the island seem to have been killed by her." After seeing and hearing the perception, it made Shen Fei very clear that there are not many living lives on the island at this moment, and this still includes the four on their side. people.

"Who are you?" The way Shen Fei and others continue to advance

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