The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 535 Beast Virus (End)

"Maria Gomez, Glen Arias, that's what happened." Shen Fei quickly caught the brown-haired woman and took the opportunity when Rebecca ran to Leon worriedly. Using both hands, they got their memories, and then they knew their plans and why they looked at Rebecca.

Glen Arias, an underground arms dealer, has a lot of power and is a key target of the government. However, because he is cautious, it is difficult for the FBI to get close to each other. However, some time ago, Glen was The United States government attacked.

At Glen’s wedding ceremony, a powerful missile hit directly on the island where Glenn held the wedding, turning the wedding into a funeral. The people on the island except Glen and Maria Gomez Si also had three of her fathers, and all the others died on the spot.

Glenn and Glenn Arias were able to survive. On the one hand, they were lucky, and on the other hand, they were protected by others. Glenn was protected by his new wife, and Maria Gomez was protected by her. His father, the two blocked the explosion with their bodies.

Only because Maria Gomez's father was very strong and did not die on the spot, he relied on Glenn's transformation and barely survived as a biochemical weapon, but only obeyed Glenn and his daughter's orders.

But Glenn's newlywed wife did not have this luck. She was just an ordinary person, and she was directly torn apart by the bombing.

After Glenn recovered his injuries, he began his retaliation. It can be said that most of the recent biochemical terrorist attacks in the United States were planned by Glenn behind the scenes.

Although Glenn is an arms dealer, in fact he was originally a doctorate and has several degrees, including a degree in biochemistry.

The death of his wife, as well as the deaths of relatives and friends, made Glenn decide to retaliate against society and the world.

After Glenn recovered from his injury, the first person to die was the general who ordered the launch of the missile. Originally, with Glenn’s strength and influence, it was not easy to kill a general in the military directly, but Glenn couldn’t do it. , His partner can do it.

Glenn’s partners are Sanlian Company and HYDRA, as well as the remaining forces of the umbrella company. The centipede is dead but not stiff, which can be used to describe the umbrella company.

"Alex Wesker, it's really an alliance of female gangsters." Originally, Shen Fei thought that the umbrella company was almost lost, and the market must have been swallowed by other forces, such as Sanlian Company, HYDRA, etc., but the facts are It was far from what he thought.

Although the umbrella company has declined, it has not completely declined. Under the leadership of this female Wesker, it has slowly stabilized.

Alex Wesker and Albert Wesker are not related to each other. The reason why they are both called Wesker is because at the beginning, an old guy adopted and adopted a hundred children in different places and cultivated them together. In the end, Only two Weskers survived, that is, the male Wesker, Albert Wesker, and the female Wesker, Alex Wesker.

Just like the situation of a certain villain in the steelmaking world in cultivating a presidential candidate, let these hundred Weskers compete with each other and fight, and the winner is the one who survives in the end.

"This guy didn't even die. The world is getting more and more interesting. What is the name of that little girl." For Alex Wesker, the guy Shen Fei knew seemed to be studying a virus that could transfer consciousness. In the same way, there is a big difference between definitely and the random transfer consciousness of surgical fruit. Her transfer requires very harsh conditions, but even so, it seems to have succeeded in the end.

This is very troublesome. If she deliberately concealed it, it would be difficult for Shen Fei to find out who the little girl with the transferred consciousness was, and now she may not have transferred the ceremony.

The plot of the biochemical series can only be used as a reference now. Maria Gomez only knows the name of an Alex Wesker, and has not seen him in person.In fact, what Shen Fei doesn't know is that the plot of the biochemical series is now shattered and completely unrecognizable.

The reason why Maria Gomez’s father and daughter would follow Rebecca is to kill her. Similarly, Leon, Chris and others have now entered the blacklist of companies such as Umbrella Company, Sanlian Company, HYDRA, etc., because they Too many plans were destroyed by them.

The assassination of Rebecca was originally a very simple matter. With the firepower equipped by Maria Gomez’s father, she could have been killed before Rebecca saw Shen Fei. Now Glenn is unscrupulous and doesn’t care about being caught. It was discovered that he was retaliating.

