Hearing him compliment him on being reasonable, Yan Zhixu raised his eyebrows and said sarcastically, "Then you should be lucky to have a virtuous and sensible girlfriend like me, Dean Fu."

Fu Shimo nodded, "Of course."

In the study, the atmosphere is warm.

Fu Shimo walked in front of Yan Zhixu, bent down and stretched out his hand to caress her face without makeup.

There were thin calluses on the pulp of his fingers, and her skin was delicate and tender. When the two touched each other, she felt a shiver as the palm moved.


Feeling the thin calluses on his fingertips, Yan Zhixu's throat overflowed.

The broken voice was charming and soft, and it fell in people's ears, causing the blood to boil.

Fu Shimo whispered, "Axu."




Reciting her name over and over again seemed to carve the person in front of her into her soul.

Fu Shimo's hand fell between her eyebrows, depicting her eyebrow shape, and his voice was low, "It is my luck for three lifetimes to meet Ash."

Yan Zhixu stared at the man in front of him, and clearly saw the tenderness and tenderness in his eyes.

She reached out and held his hand, "Master..."

Maybe when I first met at the police station, I noticed him not only because of his perfect hand shape, but also because of the fetters from the soul in his mind.

Her low whisper made Fu Shimo's thoughts float as if he had returned to the plane of immortality, his expression was slightly dazed, and then he clasped his fingers tightly with her.

"I'm here, I've always been."

After he finished speaking, he put his other hand around her waist, picked her up and put her on the table, followed by kissing her tender and seductive lips.


The lips of the two touched, their nose and lips were touching, and their breaths were intertwined, making the temperature in the study continue to rise and filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.


The kiss was lingering and lingering, and it stopped after a long time.

At this time, Yan Zhixu was completely powerless, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, letting others do whatever they want.


Fu Shimo picked her up, strode out of the study and walked towards the bedroom, turned on the light, and walked straight to the bathroom.

It didn't take long for the bathroom to hear the sound of rushing water and another sound that sometimes murmured and sometimes rose.

Spring is infinite, a room is charming.


It seems to have slept for a long time.

Yan Zhixu woke up again, his eyes were pitch black, and his body was sore and uncomfortable.

She moved her body slightly, and Fu Shimo, who was sleeping beside her, opened her eyes, reached out her hand to turn on the desk lamp, and the faint light came on, dispelling the darkness in the room.

"what time is it?"

It was okay for Yan Zhixu not to speak, but when he made a sound, he was startled a little.

This voice is really dry and hoarse, as if it was a desk rubbed with sandpaper.

Fu Shimo picked up the phone on the bedside table, "Two in the morning, hungry?"

Yan Zhixu nodded, "Yes."

As soon as she finished speaking, Fu Shimo next to him got up and opened the wardrobe and took out a nightgown for her.

After Yan Zhixu put it on, he picked him up and walked downstairs.

He came to the living room and carefully placed the person on the sofa, walked into the kitchen and started to cook supper.


Silent night.

Yan Zhixu sat on the sofa and saw the busy figure in the kitchen, a warm current surged in his heart, and the warmth flowed through his limbs.

After more than ten minutes, Fu Shimo brought out two bowls of hot noodles.

On the surface is a fried poached egg and a few boiled vegetables, plus a small handful of chopped green onion, and the soup is tomato juice.

The appearance of this side is quite good, and it is comparable to the one in the restaurant outside.

Yan Zhixu was really hungry, so he took the chopsticks he handed over, brought a bowl of noodles and started eating.

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