After going through a lot of ideological struggle, Li Yiran finally chose to turn her head away. She looked at Ye Leng'an with suspicion in her eyes, "You are so kind to help me? Ye Leng'an, do you want to help me?" What kind of conspiracy and tricks are you playing?"

"If you think what I'm talking about is a conspiracy, then you can turn around and leave now." Ye Leng'an said nonchalantly, "I promise, I won't keep you."

Li Yiran really wanted to turn around and leave right away, but her body froze there as if she didn't stop commanding her.

Ye Leng'an was not in a hurry, she stood there with a very indifferent look, as if Li Yiran's answer was not important to her at all.

After about a quarter of an hour, Li Yiran finally couldn't suppress her inner desire, "Ye Leng'an, what exactly is your solution?"

Although she felt that it was impossible for Ye Leng'an to help her so kindly, but now she really couldn't give up the slightest possibility. Now she has no way out, if she can't become Huangfu Ruixiang's real wife, then she can only be a shameless underground lover forever.

Ye Leng'an did not sneer at Li Yiran either, but said directly, "I believe you have heard a saying before! A mother is more expensive than a child."

"You mean—" Li Yiran immediately understood the meaning.

"Family background, ability and connections, no matter in which aspect, you have absolutely no advantage." Ye Leng'an said directly, "So, this is the only bargaining chip you can afford."

While talking, Ye Leng'an directly took out a small bottle from his pocket and threw it to Li Yiran.

Li Yiran didn't know what it was, she subconsciously stretched out her hand and caught the small bottle.

"Here is a elixir for regulating the body. As long as you take this elixir, even if your body cannot fully recover, it will definitely be many times better than it is now." Ye Leng'an He opened his mouth and explained, "At least, it will definitely allow you to give birth safely like an ordinary woman. Otherwise, with your current physical condition, even if you are pregnant, you will never be able to give birth."

Hearing Ye Leng'an's words, Li Yiran felt dissatisfied in her heart, but she couldn't refute Ye Leng'an's words, because she knew very well that what Ye Leng'an said was the truth. only--

"Then if I get pregnant by then, Huangfu Ruixiang still doesn't want to marry me, what should I do?" She was confused and didn't know if she really wanted to do this. At the same time, she made this suggestion to Ye Leng'an Motives are also doubtful.

Most importantly, Ye Leng'an actually gave her the elixir. Yes, this is a elixir, not a normal pill. Although she didn't know what the elixir in the bottle was, she still had to admit Ye Leng'an's medical skills. After all, it was Ye Leng'an who detoxified her from the poison. However, she didn't know why Ye Leng'an would give her the medicine to restore her body!

Hearing Li Yiran's words, Ye Leng'an looked at the other party with a strange expression, "That's your business, what does it have to do with me? I'm just giving you an idea now, as for the future, it's up to me. Does it matter? Does Huangfu Ruixiang marry you, does it have anything to do with me?"

Did Li Yiran do something wrong? Could it be that Li Yiran felt that she was obliged to help her marry Huangfu Ruixiang? She was willing to remind Li Yiran at this time only because of the bet between her and Huangfu Ruiling. Because of Huangfu Ruiling's actions just now, she is just trying to find a way to win the round.

"Aren't you going to help me marry Huangfu Ruixiang?" After hearing Ye Leng'an's words, Li Yiran was stunned for a moment, "Otherwise, why are you telling my mother that the child is more expensive than the child, and that it is for me to marry him?" The elixir regulates the body."

"Just treat me as a good deed every day." Ye Leng'an looked at Li Yiran, and said calmly, "Whether you are married to Huangfu Ruixiang or not, it doesn't make any difference to me."

After finishing speaking, she directly passed Li Yiran and walked towards the box.

Looking at the back of Ye Leng'an leaving, Li Yiran stood where she was, her face was gloomy and her heart was in a mess.

Because, she couldn't see clearly what Ye Leng'an's move meant. Why did you tell her these words all of a sudden!

The relationship between her and Ye Leng'an is absolutely bad. But now, Ye Leng'an was so kind and told her that she could have a child, and maybe she could marry Huangfu Ruixiang. He even gave her pills to restore her body so that she could give birth to a child.

You know, if Ye Leng'an hadn't snatched the Seven Star Flower back then, she would have already obtained the elixir from Ye Min'er to take care of her body. Thinking of this, she hated Ye Leng'an until her teeth itch. Moreover, she didn't feel that Ye Leng'an had much affection for her.

