"Hongxuan, let's strengthen Wanwan's discipline in the future!"

After a long time, Lian Mengzhu said, "Fortunately, now that Wanwan is still young, her temper can still be corrected."

"Yeah," Ye Hongxuan nodded, "That's the only way to go. Thinking in a better direction, it's good if we're aware of the problem in Wanwan's temper now, and there's still time to correct it."

"We'll be more disciplined in the future," Lian Mengzhu agreed. "By the way, the fiancée of the Patriarch Huangfu is the girl who photographed the Shennong Ding. Does she have anything to do with the Ye family? Her surname is also Ye. He is also an alchemist, so he really has nothing to do with the Ye family?"

"We don't have such a person in our family." Ye Hongxuan shook his head, "It's just that I don't know if any of the disciples left some romantic accounts outside."

"Do you need to investigate?" Lian Mengzhu asked, "Why is she really a member of our Ye family, shouldn't she be allowed to return to the family! Besides, didn't you say that just now?" The Shennong Ding has already been photographed by Ye An'an, if she really returns to the Ye family, then the Shen Nong Ding can be regarded as belonging to the Ye family."

After hearing Lian Mengzhu's words, Ye Hongxuan was very moved, but after thinking about it for a while, he still shook his head, "If that Ye An'an is only alone, then we can still investigate. But, she It's Huangfu Ling's fiancée, if we investigate, we will definitely alarm Huangfu Ling."

"Besides, even if she is really a wandering member of the Ye family, now she has become Huangfu Ling's fiancée, and will become the head of the Huangfu family's mistress in the future. She may not be willing to return to the Ye family."

"But—" Lian Mengzhu wanted to say something, but was interrupted.

"I know what you want to say," Ye Hongxuan shook his head, and said, "This Ye An'an is not an ordinary person, she is not only Huangfuling's fiancée, but also the person who hurt Ye Min'er today. Although I don't know her How about her alchemy skills, but from Ye Miner's injuries, it can be seen that she is not a simple character, so she cannot be at our mercy."

Lian Mengzhu opened his mouth, unable to utter persuasive words, he could only sigh, and then shook his head, "I didn't expect that a young girl would be so powerful. If you can have With half of her heart, we can rest assured."

Although she had never seen Ye An'an before, she knew from her husband's few words that she was not a simple girl. They are obviously about the same age, but the other party is much better than Wanwan.

"If you can become Huangfuling's fiancée, how can you be an ordinary person!" Ye Hongxuan said with a smile, "Okay, don't think too much, everyone has their own destiny. It needs to be corrected, but her strength, among her peers, is already considered an outstanding existence."

Lian Mengzhu nodded and didn't say anything more.

On the second day, almost everyone in the Ye family knew that Ye Wan bought the Seven Star Flower that already existed in the family at a sky-high price of 1.2 billion.

For this reason, the elders expressed their opinions one after another, expressing their dissatisfaction with this matter. Even the old Patriarch Ye Ruiyuan intervened. In the end, although Ye Hongxuan made an explanation and was willing to take responsibility, Yewan still couldn't escape punishment.

However, the punishment was not severe, it was just to temper her temperament, to confine her in her own courtyard for a week, and to copy the Ye family's house rules a hundred times.

This kind of punishment can be regarded as painless for others. However, this is very important for Ye Wan, because since she was born, she has always been the proud daughter of heaven and the apple of her parents' eye. Moreover, even without mentioning her identity, her strength is among the best among her peers. Therefore, on weekdays, she is highly respected.

But now she was punished. Such a big gap made her feel unacceptable. She even felt that those family children who respected her on weekdays looked at her with sarcasm.

She hid in her yard, hating Ye An'an in her heart. In her opinion, everything she has suffered now is thanks to that Ye An'an. If it wasn't for Ye An'an's provocation, she wouldn't have spent 1.2 billion to take pictures of Seven Star Flower on impulse, let alone being punished by the family.

At this moment, Ye Hongxuan and Lian Mengzhu didn't know Ye Wan's mood. In their view, this kind of ground punishment plus copying the family rules can just make the night quiet, and they can also reflect on their own actions.

