Weibo was paralyzed, and the official staff was dispatched. It took half an hour to repair the Weibo fault.

Weibo returned to normal, and countless netizens poured into Yan Zhixu and Fu Shimo's Weibo comment area.

When all the celebrities in the circle heard the news, they were all surprised that it was hard to hide.

After a brief shock, the people in the circle regained their composure and sent a message on Weibo to bless the two.

Hua Shiying V: [Congratulations and congratulations, I wish you a long life and an early birth of your son. @yanzhixu@fu Shimo]

Rongcheng V: [Congratulations, tsk, I didn't expect you to be so impatient and fast. @FU Shimo]

Nan Yuanqi V: [Since we have kidnapped the treasures that our family held in the palm of our hands, then treat my family A Xu a little better or I will rip your skin off. @FU Shimo]

Love V: [Congratulations on finding a good husband, remember to invite me for the wedding. @yanzhixu]


Countless celebrities in the entertainment industry, directors and producers sent congratulations, and most of the entertainment industry sent their blessings to show that Yan Zhixu's popularity is very good.

In addition, a group of young people in Fu Shimo’s imperial capital and a group of big-name experts in the medical field also posted their blessings.

This official announcement can be described as huge.

The boiling of the netizens in the comment area has not diminished, and the excitement has not gradually weakened, but it has deepened.

[The good things of Master Xu and Dean Fu are approaching. I wonder when you two have to wait? @Flower Shadow @Rongcheng]

[I have a bold idea, otherwise you two couples just get married together, anyway, you are not familiar with it. dog head.jpg]

[Ahaha, although I don’t think it’s possible, I’m still looking forward to it. 】

[Little uncle, you have to hurry up, your niece is about to get married and you haven't. By the way, how was the meeting with the parents this time? Has the old man embarrassed you? @South Yuanqi]

[It is estimated that only Yan Zhixu can make most of the entertainment industry come out and send blessings on Weibo. Deep sense of the flu.jpg]

[Uuuuu... From now on, my goddess will be a person with famous flowers and grasses. Every time I think of this, my heart is twisted like a knife. sigh.jpg]


The Weibo hot search is full of news related to this official announcement, and the dense look looks particularly shocking.

This marriage proposal official announced that some people are happy and some are sad, and some people are even more angry.

The prosperous mansion.


The phone that Yan Jinxiu was holding in his hand kept making sounds.

Glancing at the news posted on Weibo, his brows furrowed and his body was filled with anger and chills. The coldness was like a walking refrigerator with its own air-conditioning.

He saw a series of news on Weibo, and his breath became short of anger.

Fu Shimo proposed to Yan Zhixu?

Fu Shimo proposed to Yan Zhixu!


Yan Jinxiu saw the ring in the photo posted by Yan Zhixu on Weibo, and his eyes were scarlet with anger.

"Grass mud horse!"

He stood up with a bang, raised his foot in anger and kicked the desk violently, the anger simmering in his heart did not disappear at all.

Glancing at the water glass on the table, he picked up the glass and threw it down.


With a sound, the transparent water cup immediately shattered into countless pieces of glass, exuding a secluded cold glow under the illumination of the light.

"Want to kidnap my sister? No way!"

Yan Jinxiu's eyes were scarlet with red blood, like a lion who was furious when he touched his territory.

"Mad, you're a daring dog!"

Damn, have you asked their family about this kind of thing?

The anger in Yan Jinxiu's heart grew stronger and stronger, and he lost all reason.

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