What is the purpose of Ye Leng'an doing this? She naturally wouldn't believe it, what kind of saying is doing good every day. Even if Ye Leng'an really wanted to do good deeds every day, she believed that the other party would not use such an opportunity on her.

Looking at the bottle in his hand, Li Yiran opened the cap involuntarily.

As soon as the lid was opened, a scent of medicine came out.

She quickly closed the lid, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Although she didn't know what kind of elixir was in the bottle, she knew that this elixir would definitely be able to nourish her body. Because just by smelling the scent of the medicine, she felt that she felt a lot lighter.

Ever since she woke up, she has always felt that she is very weak. Even, even if she just sat there quietly, she felt very strenuous. However, just smelling the scent of the medicine, she suddenly felt a long-lost sense of relief. It felt like returning to her previous state.

Just smelling the fragrance of the medicine has such a good effect, and it is predictable what kind of effect it will have after taking it.

Thinking of Ye Leng'an's sentence just now that a mother is more valuable than a child, Li Yiran's eyes flashed a glimmer of hopeless light. Although she didn't know why Ye Leng'an was willing to remind her like this, why she was willing to give her pills to recuperate her body. However, this is her only chance now.

If she doesn't implement the plan soon, it might be too late. If Huangfu Ruixiang's marriage is really settled, then even if she is really pregnant with a child, she will definitely not be Huangfu Ruixiang's wife.

Everything had to be settled before Huangfu Ruixiang's marriage was settled. Otherwise, it will be too late.

Moreover, even if she really can't become Huangfu Ruixiang's wife in the end, then she will give birth to Huangfu Ruixiang's first child. Men always have an inseparable emotion for their first child. As long as she has a child, she can better keep Huangfu Ruixiang's heart. Even if Huangfu Ruixiang gets married in the future, she can occupy a more important position in Huangfu Ruixiang's heart.

Thinking of this, Li Yiran clenched the bottle in her hand. She put the bottle in her bag and returned to the box as if nothing had happened.

In the box, Huangfu Ruixiang had already paid the bill.

After seeing Li Yiran come back, he casually asked, "Why is it taking so long!"

"Oh, I met someone I know, and I just talked a few words." Li Yiran smiled gently, and then changed the subject, "Ruixiang, are you free tonight? Can you come over and accompany me? I miss you. "

Seeing Li Yiran's tenderness like water, Huangfu Ruixiang's heart softened, and he agreed directly, "Okay, then I'll go to see you tonight."

After lunch, Huangfu Ruiling and Ye Leng'an also left.

However, Huangfu Ruiling was going back to the group to handle business, while Ye Leng'an was going back to the villa.

Huangfu Ruiling naturally planned to send Ye Leng'an home first, and then go back by himself.

In the car, Ye Leng'an kept looking at Huangfu Ruiling, just to see when the other party couldn't bear it and would ask her. However, he never saw the other party speak.

Finally, the last person who couldn't hold back was Ye Leng'an.

"Aren't you going to ask me at all?" Ye Leng'an looked at Huangfu Ruiling, and asked curiously, "Aren't you curious, what exactly did Li Yiran and I say?"

"Then if I ask you, will you tell me?" Huangfu Ruiling didn't answer Ye Leng'an's question directly, but asked in reverse.

"If you ask me sincerely, maybe I will tell you!" Ye Leng'an said with a smile, "So, do you want to know?"

Looking at Ye Leng'an's slightly arrogant appearance, Huangfu Ruiling's eyes were doting, "Okay, then I will ask you sincerely now, I wonder if you can tell me?"

"Then after I tell you, you have to promise that you won't interfere with the affairs between Huangfu Ruixiang and Li Yiran, so that's okay." Ye Leng'an asked Huangfu Ruiling to make a promise, "You just made a decision. Huangfu Ruixiang's marriage, this should be considered cheating!"

"This is not considered cheating." Huangfu Ruiling shook his head and explained, "Although I proposed it, it was my mother's idea. Even if I didn't say it, she still planned it this way. In her In her eyes, this youngest son of hers is absolutely outstanding no matter what. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for her to allow Li Yiran to become a stain in his life. The best way is to marry Huangfu Ruixiang with a family background as soon as possible. A strong wife."

