The Full-level Daughter, She is Back

Chapter 155 Changes in Nangong Xuyao

Nangong Xuyao ​​tightly grasped the paper in his hand, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth tightly, only then was he able to restrain the turmoil in his heart at the moment. He kept panting, as if trying to relieve the anger in his chest, but he couldn't relieve it.

It took a long time before he controlled his inner anger. Then, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, then he took out his mobile phone and made a call, "Hey, mother, are you busy?"

Hearing it was Nangong Xuyao's voice, Murong Yanshu's tone was a little indifferent, "I'm not busy, but if you want to discuss with me about Ye Xiyuan, then there is no need to continue talking. Acknowledge her." Daughter, this is already my biggest concession."

Normally, she doesn't pay attention to such family affairs as the Ye family at all. If it wasn't because Ye Xiyuan saved her, she wouldn't have made such a decision. You know, to become Miss Gan of the Nangong family is to have a layer of gold plated on her body. This is the dream of many young ladies from other families!

"Mother, don't worry, I really want to discuss something about Ye Xiyuan with you today." When he said this, Nangong Xuyao's eyes flashed coldly, "However, I didn't want to oppose your decision. Yes. I think your decision is very good, and I agree with it."

After hearing such words, Murong Yanshu was stunned. She took away her mobile phone, looked at the name on the screen, and said suspiciously, "Xu Yao, are you okay?"

At this moment, she was wondering whether the person who was talking to her on the phone was her son. Obviously last night, he was still so strongly opposed to her decision, and he was determined not to become brother and sister with Ye Xiyuan. It's only been one night now, and he has changed his decision.

Such a change was too abrupt, not only did she not feel the slightest surprise, but she felt horrified.

"Mother, what are you talking about!" Hearing Murong Yanshu's suspicious tone, Nangong Xuyao ​​couldn't help but support his forehead, "Aren't you very firm and never let me and Ye Xiyuan be together? If that's the case, then I Shouldn't you be happy to promise you today?"

"If you made such a decision sincerely, then I'm naturally happy." Murong Yanshu on the other end of the phone said with a serious tone, "But if you're just perfunctory me, then I'll be very unhappy."

She didn't think that one night could change people so much. Such a change is too sudden, no matter how you look at it, it feels strange.

"Mother, I just want to understand." Nangong Xuyao ​​sneered, "You are right, I am the young master of the Nangong family, and I have my own responsibilities and responsibilities. Ye Xiyuan is indeed not qualified to be The mistress of the Nangong family, so I think your proposal is very good."

Although she was suspicious of Nangong Xuyao's sudden change, Murong Yanshu still said, "Since you have already made up your mind, I will ask Ye Xiyuan again to see what she thinks. If she is still unwilling, At that time, you will give the Ye family a little favor, as a thank you to Ye Xiyuan for saving her life last night."

Hearing Murong Yanshu mentioned the grace of saving her life, Nangong Xuyao's face became even more gloomy, "Mother, don't worry, I know what to do."

After hanging up the phone, Nangong Xuyao ​​swept all the things on the table to the ground with a wave of his hand, and murmured sadly to himself, "Ye Xiyuan, you're fine, you fooled me around, didn't you? "

Originally, because of Ye Xiyuan's actions last night, he didn't even intend to investigate the matter at the beginning. However, unexpectedly, early this morning, he received a courier, which contained a medical bill, which was said to be the medical fee that he had to pay to save him.

When he saw the bill, at first he thought it was a prank. However, when he saw the bullet case sent along with the bill, he was stunned.

Because that was the shell casing left behind when he was shot. So, that bill was not a hoax, but real. Although I don't know why it took so long, but what is certain is that the bill was sent by his real savior.

That is to say, Ye Xiyuan's life-saving grace at the beginning was fake, and Ye Xiyuan, the so-called life-saving benefactor, was also fake. And he was like a fool, kept in the dark and played around by Ye Xiyuan. Originally, he thought that Ye Xiyuan was the kindest and most beautiful girl in the world, but he didn't expect that everything was just pretended by the other party.

Thinking of all the kindness he had done to Ye Xiyuan during these days, he felt that he was being taken advantage of.

