The Full-level Boss, The Group Pet Lady a Has Exploded

Chapter 810: Who are you calling inferior?

Prince Noel's name is like thunder, and Jason, as the last inviter, is naturally impressed by this noble prince holding a rare white invitation.

At that time, seeing Prince Noel's plan to help, Jason immediately raised his voice and said, "Prince Noel, this yellow race has no invitation letter for the USNews event, but tries to sneak in here, don't be deceived by her appearance. It's gone!"

I have to say that the Oriental girl in front of me does have a delicate and delicate face.

She stood quietly on the red carpet, like a gardenia in the fog and rain, pure white and pure, so clean that there was no trace of impurities, revealing the endearing ignorance and ignorance.

Anyone who saw it would not have the heart to hurt her.

Prince Noel put Jason's words behind him, "Dear little angel, you seem to be in a little trouble, do you need my help?"

"No need." Gu An refused. "It's just a bug in the gutter. Although it's easy to get dirty hands when you clean it up, it's really easy to get rid of."

Jason was suddenly embarrassed in front of Prince Noel, and asked angrily: "You inferior yellow race, who are you calling a bedbug there?"

Gu Anqing looked back coldly, and immediately came to him, grabbed his throat with one hand, and said word by word, "Who do you say is inferior?"

Gu An couldn't bear to treat this kind of racist bug.

Why, I think I have a natural sense of superiority because I have white skin, do I feel that I am superior to others?

Gu An will prove with practical actions that these scumbags are nothing at all!

Among the people present, no one could see how Gu An moved his hands.

When they reacted, the beautiful oriental girl had already strangled Jason's throat.

If she is a ruthless hunter, there is no doubt that Jason is the prey targeted by her bullet.

At this moment, facing the threat of life, Jason lost his arrogance in an instant.

But because there were many people around him, he insisted: "I'm a VIP invited by the USNews event, you dare to touch me?"

Gu An's eyes trembled slightly, and his tone became heavier: "Can you try?"

At the same time, the girl increased the strength of her hand.

Her eyes were as cold as four, without a trace of temperature, so cold that there was a dangerous message.

It was not until this moment that Jason knew what a terrible person he had provoked.

He had no doubt that the girl in front of him had already moved to kill him.

Jason was so frightened that his legs trembled, and he quickly asked for mercy: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me, I don't dare anymore."

"Who is inferior?"

"Me! I'm an inferior! You are a noble angel, high above, magnanimous, don't have the same knowledge as me?" Jason cried bitterly, just hoping to save a dog's life from Gu An's hands.

From then on, he never dared to have any racist thoughts on the yellow race.

Who knew that what was staged in the movie was true, that the Chinese people possessed stunts one by one, and their Chinese kung fu was so perfect that he had no power to fight back at all!

Gu An looked at the white man in front of him who was about to wet his pants. She was afraid that her worries would come true, so she let go of her hand in disgust.

The reborn Jason was gasping for breath, looking like a dead dog that had just been brought ashore from drowning.

After cleaning up Jason, Gu An turned around and wanted to leave, when he heard a mocking and arrogant voice:

"I want to sneak in here without an invitation letter, and I want to leave after hitting someone. How can it be so cheap?"

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