The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 531 Venom (End) (Happy New Year everyone)

"I will be successful this time. There should be more experimental subjects on it. Soon I will be able to create a new world." At night, in the Life Foundation, Carlton Drake was alone in the control room. Staring at the information on the screen in front of him, his eyes flashed with ambition and desire.

The screen shows the space journey before the exploration spacecraft. It highlights a navigation path with a small planet on it. The exploration spacecraft can get the parasite from this small planet.

In fact, strictly speaking, it was not that the parasite was caught on the exploration spacecraft, but the parasite was deliberately exposed and then deliberately caught in order to find a planet with life, as a race, and be able to capture all of its planets. Destroyed race, definitely is not an idiot.

Even the parasites took the initiative to expose the coordinates of the little planet where their own people were hiding, in order to attract more people to pass. There is no doubt that the damage will be even greater.

The universe not only has a lot of resources, it is also very dangerous, that is, there are many Asgardians, otherwise it may have been destroyed by the predators now.

The reason why predators are notorious in the universe is not because they do not know how many civilizations that have not left their own planet are destroyed in the hands of predators.

Carlton Drake At the moment has planned to land on that little planet again. If all the samples obtained this time die, Drake doesn't care whether this will cause any danger to this planet.

"You guys, you are either saving the world or creating a new world. Don't you think that this excuse has been used up." Just as Drake looked forward to his success, when countless people fell in front of him, a strange voice Suddenly awakened from his dream, the person who came was naturally Shen Fei.

"Who are you?" The sudden unfamiliar voice made Drake's face change immediately, and he was immediately ready to press the alarm next to him. As a research institute, he naturally has perfect security measures.

But before his fingers touched the button, Derek suddenly felt his neck tighten. A steel chain suddenly wrapped around his neck and hung him in the air. Drake immediately clasped his hands around his neck. The chains, the legs kicked desperately, struggling hard.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Since you want to create a new world, why not try it yourself." Shen Fei put Drake down as he said, and when he wanted to say something, another The chain sealed his mouth tightly, and then Shen Fei began to use both hands to peer into Drake's memory.

"Are there many people who know about parasites." It is the easiest and most convenient way to conceal the parasites. It is the easiest and most convenient way to kill all the people involved in the research. Seriously, Shen Fei is not such an unscrupulous person.

For those who should be killed, Shen Fei definitely won’t show mercy, but some people shouldn’t die, such as the female doctor named Dora. She just can’t defy Drake’s orders. After all, compared to other people’s Life, your own life is more important.

"Hmm." Watching Shen Fei take himself outside the gate of the institute's internal preservation of parasites, Drake seemed to understand what was about to happen, so he began to struggle desperately, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he struggles, he still Can't break free of the chains of thought.

"Don't you want to create a new world? How about being a leader yourself." Shen Fei threw Drake into the research room as he said, and then used the permission obtained from Drake's head to open a preservation parasite Body box.

The exploration spacecraft brought back a total of five parasites from outer space. Except for the one that escaped, four were recovered by the Life Foundation. However, at the moment two have been confirmed dead, probably because of lack of vitality. , There are only two surviving now, not surprisingly, one of them is the venom of Eddie integrate.

"No, help, help." In the research room, Drake, who was unchained, saw the liquid slowly flowing out of the box, and immediately ran desperately away from the liquid, and then desperately slapped the tempered glass. , Just like those who were deceived by him before.

"This is to create a new world, the necessary sacrifices, rest assured, history will remember you, no, sorry, history will not remember you, because your name will never appear in history." Shen Fei's voice, slowly Slowly sounded in the research room."No, ah." Drake just wanted to say something, but before he could speak, the black liquid suddenly jumped and landed on his chest. In the blink of an eye, all the black liquid penetrated into Drake's body. Along with the parasite's parasitism, Drake let out a miserable roar.

Part of this is just because of the pain of parasites, and more is the fear of the unknown. When experimenting with other people, Drake definitely doesn't care, but when he becomes an experimental product, it is completely different.

"Unexpectedly integrate, this guy is also an idiot, looking for a tramp, they definitely can't bear the parasite's parasitism." For the parasite, it is to absorb the vitality of the host. The younger the definitely, the stronger the better. , And Drake is here to avoid trouble.

The people I found were all old people who wandered on the streets, and the definitely experiment failed.

"I'm not dead, this is." After Drake screamed, he found that he was not dead, but his body was full of power, and his eyes were immediately full of surprises.


In the next moment, Drake immediately blasted the toughened glass in front of him with a punch, and the extremely strong toughened glass, under this blow, cracked numerous cracks on it.

"Haha, I knew that I was right, this power." While speaking, Drake punched the tempered glass again. This punch directly blasted the tempered glass out of a big hole, and then Drake's body for a while. Distorted, got out of the research institute.

The parasite can share memory with the host, and at this moment, Drake already knows how to use the venom's Ability.

"Unexpectedly." Drake, who ran out of the research room and gained strength, looked at Shen Fei in front of him with a confident smile on his face.

"Thank you so much. Without you, I can't get such power. Starting today, I will be the god of the new world. Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily."

The sudden and powerful force made Drake swell immediately, and it was still very





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Hey-hey. "The young man on the opposite side showed a sneer sneer. At the same time, the rapid shapeshifting of his body instantly turned into a monster with brown skin and terrifying mouthparts. The next moment his right hand turned into a sharp spike. He rushed towards Shen Fei quickly.

Seeing the venom rushing over, Shen Fei gave a sneer, waved his right hand, and suddenly a sea of ​​fire appeared in front of him, which enveloped it.