Wasn't Ye Xiyuan pretending to be his savior just to climb into their Nangong family? That being the case, he will give Ye Xiyuan this chance. However, the final form cannot be decided by Ye Xiyuan. Moreover, even if she really became the Miss Gan of the Nangong family, Ye Xiyuan would never enjoy the treatment of the Nangong family.

Nangong Xuyao's eyes fell on the bullet casings and the bill involuntarily, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Now although he knew that Ye Xiyuan was not his savior, he didn't know who his savior was. Because there was no payment on the bill, only an account number was left, and he was asked to deposit the money directly into that account.

He always felt that this bill seemed to be related to Huangfu Ruiling.

At the banquet last night, Huangfu Ruiling had already hinted to him that Ye Xiyuan, the so-called benefactor who saved the people, was a fake. I received the bill early this morning, and it must have been written by Huangfu Ruiling.

Of course, he didn't think that the person who saved him was Huangfu Ruiling. However, it is certain that Huangfu Ruiling must know his real savior.

However, all of this is just his guess now. He still needs to send someone to investigate the facts.

At this time, in the Ye family’s villa——

Ye Xiyuan is resting in her room.

Originally, at this time today, she was supposed to be taking extra lessons in Jin City, preparing to participate in the upcoming National Mathematical Olympiad. However, because she is injured now, she can only continue to ask for leave and stay at home to rest. However, even when she was resting at home, she was still reading a book.

This time the Mathematical Olympiad competition is too important to her, and there is no room for any mistakes. Because the rewards for this mission are too rich, and if you lose, the cost will be correspondingly too high. If it wasn't for the fact that her parents saw her injury last night and insisted that she rest for a few days, she would have returned to Jin City to continue tutoring.

While Ye Xiyuan was still studying hard, the phone rang suddenly. She quickly picked it up, but when she heard the words on the other end of the phone, she was completely stunned. Before she could react, the other party had already hung up the phone.

Even though the phone had been hung up, Ye Xiyuan still kept the posture of answering the phone.

She didn't know how long it took before she put down the phone numbly, then picked up the phone, glanced at the call records, and made sure that it wasn't her hallucination just now.

After regaining her senses, Ye Xiyuan directly threw the mobile phone in her hand to the ground forcefully, the expression on her face became a little ferocious, and the surrounding atmosphere was shrouded in a layer of haze.

Staring at the mobile phone on the ground, Ye Xiyuan didn't know whether she was staring at the mobile phone or through the mobile phone, staring at the person who called just now.

She couldn't believe what she just heard. Obviously last night, Nangong Xuyao ​​was determined not to let her become his god-sister. However, people from the Nangong family called today, asking if she agreed with Madam's proposal last night, and said that the young master fully agreed with this decision.

That tone seemed to be a great gift to her. She has no interest in becoming Miss Gan of the Nangong family, she just wants to be the head mistress of the Nangong family.

However, now even Nangong Xuyao ​​has compromised. Could it be that in Nangong Xuyao's heart, she has no status at all?

Thinking of this, Ye Xiyuan called the system directly, "System, how much does Nangong Xuyao ​​like me now?"

"The system is inquiring, please wait." A mechanical voice sounded in his mind, "According to the latest data, Nangong Xuyao's favorability for the host is 40%."

"What?" Ye Xiyuan almost jumped up when she heard the result, her tone was full of disbelief, "How is this possible? Just last night, Nangong Xuyao's favorability towards me was already over. It's 88%."

She couldn't figure it out at all, it was just one night, why would there be such a big change? What happened in it that she didn't know about? Or is there an error in the system?

As if aware of Ye Xiyuan's suspicion, the mechanical voice of the system sounded again, "The system can't go wrong, now Nangong Xuyao's favorability with the host has dropped to 30%, that is to say, the host originally got the air because of Nangong Xuyao. luck, it will all disappear.”

After hearing the system's response, Ye Xiyuan felt particularly anxious.

Nangong Xuyao ​​is the young master of the Nangong family, and his luck is very strong. Because she gained Nangong Xuyao's high favorability, her luck has increased a lot. But now they all disappeared at once. This is equivalent to saying that everything she did before was in vain.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Nangong Xuyao ​​has such a low opinion of her, and she still doesn't know the reason.