But after seeing Rebecca’s face, Glenn changed his mind, because Rebecca looks very much like his wife. Under the influence of empathy, he wanted to capture Rebecca alive. Unfortunately, he met Shen. fly.

"Sorry, they caught my daughter and save my daughter." In the restaurant, the man whose legs were torn by Gatling, grabbed the man in Lyon, apologized, and put a memory card in Lyon. Hands.

This person betrayed Lyon before and caused heavy losses to the Lyon team. Only Lyon survived. The reason why he betrayed was because his daughter was taken away. Just like Barry back then, but his daughter’s I don’t know if Meng Ming is as lucky as Barry’s daughter.

Although Leon was very angry with this man, he was now dead. After knowing the reason for his betrayal, Leon didn't know what to do for a while.

"I'll take this person away first." After a short silence, Lyon immediately prepared to take Maria Gomez away, ready to hand it over to the FBI for interrogation. Neither Shen Fei nor Rebecca objected to this.






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Shirley Platinum, Shen Fei originally thought that this time because of his intervention, her destiny would be changed. After all, Shirley joined S.H.I.E.L.D before, and even joined Avengers at one time, and was taught by Natasha Romanoff.

Unfortunately, with the demise of S.H.I.E.L.D due to HYDRA and the repeated occurrence of biochemical virus incidents, Shirley finally left Avengers and went to the global bioterrorist defense organization where Chris, Jill and others belonged.

This is probably something that Fury didn't think of. After all, Shirley is one of S.H.I.E.L.D's trump cards. Now that the trump card is gone, Shirley chose this way probably because her parents studied the virus and believed that she had this responsibility."If you want to know how she is, you will know if you contact her yourself." Rebecca said with a smile.

"Say it if you have a chance."

Shen Fei and Shirley had very little contact. At first, Shirley joined SHIELD. In addition, she was originally a carrier of the g virus and needed to be isolated and studied. It was difficult to contact. Later, it was Shen Fei who was busy with other worlds. Things, there is no time to contact.

"There have been more and more virus attacks recently, Chris and the others." Rebecca said here, sighing lightly. As a biochemical expert, he hates those who use biochemical weapons to launch terrorist attacks the most.

A strong country is better, but those remote areas, such as the Middle East, Africa and other places, are the best research and experimental sites for biological and chemical weapons. Because of local customs and those with bad intentions, they have brought huge benefits to the local area. Chris and others became unwelcome people.

For Chris, Jill and others, Shen Fei is quite admired.

"The abyssal virus has come out, and it is not safe on the sea now. These guys are really crazy." The abyssal virus is a combination of an ancient fish virus that is said to be found in the deep ice of Antarctica. Made a marine virus weapon.

It can be said that the threat of this kind of virus weapon is much greater than that of the t virus. The ocean has been a forbidden area for humans since ancient times. If a large number of viruses are dispersed into the ocean, the ghost knows what serious consequences will be caused.

In fact, it is not just this abyssal virus. The previous distribution of Terrigan crystals has already caused a certain degree of pollution to the ocean. Terrigan crystals are mainly distributed to all parts of the world through fish.

I don't know what's going on. Now there are many ancient creatures on Earth and stars. The humanoid life they studied before Shidong Liulizi are now marine ancient fish.

In fact, strictly speaking, the sun flower of t virus is also among the ancient creatures.

Compared with the zombies created by the t virus, the zombies caused by the abyss virus are more difficult to deal with, because the other party can dive into the water. Originally, human beings are greatly restricted in the water. Now it is really hard to beat the zombies in the water. what.

"Lyon." The two of them were eating here, and a famous split over there walked in from the outside with a haggard face. After seeing Rebecca beckoning to Roar, he barely smiled when they split up.

"The famous Li Sanguang." Sanguang, the vehicle killer, and the titling master, these are the titles of Lyon. In fact, Lyon has a hidden title, that is, the same Ability as Chris, and his teammate. But Ke's is not as cruel as Chris.

However, neither Lyon nor Chris would deny their female teammates, which is strange to say, but the fact is that both of their female teammates can survive.