Ye Hongxuan was busy with the family affairs, the family competition was about to start, and he still had a lot of things to arrange. Especially this time the family competition is also related to a Lingshi mine. No matter what, he has to work hard.

And Lian Mengzhu is sitting in the garden of Ye's house at the moment, drinking tea, looking very comfortable.

At least Lian Zixin felt this way when he came to Ye's house and saw this scene. Where no one noticed, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes. However, it disappeared immediately and was replaced by a smile on his face.

"Sister, it looks like you really enjoy yourself!" Lian Zixin said with a smile as she stepped forward, "Aren't you busy at this time?"

"Zixin, why are you here?" Seeing Lian Zixin, Lian Mengzhu immediately put a smile on his face, "Quick, come and sit down first."

After finishing speaking, she immediately poured a cup of tea for Lian Zixin who was sitting opposite her.

"Good tea." After Lian Zixin took a sip, he couldn't help admiring, "As expected, it's Ye Family's tea. Even if it's tea, it's definitely the best spiritual tea."

This kind of spiritual tea is reserved for guests in her home. But here in Lianmengzhu, it is ordinary tea that can be drunk at any time. They are obviously two sisters, but their life after marriage is very different.

As the elder sister, Lian Mengzhu married the Ye family, a family of alchemists, and became the head mother of the Ye family. On weekdays, she wears silk and satin, eats delicacies, and even drinks high-quality spiritual tea, and even the water for making tea must use mountain spring water. Moreover, because of the comfortable life and the harmony with her husband, even after many years of marriage, Lian Mengzhu still lives as chic as before marriage.

But what about her! She married the Yan family, a down-and-out family. Although it has the name of a family, the inside has already been rotten, and the whole family is almost unable to make ends meet. For so many years, if she hadn't been struggling to maintain it, she might have collapsed long ago. It is also because she has been too worried for many years, so she is obviously a younger sister, even ten years younger than Lian Mengzhu, but standing with Lian Mengzhu, she is more like an older sister.

Lian Mengzhu didn't notice the darkness and unwillingness in Lian Zixin's heart at all. After hearing such words, she just chuckled a few times, and then said, "If you like it, then when I go back, I will let people I'll pack two catties back for you."

Such a natural tone, in Lian Zixin's opinion, was giving alms, but even so, she still had an impeccable expression on her face, and even smiled mischievously, "Then I will thank my sister."

"It's fine if you like it," Lian Mengzhu nodded with a smile, and then said with concern, "Zixin, your complexion doesn't look very good, are you too tired recently?"

She is still very concerned about her sister, a compatriot. In her opinion, they have grown up together since they were young, and even if they get married, they will be as close as before.

Lian Zixin reached out and touched his face subconsciously, then shook his head with a smile, "It's possible, there are a lot of things at home recently, so it's not good to rest."

"You too, nothing is more important than your own health." Lian Mengzhu said with concern, "Yan Kai is really, I don't even know how to feel sorry for you."

"Sister, don't talk about Yan Kai." Lian Zixin said with a smile, "He treats me very well."

"You!" Lian Mengzhu shook his head, but still said, "Forget it, I won't get involved in the matters between your husband and wife. But, when you go back later, I will bring you some nourishing food Let’s take pills! It’s time for you to take good care of your body. Back then you—”

"Sister, don't talk about this matter." Lian Zixin's eyes flashed a gloomy look, then he raised his head and asked, "By the way, what about Wanwan? Has she gone out?"

Lian Mengzhu also knew that bringing up the incident back then would make Lian Zixin sad, so she didn't continue, "She! She's still grounded in her yard!"

"How could it be grounded?" Upon hearing the news, Lian Zixin immediately became nervous, "What's wrong with her? Don't you and your brother-in-law love her the most? How could you ground her?"

"Ah—" Lian Mengzhu couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Afterwards, she told what happened yesterday, and at the end, she couldn't help sighing, "Wanwan's temperament really needs to be sharpened. Your brother-in-law and I both think the same way. Besides, grounding Such a punishment is simply insignificant."

"Sister, this matter is not Wanwan's fault at all." After listening to Lian Mengzhu's narration, Lian Zixin said immediately, "It was obviously set up by that person named Ye An'an, Wanwan is young, You will be fooled. What you should do is to comfort her, not punish her."

