Although Li Qiaomeng had already put all his strength into it, she thought that even if she was going to go to hell, she would have to pull a few people to back her up. But she hadn't completely lost her mind, so she knew very well that Ye Xiyuan, whom she held hostage, was already very weak at this moment.

If she continues to delay like this, let alone taking revenge on Ye Leng'an, I'm afraid she will be sent back to the detention center soon. No, this time it should not be a detention center, but a prison directly.

Thinking of this, Li Qiaomeng looked at Chen Wanqin and shouted, "Don't you want me to let Ye Xiyuan go? You help me kill Ye Leng'an, then I will let Ye Xiyuan go."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked. No one thought that Li Qiaomeng would suddenly make this request.

Chen Wanqin, who was still crying, was also stunned for a moment after hearing Li Qiaomeng's words. She stood there in a daze, as if she didn't hear the words clearly.

"Don't you love your daughter very much?" Li Qiaomeng continued to shout loudly, "If you want to save your daughter, then you kill Ye Leng'an. As long as you kill Ye Leng'an, your daughter You will be saved. Otherwise, I will kill Ye Xiyuan now."

With such an unreasonable request, Chen Wanqin didn't know how to respond. She dared to cry here and ask Ye Leng'an to exchange Xiyuan back, but if she was asked to kill someone, she would never dare.

"Are you crazy?" Ye Anyun on the side was also a little impatient at this time, "Li Qiaomeng, what are you going to do? Our family rescued you out of kindness, but you want to ruin our family, right? You Why is your heart so vicious! I was really blind to stay with you."

Hearing her former lover say such words, Li Qiaomeng felt very sad, but at this point, she has no way out, "Your sister is not a good person, if she doesn't save it, she will take advantage of her." My mind, how can it help me!"

"So, don't put it so nicely. What does it mean to help me? It's just an exchange of equal value."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, you can choose for yourself! Do you want Ye Xiyuan's life or Ye Leng'an's life? If you want to save Ye Xiyuan's life, then kill Ye Leng'an yourself. Choose quickly! Ye Xiyuan can't last long."

The Ye family stared at Li Qiaomeng, but did not take any action. Because at this moment, they don't know what to do. Of course they want to save Ye Xiyuan, but it's impossible to kill Ye Leng'an here!

Seeing that the Ye family did not move, Li Qiaomeng became even more irritable. She immediately urged, "If you don't do anything, don't blame me. I'll count to ten. If you don't do anything, then I will kill you!" Ye Xiyuan."

At this moment, she has no room for thinking. The more time passes, the more irritable she feels. The only thing she wants to do now is to let Ye Leng die peacefully. Ye Leng'an ruined her life, she must pay the price for Ye Leng'an.

"It's not over yet!"

As soon as Li Qiaomeng's voice fell, Ye Leng'an on the side spoke impatiently, "Li Qiaomeng, you called me here, maybe it's because of this big show of yours! I don't have time to continue I'm chatting with you here. If you want to do it, hurry up and don't waste time here."

"Miss Ye!" The policeman on the side frowned disapprovingly, "You really shouldn't continue to provoke her now."

"Ye Leng'an, why is your heart so vicious!" Chen Wanqin really wanted to go up and slap Ye Leng'an at this moment, "Are you determined to kill Xi Yuan? Why do you continue to irritate Li Qiaomeng, do you want Xiyuan to die sooner?"

"This matter has nothing to do with me." Ye Leng'an sneered, "Besides, I don't have any noble qualities of self-sacrifice. As for Ye Xiyuan, she is completely responsible for herself and cannot blame others."

"You can't be kidnapped morally!" Zheng Anyang stood up and defended Ye Leng'an, "Student Ye Leng'an has nothing to do with this matter at all, she is willing to come here is the best of humanity."

For a while, the atmosphere here was very bad.

Not far away, Li Qiaomeng watched all this with almost the utmost patience. The knife in her hand went a little deeper into Ye Xiyuan's neck.

At this moment, Ye Xiyuan's consciousness was a little fuzzy, and she could feel that her vitality was constantly passing away. She didn't know how long she could last, and she even doubted whether she could leave here alive today.

"Since you all don't care about Ye Xiyuan's life, then don't blame me." Li Qiaomeng shouted with a fierce look on her face, "I'll kill Ye Xiyuan now. Even if I want to die, I will let her back me up."