"System, why did Nangong Xuyao's favorability towards me suddenly drop so much?"

"This question is outside the scope of the system query, and the system cannot answer it."

After hearing such an answer from the system, Ye Xiyuan felt that she wanted to curse. However, because she knew that the system could monitor her inner thoughts, she didn't dare to think too much.

However, with the passage of time, especially the performance of the system during this period of time. She will start to wonder if this system is a defective product, that's why she doesn't know anything, and sometimes it fails.

However, if this is the case, she can only smash her teeth and swallow her blood. The system is bound to her now, and this cannot be changed, so she can only continue like this.

Moreover, if she really loses the help of the system, she is not sure if she can defeat Ye Leng'an.

So, now she has mixed feelings about the system. On the one hand, she feels that the system is not very useful at all, and even bugs often appear. On the other hand, she is very dependent on the system.

However, for her now, the most important thing is not the problem of the system, but the problem of Nangong Xuyao.

Obviously, the person who just called did not lie, Nangong Xuyao ​​had really agreed. So what should she do next?

If she agrees, then she and Nangong Xuyao ​​will be brother and sister in the future, even though they are not related by blood. But even so, it might be very difficult for them to be together in the future. However, if you don't agree, Nangong Xuyao's favorability is so low now, it may be difficult to even meet him in the future.

Now she is really in a dilemma.

Time passed day by day, and on a certain day, the entire upper class of the imperial capital was shaken. Not for anything else, but because one of the four major families, the Huangfu family, is actually going to change its head.

Once such news spread, it exploded among the major families. Because no one would have thought that the Huangfu family would suddenly change their heads.

You know, the Patriarch of a family cannot be changed casually. Although most of the power of the Huangfu family has long been in the hands of the young master Huangfu Ruiling, but for so many years, the head of the family has always been Huangfu Jingzhang. But now suddenly a message was sent out, saying that the owner of the house was going to be changed.

In the past, I had never heard of any rumors. Moreover, the appearance of Huangfu Jingzhang in the past few days does not seem to know this matter at all. Now that I suddenly received such an invitation, I feel very strange no matter how I think about it.

At this time, in the old house of the Huangfu family——

Huangfu Jingzhang held the phone in his hand, his face was full of shock. He didn't even notice that the phone in his hand had dropped.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Huangfu Jingzhang's appearance, Zhong Yuliuying couldn't help frowning, "Did something happen?"

Huangfu Jingzhang looked as if he had received a big blow, obviously this call was only made by the old people in the family. They shouldn't dare to give Huangfu Jingzhang anger, after all, now, to the outside world, Huangfu Jingzhang is still the head of the Huangfu family. Moreover, although most of the power was concentrated in the hands of Huangfu Ruiling. However, Huangfu Ruiling is their biological son after all.

If they didn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, those people would never dare to give Huangfu Jingzhang anger.

At this moment, Huangfu Ruixiang hurried downstairs. At this moment, he is completely gone from his usual handsome appearance, probably because he walked too hastily, his hair was messed up by the wind, and the clothes on his body didn't seem to be as neat as before. wrinkled.

"Ruixiang, what's going on with you?" Zhong Yuliuying couldn't help frowning after seeing Huangfu Ruixiang's appearance, "Even at home, you should pay attention to your image! You belong to the Huangfu family Your young master represents the face of the Huangfu family."

"Mom, don't talk about it now, if you want to scold me, there will be opportunities in the future." Huangfu Ruixiang was a little out of breath, "The most important thing now is that our Huangfu family is going to change the head, do you know about this? "

At this time, he was still resting in the room. Last night, he went out to play with his friends and didn't come back until early in the morning.

Originally, he planned to sleep late today, but early in the morning, he received calls from those friends who told him the news. He didn't care about grooming, and ran downstairs directly, just to tell his parents the news.

"Kang Dang——" a crisp sound sounded, and the coffee cup in Zhong Yuyiran's hand fell directly to the ground, making a crisp sound.