Chris’ younger sister, Claire, has almost inherited the tradition of the Redfield family, definitely Claire can’t beat his teammates and vehicles, but she can’t help her boyfriend.

"Speaking of which, Leon has flirted many people, but he hasn't flirted Claire."

Shen Fei and Lyon naturally know each other. Lyon belongs to the United States high level agent and belongs to the anti-biochemical side.

The reason why his face is haggard is that in a previous mission, Leon played an Ability similar to Chris, and his teammates were all destroyed. Now he is still very affected.

"Why are you here?" From Rebecca's words, Shen Fei knew that the two hadn't made an appointment. Shen Fei was also a little curious about this. Now bioterrorism incidents happen very frequently, and anti-biochemical organizations are all Very busy."Come to meet someone." Leon didn't say what exactly he saw. He took out a hip flask from his arms and began to drink while sitting on his seat.

"Then let's say goodbye first." After all, Leon is an official high level agent, and the people he saw might involve some secrets. After Shen Fei and Rebecca talked with Leon for a while, the two left.

"Weird didn't follow up, did you give up?" Shen Fei and Rebecca walked to the parking lot and found that the person who should have been following them did not follow, and they couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Earlier, he discovered that someone was stalking Rebecca secretly. It has to be said that these people chose a very unlucky opportunity to follow Rebecca when Rebecca met Shen Fei, so that Shen Fei is now Someone’s eyes paid special attention to his strength, which was naturally sensible.

"I'll send you back." Anyway, Rebecca is her own friend, and Shen Fei will naturally not let him go by staring at her.

Bang bang bang.

Just when the two were about to get on the car, they suddenly heard the roar of bullets from the direction of the restaurant. As soon as this sound came out, Shen Fei knew what it was. It was one of the weapons he often used, Gart. Lin Bodhisattva.

"Something happened in the restaurant."

"Lyon." Rebecca called hurriedly.

"Let's go back and have a look." Shen Fei said and immediately led Rebecca to the direction of the restaurant. He thought that the other party had given up, but he didn't expect to transfer the target to Leon.

"Fortunately, the decoration of this shop did not cut corners." Although the building of this restaurant is made of wood, it uses very strong wood. Even Gatling did not directly break the pillars of the restaurant. , Leon At the moment is hiding behind the pillar.

In the face of Gatling’s attack, Leon could only shrink his body as much as possible, but Leon had nothing to do, but there was someone beside him, so it would not work. His legs were directly broken by Gatling, if it weren’t for Leon’s Dragging its upper body behind the pillar, it may no longer work.

"It's a biochemical virus weapon again." At the moment, the person who used Gatling to shoot Lyon was a strong man with an iron mask. With the long magazine, beside it stood a slender beauty with a long brown hair and a slender figure. When the two stood together, there was a feeling of beauty and Beast.

Such a face definitely cannot walk normally on the street, but when you see a transporter not far away, you can understand what's going on.

"Quickly save people." Rebecca is someone who knows Shen Fei's Ability. After seeing this scene, she hurriedly said in a low voice.

"Hide yourself first." Since the opponent is eyeing Rebecca, Shen Fei naturally won't let him go. He directly took out the Desert Eagle, bang bang, and two shots directly exploded the head of the strong man. Regarding biochemical weapons, Shen Fei never shows mercy.

"Dad." The brown-haired beauty, seeing the strong man lying on the ground, immediately screamed loudly, and then immediately shot at Shen Fei desperately.

"Father and daughter, even let his father be transformed into a biochemical weapon." If it weren't for finding the person behind the scenes, Shen Fei could have killed both at the same time.

"Don't run away?" Originally, Shen Fei's idea was to kill one, and then let the other escape, so that he could follow the other party secretly and find the other party's base or the person behind the scenes, but now the other party may be killed by Shen Fei because of his father. To avenge, there is no meaning to run away.

"I can only catch alive." Thinking about this, Shen Fei immediately replaced the Desert Eagle's magazine with a normal one. Before, he could kill the strong man with two shots.

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