"You can do whatever you want." Ye Leng'an didn't care, "However, Li Qiaomeng, after you kill Ye Xiyuan, you'd better commit suicide immediately, otherwise, your fate may not be much better."

"Also, after you die, you must remember to protect your family. You know, those members of the Ye family will not let this matter end just because you died. By then, all revenge should fall on you over the head of the family."

Hearing the word family, Li Qiaomeng, who was originally crazy, had a slight struggle in his eyes. All of what happened today was originally done on her impulse. Now that she has done it, there is no turning back, that's why she went all the way to the dark. However, now that she mentioned her family, she couldn't help but hesitate.

Especially the mother who is still in the detention center at the moment, and of course the father and younger brother who stay in their hometown. For her mother, she replaced all the crimes by herself.

If she kills Ye Xiyuan now, the Ye family will definitely take revenge on her family. At that time, whether it is the mother, father or younger brother in the detention center, I am afraid that there will be no way out.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little hesitant.

As if seeing hope, the commanding police officer immediately persuaded, "Li Qiaomeng, think about your family! If something happens to you, what should they do! You let go of it now." Without Ye Xiyuan, everything is still in time."

"Yes!" Zheng Anyang on the side also spoke to help, "If you continue to delay, something will happen to Ye Xiyuan, and it will be too late by then."

As long as Ye Leng'an was not pushed out to replace him, he naturally didn't want Ye Xiyuan to have an accident. After all, this is a school, and Ye Xiyuan is his student.

At this time, Ye Li also calmed down. He looked at Li Qiaomeng with a sense of oppression in his eyes, "Little girl, think about your family! I think you don't want your family to die because of you." What bad luck you have suffered!"

There is not a word in the words that is about revenge, but the words inside and outside the words are full of threats.

For a while, Li Qiaomeng was caught in a dilemma. She really wanted to kill Ye Xiyuan directly regardless of it. However, he still couldn't make a move.

"Bang -" a sound.

Li Qiaomeng only felt a sharp pain in the arm holding the knife, and then the knife in her hand fell to the ground before she had time to react.

Then, she just felt the world spinning for a while. By the time she realized it again, she had been pinned to the ground, and several policemen were holding her tightly, as if she was a dangerous person.

And Ye Xiyuan, who was held hostage by her, was also supported by a policeman at this moment.

It turned out that one of the policemen in the dark took advantage of Li Qiaomeng's hesitation and pulled the trigger decisively, directly hitting Li Qiaomeng's arm, so the following happened.

Li Qiaomeng, who was under control at this time, was full of unwillingness. She struggled and wanted to stand up.

She couldn't accept that she made such a fuss today, not only did she not pull Ye Leng'an into the water, but Ye Xiyuan was saved. Everything she did was like a joke at the moment.

Chen Wanqin pushed everyone away and came to Ye Xiyuan's side, with tears and heartache on her face, "Xiyuan, are you okay! Don't worry, the ambulance will be here soon, and you will be fine."

Ye Li and Ye Anyun also wanted to come up.

Looking at Ye Xiyuan surrounded by her relatives, Li Qiaomeng's eyes burst out with strong hatred. Her eyes were full of resentment and resentment, and she shouted loudly, "Ye Xiyuan, don't be complacent. Do you think your family really loves you so much?" Do you? If they really love you and really want to save you, they wouldn't have been afraid to do anything to Ye Leng'an just now. Everything they have now is just a hypocritical surface. "

At this time, Ye Xiyuan was leaning weakly in Chen Wanqin's arms, as if she had lost consciousness. However, only she knew in her heart that she could hear everything Li Qiaomeng said clearly, and she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Because, as Li Qiaomeng said, when she was held hostage just now, her family members did nothing except a few words of concern on the surface. If they were willing to ignore Ye Leng'an directly, even if they failed, at least they wouldn't make Li Qiaomeng go crazy and hurt her. Even her mother, who kept saying she was guilty of her, was like this.

The reason why they are unwilling to do it is just because they are afraid of taking responsibility.

If it was Ye Anyun who was held hostage today, then my parents would have already been unable to hold back! In the final analysis, it was just because she was found halfway, and she was still a girl.

Chen Wanqin, who was supporting Ye Xiyuan, didn't notice Ye Xiyuan's complicated mood at this moment. After hearing Li Qiaomeng's words, she couldn't help but curse, "You bitch, shut up. Now, you still want to provoke The relationship between our family."