At this moment, Zhong Yuliuying couldn't care less about the fragments of the coffee cup on the ground. She got up directly and came to Huangfu Ruixiang, "Ruixiang, what did you mean just now? What do you mean our family is about to change the head? What are you talking about?" Who said it? You have to know that some things cannot be joked casually. "

"Mom, I'm not joking!" Huangfu Ruixiang scratched his hair vigorously, "Now this matter has spread, and all major families have received invitation letters. You said, it has reached this point, and Could it be fake?"

He doesn't want this to be true, okay?

You must know that for him, the father is the head of the family and the elder brother is the head of the family. For him, it is completely different.

Although the power of the family is no longer in the hands of the father. However, as long as his father is still the head of the Huangfu family, others will value him more outside. If the head of the family is replaced by the eldest brother, that is another matter. Especially the relationship between him and his eldest brother is not very close, it can even be said to be unfamiliar.

After hearing Huangfu Ruixiang's words, Zhong Yuliuying immediately realized that it was not a joke. She turned her head quickly and looked at Huangfu Jingzhang. At this moment, she also understood why Huangfu Jingzhang behaved like this all of a sudden, and it seemed that this was the reason.

"You son of a bitch." Huangfu Jingzhang's face was livid, he clenched his hands tightly, and clenched his teeth tightly, which shows how bad his mood is at the moment.

Just now, he received calls from the old people in the family, asking about this matter.

When he heard about this, his first reaction was disbelief. However, the other end of the phone immediately told him that the story was true, and it had already spread among the upper class in the entire imperial capital. They called just to find out what was going on.

"Is this true?" Seeing Huangfu Jingzhang's reaction, Zhong Yuliuying's eyes widened with disbelief, "How is this possible? How could Ruiling do such a thing?"

"It's that traitor, he wants to rebel!" Huangfu Jingzhang gritted his teeth in hatred, his face was covered with haze at the moment, "He notified the upper-class families in the entire imperial capital, but he didn't tell me this The person concerned said. His wings are stiff now, and he actually wants to drive me down from the position of Patriarch, he is dreaming."

"Is there any misunderstanding about this matter?" Zhong Yuliuying quickly persuaded, "The matter has not been clarified yet, maybe it wasn't Rui Ling who did it at all?"

"Besides him, who else is there?" Huangfu Jingzhang's eyes were full of anger, "He dared to do such a thing. In his eyes, do I still exist as a father?"

"Calm down first." Zhong Yuliuying sat down beside Huangfu Jingzhang, and then patted him on the back, "We still don't know what's going on, we shouldn't be in a hurry to tell Ruiling Make a conclusion. Therefore, I think it is better to investigate this matter clearly. "

"Don't excuse that rebellious son anymore." Huangfu Jingzhang's expression was not numbered at all, "All along, I just thought his temper was a little strange, but I didn't expect to do such a thing now. Even, such a He didn't even talk about it, let alone discuss it with me. I think, in his heart, I don't exist as a father at all. "

"Jing Zhang, don't be so angry." Zhong Yuliuying hurriedly continued, "You should call Rui Ling first, and see what's going on! Maybe there's something wrong!"

"Wrong?" Huangfu Jingzhang's face was full of sarcasm, "Now all the major families have received invitations, and this banquet will be held on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. The purpose of the banquet is to announce the latest head of the Huangfu family. Who is it. Do you think this could be mistaken?"

"Anyway, you should ask Ruiling about it," Zhong Yuliuying continued, "If you made a mistake, you should explain it clearly earlier! If it was really him who did it, you should also be careful. Ask what the reason is."

Although he couldn't bear to make this call, after thinking twice, he still chose to make this call. Because if this matter is true, it may be too late for him to withdraw those invitations when he thinks of a solution.

The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up.

"Huangfu Ruiling, do you know what you are doing?"

As soon as the phone on the other end was picked up, Huangfu Jingzhang couldn't help cursing, "I'm your father, how could you do such a thing? Did you ever think about me doing this?" Father's feelings? What do you think of me?"

"Obviously I am also one of the parties involved, but I can only learn about this matter from other people's mouths. Huangfu Ruiling, what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean much," Huangfu Ruiling said after picking up the phone, his tone didn't change a little bit, he was still cold and beautiful, "Didn't you say it before? Names are not important. If that's the case, then the same thing, I will give it back to you now."

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