"Zixin, what are you talking about!" Lian Mengzhu shook his head in disapproval, "This matter was initiated late at the beginning, and the other party just followed the trend, how can it be said that it is true? It's the other party's fault! I know you love Wanwan, but you can't favor Wanwan like this!"

"Sister!" Lian Zixin said anxiously, "Wan Wan has always had a strong sense of self-esteem since she was a child, and now that she has been framed by someone, she must feel very uncomfortable. You still punish her like this, how can she stand it!"

Lian Mengzhu was very persistent, "Zixin, don't talk about this matter, your brother-in-law and I have our own opinions."

"But, sister—"

"Zixin, that's the end of this matter." Lian Mengzhu raised his hand, and then joked, "Auntie you are really kind to Wanwan. If others don't know, they will think you are the one." Mother, and I am the stepmother!"

Of course, in this case, she was just joking. She still knew why Zixin doted on Wanwan so much.

"Sister, what are you talking about!" A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Lian Zixin's eyes, but he quickly returned to his usual look, and said coquettishly, "You know very well that I have always put Wanwan treat her like her own daughter."

When he said this, Lian Zixin's face showed a trace of sadness, "If my daughter hadn't died in infancy, she should be as old as Wanwan now."

"Zixin," Lian Mengzhu comforted, "It's been a long time, so don't think about it anymore. Besides, you still have Chenlang and Xiaolei, they are also your children!"

Back then, my sister's child was born prematurely and died within a few days. After that, her health was not very good, and she gave birth to two children, Chen Lang and Xiao Lei, but she still couldn't recover.

Not long after the younger sister's child died, Wan Wan was born, and it was a girl. Probably for this reason, my sister has always regarded Wanwan as her own daughter. Sometimes even better than Chen Lang and Xiao Lei.

"I know." Lian Zixin's face was sad, and his tone even had a hint of crying, "It's just that when I think of my daughter who died young, I can't calm down."

After finishing speaking, Lian Zixin seemed unable to control her emotions, so she burst into tears.

Looking at the sad sister in front of her, Lian Mengzhu wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only silently accompany her, and then handed her a tissue.

After a while, Lian Zixin wiped away the tears on her face, and then said in embarrassment, "Sister, I—"

"It's okay," Lian Mengzhu shook his head, and said softly, "I understand your feelings, but the past is over, you should relax. I think, if your daughter knows You have been sad because of her, and you will not be happy. Whether it is for the living or for the dead, you must cheer up!"

In this case, she had already told Lian Zixin many times. It's just that she also understands that some things cannot be made to let the other party really let go with just a few words of persuasion. However, she still had to say these words.

Lian Zixin nodded, not sure if he took it to heart.

Seeing Lian Zixin's appearance, Lian Mengzhu sighed and said nothing more.

"Sister, let me go and see Wanwan!" Lian Zixin smiled and said, "I haven't seen her for a long time, I miss her."

"Okay, Wanwan is in my own courtyard." Lian Mengzhu said, "After you see Wanwan, remember to come back. I have prepared some medicinal materials and pills for your body. Take it back."

"okay, I get it."

Lian Zixin didn't need anyone to lead the way, and Lian Zixin quickly came to Yewan's room, knocked on the door, and only opened the door and went in after getting permission from the people inside.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw that Ye Wan was at the desk at this moment, seriously writing something.

"Wan Wan." Lian Zixin took a step forward and looked at Ye Wan with kindness in his eyes, "What are you writing about!"

"It's nothing." Night night shook her head, then got up, and smiled politely at Lian Zixin, "Auntie, when did you come?"

"Just saw your mother."

When he said this, Lian Zixin's tone became a little aggrieved, "I heard what your mother said about you. Your father and mother are also serious, and you are punished for such a trivial matter. It's clearly not your fault."

After hearing Lian Zixin's words, Yewan's face froze for a moment, and then immediately recovered. She and Lian Zixin sat down on the sofa, and then poured Lian Zixin a cup of tea, "Auntie, father and mother also I'm good. Besides, it's just a few days of confinement. It's almost the family competition, and I need to calm down."

