
The stick in Yan Zheng's hand fell on Fu Shimo's straight back mercilessly, and the crisp voice made people tremble.

But the man kneeling on the ground looked calm, willing to surrender his noble status, without any dissatisfaction, just because the person in front of him was the identified father-in-law.

"It's pretty sturdy."

Seeing this, the anger in Yan Zheng's eyes dissipated a little, and the stick in his hand continued to hit the opponent's back.

When the third stick was hit, a furious rebuke sounded from the door, "Yan Zheng, you're too bold, aren't you? How dare you use lynching!"

Nan Wenshu hurried over with Yan Huaibi.

Seeing the victim kneeling on the ground and the perpetrator holding a stick in his hand, he stepped forward to help Fu Shimo with a distressed face.

"Xiao Fu, how do you feel?"

"Auntie, I'm fine."

Fu Shimo was supported by Nan Wenshu to get up, his expression as if he did not take the opportunity to complain.

In fact, those sticks seem to be strong enough to fall on him, which is fine for him.

It was a good deal to get the approval of my father-in-law just by being beaten with a few sticks and getting some flesh wounds.


Seeing that Nan Wenshu greeted him, Yan Zheng, who was holding a stick in his hand, was very upset, and an indescribable feeling of grievance surged up.

Originally, I admired that this kid has the courage to think about hitting a few more sticks.

Seeing his wife ignoring her sympathy for this fellow's caring support, his displeasure surged like a tide now.

The hand holding the stick feels a little itchy.

Nan Wenshu handed Fu Shimo into Yan Zhixu's hands, and rebuked her face with reproach, "What's the matter with you? You actually watched Xiao Fu get beaten?"

Yan Zhixu sighed helplessly when he saw his mother's angry face.

Just as he was about to speak back, Fu Shimo took all the responsibilities directly on him, "Auntie, it's none of Ash's business, this is all of my own accord."

Yan Zhixu: "…"

Even so, why do you feel like you are under the suspicion of selling out in a quiet way?

Sure enough, after hearing this, Nan Wenshu's anger surged again, pointing at Yan Zheng and Yan Jinxiu and scolding.

"Not only did you hold a weapon, but also let Xiao Fu kneel down and not be able to resist. This is simply invincible. You, an elder, do this to your face? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"And you, why didn't you stop him when you watched your dad do it? You're dead by the side?"

Yan Jinxiu and Yan Zheng were scolded for a while, and they didn't pay attention to these words.

Yan Zheng rolled his eyes even more.

face? ashamed? what are these?

Compared with the abduction of her daughter, these are not worth mentioning at all.

The corner of Yan Huaibi's mouth had a slight smile, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a coldness in those eyes.

He opened his mouth and said, "Dad holds a weapon and Fu Shimo does not resist, it is indeed impossible to win."

Hearing this, Yan Zheng and Yan Jinxiu's faces darkened, which side is this kid on?

Nan Wenshu smiled with her white teeth showing, "It's still you who are sensible."

The eldest son really has one heart with him.


Yan Zhixu, who was on the side, had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions, and a pair of almond eyes flashed a few traces of interest.

The big brother just looks gentle. He is a proper black and white in his bones. Mom is too happy to be happy.

In the next second, Yan Huaibi changed the conversation, "Since Dad and Fu Shimo didn't compete very well, then I'll go for it."

"You don't have any taboos and don't dare to fight back. Although I seem to be thin, I have learned some Sanda before."

Yan Huaibi rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, revealing his forearm, whose skin was a little cold but full of strength.

Yan Zhixu raised an eyebrow.

The eldest brother is too humble, not only has he learned a little, he was a Sanda champion back then.

Nan Wenshu: ? ? ?

Wasn't Huaibi here to persuade him?

What's happening here?

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