The sudden flame caused the venom on the opposite side to scream loudly, but At the moment, it was too late, and the fiery high temperature of the flame instantly separated the parasite from the host.

Venom, this is called Roar for the coexistence of all parasites and hosts, and a single parasite cannot be called venom.

"How is it possible?" The separated parasites can't wait to flash to the place where there is no flame behind them. For the parasites, flames and ultrasonic waves are the most feared.

"Nothing is impossible. This planet is not your hunting ground. On the contrary, you are the prey, and I am the hunter." While speaking, Shen Fei waved his right hand again, and a sea of ​​fire immediately appeared around the parasite. Surrounded by them.

Looking at the terrifying high-temperature flames around, the parasite did not dare to take a step closer, and could only open its mouthparts at Shen Fei in the center of the flame, trying to intimidate Shen Fei.

"We can cooperate." After a while, the parasite suddenly said.

"It seems that you have learned a lot from humans, but it is a pity that you are not qualified to cooperate with me." He is not the idiot of Carlton Drake, how can he and this kind of creature that cannot coexist at first sight Cooperation.

Eddie's venom is only a very isolated phenomenon. Once the parasites appear on a large scale, the next one will definitely be an endless war between the two sides. This is a race and survival battle.

Only the idiot of Carlton Drake would want to bring all the parasite races back to Earth, and want to carry out the so-called human evolution, I have to say, it is too naive.

If it weren't for the parasite to use Carlton Drake's rocket to bring its race to the planet, I am afraid that it would suck up all the vitality of Carlton Drake in the first place.

In truth, if the whole human being can achieve Eddie's venom coexistence, it can indeed be regarded as an amazing evolution, but it is a pity that this possibility did not exist in the first place.

Even if it is Shen Fei, he only pays attention to these parasites that were brought to Earth and stars, and will not hit the other people’s ideas. After all, there are too many, and if one is not handled properly, it will cause a catastrophe. .

"We can allow humans to live forever, and we can coexist completely." The parasite said the ability of humans and parasites to coexist. I have to say that this parasite is indeed very tempting, and it is full of temptation to speak after all. Longevity, how many people can refuse this temptation in ancient and modern times."Maybe this guy is still the big shot in the parasite." From the point of view that he wants to bring the people to the planet, it may be the upper level of the parasite race. He is looking at the parasite that is parasitizing with Eddie, but never Did not consider the situation of his own ethnic group.

"From what you have done during this period, I don't see any idea of ​​coexistence. I forgot to tell you. I have been following you all the time, so there is no need to waste saliva. I will never cooperate with you. "

While speaking, a desert eagle pistol appeared in Shen Fei's right hand, and one shot hit the right arm of the parasite standing in the sea of ​​high temperature and flame, and then the left arm, chest and other parts were tested one by one.

"This regeneration ability is really terrifying." The reason why Shen Fei did this was to test the opponent's ability. The essence of the parasite is a pool of black liquid. The reason why the opponent can still maintain its form is mainly because of him during this period of time. Absorbed the life energy of many people.

As the opponent continued to recover, his body began to shrink slowly, and finally turned into a pool of black liquid.

At the moment, Shen Fei made the surrounding sea of ​​fire disappear, but he did not go directly to the edge of the black liquid, but an icy blue light flashed, freezing the black liquid directly.

"It's better to be cautious." Although Shen Fei's current strength is not afraid of the other party's parasitism, for the sake of safety, Shen Fei decided to do some research first before trying to integrate parasitism.

For these parasites, Shen Fei has his own plan, that is, like Bai Jue, made into biological armor and the like. Once completed, maybe he can also play with rubber rubber machine guns and other attack methods. .

"The next step is the Life Foundation." After putting away the parasite, Shen Fei set the target on the Life Foundation. Before that, I definitely need to look at the relevant information of the Red Queen's investigation.

"These so-called scientists really don't know what to say." Looking at the information about the Life Foundation collected by the Red Queen, Shen Fei sighed helplessly.

There is nothing abnormal in the internal information of the Life Foundation, but if it is combined with a law firm's claim for an abnormal death, the situation is different.

A total of five people in the death claims were all homeless people, probably because the Life Foundation handled it in a low-key manner. Not many people knew about this case, and it was probably limited to that law firm and some people from the Life Foundation.

"The drug is not well researched at all, so I can’t wait to find people to conduct experiments. This is too eager for quick success." The drug currently being studied by the Life Foundation is a specific drug that is said to have a very good effect on the advanced stage of cancer. The idea is good. But if you are too eager for quick success, it is not a good thing.

"Finally succeeded, we are now ready to carry out human experiments." In the laboratory of Life Foundation, looking at the rabbits alive on the screen, Carlton Drake immediately ordered a female doctor to one of his subordinates.

"Boss, is it too early? It's only a day later, and it has not been fully confirmed that it is harmless to the human body." Dora retorted immediately.

"Dora, time is very precious. Every time we waste a day, this planet will go further from extinction. Only when we complete the experiment can we save the world. Look at the wars, plagues, and disasters outside. Mankind has no time to continue. Waiting, and even if we can wait, can they wait."

After Carlton Drake made some remarks, he immediately asked others to start preparing for human experiments. Although he was a little dissatisfied with Dr. Dora, because the institute now mainly relies on Dora, Carlton Drake is temporarily I can only endure it in my heart, thinking that once the experiment is successful, I will kick Dora away immediately.

Drake wants to start human experiments immediately. It is not only as simple as quick success, but also because the samples collected from space are going to die. He must get enough results before that.

"This is impossible, it must be a genetic mismatch, the next one." Looking at the person who was pushed into the laboratory,

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