For this little aunt, she couldn't say she liked it, nor could she say she didn't like it. However, she was a little annoyed by the other party's pleasing behavior. It was okay when she was young, but when she grew up, she didn't really want to get along with this aunt. Because she always felt that her aunt's attitude towards her was really strange, and she treated her better than her own children. Sometimes, there are even strange eyes looking at her.

Although I knew from the mother's mouth that my aunt treated her as her own daughter because she had lost a daughter before. However, even so, she still felt uncomfortable.

However, seeing her mother's face, she can't go too far, so she has always maintained a polite manner with this aunt.

After hearing Yewan's words, Lian Zixin didn't continue the topic, but talked about what happened last night, "Wanwan, what happened last night is not your fault at all, it's all about that person named Ye Anan Design yours. Don't think too much about it."

"I know." Speaking of what happened last night, Yewan couldn't help flashing a trace of hatred in his eyes, "It's just that I was too impulsive after all. Besides, even if it was designed by the other party, I can only admit it. .”

After hearing Ye Anan's words, Lian Zixin immediately said, "Wanwan, don't worry, I will definitely not let you suffer. Tell me who this Ye Anan is, and I will find a way to avenge you. "

Just now, Lian Mengzhu just said a few words, so she still didn't know who Ye An'an was. However, when she saw Yewan being punished because of the other party, she became very angry and wanted to seek justice for Yewan.

"Auntie, let's forget about it." Ye An'an shook her head, and continued, "Father absolutely doesn't want us to continue to cause trouble."

She also hated Ye An'an to the bone, but she hadn't lost her mind yet. This Ye An'an's identity is unusual, she is the fiancée of the Patriarch Huangfu. Even their Ye family has to be a little bit jealous, what can this little aunt do! Even in its heyday, the Yan family was nothing more than a small family. Now that it has declined even more, how could it be possible to confront the Huangfu family!

"Wanwan, just say it out, what to do is my business." Lian Zixin didn't hear the implication of Yewan at all, but continued to urge, "It will be true when the time comes , is also my aunt's business."

Seeing Lian Zixin's appearance, Ye Wan couldn't help frowning, and then said angrily, "Auntie, that Ye An'an is the fiancée of the head of the Huangfu family, Huangfu Ling, and she went with the head of the Huangfu family last night."

Does this little aunt have a brain problem? Last night's auction, the people who were able to attend were not simple people. Even if that Ye An'an was not the fiancée of the Patriarch Huangfu, whoever was able to attend last night's auction, could the Yan family, a small family, be able to resist? Is it interesting to force her to speak out?

Sure enough, after listening to Yewan's words, Lian Zixin's face flashed unnaturally, and then he laughed and laughed, "Wanwan, actually, I think your father and mother are right. Now that this matter has passed , then don’t think too much about it.”

Seeing the change in Lian Zixin's attitude, a trace of sarcasm flashed in Yewan's eyes, "Auntie is right."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room was a little awkward.

Afterwards, Lian Zixin quickly changed the subject, "By the way, Wanwan, the family competition is about to start, so you should be ready!"

"There's nothing to prepare for." Yewan shrugged and said indifferently, "Anyway, such a competition ultimately depends on one's strength. There is no use in cramming, as long as you treat it with a normal mind. "

"Wan Wan, your strength is rarely rivaled among your peers, and you will definitely get good results this time."

When he said this, Lian Zixin's tone was a little more proud, "In the whole hidden world, who doesn't know your excellence! It would be great if Chen Lang and Xiao Lei were half as good as you."

The Yan family is not qualified to participate in such a family competition. Only those famous big families in the hidden world are eligible to participate. However, Yan Chenlang and Yan Xiaolei will attend as children of the Ye family. The two of them have been practicing at the Ye family, so it's justified.

Ye Wanwan also said polite words, "My cousins ​​and sisters are very nice, just don't worry about it, auntie."

Lian Zixin nodded, and then continued, "Wanwan, I know you've worked hard in cultivation, but you still have to pay attention to rest. Your body is the capital of revolution. You are still young, and there are still many possibilities. "

For Lian Zixin's concern, a trace of annoyance flashed in Yewan's eyes, but she still responded obediently, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will take care of myself."

Next, Lian Zixin continued to take care of Yewan's body tirelessly.

The night was very disturbing, but for the sake of my mother, I could only accompany her with a smiling face.

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