"Let me tell you, don't think that the matter will be settled like this. Just wait! We will definitely punish you severely by the law."

"Hehe, you rich people are like this, relying on your own power to trample on us poor people wantonly." Li Qiaomeng's eyes are full of hatred, "The reason why I did such a thing was all because of you .”

Hearing such words, Chen Wanqin was so angry that her chest hurt.

Seeing the end of such a farce, Ye Leng'an had nothing to do with him and planned to leave.

She felt that what happened today had little to do with her. If Li Qiaomeng hadn't called her over, she wouldn't even want to watch this scene. However, to be honest, seeing Ye Xiyuan in such a miserable state made her feel pretty good.

Seeing that Ye Leng'an was about to leave, Li Qiaomeng struggled even harder, and she kept yelling at Ye Leng'an, "Ye Leng'an, don't go, who told you to go. You Slut, if it weren't for your hands and feet, I wouldn't have become like this, wouldn't you have a disturbed conscience?"

"No." Ye Leng'an replied without hesitation, "Unlike you, my three views are still very upright. Therefore, I will not feel any uneasy conscience because I did what I should do .”

After finishing speaking, Ye Leng'an turned around and left without even looking at Li Qiaomeng.

Soon, an ambulance arrived and took Ye Xiyuan to the hospital. After the police caught Li Qiaomeng, they also left.

An accident, or rather a farce, ended like this.

The students who were watching around also dispersed one after another. However, it is foreseeable that many people in the school will be discussing this matter for a long time to come!

Looking at Ye Xiyuan and Ye's family who left, Zheng Anyang felt a little headache. Afterwards, he returned to his office and called the director of the teaching office and the vice principal over to discuss the matter of visiting Ye Xiyuan in a few days. After all, the place where Ye Xiyuan had an accident this time was the school.

At the same time, he also planned to hold a meeting of all the faculty and staff to discuss the safety of the campus. This time, people from other schools entered their school and used the incident of kidnapping the school's students, which really sounded a loud alarm for them.

In the future, the safety of the campus still needs to be paid more attention to.

On the other side, when Ye Xiyuan was taken to the hospital, she was already in a coma due to excessive blood loss. After a long period of rescue, he was finally out of danger.

I don't know how long it took before Ye Xiyuan realized that she seemed to be slowly regaining consciousness. She felt pain in every part of her body, especially her neck. She stretched out her hand, but what she felt was gauze.

"Xiyuan, you're awake!" Chen Wanqin on the side breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Ye Xiyuan had finally woken up, "Are you feeling any discomfort? I'll call the doctor."

"I'm fine," Ye Xiyuan shook her head with difficulty, then looked around and found that Ye Li and Ye Anyun were also there.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief seeing her wake up.

"Xiyuan, luckily you're fine." Chen Wanqin touched the tears in the corner of her eyes and said, "If something really happens to you, then I really don't know what to do."

"Mom, I'm fine, it's just an accident." Ye Xiyuan tried her best to hold up a smile, and comforted her, "I'm lucky, I'll be fine."

However, although there was a smile on her face, her eyes were filled with coldness. After what happened just now, when she faced her family again, she didn't feel any warmth.

When facing the threat of death just now, these so-called family members of hers did not take any action at all. It seems that in the future, she still has to think more about herself.

Chen Wanqin didn't notice Ye Xiyuan's thoughts at all. After listening to Ye Xiyuan's words, she straightened her face and said in a bad tone, "This is not an accident. That Li Qiaomeng really repays his kindness. If it weren't for our family's help , How could she come out of the detention center. Now that she comes out, she still treats you like this."

Seeing Ye Xiyuan's little face with no blood at all, she felt even more distressed. Especially during the first rescue, the doctor said that if the time was a little later, then Xiyuan's situation would be very dangerous. However, even if this is the case, Xiyuan will need to take good care of her for a long time to come back.

"Okay, stop talking." Ye Li stepped forward and said slowly, "Xiyuan just woke up, so don't talk about these unpleasant things. Let her have a good rest! Wait for the police , I’m still here to make a statement!”

"Xiyuan just woke up, what are they doing here!" Chen Wanqin frowned, her tone a little worried, "When I was saving people before, why didn't I see them being so active!"