After hearing Huangfu Ruiling's words, Ye Leng'an blinked, "So that's the case! But, I thought you were cheating, so I tried to find a way to win the round."

Although he said so, Ye Leng'an didn't show a trace of apology on his face.

"Okay! So—" Huangfu Ruiling pursed his lips, looked at Ye Leng'an, and asked with a smile, "Then what method did you think of to win back the city!"

"A mother is more expensive than a child." Ye Leng'an raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "However, I don't know if Li Yiran will use this method in the end."

After all, she was just offering an opinion, and the final decision rested with Li Yiran.

After hearing Ye Leng'an's words, Huangfu Ruiling laughed, "This should not be considered a suggestion, it's already an instigation! Li Yiran is not a fool, she can't refuse such a temptation."

"Don't try to stop it!" Ye Leng'an narrowed his eyes, and gave Huangfu Ruiling a warning look, "Even if I don't bring it up, Li Yiran will definitely think of this way, at most I can just remind you Just a moment."

"Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with me, and I won't stop it." Huangfu Ruiling shook his head amusedly, "It's just that it's hard to say whether the final result will be as you wish!"

"Then let's wait for the results to come out!" Ye Leng'an shrugged indifferently.

Although she really wanted to win this bet, she wasn't too obsessed with the result. After all, when he first made a bet with Huangfu Ruiling, it was just because he thought it was fun for a while. As for the outcome of Li Yiran and Huangfu Ruixiang, it has nothing to do with her.

After hearing Ye Leng'an's words, Huangfu Ruiling suddenly thought of something, and suddenly changed the subject, "By the way, I have already found the helper you need, and I will go to your villa in two days It was reported."

"Have you found it?" Ye Leng'an nodded, and then asked, "Then what kind of person is she?"

Looking for a helper again, she was much more cautious than last time. She doesn't want any more anti-customer-oriented things to happen. However, this time it was Huangfu Ruiling who found it, so it should be much more reliable than what she found in the housekeeping company!

"You can just call her Sister Li." Huangfu Ruiling said, "She is a martyr's widow and has a ten-year-old child. She is very hardworking, diligent in doing things, and not too talkative. See you in two days When you arrive, you will know."

Ye Leng'an nodded.

Soon, the car drove to Ye Leng'an's villa. After watching Ye Lengan enter the room, Huangfu Ruiling also left.

Early the next morning, Ye Leng'an went to school. She and the Shu family had already made an appointment to go there at noon today, so in the morning, after thinking about it, she decided that it would be better to obediently report to the school today. After class, she will go to the hospital to treat Mr. Shu.

When the teachers entered Class F, they were stunned when they saw Ye Leng'an was there. Obviously, they didn't expect that Ye Leng'an would show up today. However, it didn't last too long.

They all knew Ye Leng'an, and asked for leave every now and then. However, although I often don't come to class, I always rank first in every monthly exam. The principal also said that they don't need to pay too much attention to Ye Leng'an.

And later, they also discovered the fact that Ye Leng'an already knew all the knowledge they taught. To put it bluntly, they don't necessarily know what Ye Leng'an knows. Therefore, sometimes when they see Ye Leng'an, their emotions are really complicated.

Ye Leng'an pretended not to see the sizing eyes that the teachers cast over from time to time. Although she was in the classroom, she was not listening to the class, but was reading a book.

However, her writing looks like an ordinary exercise book, but as long as someone glances at it, they can see the jerky and incomprehensible words and some strange patterns inside.

After sitting in the classroom seriously all morning, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Ye Leng'an picked up her book, and immediately left the classroom without looking back.

However, when she reached the gate, she saw a person who shouldn't be here. This person is none other than Mrs. Zhuang's daughter - Li Qiaomeng.

If she remembers correctly, Li Qiaomeng should be in prison at the moment. Although the impact of that incident was not great, under normal circumstances, at least two or three months of imprisonment would be required! However, now Li Qiaomeng appeared at the gate of the campus.

She stopped taking care of the previous matter after the Public Security Bureau said that everything should go through the normal legal process. Because she didn't pay much attention, Huangfu Ruiling probably didn't pay any more attention. Therefore, she was completely unaware that Li Qiaomeng had come out.

I just don't know whose blessing Li Qiaomeng was able to get out of the prison. She didn't believe that Li Qiaomeng could really be so powerful and shirk all responsibility.

