In the following time, everyone can be regarded as having a good talk.

However, Ye Leng'an didn't care too much, and didn't interrupt too much. She came here today because she was interested in Huangfu Ruixiang, the fiancée who suddenly brought back. No more, no more.

The whole living room seemed to be divided into two worlds, while discussions were in full swing, whether it was true or false, there were smiles on their faces. On the other side, Huangfu Ruiling and Ye Leng'an were like outsiders, watching but not expressing any opinions. It can even be said that they didn't even listen.

Ye Leng'an approached Huangfu Ruiling, smiled lowly and said, "I found that the fiancée brought back by Huangfu Ruixiang is really interesting. She seems to be very afraid of you! You must not have done anything to her, right?" !"

This is not her illusion, this Zhong Yating is obviously afraid of Huangfu Ruiling. I just don't know, because there is something I don't know about it.

Huangfu Ruiling glanced in Zhong Yating's direction, "I haven't seen it before."

At this time, Zhong Yating was chatting and laughing with Huangfu Ruixiang's parents, but when Huangfu Ruiling's eyes fell on her, goose bumps all over her body immediately. She felt a guilty conscience when she didn't come, but she didn't dare to look in Huangfu Ruiling's direction, for fear of revealing her flaws.

Just when the conversation was about to end, Huangfu Ruiling suddenly spoke at this moment.

"I'm planning to get engaged to An An." Huangfu Ruiling's indifferent voice sounded, "I will inform you when the date is set."

Although he didn't have much affection for Huangfu Jingzhang and Zhong Yuliuying, but these were his biological parents after all, so he still had to inform them. Of course, he was just informing them, not asking for advice. The other party's opinion is not important to him at all.

Huangfu Ruiling's indifferent words were like a bomb falling on the ground, and everyone was caught off guard.

Especially Huangfu Jingzhang and Zhong Yuliuying, their faces were even more ugly. Huangfu Ruiling was their eldest son, and they should have been the ones to initiate the marriage. However, now Huangfu Ruiling notified them directly of the news of their engagement, but obviously did not intend to let them intervene.

The most important point is that they are very dissatisfied with Ye Leng'an, the future daughter-in-law. Not only because the other party's background is really bad, but more importantly, her status in Huangfu Ruiling's heart is really too high.

In the past, when the two fell in love, they were already very dissatisfied. However, there is no name in the end. But now that they are getting engaged, that is a completely different situation.

The first person to speak was Huangfu Ruixiang. Whether it was sincere or not, he had a smile on his face at the moment, "That's really great. I didn't expect that our brothers would take turns to get engaged. But, brother, I might want to I got engaged before you, so I have to hurry up and go back to the hidden world, after all, I can't leave for too long."

After finishing speaking, he glanced in Zhong Yuliuying's direction indiscriminately.

"You can do whatever you want," Huangfu Ruiling didn't care, "I haven't set a date yet."

Noticing Huangfu Ruixiang's gaze, Zhong Yuliuying's eyes flashed thoughtfully, and she suddenly said, "Seniority is orderly, I think Ruiling should get engaged first. Ruixiang, you and Ya Ting, or wait until after Ruiling to get engaged!"

She could also tell that Huangfu Ruixiang didn't really want to get engaged to Zhong Yating. In this case, it is better to push the boat along the way and postpone Ruixiang's marriage for a while, maybe later, after Ruixiang gets what he wants, he will not need to get engaged at all, and it will be more troublesome then.

Huangfu Jingzhang also nodded in agreement, "What you said is also reasonable. Since that's the case, Ruixiang, you and Yating's marriage, just wait for a while!"

Zhong Yating was a little anxious, she quickly looked at Huangfu Ruixiang at the side. Although she didn't say anything, she could still see her reluctance.

The main purpose of her coming this time is to settle the name with Huangfu Ruixiang. However, now it has to be postponed. Who knows what will happen by then!

Huangfu Ruixiang also noticed Zhong Yating's gaze, and he said with a troubled face, "Dad, Mom, we will go to the other side of the world soon, and we don't know when we will be back, why don't we let Let's get engaged!"

While speaking, he winked in Zhong Yuliuying's direction.

Zhong Yuliuying took Zhong Yating's hand, and then said, "Yating, you know that our Huangfu family is a big family, and there are rules for many things. Seniors and young are in order. If you really want to get engaged, then you must be married." It should be brother first."

"Of course, we're also very open-minded. If Ruiling doesn't have a partner, or if he and Miss Ye haven't planned to get engaged, then it's okay to let you and Ruixiang hold the engagement ceremony first. But since Ruiling is also planning to get engaged , He is the elder brother, so he should be engaged first. Therefore, your days should be after them. Even if it is a day late, you must be after them, or outsiders will laugh at them."

With those words, all the responsibilities were directly pushed onto Huangfu Ruiling. It seemed that because of Huangfu Ruiling's sudden decision, Huangfu Ruixiang's engagement had to be postponed.

Zhong Yating looked at Huangfu Ruixiang, and then motioned for him to speak. Because the elders have already said so, if she speaks again at this time, she will be too ignorant.

But Huangfu Ruixiang is different, he is Zhong Yuliuying's biological son. At this time, when he speaks, he won't offend anyone.

Facing Zhong Yating's gaze, Huangfu Ruixiang's face showed a trace of embarrassment, as if he didn't know what to do. He looked at Zhong Yating, and then at his parents, as if he didn't know how to speak.

"Yating, are you in a hurry to get engaged?" The person who spoke was Huangfu Jingzhang, and he frowned, "We are not preventing you from getting engaged to Ruixiang now, but we just want to postpone your engagement for a while. You guys Are you really in such a hurry?"

These words made Zhong Yating feel a little overwhelmed. She knew very well that at this time, it seemed that no matter what she said was wrong. Moreover, because of her behavior just now, it seems that Huangfu Ruixiang's parents have been dissatisfied.

For a moment, she really didn't know what to do.

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