"Okay, don't say these bad words anymore." Ye Li patted Chen Wanqin on the shoulder, and persuaded, "It's better to record the statement earlier, so that Li Qiaomeng can be convicted earlier. Don't you want to see her Are you punished?"

After hearing Ye Li's persuasion, Chen Wanqin didn't say anything more.

It was Ye Anyun who took a step forward and said guiltily, "Xiyuan, I'm sorry, it's all because of me that this happened to you."

He felt that if it wasn't for his insistence on saving Li Qiaomeng, Ye Xiyuan wouldn't have encountered such a thing. Moreover, it was because Xiyuan helped to speak well in front of father that father was willing to help. However, turning around now, Li Qiaomeng treated Xiyuan like this, and almost killed Xiyuan.

"Brother, it's none of your business." Ye Xiyuan originally wanted to shake her head, but she felt pain from her neck when she moved, "Who would have thought that Li Qiaomeng would be such a person!"

"An Yun, you really have to be more cautious in the future." Ye Li said with a sullen face, "Also, your future wife will still have to be checked by us in the future. From what happened this time, we can see It can be seen that the importance of being well-matched."

Although a little reluctant, Ye Anyun still nodded. What happened this time really scared him.

I thought I had made a good girlfriend, but it turned out that the other party was such a vain person, and even did things like taking other people's houses for a big head. Now, he even frantically took his own sister hostage with a knife.

It seems that to find a girlfriend in the future, you really need to be in the same family. At least those girls who have received various advanced education will never do such a thing.

On the other side, Ye Leng'an also told Huangfu Ruiling what happened.

"Ye Xiyuan helped Li Qiaomeng come out." Huangfu Ruiling's eyes flashed a cold light, "Then everything she suffered today was caused by herself."

"Hehe, Ye Xiyuan probably never thought that Li Qiaomeng would be so crazy!" Ye Leng'an's tone was a little gloating, "Besides, Li Qiaomeng's knife was really accurate!"

Huangfu Ruiling raised his eyebrows.

"Ye Xiyuan probably hasn't found it yet!" Ye Leng'an said with a smile, "The knife that Li Qiaomeng stabbed Ye Xiyuan's arm happened to hit one of the nerves. It didn't break, but it did. Now I'm afraid the hospital hasn't found it yet! However, even if it is found, there is nothing to do. It may not be easy to recover the stabbed nerve."

When Li Qiaomeng stabbed down, she had already discovered this. It's just that it has nothing to do with her, so she didn't say anything. Moreover, even if she really said it, the members of the Ye family probably wouldn't believe it, instead they thought she was making trouble!

"So, Ye Xiyuan will remain disabled!" Huangfu Ruiling hit the nail on the head.

"Yeah." Ye Leng'an nodded, "However, if she finds a famous doctor, maybe she can still be cured. The famous doctor I'm talking about here is not from the mortal world, but from the hidden world. Her nerves need to be repaired." , Ordinary means, really can’t do it.”

Huangfu Ruiling nodded, but secretly decided in his heart that Ye Xiyuan must not be given any chance to find someone from the hidden world for treatment.

"Now that something like this has happened, it should be much easier for me to ask for leave!" Ye Leng'an suddenly changed the subject, "I will tell the principal that I need to take a good rest and adjust my mood."

Hearing that Ye Leng'an was looking for such an insincere reason to ask for leave, Huangfu Ruiling couldn't help laughing, "You are sure, your principal will agree to such a reason."

"Yes." Ye Leng'an nodded, "I think the headmaster should also feel that I have accident-prone physique, so it's much better for me to stay at home than to go to school."

After finishing speaking, she nodded seriously.

Huangfu Ruiling shook his head amusedly.

"Ruiling, since this has already happened, let's go to the hidden world earlier." Ye Leng'an suggested, "This matter should be over in a few days, and then we will go to the hidden world." The world! At that time, I can still have a good understanding of what the hidden world is like."

Regarding Ye Leng'an's suggestion, Huangfu Ruiling did not object, he nodded, "That's fine, then I'll make arrangements earlier, and we will set off to the hidden world in a week's time."

After a week, this matter should be settled. Even if there is no way to end it, he will let this matter end.

"En." Ye Leng'an seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly changed the topic, "By the way, how is Li Yiran? Will Huangfu Ruixiang also set off with us then?"

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