Ye Leng'an saw Li Qiaomeng, and Li Qiaomeng also saw Ye Leng'an.

Seeing Li Qiaomeng's gaze, Ye Leng'an couldn't help frowning. Because she had a vague feeling that Li Qiaomeng's appearance at Sheng'an Middle School this time was probably aimed at her. I just don't know what the other party is planning to do.

Sure enough, after seeing Ye Leng'an, Li Qiaomeng's eyes lit up, and immediately trotted in the direction of Ye Leng'an. Then without saying a word, before everyone could react, he knelt down directly in front of Ye Leng'an.

It's time to leave school, so there are still many students here at the school gate. After seeing such a scene, everyone couldn't help but stop, their eyes fell on Ye Leng'an and Li Qiaomeng, and then they all began to guess what was going on.

Ye Leng'an did not expect that Li Qiaomeng would kneel directly in front of her like this. However, no matter what Li Qiaomeng thinks, it doesn't matter. Because she can't cooperate with Li Qiaomeng.

Therefore, Ye Leng'an acted as if he hadn't seen anything, directly bypassed Li Qiaomeng, and continued walking forward.

"Miss Ye, don't go." Seeing that Ye Leng'an seemed to be leaving soon, Li Qiaomeng became a little anxious, she quickly reached out her hand, trying to grab Ye Leng'an's hand and prevent him from leaving.

Ye Leng'an seemed to have eyes behind her, she turned around directly, and then dodged Li Qiaomeng's hand, a warning light flashed in her eyes, "Li Qiaomeng, if you still want to keep Your own hand, then it's best not to touch me. Otherwise, I don't know if your hand will be useful in the future. "

Looking at Ye Leng'an's cold eyes, Li Qiaomeng could not help but flinch.

I don't know why, when she saw Ye Leng'an, she felt a chill from the bottom of her heart. She felt that the other party was not joking with her, but would really do it.

For a moment, regarding the purpose of coming here today, she couldn't help but flinch a little. It's just that when I thought of the one million check, my shrinking mind became active again.

She has already accepted the one million now, and when things are done, she can still get half a million. As long as you come here to make a fuss, you can get 1.5 million. This business is not a loss at all.

Even if she graduates in the future and finds a job in the imperial capital, it will be very difficult to save 1.5 million. I don't know how many years it will take to save it. Now, she can get 1.5 million just to make a fuss, and she can't give up no matter what.

Moreover, Ye Xiyuan also promised that even if she failed, she would not get the one million back. Furthermore, if maybe in the end she could really make Ye Leng'an forgive them under the pressure of public opinion. So, at this point, even if she had to bite the bullet, she would continue to walk.

Thinking of this, Li Qiaomeng's face changed, with a pleading expression, she didn't stand up, but continued to kneel there, begging, "Miss Ye, I came here today to beg you to let me and you go. Damn. We really know we were wrong, please, let us go!"

When Li Qiaomeng knelt down, many people had already gathered around her. Although everyone doesn't know what's going on. However, one of the parties involved in this matter is Ye Leng'an. Therefore, everyone is very interested, and it can even be said that there is some gossip.

Seeing Li Qiaomeng's pitiful appearance now, many people can't help but stand on her side. After all, it is human nature to sympathize with the weak. So, even if he didn't say anything. But when everyone looked at Ye Leng'an, their eyes became a little weird.

Ye Leng'an's expression remained unchanged in the face of the strange looks from the crowd, "If you really knew you were wrong, then you shouldn't come here to beg me now, but consciously accept the punishment of the law. Instead of stopping me here My way out is an attempt to carry out moral kidnapping."

"I didn't." Li Qiaomeng retorted subconsciously. She raised her head and stretched out her hand, trying to grab Ye Leng'an's trousers.

However, just as she stretched out her hand, she remembered what Ye Leng'an said just now, and then, under Ye Leng'an's cold eyes, she had no choice but to withdraw her hand.

"Miss Ye, you have a lot of adults, please let me and my mother go!" After withdrawing her hand, Li Qiaomeng continued to beg, "Anyway, she has helped you work for a while, even if there is no credit, It’s hard work too! Seeing that she has taken care of you so seriously, please let us go this time!”

After finishing speaking, Li Qiaomeng immediately kowtowed to Ye Leng'an.

What's more, she wasn't just acting, but she was actually knocking on the concrete floor, and she could even clearly hear the sound of her forehead hitting the ground.

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